
sunztzhe | Joined since 2014-01-13

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2014-06-25 11:18 | Report Abuse

koonsooningrave, Do you support planned economic incompetence or planned economic competence?

News & Blogs

2014-06-25 11:00 | Report Abuse

Proton is a clear-cut case of PLANNED ECONOMIC INCOMPETENCE by Tun Dr Mahathir. Tun Dr Mahathir conceived, protected and actively supported Proton and you Malaysians has to pay for the cost of Tun Dr Mahathir PLANNED ECONOMIC INCOMPETENCE

Sometimes I do wonder of WHO IS THE FOOL? Is it Tun Dr Mahathir or you the Malaysian Car Consumers cum Malaysian Voters?


So who is the FOOL? It is the Malaysian car consumers and Malaysian voters who are the greatest fools as they continue to support a government that practiced ECONOMIC INCOMPETENCE that had resulted in MALAYSIA LOSING FURTHER ON ITS ECONOMIC COMPETITIVE EDGE. They still cannot see that the detrimental effects of planned economic incompetence will continue to have detrimental impacts on their current and future economic wellbeing. It is akin to where ignorance is bliss , it is folly to be wise. They still want to be blissfully ignorant.

News & Blogs

2014-06-25 10:17 | Report Abuse

How long had Malaysia practiced PLANNED ECONOMIC INCOMPETENCE? Malaysia had practiced economic incompetence since 1981

Who will be the losers of planned economic incompetence? It is the huge majority of the people living in Malaysia who are the losers in planned for economic incompetence as evidenced by the fact that Malaysia is lagging behind its neighbors in its economic competitiveness. When the economy of a country loses its economic competitiveness, the general economic wellbeing of the majority of the people will deteriorate further.

Who will be the winners to benefit from PLANNED ECONOMIC INCOMPETENCE? It is very obvious that the group of people who had planned for and practiced economic incompetence since 1981 had benefitted and will continue to benefit financially from it. Even when the economy loses its competitive edge further, these group of people will continue to reap enormous financial benefit in the continuation and practice of PLANNED ECONOMIC INCOMPETENCE.

News & Blogs

2014-06-25 01:28 | Report Abuse

It is basic human nature for every living person with certain disposable income to budget ones expenses, savings and spend as per ones allowable budget. As such the basic dictate of any person is to buy at competitive prices as this will ensure that the surplus cash can be deployed to other consumption items.

If one buys at competitive prices one can stretch ones disposable income to the fullest and hence obtain optimum utilitarian value on the various consumption as per budgeted expenses. An average person in this respect is economically very competent in stretching the purchasing value of his disposable income and henceforth derive the optimum value in consuming the allocated budget for consumption.

However in the event that market forces are restrained from playing its role as a consequence of planned economic incompetence, the effects on the economy can be very damaging as this will not lead to optimum consumption of a given budget allocation and the utilitarian value will be diminished from price distortion impinging on the full realization of the optimum consumption value.

Prolonged planned economic incompetence will result in long term degradation in the competitiveness of a given economy that practiced planned economic incompetence that will result in distortion of the economic efficiency. The general level of competitiveness of that country , the living standards and quality of life of its people will degrade long term and the net result will lead to a country losing its competitiveness, declining living standards and quality of life for its citizens.

In short planned economic incompetence will result in regression of the competitiveness of any economy resulting in lowering the living standards, lowering the general quality of life and lowering the competitive capacity of its economy.


2014-06-25 00:48 | Report Abuse

sorry, it had already touched relative lowest bottom n 2.31 to 2.45 was a good entry price to ride uptrend!!

News & Blogs

2014-06-24 17:19 | Report Abuse

No wonder our old foxy guru, Warren Buffet, links his investment to swimming naked in deep blue sea !!! Wondering what he was imagining then ??HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

News & Blogs

2014-06-24 17:17 | Report Abuse

I have been inspired by stockoperator to find out a deep blue sea full of ladies swimming in it!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Any suggestions where I can find one, my dear stockoperator?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

News & Blogs

2014-06-24 17:14 | Report Abuse

erm r not the only one laughing non stop...I m laughing hilariously to the extent that I could be going mad with non stop laughter!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

News & Blogs

2014-06-24 17:01 | Report Abuse

Sorry I got the literal interpretation as Warren Buffet did that the smart investor swimming in the Deep Blue sea would have the super investment skills in the isty bitsy investment selling skills of convincing one lady to part with the bikini!! The figurative interpretation may be true but the literal interpretation is more exciting and it certainly demands lots of creative investment skills off the SMART INVESTOR swimming naked in the Deep Blue Sea lest he wants to be seen naked when the water recedes!!
Dont you concur with the above that the adrenalin of investment keeps one very young at heart 'whilst swimming in the Deep Blue Sea full of Ladies swimming, my dear stockoperator??


News & Blogs

2014-06-24 16:07 | Report Abuse

Wow u Can convince one to part with bikini, that will be your temporary swimming trunks, u r really good investor hahahahahaha

News & Blogs

2014-06-24 15:28 | Report Abuse

Hope not very soon as if that is the case everybody will be fount naked when water recedes fast when index shoot down to 800 from 1880. No time to get out!!


2014-06-24 15:21 | Report Abuse

Leno, People start asking , Is King leno really KING? how to answer lor? people say KING got do work meh? People do work for KING mah , not the other way like KING Leno doing work to PROMOTE BIG till lose voice, got sore throat, no sleep mah, so how to tell other people that Leno is really KING???


2014-06-24 15:09 | Report Abuse

Leno, u wake up just in time. ayam tua really happy u start BIG PROMO now leh!!

News & Blogs

2014-06-24 15:07 | Report Abuse

New shit from old man but different smell now. A shit is still a shit no matter how different is the smell!!

News & Blogs

2014-06-24 14:56 | Report Abuse

But l will love to buy a Good Business when index at 800 lor!! Give me better margin of safety lor!! lower entry price is my margin of safety lor!!!


2014-06-24 14:52 | Report Abuse

king leno lost voice alredi taking fisherman to soothe sore throat mah! leno throat red red colour alredi hor!


2014-06-24 14:45 | Report Abuse

leno, wat happened? tallak promotion arhh? lu sian alredi arhh? come on wake up, start promotion now leh! no u promote, counter start to cirit birit leh!!

News & Blogs

2014-06-24 13:37 | Report Abuse

kcchong: I will rely on my EQ to get info on background of company controlling shareholders/ competency levels/trustworthiness from people in the know. Although the financial info may look quite good, I will be wary of investing long term with these companies especially companies as described below

Key message I would like to share with you are as follows:
- When the controlling shareholder had really shown "HE IS A GOOD BLOKE BUT REALLY BOH LIEW COMPETENCE" level, please don't invest long term. Please don't hope that he can suddenly "GOT LIEW"
-When a father has had bad reputation and the son now running the show also show traits like the father, please avoid
-Be aware of company periodically calling rights to inject highly inflated assets into the company as you will be poorer than when you started investing in that company. Why? the main objective is to line his many personal BIG SIZE pockets
-Be aware of companies that were successful in the past because of good handout projects but may not be so now.

News & Blogs

2014-06-24 13:04 | Report Abuse

Sometimes I do wonder whether we can apply Warren Buffett teachings here in BURSA. Take for example his COCA COLA investment. He started invested in this company many years ago and after the WW2 the whole world needs COCA COLA as there was no real competition as COKE is a brand name that sells. Warren invest in low risk companies ie. consumer companies where the business model is simple where any idiot can manage but the products has VERY strong brand franchise ie. strong moat.

Does BURSA has any product with strong brand franchise in the consumer products business??

News & Blogs

2014-06-24 11:41 | Report Abuse

ROIC(B) + ROE(B) + EPS(B) ==> Downtrend from 2006 to 2013.
ROIC(A) + ROIC(A) + EPS(A)==> UPTREND since 2011
ROIC(A) + ROIC(A) + EPS(A) >> ROIC(B) + ROE(B) + EPS(B)==> BUY A
Continuous downtrend for Company B over 7 years period indicate serious performance issues possibly related to strategic gaps, management isues or trust issues.

If I had invested in B, I would have cut out with Max -6.5% loss. I would not endure the pain for 7 years and still hope for a miraculous recovery. In share investment, if you had made a wrong selection, it is better to bite the bullet, cut out and move to better stocks.

What will be the opportunity cost for any investor holding onto B for 7 sevens. The minimum opportunity cost is the interest rate forgone over 7 years. This is only a feel good figure to massage the wounded ego.

I disagree with this performance benchmark as the opportunity cost must be benchmarked against your individual performance.If your average performance is say 25% a year, then the opportunity cost will be 7 years x 25%= 175%. Why? It is very simple. If you had cut out much earlier with -6.5% loss, you would have the opportunity to make +25% per annum since your true average is +25% per annum.

kcchong, Just as a matter of curiosity, did you buy and hold company B for 7 years and is still holding the stock?


2014-06-24 11:01 | Report Abuse

follow leno buying tactic mah
buy below 22 cents mah
this rubbish counter mah
rubbish counter can buy big big meh?


2014-06-24 10:51 | Report Abuse

Raider veli quiet now lor
Raider no teach now meh?
Raider on sabbatical leave hor?
When Raider teaching again leh?


2014-06-24 10:34 | Report Abuse

this rubbish stock mah
leno got bermillion shares mah
leno big time trader mah
this stock good for trade only
buy low price, sell higher price
just follow Leno strategy mah
buy low price below 22 cents
cabut fast fast@24 cents mah
if buy bermillion shares like leno
how to cabut when leno throw big big
sure kena sangkut one
cannot buy big big rubbish stock mah
be guerila trader can make profit mah


2014-06-24 10:27 | Report Abuse

this rubbish stock mah
good for trade only
buy low price, sell higher price
just follow Leno strategy mah
buy low price below 22 cents
cabut fast@24 cents mah


2014-06-24 09:37 | Report Abuse

Heavy promo on slow moving stock, price no drop
who wants to buy?
follow supermarket selling tactic lor
Give very good price discount lor, people sure buy mah
this basic economics still got to teach hor?

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 23:07 | Report Abuse

Anyone including you can deny and disagree with William Pesek’s June 5 article entitled “Is Malaysia Asia’s Weakest Link”. William Pesek's article is indeed a wake up call to Malaysia and Malaysia better pay heed to William Pesek's message.

It is a fact that Malaysia in 2014 had lagged far behind countries like South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore since 1988 . These countries had managed to upscale its economy into research and development which requires human talents whereas Malaysia had not moved beyond production, manufacturing and agriculture. In short, Malaysia had not upscale its economy into research and development since 1988. You as a Malaysian cannot deny this fact.

What are the root causal factors for Malaysia in lagging behind these four countries since 1988? Do you know? If you do not know, do you want to find out and understand the root causal factors?

Please be aware that harboring deeply ingrained prejudices,suspicions and refusing to rise above these to see the bigger picture on the strategic issues that are impacting on Malaysia's current and future economic wellbeing is first and foremost the greatest disservice that one bestows upon oneself. I am sure you will not do so.

I hope that you will rise above your own prejudices to see the critical strategic issues that affects Malaysia progress towards up-scaling its economy towards more research and development bias which will lead to better paying jobs for every Malaysian in future including your children and grandchildren. If these strategic issues are not addressed to with strategic action plans, the lack of strategic actions will eventually impact on the future economic wellbeing of young Malaysians looking for a fresh start to better career prospects including your children and grandchildren.

Do you want this situation to occur in future for your fellow Malaysians, for your children and also for your grandchildren? Don't you want them to have a much better quality of life? What are you going to do about it to ensure that the future generations in Malaysia will have better job prospects and higher paying jobs with better career prospects in knowledge intensive industries?

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 20:12 | Report Abuse

Optimusx888, Thank you for your understanding.

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 20:06 | Report Abuse

I hope that god will give you:
The even temper to take things as they come along
the sense of humour which can always find some cause to smile
the gratitude which can always find something for which to be thankful
the cheerfulness which not all earth's shadows and disappointment can extinguish

I also hope you will find some wisdom in the following:

"The general, unable to control his irritation, will launch his men to the assault like swarming ants with the result that one-third of his men are slain, while the town still remains untaken."

Please try your utmost to control your emotions and temper. It is far more effective to use your brain to do the work rather than let your emotions do the work for you.

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 19:36 | Report Abuse

Mr Koon, This forum is an excellent avenue for different views to be expressed, discussed and debated and hopefully everyone develops a better understanding of each others views. The path to self improvement is to look at factual info and ask

" What are the objective facts, Why are these so, What are the root causal factors, What are the action plans to be implemented to improve for one self and for the country?"

Based on the discussion here, I noticed there are deep ingrained prejudices amongst the forumers which will take some time to be smoothed out. I hope everyone will come to this forum with an open inquisitive mind, to learn,to express their views, to debate in a cool even tempered manner and express ones thoughts in a logical basis and hopefully every forumers here will rise above their deeply ingrained prejudices, suspicions, preconceived ideas to gain insight and knowledge on the broader strategic issues affecting the long term competitiveness of Malaysia which some forumers may not be fully aware of.

Nevertheless I would like to say "Thank You for spending the time to pen down your thoughts and ideas and I look forward to your next article"

I also hope that certain forumers here will open up their minds further to see the bigger picture that your articles has the sole intention of bringing forth key strategic issues that have negative impacts on the competitiveness and long term future of Malaysia.

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 18:42 | Report Abuse

Mr Koon,
As you are the author of this blog, do you want to summarize and bring this discussion to a close or you rather leave it open?

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 18:24 | Report Abuse

Hi i3 forumers,
Please try to bring emotions under control as otherwise it spoils the mood of this discussion and understandably so emotions may get the better of some forumers.

Yes it is true that the education standards in government controlled tertiary institutions had dropped significantly. Just ask how many research papers have these government university academicians won internationally? Just look at the facts and determine objectively on what are the root causal factors for the deplorable decline in teaching and academic standards.

One good example. The University Malaya Medical school used to be the premier medical university in whole of Malaysia about 20 odd years ago. It is no longer the case now. The top medical university in Malaysia is now International Medical University.

The way forward for a NEW COMPETITIVE MALAYSIA is to implement meritocracy cum affirmative action policies to encourage the best and brightest in Malaysia to come forward to shoulder responsibilities, take charge to move the country forward.

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 17:04 | Report Abuse

Do not worry and always develop and maintain a "Can do, Nothing is impossible positive mindset".

It may get a bit darker in the future but rest assured it is possibly approaching the darkest hour before dawn appears as Malaysia's neighbours, regional and global business competitors are fast forging ahead already. The dire situation itself will throw up visionary leaders to come forth to lead and its gradually but surely happening now.

The likes of anwarib, andychucky28, mukah, adcool,benson911, hsbm, kukuman,benson911, aatzer,alphabeta,lohman, jonathan keung, sop, sosfinance, Mr koon etc will come together to play positive roles in shaping a new competitive Malaysia.

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 16:01 | Report Abuse

The path forward is open mindedness, flexible mindset, knowledge seeking ,mutual respect, co-existence and working together for a better life and for a better future.

Race supremacy, apartheid are archaic ideology that favored the political leaders who introduced such ideologies to keep themselves in power and to enrich themselves, their families, their cronies but impoverished everyone else in the process.

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 15:34 | Report Abuse

If the quality and creative teaching standards cum variety of linguistic and other subjects offered in government schools had been maintained or even improved further upon, all Malaysian parents will have send their children to government schools. The root causal factor is the standards of the Education ministry and Malaysian schools had deteriorated over the years and consequently parents who wanted a better education for their kids were exasperated but had to send their kids to other school type.

This is itself an additional indirect tax on the pockets of Malaysian taxpayers.

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 15:22 | Report Abuse

Quote Adcool:
If the BN government is really serious in this integration, close all the national type schools, agama schools and establish a National School that offer all kind of curriculum and Languages such as BM, Tamil, Mandarin, English, French, German, etc...We don't need to wait for 57 years to do this.Unquote

Well said Adcool. We need not wait further. Make it mandatory that every Malaysian school leaver must be able to read, write, converse in English, Malay, Mandarin, Tamil before they can qualify for the exam certificate.


2014-06-23 15:09 | Report Abuse

I had already collected near its bottom 8 days ago. Just riding uptrend now.

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 13:09 | Report Abuse

anwarib, I do not understand what you meant by "You cannot force feed divided races by giving into minorities wants". Please elaborate. Thank you.

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 13:03 | Report Abuse

anwarib, In ones journey through life, one will see the environment a lot more than previously and have access to lots of information no doubt and in the process gain better understanding of the society and social/political environment that we all live in .

However a thinking person with an open mind will have the mental capacity and competency to differentiate between truths, half truths and absolute lies. It is important that one pursues the truth and discard the lies and understand root causal factors for the half truths so that it wont become half truths forever till you die.

The path towards better understanding and improved awareness lies with the individual as all of us here in i3 forum have the capacity to differentiate between truths, half truths and lies.

Don't you agree with what I have just stated?


2014-06-23 12:46 | Report Abuse

This counter will be worth looking into when it can consistently generate increasing operational profits from its chocolate business. 2013 profits are from sale of assets. Not from selling of chocolates.

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 12:41 | Report Abuse

anwarib, Have you asked yourself why you have this perception? Does anwar ibrahim the opposition leader share the same perception as you had just espoused earlier on in this forum?

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 12:08 | Report Abuse

So being a Malaysian with an educated mind, how do you see that this situation can be further improved upon?

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 11:48 | Report Abuse

anwarib, What you had espoused are the symptoms. So what are the root causal factors for these symptoms?

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 11:06 | Report Abuse

Why not attract the smartest brains to come in besides using Malaysian brainpower?

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 10:33 | Report Abuse

andychucky28, support u on rice as long grain US rice actually taste better. Sooner or later Malaysia has to grow up ,be cost competitive and fight in the international markets. These protection ONLY benefit the cronies at Malaysian taxpayers expense as Malaysian taxpayers has to pay higher prices and our per capita income is relatively low by world standards.


2014-06-23 09:34 | Report Abuse

I just proved to i3 forumers that U just called off your own bluff. The facts speak for itself. You can laugh as much as you want but I just cornered you on your bluff. YOU BLINKED!!!


2014-06-23 09:27 | Report Abuse

You just called off your own bluff and I vouch for it now that u do not want to indemnify me for all losses arising from purchasing PMCORP following your call to buy PMCORP. So since u r not willing to indemnify me for all losses , I will not buy PMCORP today.


2014-06-23 09:22 | Report Abuse

U dare not indemnify me against the losses and so u have no absolute confidence. Talk is cheap. Action speaks. Your refusal to indemnify me means you have an axe to grind. So you have just called off your own bluff.


2014-06-23 09:18 | Report Abuse

Leno, Since you are very cocksure I will buy 1 million shares today on proviso that you indemnify me for the losses. R U willing to do so since you r very cocksure?


2014-06-23 09:13 | Report Abuse

There are critical basic questions that any i3 long term investor should focus on:

What is PMC Core business? What does it manufacture and sell? Does its chocolate products command premium brand image? What is the breadth and depth of its current distribution ? Does it has a product that sells like hot cakes the moment it leaves the production floor?

Does it generate consistent positive earnings from its Chocolate operations?
If not how does it generate its profits? selling off assets? How many more assets can it continue to sell off in the future?

If the chocolate business continue to register losses in the future, what will be the impact on its long term intrinsic value?

What are its quoted/unquoted investments? Would its market value increase or decrease in the future?

Has the company itself stated that the cash in the company will be returned to all shareholders by cash payout?

Why was cash payout not included in the notice of meeting during the recent AGM? Certain i3 forumers here had stated that there will be. Please ask them "where is the documentary proof from the company? R these i3 forumers willing to guarantee you since they are very sure that there will be cash payout?

What is the owner KKP background? Does he has the competence to take PMC to greater heights? If he has why isn't PMC share price trading way above its intrinsic value by now?

Take a look into the competency of top management in PMC? What is their background? Are they professional financial types or Business Value Creators? Do they have core competent business building skillsets in taking the chocolate business organically to a much higher business level?

Please adopt any objective mindset if you are a value investor. One can trade this stock but certainly it is not a long term hold.

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 08:34 | Report Abuse

stockoperator, Sorry I do not understand what it actually means and don't really know how to apply for investment in BURSA. Please advise