
sunztzhe | Joined since 2014-01-13

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2014-06-22 21:31 | Report Abuse

Preservation of Capital is of paramount importance to me. I am willing to lose only 6.5% loss on my invested capital. With this objective, I always limit by loss to invest another time that will deliver the capital gains in future.

Now coming back to your two companies, I would take note of the two financial performance info but would rather focus on trying to understand the mindset of the driver of the two companies.

I will invest in any of the two companies on this important criteria:

Does the Driver of the company possess a strategic business mindset, manages by objectives, possess the people management skills that can drive up the value of the company business. Does he/she empowers the people and has the organizational skills to take the business to a much higher level? What is the current biz strategy, current biz model, future biz strategy, future biz model.

Too often, we rely on published accounts info but little do we know much about how the organization is being driven.


2014-06-22 21:06 | Report Abuse

wiseeye, Tower REIT is a very interesting business model for instacom that will give the company recurring income. Do you know the latest development of the Tower REITS projects in both Peninsular & East Msia. How will it most likely evolve? Would a consortium coy be set up between instacom & others ? do you have any latest info on this?

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 20:59 | Report Abuse

I would focus on the primary objective of increasing profits and increasing EPS & ROCE rather than appreciation of plantation land as this is a more immediate contributor to share price increase.

Appreciation of property in plantation lands is a very long term cycle unless there are sizeable plantation near major market centers with adequate infrastructure that can easily be developed into new township cum commercial centers. If that is a twin objective of investment in plantation coys it may be better to focus on plantation coys in Malaysia rather than Indonesia as land is scarcer in Malaysia relative to Indonesia.

Palm Oil price moves in cycles and when there is a good possibility of increasing CPO price due to the likely prospect of a prolonged dry season, I would rather focus on plantation coys with large tracts of land with majority percentage of fast maturing young oil palm trees that will give the highest profit quantum and highest % increase of EPS and ROCE.

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 19:23 | Report Abuse

HAHAHAHAHA Good One Mr Koon!!

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 19:09 | Report Abuse

Kcchong, Thanks for sharing the well written and thought out article. First and foremost I am not married to any stocks. I focus only on CAPITAL GAIN. If good dividends come along it is an added bonus.If the stock price goes up and continues to go higher, I will hold. When to sell? I will rely on TA to exit partially or wholly.

In the event that the stock price goes down by -5% of my investment cost, I will cut out 50% and if the price continue to slide further to -8% I will cut out completely.

My first objective is preservation of my invested capital.
My second objective is Capital Gain.

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 17:13 | Report Abuse

speakup, what plantation shares have u invested in besides CEPAT?

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 16:23 | Report Abuse

Ayam Tua, don't forget Kukuman especially for his succinct apt comments and crispy scintillating humour!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 16:16 | Report Abuse

HAHAHAHAHAHA You lighted up my day on "old cock and bull cock coming together, nothing is impossible" !!! HAHAHAHAAHA

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 16:05 | Report Abuse

Very good long as ayam tua and fortunebullz are not in plantation stocks, I have more time to collect the plantation stocks as buying will still be muted. Thank you very much!! HAHAHAHAHA

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 15:53 | Report Abuse

Ayam Tua, I like your response on "light years away" and that means there will be further price weakness and I can collect a lower prices!!! HAHAHAHAHA

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 15:49 | Report Abuse

Fortunebullz, Are you gulping down lotsa super ice cold Alicafe coffee with tongkat Ali. How was it? Feeling good, recharged now and ready to go again?? !! HAHAHAHAHAHA

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 15:46 | Report Abuse

Ayam Tua, After hot sunny weather and enthralling fishing sessions, super ice cold Alicafe with tongkat Ali coffee is best recommendation to recharge and gain power back!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 15:38 | Report Abuse

Ayam Tua, Have you already invested in plantation stocks or planning to do so? If not please take this opportunity to read Mr Koon's blog on plantation stock and take some initial position next week.

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 15:32 | Report Abuse

When the weather is HOT & DRY , its good for CPO prices. If the Hot & Dry weather persist and continues till September 2014 then it will extremely good for Plantation stocks especially those with lots of young maturing trees !!

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 15:26 | Report Abuse

With plantation stocks, you just buy now and hold until CPO price touches near to RM 3,000 and that will take quite a while. U can definitely sleep with peace of mind!! SO GO BUY PLANTATION STOCKS !! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO FEAR PEOPLE THROWING OUT THE STOCKS LIKE PMC!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 15:21 | Report Abuse

Go buy plantation stocks now while the prices are still correcting or near selling exhaustion!! CPO price is now hovering @RM2,400 and with the resumption of haze and dry weather, CPO price will most likely go up.

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 15:15 | Report Abuse

I have already gone into plantations stocks such as THPLANT, JTIASA,TAANN, SWKPLNT,KULIM,WTK. Will collect some more on further price weakness.


2014-06-22 15:04 | Report Abuse

CPO price@RM6,000 per ton? Everyone invested in plantation stocks will be hilariously happy in heaven loh, grinning with $$$$$$$$ and $$$$$$$$ oozing through their ears!!
CPO price @RM 3,000 per ton? likely scenario in near future if dry weather persist

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 15:03 | Report Abuse

Fortunebullz, Have you already invested in plantation stocks or thinking of doing so?


2014-06-22 14:56 | Report Abuse

Business will be good for plantation stocks especially those stocks with lots of maturing young acreages !!!


2014-06-22 14:54 | Report Abuse

The Dry weather will most likely continue in future. This will be good for plantation stocks with lots of maturing young acreage. Just go visit Mr Koon Yew Yins blog on Plantation Stock selection!!

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 14:44 | Report Abuse

CPO price@RM6,000 per ton? Everyone invested in plantation stocks will be hilariously happy in heaven loh, grinning with $$$$$$$$ and $$$$$$$$ oozing through their ears!!
CPO price @RM 3,000 per ton? likely scenario in near future if dry weather persist

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 14:37 | Report Abuse

fortunebullz, If CPO price is RM 6,000 per ton, it will be abit late to dive into plantation stocks then! As you have always stated, Buy on rumors, Sell on news!! If you anticipate that CPO price will go down further then one can wait!! If you anticipate that CPO price will hit RM 6,000 per ton, one should invest in plantation stocks now!!


2014-06-22 13:56 | Report Abuse

Mr Koon, Please have a look into PMCORP(Pan Malaysia Corporation Bhd) and advise whether you will invest in this stock. Thank you.

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 13:54 | Report Abuse

Mr Koon, Please have a look into PMCORP(Pan Malaysia Corporation Bhd) and advise whether you will invest in this stock. Thank you.

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 12:32 | Report Abuse

Calvin, Uncle Koon which your eccentric friend Leno has no balls to say directly to him as "Pundan blue chip investor" had given good calls on quite a number of stocks. Kcchong also has but both use different methods. Uncle Koon has been successful for past 20 odd years. He must have a winning formula if not how can he be so successful? Why r u here seeking his endorsement for mulpha? Plse respect n take note of uncle Koon advise to u n maybe in future u can transform yourself lor. Adopt a positive mindset.

Uncle Koon advise to u is a god send message to u. Please take in good spirits. Well I appreciate uncle Koon communication style..straightforward advise unlike name calling him behind his back as "Pundan Blue Chip Investor" n having no balls to say directly. So please take uncle Koon advise to u positively.

News & Blogs

2014-06-22 12:13 | Report Abuse

Hiyah, why get so worked up leh, life is short leh , everyone has different investment philosophy mah, u stick to the investment strategy that had benefitted u most mah, if u want to be a trader good for u. If u want to be value investor also good for u, if you want to be fusion TA+FA good for u too as long as whichever method u use. u all make profit mah. If don't make profit then listen to uncle Koon advise lor n change investment strategy mah. So simple mah.

Now just decide whether u want to invest plantation stocks now or wait later.


2014-06-22 09:58 | Report Abuse

A Good stock will rise by its own merit. It performs for the shareholder. No need very heavy promotion. Just like supermarket, stocks not selling well r heavily promoted lor.


2014-06-21 23:26 | Report Abuse

So PMCORP is not SOLID GOLD COMPANY as recommended by Leno and the description by Kukuman aptly describes

PMCORP = Pathetic Management Cum Overly Rubbished Pit company

One can trade this stock as Leno did and will do so in future but this company ain't SOLID GOLD COMPANY as recommended by Leno as her investment trading behavior revealed alot that this company is just good for a trade if one buys at relative lowest price.


2014-06-21 23:08 | Report Abuse

If PMCORP is indeed a SOLID GOLD COMPANY, Why is Leno not buying PMCORP and keeping it until it reaches its INTRINSIC VALUE ( much more than ++30 cents)and thereafter sell it as any Value Investor would. Why is Leno trading PMCORP as if it is NOT SOLID GOLD COMPANY? What is the ulterior motive in advising investors to SAILANG all their money in PMCORP the SOLID GOLD COUNTER?

It is quite apparent that she says something but does the opposite. Can anyone trust any person who says something but does the opposite??

If that is the case, the description by Kukuman that PMCORP = Pathetic Management Cum Overly Rubbished Pit company succinctly and aptly describe PMCORP and this contradicts Leno's call on PMCORP as follows:

Posted by leno > Jun 21, 2014 04:50 PM

PMCORP = SOLID GOLD = TONs of CASH = Velli Powerful Stock ! Conclusion - MUST BUY !


2014-06-21 22:27 | Report Abuse

Sorry I don't call myself the MOst Panlai investor. And Leno had also called me an AMATEUR. So please listen to Leno the MOst panlai investor. Please don't listen to an amateur as advised by Leno OK?
Please go to Leno for all your stock advise OK?


2014-06-21 22:16 | Report Abuse

Hi i3 forumers,
This is Leno the most panlai investor for you

Quoting Leno@ March 8 2014:
oh hi ... and yup i make at least half million rm from PMCorp ... bought 10 sen sell 29 sen, bought again 23 sen, sell 26 sen ... now started to recollect back anything below 22 sen.
Unquote Leno.

Quote Leno today:
Dun waste time ponder the Amateur c2peed questionlor ... Better SAILANG all your money in PMCORP the SOLID GOLD COUNTER mar.
Unquote Leno.

What price level are you going to SELL to the people who listen to your advise to SAILANG all their money in PMCORP the SOLID GOLD COUNTER?

Leno buys anything below 22 cent( = 21.5 cents, 21.0 cents, 20.5 cents etc) and yet advise SMART i3 investors to SAILANG all their money to buy 23 cents and above? Does Leno think that i3 investors are really c2speed????

Buy 21.5 cents ,sell 23 cents Gain= +6.98%,sell 24 cents Gain=+11.63%, sell 25 cents Gain=+16.3%, sell 26 cents Gain=+20.9%

Buy 21.0 cents,sell 23 cents Gain=+9.52%, sell 24 cents Gain=14.3%, sell 25 cents Gain=+19%, sell 26 cents Gain=+23.8%

Buy 20.5 cents,sell 23 cents Gain=+12.2%, sell 24 cents Gain=+17.1%, sell 25 cents Gain=+21.95%, sell 26 cents Gain=+26.83%


2014-06-21 22:06 | Report Abuse

Hi i3 forumers,
This is Leno the most panlai investor for you

Quoting Leno@ March 8 2014:
oh hi ... and yup i make at least half million rm from PMCorp ... bought 10 sen sell 29 sen, bought again 23 sen, sell 26 sen ... now started to recollect back anything below 22 sen.
Unquote Leno.

Quote Leno today:
Dun waste time ponder the Amateur c2peed questionlor ... Better SAILANG all your money in PMCORP the SOLID GOLD COUNTER mar.
Unquote Leno.

What price level are you going to SELL to the people who listen to your advise to SAILANG all their money in PMCORP the SOLID GOLD COUNTER?

Leno buys anything below 22 cent( = 21.5 cents, 20 cents, 19.5 cents etc) and yet advise SMART i3 investors to SAILANG all their money to buy 23 cents and above? Does Leno think that i3 investors are really c2speed???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2014-06-21 19:26 | Report Abuse

OK lor Please Carry on teaching lor


2014-06-21 19:20 | Report Abuse

Hi Fellow i3 forumers in PMCORP.
If any of you are already an investor of PMCORP , please pay special attention to Resolution 5 passed at AGM. The company is already empowered by resolution 5 to allot and issue shares according to section 132D of the companies act. Please refer to Explanatory notes on special business in page 4 of the Notice of Meeting which is directly linked to Resolution 5 that was passed recently. I append below the explanatory notes for your attention and perusal.

The general authority to issue shares will allow the company to take advantage of any strategic opportunities , including but not limited to issuance of new shares for purpose of funding investment project(s) working capital and/or acquisitions which require new shares to be allotted and issued speedily and would also save the cost involved in convening a general meeting to approve such issuance of shares.

In the event that the Company decides to go for strategic acquisition within 12 months period, there is good possibility that the current huge cash pile will be used for the purpose besides issuance of new shares to fund the acquisition when it arises. Please understand the implications of the term "including but not limited to"

So please be informed of the implications of Resolution 5 to prospect on cash payback which was hyped up and trashed down during Calvin Tan's promotion of cash payback starting September 2013 . Now we have another she/he called Leno who is spouting this after Calvin quietly retreated from his promotion of cash payback.

Please ponder and make your own understanding of the implications of resolution 5 to prospect of cash payback.

News & Blogs

2014-06-21 16:09 | Report Abuse

I have directed the question below to you in PMCORP thread but got no response from you. Later on I have posed to you the same question in MULPHA thread but still no response from you. Now I am posing the same question to you again in this thread.

Please advise on the following:

I had perused through the past threads starting in September 2013 and you had been instrumental in promoting that the cash payout was brought up during the AGM held in 2013 and the ex Financial Controller and another director was supportive of the cash payout then. Consequently the share price was ramped up to 37 cents, the Financial Controller suddenly resigned in Dec 2013 and PMCORP shares crashed leaving a lot of innocent investors who had expected cash payout in the lurch.

Was the cash payout brought out again during the recent AGM under any other matters arising? What was the outcome?

What was the Controlling shareholder and Management response towards this during the recent AGM?


2014-06-21 16:03 | Report Abuse

The question posed to Calvin Tan was
"Was the cash payout brought out again during the recent AGM under any other matters arising? What was the outcome?"
Why are you restraining others including Calvin Tan from answering this "ÄMATEURISH" Question? A lot of i3 forumers who did not attend the recent AGM also want to know.
So you have attended the recent AGM, do you wish to volunteer any info for the i3 forumers here on :

"Was the cash payout brought out again during the recent AGM under any other matters arising? What was the outcome?"
"What was management and controlling shareholder response at the AGM"


2014-06-21 14:59 | Report Abuse

The key question any investor should ask is "Does the CEO and Major Shareholder, Anne Kung, has the strategic vision, the drive, capability, competency, Public Relations cum Marketing management skills to take Instacom to a much higher Business level than it currently is right now and get the company listed in the main board of BURSA? Anne Kung is a qualified Lawyer and Accountant. Just go to BURSA website for latest financial info, google and check her out, her strategic vision for the company, business strategies etc.

If your answer is yes, then stay invested , invest more or initiate investment. If your answer is no, then move to other counters that you like.

At current price level, downside risk is now very muted and the long term Reward of investing in Instacom outweighs the Risk of investment. Good day to Everyone and Happy Investing!!!


2014-06-21 13:14 | Report Abuse

Isn't inducing others to restrain from answering questions on PMCORP "promise of cash payout" smacks of amateurism at the lowest level?

The "new promise by Leno on cash payout" had been an old hashed up and trashed sorry story by Calvin Tan in 2013 had left many unsuspecting investors including i3 investors in the lurch.

You had already invested in PMCORP heavily as claimed by you. Fine that is your prerogative decision. Why are you downgrading yourself to such a low amateurish level as to restrain others from responding to the questions posed above? Have'nt you ever realized by now that your actions speaks volumes of your stupidity, hyper inflated self ego, sheer arrogance and low amateurish level in promoting PMCORP which you claimed you had invested heavily in before you started in promoting it?


2014-06-21 12:02 | Report Abuse

Leno, What do you have to fear? Isn't the question posed relevant? WHAT and WHY do you have to fear if this stock is such a bargain buy?
There are two important factors that influence the intrinsic value of any stock.
No 1: TANGIBLE factors such as published accounts info derived from Audited Accounts
No 2: INTANGIBLE factors that affect the stock price
Don't make an ass of yourself by claiming to be the most panlai investor and looking really c2speed by trying to restraint others to hide important relevant facts and truth pertaining to PMCORP.


2014-06-21 11:44 | Report Abuse

Please advise on the following if you are willing to do so. Thank you Calvin for your consideration.

I had perused through the past threads starting in September 2013 and you had been instrumental in promoting that the cash payout was brought up during the AGM held in 2013 and the ex Financial Controller and another director was supportive of the cash payout then. Consequently the share price was ramped up to 37 cents, the Financial Controller suddenly resigned in Dec 2013 and PMCORP shares crashed leaving a lot of innocent investors who had expected cash payout in the lurch.

Was the cash payout brought out again during the recent AGM under any other matters arising? What was the outcome?


2014-06-21 09:35 | Report Abuse

Calvin, I had perused through the past threads starting in September 2013 and you had been instrumental in promoting that the cash payout was brought up during the AGM held in 2013 and the ex Financial Controller and another director was supportive of the cash payout then. Consequently the share price was ramped up to 37 cents, the Financial Controller suddenly resigned in Dec 2013 and PMCORP shares crashed leaving a lot of innocent investors who had expected cash payout in the lurch.

Was the cash payout brought out again during the recent AGM under any other matters arising? What was the outcome?


2014-06-20 15:40 | Report Abuse

Don't worry leno will sell out once 20.5 cents support is breached.


2014-06-20 15:38 | Report Abuse

HAHAHAHAHA I have not seen any person working so hard to push price UP but somehow Price remained stagnant. It may even go down further. Why price don't obey the ACTIVIST promoter hor? Price not obedient hor ?? Go whack price leh n make price jump leh! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2014-06-20 10:31 | Report Abuse

HAHAHAHAHA Leno holding tons of PMC shares n waiting for shares to move but shares still not moving leh. Why share price no shoot UP? Leno you just earned yourself a nickname called "Tan Chin Ku ". HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

U like the nickname hor? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2014-06-20 10:20 | Report Abuse

HAHAHAHAHA... Not all MULTI-MILLIONAIRE r like u leh..dunno how to calculate opportunity cost n say waste time only leh..HAHAHAHAHAHA


2014-06-20 10:13 | Report Abuse

Leno, See you at 20.5 cents and 18.5 cents lor!! Better calculate your opportunity cost of investment opportunities forgone lor. How long have you held the shares? long time meh? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2014-06-20 10:06 | Report Abuse

Leno, I m looking at price retracement to 20.5 cents and below to 18.5 cents. It all depends on PMCORP Q2 2014 operational results lor!! R U very confident that Q2 operational results will be very good? If you r very confident u should be buying now lor!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH


2014-06-20 10:00 | Report Abuse

If the Q2 operational result deteriorate further and the odds are in favour of that based on Q1 results, PMCORP price will ease further.


2014-06-20 09:57 | Report Abuse

The resolution is valid for 1 year until June 2015. Anything can happen until then. Major shareholder will take their own sweet time to buy, buy ONLY when there is panic and easily get lower prices. HAHAHAHAHAHA