
supermix2 | Joined since 2015-11-03

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2015-11-23 18:27 | Report Abuse



2015-11-23 18:25 | Report Abuse

Banks are suffering at the moment & that's why they are fighting among themselves for people to put FDs in their banks with new attractive rates.......something short of money? Is it being borrowed by 1MDB???


2015-11-23 18:21 | Report Abuse

This counter ONLY for donkeys who never listen to good words & warnings.


2015-11-23 18:19 | Report Abuse

today good performance & not like it's cousin WCT


2015-11-23 18:18 | Report Abuse

lagi tidor, alamak.


2015-11-23 18:18 | Report Abuse

This ding dong horse doesn't have the stamina to finish the line.


2015-11-23 18:17 | Report Abuse

today, kakai scared, so sell & cabut. But please be patient and it will come around.


2015-11-23 18:15 | Report Abuse

Last stop maybe 8 cents?


2015-11-23 18:15 | Report Abuse

And yet got so many stupid & idiotic people who says that they will reach their TP of more than 30 cents. Apa jadi kawan? Masuk longkang lagi? Jangan masuk kaunter sendiri biar bodoh kaki masuk.


2015-11-23 18:12 | Report Abuse

The main shareholder, the Faruk family, sold about 1 million shares, so where does the selling of the remaining 10's of millions shares come from? Ask yourself this simple question....yes, for dummies only, it's from the APFT cheating syndicate. So never go into this counter, let it drop itself to 8 cents and let the syndicate pay the brokers fees everyday, hahaha


2015-11-23 17:52 | Report Abuse

don't play play with this cheating syndicate of APFT as they had been active from 15 cents onwards. So, lagi orang masuk lagi kena korban....believe in my words friends, never touch this counter, let the syndicate play among themselves and waste brokers fees, hahaha


2015-11-23 17:47 | Report Abuse

so today how many of you are kena tipu into buying at 27 & 27.5 cents? yes, at this price the cheating syndicate put up about 5 million shares for sale and their own members start buying almost non-stop to show that this counter getting very good buying support with so many buying and then you jump in to. Then what happen? They cheating syndicate sold all of the about 5 million shares at 27 & 27.5 cents and after that they push it down to what level...yes, to about 25 cents those who cut loss kena lah & those who didn't cut loss but hold on, then tomorrow will koayak lagi. Tell you & warn you all, you all never listen and so many stupid & idiotic people here say TP of more than 30 cents is coming now...hahaha.


2015-11-23 13:16 | Report Abuse

boh lat, slow,slow jalan


2015-11-23 10:10 | Report Abuse

lai liau, 5000 lots eaten up, Jeng jeng jeng


2015-11-23 10:09 | Report Abuse

This is WCT's cousin, so bought some this early morning.


2015-11-23 10:06 | Report Abuse

today market good but everybody not topping up like I do for all 3 counters except son WC


2015-11-23 10:05 | Report Abuse

yes, 100% QT Report on 27th


2015-11-22 12:12 | Report Abuse

Only in Malaysia we have SPACs...Malaysia Boleh.....SPAC's are empty asset company making use of your money. How far Bunga Raya is going to go is left to be seen.


2015-11-22 12:10 | Report Abuse

always sleeping as usual, lol


2015-11-22 12:09 | Report Abuse

by next Friday on the 27th, the Qt report will be out & I am confident is will be good as always.... bearing some unforeseen circumstances.


2015-11-22 12:07 | Report Abuse

To be on the safe a TP of between 1.60 to 1.70, anything above this is a bonus.


2015-11-20 14:21 | Report Abuse

siapa berani masuk, siapa mati terus.


2015-11-20 13:47 | Report Abuse

even 1.70 is possible, if today being a profit taking Friday and mother reaches 1.54, then it's good enough


2015-11-20 13:46 | Report Abuse

Kelvin Teh, market sentiment is not too strong...lets see how DJ perform next week and then we can take off from there.


2015-11-20 13:45 | Report Abuse

Kelvin Teh, the next TP should be reachable is 1.60


2015-11-20 13:43 | Report Abuse

friend Ang Eng Keong, I just ask a Chinese friend to tell me what your say. If run also dies, no run also die, then do the simple thing, just don't buy. This counter is a pure cheating counter by syndicate members.


2015-11-20 12:16 | Report Abuse

you see the big queue of more than 1 million shares to buy...sorry lah, you people don't be fool by the syndicate members as that queue is their own members lay off and save your money.


2015-11-20 11:33 | Report Abuse

all these buying & selling are by their own people putting on a show & if you go in, then you die, so please avoid, go to other counters to try your luck.


2015-11-20 11:27 | Report Abuse

and if you see big buying queues & big selling queue, then all those queue are their members as they are putting a show to attract don't be stupid to follow,


2015-11-20 11:23 | Report Abuse

now friends, please don't queue to buy as they are buying from their members now and if you queue, they will throw cheap to you & then they start pushing it down again, so watch out, please for goodness sake don't touch this counter...go to other counters to try your luck.


2015-11-20 10:37 | Report Abuse

friend Ang Eng Keong, I am a Malay and don't understand what your wrote in Chinese. Please write in Malay or English, thank you


2015-11-20 10:35 | Report Abuse

abang abin, I had traded for the past 20 years or more & so far I had not seen anything like this counter happening, off course there are smaller hanky panky in other counters, off which I ignore, but not on the scale of this counter as many people get hurt.


2015-11-20 10:32 | Report Abuse

abang abin, no need to worry about me as my lawyers will lodge various reports soon and let the SC & the other authorities investigate. Fair enough for the punting public?


2015-11-20 10:29 | Report Abuse

abang abin, that's why I ask members here not to buy and more shares of this counter as they will be slaughter when the syndicate group want to collect it cheap.


2015-11-20 10:20 | Report Abuse

abang abin, now it's almost collection time for this syndicate as they had already past the disposing stage and since they are short of shares, all they had to do is throw millions of share cheaply down almost daily and you all just cut loss & follow but you never keep in mind that the shares they throw cheaply falls into whose hands?? Yeap, you guess it right , it's their members waiting on some other computers receiving it and the ones thrown by others also they will receive it.Hope you understand abang ...I am no busy body but I just hate to see innocent people who kena con of their hard earn money. <PERIOD>


2015-11-20 10:09 | Report Abuse

abang abin, it's true that many think we cannot control in the share market but if you were to take a hard look at the counter specially, you will notice the difference. Abang abin, please go through all the aspects of this counter & then you tell me if it's a con job? Period???


2015-11-20 10:03 | Report Abuse

abang abin, this counter had been manipulated for so many months already and many people I heard got burnt. If it's normal play, then it's ok but if you abang knows what's inside the syndicate, then you will understand more....this is purely a con job.period


2015-11-20 09:47 | Report Abuse

friends, stop buying this counter as I think I will be asking my lawyers to write and complain to the SC and other relevant authorities about manipulation by certain group of people....definitely not the directors, but some very greedy people who wants to con others. Let the SC & other relevant authorities investigate & let's see what the outcome will be.If this same group of people still want to continue with manipulating this counter, then they have to face the consequences.


2015-11-19 17:41 | Report Abuse

on the 27th of November , Mah Sing 3Q will be made available, so let's hope for good results...have confidence that results will be good.


2015-11-19 11:08 | Report Abuse

Now they use large lots to push out traders to cut loss and then they are buying continuous non stop at those lots which their syndicate members queue up.


2015-11-19 10:45 | Report Abuse

I am dead serious and if these same group of people throw like yesterday, then my report will be on it's way to the SC & other authorities.


2015-11-19 10:34 | Report Abuse

If these people play a normal trading game , then I won't bother at all. But to ask their syndicate members to queue at the other end to receive the cheap shares you throw to them is like cheating the public and when they see prices go down terrible , they cut loss & chabut while you & your gang make money.PERIOD?


2015-11-19 10:22 | Report Abuse

Friends, I hope you don't go inside & dig your own grave. As I said if these same gang continues doing it again like yesterday, then I have no choice but to report the matter to the SC and other authorities and ask them to investigate.


2015-11-19 10:08 | Report Abuse

MaBadri easyly early morning 0.34 . join the boat 0.30 today.

Kawan, you don't take friendly advice, so koyak lah.


2015-11-19 10:07 | Report Abuse

I am very serious about reporting to the SC & other authorities if this gang of people still continue to con people. Let them languish in jail and see what happens.


2015-11-19 10:05 | Report Abuse

Chee Hern Lee Will this counter benefit from crude oil drop ? ''

Friend Chee Hern Lee, you are building castles in the air as after all my explanation you expect it to make monney from oil???? Are you so naive????


2015-11-19 10:03 | Report Abuse

I don't want to see innocent newbies getting cheated of their money.


2015-11-19 10:02 | Report Abuse

Today still the same thing happen. It's not the directors that are in it but certain people outside are doing it. Maybe I need make a report to the SC to ask them to investigate.


2015-11-19 08:07 | Report Abuse

up, up away in my beautiful balloon, hahaha


2015-11-19 07:14 | Report Abuse

Game just started....OMG, yes started to masuk longkang lah.