
supermix2 | Joined since 2015-11-03

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2015-11-25 20:06 | Report Abuse

And yeekarwai88, you don't try to be funny an call me a barking dog, maybe your are a licking dog for Nightkids. This doesn't concern you & so why you yeekarwai88 must champor tangan by poking your nose into other people matter? Grow up too you yeekarwai88, you are a kid too & btw, you yeekarwai88 think you write in Chinese we Malaysians don't understand? We are smart and not idiotic [using Nightkids word] like you.


2015-11-25 19:56 | Report Abuse

Nightkids, you are the one who start personal attack...calling people stupid & idiot is NOT PERSONAL? Calling people SOHAI is NOT PERSONAL? I don't call you stupid or idiot or SOHAI? You are a Chinese and you know what SOHAI means, don't you Nightkids? Why must you use uncouth language? Nightkids, grow up & be a man.

I quote your words here below..

Posted by Nightkids > Nov 25, 2015 07:21 PM | Report Abuse

supermix,dont bull shit here la...i tell ppl dont buy lo...i just come here looking for kopi chatting lo,dont be stupid n idiot la,sohai....

So,Nightkids, who is going for personal attacks?? BTW, if you can't write proper English, then don't try to write one. Write in Bahasa Malaysia instead, ok?


2015-11-25 19:55 | Report Abuse

Nightkids, you are the one who start personal attack...calling people stupid & idiot is NOT PERSONAL? Calling people SOHAI is NOT PERSONAL? I don't call you stupid or idiot or SOHAI? You are a Chinese and you know what SOHAI means, don't you Nightkids? Why must you use uncouth language? Nightkids, grow up & be a man.

I quote your words here below..

Posted by Nightkids > Nov 25, 2015 07:21 PM | Report Abuse

supermix,dont bull shit here la...i tell ppl dont buy lo...i just come here looking for kopi chatting lo,dont be stupid n idiot la,sohai....

So,Nightkids, who is going for personal attacks?? BTW, if you can't write proper English, then don't try to write one. Write in Bahasa Malaysia instead, ok?


2015-11-25 19:39 | Report Abuse

You see last week EPF still buy Star something good coming?

Thursday, 19 Nov 2015

5:23PM EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD ("EPF") (702,100 units Acquired)


2015-11-25 19:34 | Report Abuse

This is a counter that is good to hold long term. It's a good sign that it's giving 2 cents dividend.


2015-11-25 19:31 | Report Abuse

Nightkids, you talking through your nose? Coming here to CHAT ONLY on Bintai with so many pages of comments on Bintai alone? You think you are smart while other are idiot or sohai, does your mother teach you that or it means you are brought up by poor parenting.
Nightkids, learn to grow up and I have seen so many Chinese people who know how to behave but not you.....but I presume you are not born a Chinese but must have been thrown away by some other into the dustbin when you are a baby. Frankly, the Chinese don't behave like you Nightkids...still trying to bluff others here


2015-11-25 19:18 | Report Abuse

Let's see what tomorrow brings for WCT & sons.


2015-11-25 19:15 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow fly ?


2015-11-25 19:14 | Report Abuse

Friend Ys Gan, so sorry to hear that your paper loss is so high. I presume you must have bought a large number of APFT shares at a high price, really feel sorry for you. I leave you to your decision, good luck friend.


2015-11-25 18:40 | Report Abuse

Yes, friend imoogi99, you got what the Chinese say "yen kwang". I am sure you have gone through alot on WCT before you pick on it, well I can say syabas as you are a good investor & by that your will go far. You are not like those that 'hit & run" and giving wrong useless information to ask people to buy like alot of members here. We members here are here to have & share and hopefully to make money together....fooling & cheating people is not what my dearest mum had taught me, be honest in life & you will be rewarded.


2015-11-25 18:32 | Report Abuse

Friend Nightkids, what you wrote about Bintai speaks for itself, go through your records and you will see most of your recent post or comments are all on Bintai? Are you not saying you are pushing to promote Bintai which you have bought already? Why must you Nightkids comment so much on Bantai whe n you are NOT PROMOTING IT???????? Don't take me as a fool and frankly speaking I can proudly say that I had been in the stock market perhaps before you are born if you are a fresh graduate now. Maybe as your name suggest , you are just a kid.


2015-11-25 18:22 | Report Abuse

Maybe we may get FREE WCT Reit shares, Jeng Jeng Jeng

...and the outstanding arbitration award of RM1.2bn from
the Meydan project will go a long way.

Potential REIT-move to address gearing
The group plans to undertake a REIT exercise for its four shopping malls (total NLA of
3.3m sq ft), excluding its hotels business. A decision on the REIT structure could be
forthcoming soon. Initial plans include the company retaining an associate stake in the
REIT which would allow it to benefit from the recurring income and to pare down its
gearing, currently at 0.7x. Separately, the outstanding arbitration award of RM1.2bn from
the Meydan project should further boost its cash.


2015-11-25 18:16 | Report Abuse

with such a good report, WCT will now let the dust settled first before it really move. Mind you earning 3 times more than it's last report is no laughing matter.


2015-11-25 18:13 | Report Abuse

Who says EPF stop buying,no you are wrong as EPF though having more than 10% of Mah Sing still continue buying & where EPF buys, you buy & you can't go wrong and maybe EPF got more insider information that MahSing will come out with a good report.


2015-11-25 17:48 | Report Abuse

So, people, pleaze don't rely on members shouting here telling how good the counter is & it will goreng to a new high, blah, blah, have to research yourself instead of others earning money for you, there's no FREE RIDE.


2015-11-25 17:45 | Report Abuse

You all want support, you have to see the results for people to support this counter & no need to shout everyday telling everyone Bintai is good, this, that & what not. In the end what happen, the results speaks for itself. Period.


2015-11-25 17:41 | Report Abuse

Profit taking today, so no need to worry lah.


2015-11-25 17:41 | Report Abuse

You buy you die. I told you all not to buy but you degil and still want to enter, so prepare to lose your trousers, Jeng Jeng Jeng


2015-11-25 17:40 | Report Abuse

So many of you shouted everyday as how good is Bintai, kow kena bantai kau kau, hahaha

The results....

Wednesday, 25 Nov 2015

5:14PM 1H net loss 17.425 million (increased 46.89%)


2015-11-25 17:37 | Report Abuse

at least today it sang and move 2 cents up and as we are nearer to the quarter report, the price will go up as I expect the results to be good too.


2015-11-25 16:54 | Report Abuse

Not too bad, up 2 cents.


2015-11-25 15:06 | Report Abuse

I think momentum is coming.


2015-11-25 14:50 | Report Abuse

so many here croak on Bintai and what happen, from the buying pattern , it seems the trend is "selling",hahaha...a dead horse?


2015-11-25 10:47 | Report Abuse

Keep for mid term investment.


2015-11-25 10:47 | Report Abuse

This ding dong horse 3rd Qt results be out in 2 days time, buy if you want too.


2015-11-25 10:46 | Report Abuse

friend mataseri, don't ever think of entering this counter as once you are in , then you are led to the slaughter house. So, please listen to my kind words, go to other value counters and venture but definately NOT this APFT because MASUK APFT MESTI MATI.


2015-11-25 10:39 | Report Abuse

Never mind if the price didn't go up but buy & keep for long term investment...why you may ask me I had said earlier that the Government will NEVER ALLOW BANK ISLAM to dies, simple as this. Got it?


2015-11-25 10:27 | Report Abuse

Friend looyee , it's not that I am getting emotional but you are using the wrong tactics in investing. With good results out, we all as many would, allow the dust to settle and then decide if we want to let go or not but to let go at a much lower price when good results are out is poor judgement & investment. Friend, let me tell you frankly....does opportunity knocks at one's door often & it's opportunities like this that use it to our advantage & NOT to others advantage. I 3want to tell you a true story of myself. About 38 years I just buy & hold 2000 shares of Genting and I am holding most of Genting's sons & grandsons till now. Yes, I am investing & that's why I hold Genting shares for so many years and now I am very well off. This I am telling you friend because we go for value investing.


2015-11-25 10:07 | Report Abuse

it's this type of kiasus who loses alot in the shares market, good earning counter, they hit & run while small 2nd board losing counters they buy & buy and in the end losses even their pants, hehehe. Not only this WCT counter I have seen so many kaisus but in other good counters too...alamak, am I in a wrong investing forum?


2015-11-25 10:04 | Report Abuse

I see lot of opportunistic kaisus here & NOT investors as I see some even sell at a lower price even though WCT earn 3 times more, OMG, real losers or kiasis


2015-11-25 08:52 | Report Abuse

Now I am queuing up to buy WCT at a higher price, hope everyone here benefits....all the best to all.


2015-11-25 08:49 | Report Abuse

Stay cool my friends as today is WCT's day.


2015-11-25 08:48 | Report Abuse

Friend power96 , today we shall see a different WCT as it's 3QT earnings are up more than 3 times, so it's super recharged.


2015-11-25 00:23 | Report Abuse

Today come to mama lah, Jeng jeng jeng


2015-11-25 00:00 | Report Abuse

abang zamzam22, mukin ini berapa hari lagi [2 atau 3 hari] 3rd QT Results akan kembali. Let's see how the buying is today. Yesterday I collect some of both mother & son...let's keep our fingers crosses abang zamzam22 & good luck to you too.


2015-11-24 23:55 | Report Abuse

Me very lucky as me collect more of the 3 counters yesterday knowing fully well that the results will come out soon & should be good. But some stupid people, who otherwise think that they are smart, began to throw away sons WD & WE at 1 cent cheaper, so me makan too, Jeng jeng jeng.

So tomorrow morning me like Jaws waiting to take a big bite if the buying is there...good luck to all friends here at WCT.


2015-11-24 23:48 | Report Abuse

soon sampai 18 cents, hahaha


2015-11-24 23:45 | Report Abuse

Nine-month net profit 147.910 million (increased 39.64%)

Basic Earnings/Loss Per Shares (sen) = 13.39 sen Jeng Jeng jeng

So, tomorrow come to papa at 1.60 is a possibility and all sons up 3 to 4, then everyone very happy lah.


2015-11-24 11:31 | Report Abuse

siapa berani masuk? berani masuk berani mati.


2015-11-24 11:24 | Report Abuse

the 24 cents queue to sell cannot finish , always, pure con job.


2015-11-24 11:16 | Report Abuse

kawan mrkang , what I said earlier a few days ago, nobody believe and in fact some stupid & idiotic donkeys said it will reach TP of more than 30+++ cents, alamak.


2015-11-24 11:13 | Report Abuse

of course the queue to sell at 23.5 cents is roughly 20 million shares , so how to see and how to buy cheap and they keep filling up the 24 cents slots when some are sold & so the 24 cents too cannot finish selling...pure cheating as clear as bright daylight


2015-11-24 11:10 | Report Abuse

and the cheating syndicate add fire too
.....and from friends, they say part of the cheating syndicate are remisers


2015-11-24 10:45 | Report Abuse

you see the cheating syndicate is cheating on want to buy you must buy at 24 cents and if you want to sell you queue at 23.45 cents behind 11 million sellers....either way you die, so the stupid donkeys enter this morning kena slaughter again?


2015-11-24 10:37 | Report Abuse

mana mahu lari?


2015-11-24 10:27 | Report Abuse

i sudah chakap, siapa masuk siapa mati terus, tulang pun tiada.


2015-11-23 22:50 | Report Abuse

tomorrow drop to 19.5 cents is possible, trust not this counter, siapa masuk siapa mati...habis cherita


2015-11-23 22:41 | Report Abuse

yes, it's on it's way down & down to how much is only the cheating syndicate will know. You masuk you mati, so please don't give your money to the cheating syndicate by buying this counter shares, better donate your money to old folks home. Now, it's seems the cheating syndicate wants to collect at the lowest price as possible, so why you so stupid & want to bu to "donate" money to this cheating syndicate? Don't be a DONKEY, yes a IDIOT>


2015-11-23 18:36 | Report Abuse

tomorrow drop to 24 cents?


2015-11-23 18:32 | Report Abuse