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2015-11-17 02:01 | Report Abuse

Friends, stay focus & don't be distracted by some poor negative remarks as they are lost or loose souls. They got an agenda of their own but you too got your own different agenda & that is to make money. You are on sitting on a "few billion ringgit contracts in hand" company and profit from this projects will be shown positively in 2016 & 2017 & 2018 financial reports. So, worry not but stay focus & never to be distracted by some evil minds who miss the boat to collect it when it was rather cheap..period.


2015-11-16 22:41 | Report Abuse

WE just wait for the 3QT report in a week or so and we will be expecting a dividend too, so hang on my friends.


2015-11-16 22:38 | Report Abuse

Friends, expect WCT & sons to move further up today with the latest contract job. A conservative TP of $1.50+ is very possible to reach in the next few hang on folks.


2015-11-16 16:11 | Report Abuse

After 4.10pm we should see some good action as most of the contra players had taken profit.


2015-11-16 15:31 | Report Abuse

Armageddon , no need to run, just some contra players with their hit & run attitude. Stay focus please.


2015-11-16 14:05 | Report Abuse

Today this horse is sleeping, lol


2015-11-16 14:04 | Report Abuse

Let the afternoon show begin.


2015-11-16 13:34 | Report Abuse

Ignorant Apandi?...yes, it seems so & that's what the Group of 25 Prominent Malays says. I believe this Group of 25.


2015-11-16 13:25 | Report Abuse

Monday, 16 November 2015 10:56


Written by Group of 25 Prominent Malays


We, members of G25, wish to refer to the interview that the Malaysian Insider had with the Attorney-General as published in the Malaysian Insider on 14 November 2015 under the heading ‘Why the snub, Apandi asks Bar Council’ .

We wish to make the following comments.

Firstly, we are perturbed to note that the Attorney-General is reported to have said –

‘G25 consists of those have-been government servants, isn’t it? Have-beens.’

With respect to the learned Attorney-General we consider it arrogant, crude and unnecessarily offensive for him to have referred to us as “Have-beens’.

Secondly, Tan Sri Apandi appears to be under the delusion that since we have retired from Government service therefore we could no longer contribute constructive ideas for the good governance of our country.

Thirdly, the recent press statement of G25 on the role of the Attorney-General as the Public Prosecutor and our proposal for the creation of the office of Director of Public Prosecutions was issued by G25 collectively as a group. It was not issued by our colleague Dato’ Noor Farida, let alone issued by her in her personal capacity. Thus it is unfair and uncalled for the Attorney-General to have singled out Dato’ Noor Farida in his criticism of our press statement.

Ignorant Apandi

Fourthly, it is not quite accurate for the Attorney-General to have said –

‘And that system has gone fine since Merdeka. And I see no reason to change that. Is this now the only country where the public prosecutor and the A-G are the same person? It’s happening all over the world. It’s a Commonwealth practice. Why didn’t she [Dato’ Noor Farida] get this grand idea when she was in Eastern Europe? Why?’

With respect, surely the learned Attorney-General cannot be ignorant of the legal developments that had taken place in developed Commonwealth countries such as England and Wales, Canada, Australia and New Zealand where by statute or by convention the Attorney-General ceases to exercise the powers of prosecution; such powers being vested in the Director of Public Prosecutions, who exercises such powers independently of the Attorney-General. In some jurisdictions, the role of the Attorney-General regarding prosecutions, if at all, has become merely supervisory in nature. The purpose of these developments are essentially to enhance integrity in Government by statutorily ensuring the independence of the prosecution decision-making function from inappropriate political control, direction and influence.

In England and Wales the Attorney-General still exercises control on the prosecution of certain serious offences; but in the vast majority of cases the prosecution is carried out by the Director of Public Prosecutions independently of the Attorney-General..

In India the Attorney-General has no powers of prosecution. Such powers are vested in the respective Union/State Director of Prosecutions.

Group of 25 Prominent Malays

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2015-11-16 13:11 | Report Abuse

today good show indeed.


2015-11-16 13:07 | Report Abuse

Just be careful as someone, maybe from oversea, throw away a few times of 5000 lots each at a lower price.


2015-11-16 12:45 | Report Abuse

Remember, this morning we see that we just scratch the surface of WCT and please keep in mind the conservative TP of $1.80...anything above this figure is a Christmas bonus for all.


2015-11-16 12:43 | Report Abuse

let's hope that there will more push ups in the afternoon & everyone of you people who invest in these 3 counter make good money, all the best.


2015-11-16 12:09 | Report Abuse

chasz, though WC is the cheapest, you have to consider the time frame, the nearer the date is to expiry, the cheaper it will become cause we got shorter period for mother to shoot up.


2015-11-16 12:00 | Report Abuse

Son WE is more expensive to convert, in fact is an extra 30+ cents to convert than WD. But to be on the safe side buy the 2 sons, hahaha


2015-11-16 11:56 | Report Abuse

Both sons still good, WE had longer life but WD is very much cheaper to convert in case if moth shoots very high up.


2015-11-16 11:48 | Report Abuse

There, told you all it's coming, now it really come, hahaha


2015-11-16 00:57 | Report Abuse

EPF & KWP sill buying daily perhaps to maintain the price and they had yet to push up the price but I think it will come sooner than you think. So watch out for these giant sharks.


2015-11-16 00:55 | Report Abuse

Star Horse 3rd Qt financial results will be out in 1 week or stay focus please.


2015-11-15 13:06 | Report Abuse


Datuk Seri Najib Razak should declare his stand well before Parliament’s resumption after the Deepavali break on Monday, whether he will resign as Prime Minister if his 2016 Budget is rejected by Parliament during it second reading on Monday.

This has become an issue as the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and Gerakan President, Datuk Mah Siew Keong told Sin Chew Daily that there is no need for Najib to resign as Prime Minister even if the 2016 Budget is rejected by Parliament.

This is turning accepted parliamentary conventions and practices on their head but for this perversion of parliamentary tradition to come from the President of a political party which had prided itself as “the conscience” of the Barisan Nasional coalition government indicates the degree of depravity and degradation this political party had undergone in order to hang on to the few perks of office and position in government.

Regardless of the outcome of the Parliamentary vote on Monday, Najib should declare his stand on whether he would resign as Prime Minister if the 2016 budget is rejected, or he would hang on to office, both as Prime Minister and Finance Minister, regardless of the outcome of the parliamentary vote?

This may appear to be an academic question as a rejection of Najib’s 2016 Budget on Monday will be the greatest parliamentary and political surprise in the nation’s history, but a very important principle of democratic and good governance is involved.

Did Mah merely state his personal take of the perversion of parliamentary traditions and conventions, or had Najib spoken to Mah in confidence that regardless of the outcome of a parliamentary vote on the 2016 Budget, he would continue as Prime Minister and Finance Minister come “hell or high water”?

The time has also come for all leaders and Ministers of the Barisan Nasional component parties whether they subscribe to the parliamentary tradition and convention that Najib will have to step down as Prime Minister if his 2016 Budget is voted out in Parliament on Monday, or whether they agree with Mah’s parliamentary perversion that Najib need not resign as Prime Minister and Finance Minister even if the 2016 Budget is rejected by Parliament on Monday.

Lim Kit Siang is DAP adviser

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2015-11-15 12:35 | Report Abuse

Zahid slams China’s encroachment near Sabah

KOTA KINABALU: Malaysia has dismissed China’s claim to vast areas of the South China Sea and criticised its activities in land reclamation and building facilities on atolls close to Sabah.

Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, without naming China, said Malaysia would not remain silent at the encroachment into her exclusive economic zone, and would not hesitate to defend what rightfully belonged to the nation under international law.

China has laid claim to a vast expanse of the South China Sea and has carried out land reclamation creating artificial islands near the Spratly Islands. Its territorial claims are being disputed by Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam, the Philippines and Taiwan. The United States has protested against China’s activities as interfering with the right of free passage.

Zahid, speaking at the Parti Bersatu Sabah congress here, said “a regional superpower” had encroached into Malaysia’s territory by constructing airstrips, jetties and other facilities on three atolls just 155km (84 nautical miles) from Sabah, according to Star Online.

“We have a country that is building 3km-long airstrips and port facilities, supposedly for its coast guard. Does this make sense when that country’s mainland is more than 3,000kms away?” Zahid was quoted as saying.

He questioned the country’s motives of building the facilities 3,218km from its mainland adding “To claim this part of the South China Sea as theirs due to historical narrative is invalid,” he said, according to the report.

He urged “authorities from other countries” to respect international law and not harass Malaysian fishermen operating within the nation’s EEZ.

Malaysian fishermen have complained of being chased away by vessels of China’s coast guard, and the foreign ministry has said that diplomatic protests had been lodged to no avail.

Zahid said the current situation in the South China Sea should be resolved through a proper code of conduct. The international community should step in and assist disputes arising in the South China Sea.

He said PBS and other political parties and other Malaysian organisations should oppose the move by any nation to encroach into the nation’s territory.

Zahid urged PBS delegates to adopt a resolution opposing any encroachment into Malaysian territory.


2015-11-15 12:30 | Report Abuse

Even among the Malays, there are different class? OMG, can this be happening in Malaysia?


2015-11-15 12:18 | Report Abuse


Frazer Alista: This is the cost we have to pay for having the flips flops in the system

Hulam Rasol: It’s all due to the Malay 'nationalists'

Kpo Junnie: All these thanks to the Education Ministry and selfish politicians.

Felix Leong: One generation sacrificed.

Clement Kok: Wonder how they could pass in the first place?!

Lee Chiew Fook: Did they want to be doctors to begin with?

Raymond Ang: Qualified toilet cleaners, Malaysia standard,


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2015-11-15 12:18 | Report Abuse


V Shuman, the fact is that in Malaysia, English is reserved for the elite ruling class within Umno.

I am told that the Malay College Kuala Kangsar uses English as its medium of instruction as do selected colleges under the Mara umbrella, presumably for the unwashed who do not qualify for MCKK.

English opens the mind by giving access to knowledge.

The ruling elite in Umno do not want the greater unwashed to be too smart.

Apparently, Lao Tze, a smart philosopher who lived in feudal China, has said that a smart emperor will endeavour to keep his subjects stupid - the stupider his subjects are, the better for the emperor.

I am sure that the ruling elite in Umno know what Lao Tze had said - they probably read it in English.

By forcing Bahasa Melayu (yes, let's make no bones about it - it is Bahasa Melayu) onto the masses, a huge chunk of knowledge will forever be out of reach to the populace.

Hell, I am told that in Malaysia, Darwin's "On the Origin of the Species" is not available in Bahasa Melayu, although readily available in English.

By the way, I came across an interesting phenomena during a recent visit to my kampung.

Did you know that many young non-Malays are now learning to speak English?

As most of young non-Malays in my kampung know that I prefer to speak English, many of them were taking the opportunity to practise their English with me.

I was amazed by the age of those young non-Malays who had the courage to engage me using English - many were under 20 years old.

Saul: Aiya MusaNg, how can Darwin's book be translated into Bahasa Melayu. How can orang Melayu be told they come from the Apes though quite a few behave like them. The ustaz would be unhappy and would have it banned in no time. God's representative in Malaysia would issue a fatwa to make it haram. God's chosen cannot come from the apes lah. Only people like you and I evolved from Apes and still evolving, the rest are stuck in a time warp, stagnant, IQ remains static with no improvement from day one.

Even if some brave Intelligent Malay were to try translating it even at the risk of death, would he find the appropriate terms available or has he to use bastardised English? Again no true blue Malay would understand it, so back to square one, try to read in English and guess the meaning of the message!

Mikey: Dear Shuman, do not underestimate Malaysia under Najib because:

1) We can sent a Malaysian into outer space and we are thinking of sending another in the near future.

2) We bought two submarines even though we do not need but because we can.

3) We bought a brand new jet even though we still have 6 at his disposal.

4) We are building a new financial exchange called TRX though some may mistake it for T-Rex (dinosaur)

5) We claim to have the best education system in the world

6) We claim to have the best democracy system in the world

7) We can get donation to the tune of RM2.6 billion while others only envy our PM.

8) Am sure some commentators can add to the list

To Najib, the 1,000 medical graduates who quit to be doctors are just a storm in a teacup. He can always create something to accommodate them just like the bloated civil service and his PM’s Dept. Don't worry, the 47 % who voted BN will make those who vote Pakatan pay for his vote bank.

Erica Lim: How in the world did they become medical graduate with such poor grasp of the English Language?

Imagine a patient being killed accidentally due to poor understanding of the English Language. It may happen one day if we let the rot continues. Ultimately the one that is to be blame is the Bumno government of Malaysia which allows all this rot to happen (both in the medical field and the English Language) at the risk and expense of the health of Malaysians.

Michel Wright: The lack of proficiency in English is the sole fault of our outdated and politically driven Education system.

Mei Asm Props: That Achilles tendon had long been severed. And we've been limping ever since.

Ca Koay: Our lembu minister confirmed that we have better English standard than Singapore, right?

Johan L Ha: Muhyiddin contributed to this problem during his time as education minister.

Fabian Law: Bet the ones who quit were the ones on scholarships.

Brian Michael De Souza: This battle will never end. Why not just have English and BM medium schools. Period!

Ab Jabbar Abdullah: ... and what was the A grade all about?! Purely studying to pass exams!?

Azman Abdillah: Why do we only pick and fault the system? Isn't the person also culpable?



2015-11-14 19:51 | Report Abuse


Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad today said he met the group of eminent Malaysians (G25) to overcome state propaganda that only Chinese were against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.He said this after a Chinese group, which he did not identify, approached him to say they want to make a statement of protest against Najib.

"When Bersih had their yellow shirt demonstration, the government accused Bersih of trying to bring down a Malay government, by the Chinese (sic)."(So) if this Chinese group were to protest against Najib, then the Najib government will say that these are Chinese who want to bring down a Malay government, just like they said about Bersih."So I told them (Chinese group), you want to do this, make it multinational, bring in the Indians and the Malays together.

"Then the government won't be able to said that you are acting because you want a Malay government to be brought down by Chinese," Mahathir told a press conference today at the Perdana Leadership Foundation Center.

Mahathir said the Chinese group agreed with him, prompting him to reach out to the G25. Now a multicultural group, G25 started as a group of Malay professionals."So I looked around and I saw this group of G25, they are quite rational people, there will be less accusation that they are racist.

"So I talked to them but this Tawfik came along and he has told people all kind of nonsense," said Mahathir.He was referring to G25 member Tawfik Ismail, who said Mahathir tried to co-opt G25 in his campaign to oust Najib and proposed that a replacement be chosen by a ‘Council of Elders’.

Mahathir said he met G25 twice, the first time because they wanted to meet him to tell about their stand on Islamic extremism.


The next time, he said, was after a Chinese group said they wanted to protest against Najib and his policy.Tawfik, in an interview with The Star, said Mahathir asked if G25 would issue a statement in support of the Chinese group on the impact of political instability on the economy.

Meanwhile, asked on the Paris terror attacks, Mahathir said this was mainly in response to the creation of the state of Israel."Before that, there were no such terrorist attacks anywhere, not even in the Middle East.

"But of course when you take a people’s country and they have to fight, they don't have airplanes, battleships and tanks, so they fight in the only way they can and it takes the form of what we call terrorism."But please remember when you dropped bombs on people, that is also terrorism," said Mahathir.

No discrimination

Asked on the effects of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) on the Proton industry, he criticised the pact’s opacity

"The problem is we have not been told what have been agreed upon."... but then Proton is already competing with foreign cars because people prefer to have a foreign car rather than a local (one)," said Mahathir.

He said it was important that under TPPA there should be no discrimination between local products and imported ones.He added that there should also be no discrimination between local and foreign contractors.-Mkini

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2015-11-14 19:41 | Report Abuse

...more Malaysians berani buka mulut....

Onyourtoes Malaysiakini should have a copy. Why not show it here again.
2 hours ago

Simple Malaysian DAP will be investigated for fabricating evidence!
2 hours ago

Bad Head Shame on you Malaysia Police.
2 hours ago

Anonymous #70881335 Just a slap on the wrist probably.....A country with 2 standards of laws , will not progress and prosper.
2 hours ago

Anonymous #03815719 Hope Apandi will proof he is working for the country and the Kinģ and he is not following anyone.
2 hours ago

The Reaper let's see what happens now ... probably nothing
3 hours ago

Anonymous_3f6d Cops & AG will now say the video is not original and cannot prosecute ! Then conduct raid at DAP office to search for more "faked video"..
3 hours ago

Fair&Just No shame. This is their culture. Cowardice. What religion they profess?? Money?
3 hours ago

Anonymous #19098644 Dont forget to send one copy direct to the AG also so that Apandi has no excuse that he did not receive it
3 hours ago

1malaysia2perak3katak It will go to federal court if ever AG decides to prosecute but end of the day verdict will be NOT GUILTY!
3 hours ago

View Point Don't worry no action will be taken. They will say the speech was not his and that the cd was edited
3 hours ago

n1 Let us see if Apandi is as noble as what he claimed to be.
3 hours ago

iiiizzzziiii And the AG just thumbed his chest and proclaimed I fear no one. A person may be stupid but I did not know that a learned person like this Apandi character can exhibit learned stupidity to the masses. Why is it many of the present ministers or those holding senior positions in the government are making statements that has no logic. What kind of calibre leaders we have at present?
3 hours ago

Haveagreatday Good job, Chong!! Let's see how that worm Apandi will wriggle now!!


2015-11-14 19:39 | Report Abuse

What Malaysians says.....

chokstone seemingly,"THE HIGHEST AUTHORITIES BLUNTLY MAKE THE FOOL OF THE RAKYAT" with all type of stupid excuses for selective prosecution, without even bother how the rakyat feel.These are sign of desperation of our ruling party,cling on to power at all cost even though it will surely destroy the nation's dignity n image in the world n finally ruining the economy n harmonious situation of this land. This shameless moron force the rakyat to buy his side of stupid story;it is a common perception that "THE NATION IS now in a "STATE WITHOUT RULE OF LAW "."EMOTION OF HOPELESSNESS SURROUNDED THE LAND" All those involved will be termed as the traitors of this land when this episode is finally over.
12 minutes ago

Fair&Just To be cogent evidence: the camera phone and the maker (photo taker) have to be in court. But a fire can also destroy the evidence
28 minutes ago

Anonymous_40bb So what If BN/Govt selectively prosecute the opposition? What can they do?
34 minutes ago

Touche Because Ali Tinju is melayu ma
an hour ago

Quigonbond Appandi should retire. He's not doing his homework.
an hour ago

SCANDALCOUNTRY don't expect Pandi to do anything
an hour ago

ipohcrite The police had so far not responded to what Apandi Ali had said - that the police did not gather sufficient evidence for him to prosecute Ali Tinju. That's so unlike the police who could so swiftly swing into action and have ample evidence to charge activists and opposition leaders for sedition and Sosma offences. Wonder what happened to the police in this case. If it was poor investigation, that could easily be remedied by re-investigations unless they were reluctant to do so. But why?
an hour ago

Anonymous$&@? No comment from any UMNO cyberdogs?
2 hours ago

Fair&Just Chinese from all over the world, please watch how they bashed up three chinese on Youtube. Don't come here or you will too be wantonly and blatantly bashed up and without any remedies. This is a glimpse of the life of the chinese minorities here.
2 hours ago

OH YA? So what? The IGP and AG will say they cannot establish the authenticity of the video. Even if it is authenticated, they will say that unless the person who record the video comes forward as witness it cannot be used as court evidence. Even if it passes through these hurdles don't expect the offenders will be charged under the Seditions Act or for other more serious punitive legislations. The most they will get away with a small fine, just like those gangsters who broke into the Penang State Assembly. Some pro-UMNO judges may even discharge them "for merely exercising their constitution rights in defending the 3R".
2 hours ago

Worldly Wise This evidence somehow did not get into Apandi's file. He did not call for it either.
2 hours ago

Legit Apandi was looking right into the goyang buntut's arse hole. That is why he could not find any evidence.
2 hours ago

2 hours ago

JBond How can a SCUMNO BALL CARRIER gets into trouble??? Since his big boss MURDERED A MONGOLIAN & STOLE RM 2.6B but still GOYANG KAKI in Putrajaya!
2 hours ago

2 hours ago

Kit P Both the AG and PDRM are totally oblivious to Ali Tinju's racism , and fail to see anything wrong with his actions. Such is the abysmal standards of our law enforcement
2 hours ago

boeyks Thank you DAP Perak I hope that justice will prevail The AG could be looking at some other report maybe that of the bum show by these 'warriors"
2 hours ago

mickeymouse Apandi. Apa ni? So how now?


2015-11-14 19:37 | Report Abuse

Siapa berani kecuali DAP? on..

Perak DAP hands copy of Ali Tinju evidence to cops

Perak DAP has lodged a police report requesting the police to reopen its case against Malay Armed Forces Veterans Association president Mohd Ali Baharom for allegedly making "racist and seditious remarks" during the Low Yat Plaza incident in July.

Perak DAP economic development bureau chief Chong Zhemin said they lodged the report today following attorney-general (AG) Mohamed Apandi Ali saying in an interview on Thursday the case had been dropped for lack of evidence.

The police report cited the video link on YouTube that depicted the perpetrator, also known as Ali Tinju, making an inflammatory speech outside Low Yat Plaza following a fracas at the Kuala Lumpur electronics mall.

Chong said they have also copied the said video onto a CD and handed it to the police at IPD Ipoh as evidence.

"The said video recording of Ali Tinju making racist and inflammatory remarks had gone viral on the Internet, and it is inconceivable and unimaginable that the police are unable to come up with the recording of Ali Tinju making racist and seditious remarks.

"With this video evidence of Ali Tinju making racist and seditious remarks, the police should not have any more excuses to drop the charge against Ali Tinju," he said.

Chong added the decision to drop the sedition charge against Ali Tinju was a display of the ruling party's selective prosecution.

"This demonstrates the double standards employed by BN to shut up the opposition and dissidents," he said.

Mohd Ali was charged for sedition in July after he was detained for making a racially-charged speech outside Low Yat Plaza on the night of Sunday July 12.

However in September 17, Apandi dropped the charges.


2015-11-14 14:03 | Report Abuse

Getting stronger by the day.


2015-11-14 14:03 | Report Abuse

A bad Friday the 13th for BIMB. However, this counter never let me down before.


2015-11-14 14:01 | Report Abuse

I said go for it. The momentum is picking up.


2015-11-14 13:58 | Report Abuse


Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is currently using the same system that the former premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad used. Thus, the council of elders to advise Najib, as suggested by Mahathir, does not make much sense, says a veteran politician.

While Mahathir sees this as “solution” to the current administration that is deemed flawed, DAP Kepong MP and also deputy-chairman of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Dr Tan Seng Giaw disagrees that the council would make any difference.

Tan says that the system that is used by Najib to govern the country is the same system that Mahathir used for 22 years and therefore does not see why Mahathir has suggested for a council of elders.“What is Mahathir talking about? Does he actually think that Najib is going to allow people who are working for him to go away? It has never been done, the council of elders and I don’t think Najib will allow his people to leave him,” says Tan.

Tan also cited several examples of administrations all over the globe including the United States (George Bush and Barack Obama), the British administration (David Cameron and Gordon Brown), and in Australia (Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull), where each successor have respectively reverse certain decisions.

“Do you see any of them suggesting or calling for a council of elders? What makes you think in Malaysia it will work?” adds Tan.He cites another example in Myanmar where opposition politician Aung San Suu Kyi in the current elections is positively leading the elections, and similar questions if Suu Kyi will entertain a council of elders?

“The only difference in Myanmar is that, 25% of the Cabinet is made of militants and if they want to go against Suu Kyi, the can use their influence in the military. Do you think that Suu Kyi is going to listen to any council of elders?” Tan questions.Tan reminds that disagreements between past and present leaders may continue, but it does not meant that Malaysia will be doomed in the next day.

“If you don’t agree with the current leadership, does it mean that Malaysia will be taken over by another country? Will the country be destroyed?“The only way we can change things is to wait for the next general elections. That is the only way we can remove Najib,” he adds.In the meantime, Tan suggests for Malaysians and Opposition leaders to sit back and observe the arguments between the ‘two giants’ politely.

According to Universiti Malaya’s Centre for Democracy and Elections’ (UMcedel) Professor Datuk Dr Redzuan Othman, the council of elders will not make any changes as the Malaysian administration is very structured and it is not that easy to remove the prime minister.“The only way to remove Najib is if Umno removes him or if he is tired of becoming prime minister and decides to step down on his own.

“As for Mahathir, he has never been able to agree with anyone, even his successor. So whether to have the council or not, it doesn’t make a difference,” says Redzuan.He adds that Mahathir will not be able to make any difference by making such a suggestion as he is no longer as influential as before in the Malaysian political scene.Penang Institute board member Steven Sim also reminds that nobody should think that they are better than Najib.

“Even Mahathir, forgetting that he is a chief cause of the state of abnormal democracy we are in today. The problem goes beyond the leaders and what we are lacking of is accountability and transparency. We have none of those,” says Sim.He adds that any prime minister who can make almost unilateral decisions on public money and who knows that he or she cannot be replaced in a rigged election system, he or she can be a Najib anytime.

“Will the council of elders deal with reform of the democratic institutions in our country to return democracy to normalcy or become a plutocracy ruling from behind the screen?“What we need now is for a bipartisan grand coalition who will take over from the current regime and launch a drastic reform of our institutions from police to EC and then return power to the people in a free and fair election,” he adds.-TheHeatOnline

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2015-11-14 13:15 | Report Abuse

Find seditious recording and put Ali Tinju back in the dock, say former IGP, lawyers

Police should be able to trace the recording of Malay Armed Forces Veterans Association president Mohd Ali Baharom's alleged inflammatory remarks against the Chinese to build a stronger case against him, a former top cop and lawyers said.

One lawyer also asked how it was that police did not have a full recording given their presence at the scene during the July riots outside Low Yat Plaza in Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur.

Another said police had been known to be savvy in going after social media users who made seditious remarks online, and should be just as competent in tracing a video that had gone viral.

Commenting on why the charge against Ali had been dropped, former inspector-general of police Tan Sri Musa Hassan (pic, right) said police must have evidence before they could build a solid case.

He added that this was the reason Attorney-General Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali had directed the police to gather further evidence on the ex-soldier's seditious remarks.

Musa said it was common knowledge that Ali's video had gone viral, adding that the police could find it.

"But they have to ascertain who recorded the video and the person must give evidence in court," Musa said.

The situation came about after Apandi in a recent interview with The Malaysian Insider said the sedition charge against Ali, popularly known as Ali Tinju, had been dropped because the police could not come up with the audio recording of the alleged inflammatory remarks made by the ex-soldier.

Commenting on his decision which was widely condemned, Apandi said without evidence, he was unable to pursue the case.

"The actual recording was not enough. It was only a few seconds... We missed the 'seditious' part.

"They (the police) couldn't find it. It wasn't forthcoming. I told them, 'This isn't enough, go find more.' They said, 'Cannot find.' So that put an end to it," Apandi had said.

Ali was charged under the Sedition Act on July 16 but the prosecution dropped the charge in September, citing lack of evidence.

He was accused of allegedly saying: "Okay, we want justice. This is the dignity of Malays, not because one Chinese boy attacked many Malays. This is Malay land. Unite, and attack the DAP Chinese who are rude."

Lawyers for Liberty executive director Eric Paulsen (pic, right) said it was incredible that the police were unable to trace any recordings when there were so many people present during the July incident.

He said another puzzling issue was the fact that the police themselves did not have a full recording when there were so many of them on duty at the scene that day, adding that in most cases, the police themselves would have recorded the speeches and comments made.

"We expect the police to be professional, there were so many of them at the scene," Paulsen said.

Criminal lawyer New Sin Yew said police investigations into Ali's case were "grossly negligent at best and malicious at worst".

He added that it was strange that in the case of Ali, police were unable to conduct a thorough investigation despite having proven in the past that they were able to prosecute cases involving social media channels.

"They just have to get the maker to obtain the recording, they should be able to do that.

"And call the maker of the video as a witness," he said.

New said the reality was that if the police had botched the investigation, there was nothing the prosecutor could do.

"The job of the police is to investigate and collect evidence.

"The prosecutor's role is to initiate and conduct criminal proceedings based on the police investigation and evidence.

"In this case, the police investigation can be described as negligent at best and malicious at worst," he said.

The decision to drop the case against Ali had sparked outcry from opposition politicians and civil society who demanded a review or explanation of the matter.

They also raised concerns of selective prosecution where in the past, individuals such as Baling Wanita Umno chief Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim, who had accused the Chinese in Kuala Kedah of burning the Quran during the Umno general assembly last year, and Malay rights group Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali who called for Malay Bibles using the word "Allah" to be burned, had not been charged with sedition. – November 14, 2015.


2015-11-12 10:13 | Report Abuse

zamzam22, now you see 1 lots throw down & minus 7 cents but with closing it will be up a few cents, lol


2015-11-12 08:42 | Report Abuse

zamzam22, yes, this counter will never die, that's for sure...always last minute push up.


2015-11-12 08:41 | Report Abuse

Stay strong & believe in this Star Horse as it will not disappoint you.


2015-11-11 09:44 | Report Abuse

The giant moving today perhaps?


2015-11-11 08:24 | Report Abuse

still holding out strong.


2015-11-11 08:23 | Report Abuse

today up from Monday down I presume. This is a roller coaster


2015-11-11 08:22 | Report Abuse

Let's see it's performance today. Just hope that EPF will sapu some more, hahaha


2015-11-10 15:27 | Report Abuse

anyone want to venture here? no venture no gain lah.


2015-11-10 00:41 | Report Abuse

This giant wants to sleep only, wonder when it will wake up?


2015-11-09 18:25 | Report Abuse



2015-11-09 18:20 | Report Abuse

2721, I presume the quarter results will be good & hopefully mother will reach RM1.70 cents in 1 or 2 weeks time & I also hope that son WB will reach 35 cents in a not too distant future. All the best to all.


2015-11-09 17:39 | Report Abuse

EPF gave notice that it is holding 10% of Star Horse but you can see below that it is still continuing buying.

Monday, 9 Nov 2015

5:10PM EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD ("EPF") (204,300 units Acquired)

Friday, 6 Nov 2015

5:16PM EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD ("EPF") (1,549,100 units Acquired)

Thursday, 5 Nov 2015

5:05PM EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD ("EPF") (1,302,700 units Acquired)

So, EPF collect more, then you follow too & you will never be wrong.


2015-11-09 17:35 | Report Abuse

Write a Deepavali, it will be bonus time for the holders of mother & son, more to come that's for sure by observing today's transaction.


2015-11-09 16:00 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng, thank you for the updates, really appreciate collect more my people and reap big rewards.


2015-11-09 15:49 | Report Abuse

RM1.40 sudah habis, more to come & son WB 23.5 almost habis too...yahoooooo


2015-11-09 15:42 | Report Abuse

2721, lai liau Star Horse...sure break $1.40 & son WB go up too.