
supersinginvestor | Joined since 2020-08-06

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2020-09-06 13:40 | Report Abuse

Based on analysis...
Kossan RM32.50


2020-09-06 13:35 | Report Abuse

Buy n hold.. u want to be rich buy n hold...dont think too much dont analyse too much...


2020-09-06 13:24 | Report Abuse

easy no need think no need analyse no need worry buy n hold n become rich...


2020-09-06 13:23 | Report Abuse

buy gloves become rich...


2020-09-06 13:22 | Report Abuse

Buy n hold gloves n become super rich...
Ignore my advice n remain poor...


2020-09-06 13:19 | Report Abuse

All u people who r talking rubbish plz leave this forum.. its not a free world.. there is limitation to free speak...
Plz go away..


2020-09-05 21:56 | Report Abuse

Gloves in america r now impossible to get...its black market...u know... people r suffering...
We here r gloves producers take things for granted.. if u r in america u will bw begging ur malaysian frens send u gloves..
Buy n hold gloves companies...


2020-09-05 21:48 | Report Abuse

i just hope here in malaysia no more waves....cos its getting very bad in india n indonesia... n soon again in europe n america...


2020-09-05 21:47 | Report Abuse

Ya ya that is assuming no more.covid... covid is going to get worse n worse ... like i said people here all talk kok... non of u know shiit about virus n vaccine.. all read n talk... hehe funny little people...


2020-09-05 21:35 | Report Abuse

Gloves r gold...
People will cheat u for u...
Buy n hold...
Stop looking n reacting everyday..

Gloves stocks will turn to gold...


2020-09-05 21:32 | Report Abuse

U people all talk kok lor...
Market 6 months forward looking.. in 6..months covid will be out of control...
Now indonesia kena hit...
U guys know shiiit about virus or vaccine best shut the fuk up...
Let me tel u ok...
Vaccine is shiiitt n politics...
Covid will get worse n worse but less people dying cos all vulnerable would be aldy dead..
Gloves demand going to more n more n more...


2020-09-05 19:19 | Report Abuse

I repeat there is no other place to be other than gloves for next 2 years... buy bull in gloves coming more n more n more...


2020-09-05 19:18 | Report Abuse

I repeat there is no other place to be other than gloves for next 2 years... buy bull in gloves coming more n more n more...


2020-09-05 19:18 | Report Abuse

I repeat there is no other place to be other than gloves for next 2 years... buy bull in gloves coming more n more n more...


2020-09-05 17:14 | Report Abuse

Guys watch out for pang72.
He is a conman working for syndicate..
He go to places tell people buy n sell against the right way.. u r warned...


2020-09-05 10:39 | Report Abuse

thats why u have to put dr so people will listen to u even when u talk kok...plz fuk off from here... u know shiiitt n talk shiitt. I oso dr but dont hide behind my dr u...


2020-09-04 11:39 | Report Abuse

Bought in just now now up rm1. Hehe. Told u buy n hold


2020-09-03 18:40 | Report Abuse

Just buy n hold.....


2020-09-03 13:13 | Report Abuse

All u little people talk sell n run...
Sell n run where???what fuking stock u going to buy... look at the qr results like wat.. the answer is simple for next 2 years there is nothing to buy but gloves....gloves alone...if u r rich or a fund manager u will understand wat i mean.. if u r poor or ikan bilis with extra fd money u wont get it...
Buy gloves n only gloves for next 2 years... winter is coming big wave on the way...vaccine less than 80 % efficacy is a hoax n leads to bigger issues... dont trust fake news or politics of hope...i final.warning gloves n hold....


2020-09-03 12:44 | Report Abuse

All u little people talk sell n run...
Sell n run where???what fuking stock u going to buy... look at the qr results like wat.. the answer is simple for next 2 years there is nothing to buy but gloves....gloves alone...if u r rich or a fund manager u will understand wat i mean.. if u r poor or ikan bilis with extra fd money u wont get it...
Buy gloves n only gloves for next 2 years... winter is coming big wave on the way...vaccine less than 80 % efficacy is a hoax n leads to bigger issues... dont trust fake news or politics of hope...i final.warning gloves n hold....


2020-09-03 12:44 | Report Abuse

All u little people talk sell n run...
Sell n run where???what fuking stock u going to buy... look at the qr results like wat.. the answer is simple for next 2 years there is nothing to buy but gloves....gloves alone...if u r rich or a fund manager u will understand wat i mean.. if u r poor or ikan bilis with extra fd money u wont get it...
Buy gloves n only gloves for next 2 years... winter is coming big wave on the way...vaccine less than 80 % efficacy is a hoax n leads to bigger issues... dont trust fake news or politics of hope...i final.warning gloves n hold....


2020-09-03 12:43 | Report Abuse

All u little people talk sell n run...
Sell n run where???what fuking stock u going to buy... look at the qr results like wat.. the answer is simple for next 2 years there is nothing to buy but gloves....gloves alone...if u r rich or a fund manager u will understand wat i mean.. if u r poor or ikan bilis with extra fd money u wont get it...
Buy gloves n only gloves for next 2 years... winter is coming big wave on the way...vaccine less than 80 % efficacy is a hoax n leads to bigger issues... dont trust fake news or politics of hope...i final.warning gloves n hold....


2020-09-01 16:15 | Report Abuse

dickyme@i like u
U r good la..


2020-09-01 14:41 | Report Abuse

Its called inflation due to stimulus... covid 19 stimulus.. thats why apple n tesla all going up like shiittt....
Covid has changed the way money flows....


2020-09-01 11:52 | Report Abuse

Buy before panic buying n goreng starts


2020-09-01 09:38 | Report Abuse

Listen up...
I got info from new york.. front line healthcare people.. there is a super critical shortage of gloves there n even now today people are buying from black market.. they r preparing for winter for 6 months... this time mid oct to april will be bad..covid n flu. Two in one.. u dont know who got what!!
Also the news of vaccines n all is just bullshiit news... its politics... a vaccine is far far away.. a real vaccine with 50% or more efficacy is years away...DONT TRUST THE NEWS ON VACCINES.. ITS FAKE NEWS POLITICS.. NOT THE REAL THING ON THE GROUND...
the vaccine news is to give people the western worls... if an asteriod is going to hit earth will they tell you??
So plz guys invest wisely or u will regret it..gloves r the present n future.. vaccines are a hoax for the near future...


2020-09-01 09:37 | Report Abuse

Listen up...
I got info from new york.. front line healthcare people.. there is a super critical shortage of gloves there n even now today people are buying from black market.. they r preparing for winter for 6 months... this time mid oct to april will be bad..covid n flu. Two in one.. u dont know who got what!!
Also the news of vaccines n all is just bullshiit news... its politics... a vaccine is far far away.. a real vaccine with 50% or more efficacy is years away...DONT TRUST THE NEWS ON VACCINES.. ITS FAKE NEWS POLITICS.. NOT THE REAL THING ON THE GROUND...
the vaccine news is to give people the western worls... if an asteriod is going to hit earth will they tell you??
So plz guys invest wisely or u will regret it..gloves r the present n future.. vaccines are a hoax for the near future...


2020-08-31 14:21 | Report Abuse

Mass hand sanitiser use during coronavirus could cause superbug 'armageddon'

Dr Andrew Kemp, head of the Scientific Advisory Board on the British Institute of Cleaning Science, warns overuse can allow bacteria to develop immunity and says handwashing is the best way to stave off coronavirus


2020-08-31 14:19 | Report Abuse

Mass hand sanitiser use during coronavirus could cause superbug 'armageddon'

Dr Andrew Kemp, head of the Scientific Advisory Board on the British Institute of Cleaning Science, warns overuse can allow bacteria to develop immunity and says handwashing is the best way to stave off coronavirus


2020-08-31 09:17 | Report Abuse

Glove we stand together. Stand up.against little people who are jealous of us... the little pharma people...they will get aggressive soon with gloves going ready and stand you ground...



2020-08-30 18:24 | Report Abuse

All those little babies are afraid of gloves..hehe. be a man lor..
U guys little girls.
Vaccine out so wat.. buy gloves try luck lor.. go up good go down too bad.. why so afraid..
I m not afraid.. i m buying the gloves like shiit.. red i buy. Green i hold.. i m strong.. not like u littles girls..


2020-08-30 17:45 | Report Abuse

All those little babies are afraid of gloves..hehe. be a man lor..
U guys little girls.
Vaccine out so wat.. buy gloves try luck lor.. go up good go down too bad.. why so afraid..
I m not afraid.. i m buying the gloves like shiit.. red i buy. Green i hold.. i m strong.. not like u littles girls..


2020-08-30 17:44 | Report Abuse

All those little babies are afraid of gloves..hehe. be a man lor..
U guys little girls.
Vaccine out so wat.. buy gloves try luck lor.. go up good go down too bad.. why so afraid..
I m not afraid.. i m buying the gloves like shiit.. red i buy. Green i hold.. i m strong.. not like u littles girls..


2020-08-30 17:35 | Report Abuse

u dont buy at ur own risk. U have been warned n adviced... good luck n gods speed


2020-08-30 17:35 | Report Abuse

Get ready for gloves rally to start again...
Go go
TG === RM60
kossan ===RM 32.50


2020-08-29 22:39 | Report Abuse

This place has become a cartoon. Wil be bak when tg is RM60... see u soon guys...


2020-08-29 10:09 | Report Abuse

Be honest if there is a vaccine the batches will come directly from producer.. it will be years before bottling will be allowed in another country...
Maybe 2025.. first the front line n orang besar will get it...then the rest which is a long way off..n they r to covid...soo plz dont come to gloves n talk kok la... u ikan bilis knoe nothing about vaccine just stick to that.. be honest tell us why u like pharmas.. u like it cos can goreng la.. not cos of vaccine.. gloves mahal ikan bilis hard goreng syndicate oso hard goreng wor..


2020-08-29 10:08 | Report Abuse

Be honest if there is a vaccine the batches will come directly from producer.. it will be years before bottling will be allowed in another country...
Maybe 2025.. first the front line n orang besar will get it...then the rest which is a long way off..n they r to covid...soo plz dont come to gloves n talk kok la... u ikan bilis knoe nothing about vaccine just stick to that.. be honest tell us why u like pharmas.. u like it cos can goreng la.. not cos of vaccine.. gloves mahal ikan bilis hard goreng syndicate oso hard goreng wor..


2020-08-29 09:56 | Report Abuse

greed made u sell gloves for pharmas now pharmas go down n gloves go up.. u will burn from the inside then u will.come to gloves and cause havoc n spread false info...
There is no worse pain for the greedy then see shares they sold go up...its eats u from inside...


2020-08-29 09:55 | Report Abuse

greed made u sell gloves for pharmas now pharmas go down n gloves go up.. u will burn from the inside then u will.come to gloves and cause havoc n spread false info...
There is no worse pain for the greedy then see shares they sold go up...its eats u from inside...


2020-08-29 09:54 | Report Abuse

greed made u sell gloves for pharmas now pharmas go down n gloves go up.. u will burn from the inside then u will.come to gloves and cause havoc n spread false info...
There is no worse pain for the greedy then see shares they sold go up...its eats u from inside...


2020-08-29 09:52 | Report Abuse

Vaccine is no where out n u wont it till end 2022 or later...then there will be a fight vaccine against time cos covid on the rise...covid is less deadly cos it has killed all those people aldy...this is just a thot...i would be a seller of pharmas n buyer of gloves..


2020-08-29 09:49 | Report Abuse

Cases on the rise.france report exponential rise in cases.. vaccine is a hoax... its a long way off.. those pharma guys who sold gloves for pharmas r going to miss out unless u buy gloves back. Its never too late cos there is nothing worsecthen seeing a share u owned go up to the skies..cos u were greedy...


2020-08-29 09:39 | Report Abuse

France sees exponential rise in cases from bbc news... pharmas lovers n those who sold gloves r screwed now... for sure they going to harass gloves owners.. just ignore them.. dont pharmas lover u can buy gloves now..hehe


2020-08-29 09:39 | Report Abuse

France sees exponential rise in cases from bbc news... pharmas lovers n those who sold gloves r screwed now... for sure they going to harass gloves owners.. just ignore them.. dont pharmas lover u can buy gloves now..hehe


2020-08-28 20:03 | Report Abuse

If u guys analyse every little things better dont buy stocks...cos it means u got no confidence in wat u own..
I own kossan...done deal..anything else not relevant.. i have already done due diligence... i own it.. fukal the rest.. vaccine shiit ceo shiit epf shiit..ur wife u marry...done deal. . Neighbour days. she fat u divorce ah..