
titus | Joined since 2012-01-27

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2018-11-21 08:51 | Report Abuse

Bersatu, u better behave or else i going to tell OrlandoOil u curse......


2018-11-21 08:50 | Report Abuse

my siput liwat me yesterday......he ask me why so panlai no sell all. He told me that he sell all hibiscus and bought all into AA @ 2.80 till 2.90. Agian, it is another long mumbling and telling how big is his john la.......


2018-11-21 08:43 | Report Abuse

Bersatu, u better behave or else i going to tell OrlandoOil u curse......


2018-11-21 08:42 | Report Abuse

Actually,....my siput say trump has setup up this trap long time ago. He is a tactician. He say ah thump die die want fuel to be low for christmas. That y he created the iran sanction. Long story short, Opec already up all the capacity. Even if they turn off tap today, it will take some time to clear the extra stock in the market. But remember ho, the haven cut yet oh and keep on pumping until next month only meet. Somemore, trump given exemption to china and india to continue purchase from iran. They are the 2 largest consumer. So market will be flooded with extra oil. Furthermore, year end coming and in china, CNY is coming in less than 3 months. China economy has slow down and CNY will make it even worst. They off for 2 weeks or 1 month.....i think. They call it the golden week. So looking at all of this....he say monitor after christmas loh......


2018-11-21 08:32 | Report Abuse

dexeric...really want to tell ah?...later say i create -ve news


2018-11-21 08:22 | Report Abuse

actually ho...my siput asked me to look into hibiscus when near to Christmas week. He say can monitor near christmas to after new year.....
my siput say that brent will be below 60 but will not too far off. Because ah trump want low oil price for christmas and want become santa clause. But he dun want wti to fall too much below 50 or somewhere there. He dun wan to kill off shale oil ma........


2018-11-21 08:10 | Report Abuse

aiyoh.....so today how ah?.......if i really idss syndicate ah....i huat liao loh.......
So those holding big ticket, i wish u all the best. I still holding peanut. I yum cha with my siput yesterday but i don't think want to share too much negativity here because ppl will say i syndicate and try to push down the price.....


2018-11-20 22:30 | Report Abuse

Bersatu, u better behave or else i going to tell OrlandoOil u curse......


2018-11-20 22:29 | Report Abuse

Wah lau, superpanda also come here a"dy ah...seem like hengyuan group coming here for reunion.....hehe...

I hope godfather will turn up soon. Life without godfather is boring leh.


2018-11-20 08:00 | Report Abuse

Bersatu, u better behave or else i going to tell OrlandoOil u curse......lol


2018-11-19 17:01 | Report Abuse

Hmm...market up but this bunga like layu only......something is really not right leh. Tomolo call call my siput and get his opinion. Sometime let him liwat also bo pian


2018-11-19 16:54 | Report Abuse

dragon...who is tehka sifu...i lost track........hehe


2018-11-19 16:51 | Report Abuse

dun 1 to share my sifut view la.....ppl a'dy say i idss syndicate....always share the negative news. Later will say my sifut liwat me.....i take his view for reference only. Actually, i like to post his view here and see how ppl bombard it. From the comment shared, sometimes do get valuable information but of you must exclude the view from ppl like bersatu la.........if u think it positively, good entertainment loh but if negative, then it is totally waste of my precious time and totally wastes of the natural resources.....


2018-11-19 16:41 | Report Abuse

bersatu....i promoter ah?....lol....
i promote wat?? last time say i idss syndicate......today promoter....next week?.....

bersatu......i'm just voicing out base on fairness ma.....give credit where is due......


2018-11-19 16:34 | Report Abuse

what dragon say also correct la....then i remove my comment loh.....


2018-11-19 16:27 | Report Abuse

I shared this in henyuan last time....i hope it will not happen hibiscus ....yet.....I actually still got some peanuts here.......hope hibiscus still has some leg to run la......but alway remind me of this story

One day a merchant came to the village to buy these monkeys! He announced that he is seeking to buy monkeys @ $100 each. The villagers thought that this man is crazy to want to buy stray monkeys at $100 each.

Only a few people caught some monkeys and sold them to the merchant at $100 each. This went on for few days attracting more sellers.

After a few days, the merchant returned to announce that he will now pay $200 for each monkey. Even the lazy villagers got off their behinds to catch the remaining monkeys! And they were paid twice at $200 per monkey.

The merchant returned to the village after a few days to announce that the village monkeys are very much liked by his ‘potential customers’, therefore the price he was willing to pay for each monkey is now a whopping $500!!

The villagers started to lose sleep! After searching every tree and monkey hiding place thoroughly, they were able to find only six or seven monkeys, which was all that was left and were paid $500 each.

The villagers went to all the neighbouring villages to find monkeys in case the merchant returned for more monkeys at an even higher price. However, they had very little luck finding a single monkey.

As expected and hoped, the merchant returned to announce he is planning to return in a week to buy more monkeys - this time at the unbelievable price of $1000!!! He also asked the villagers to help his employee take care of the monkeys he bought so far until he returns.

The villagers were very sad as there were no more monkeys left for them to sell for $1000 each. His employee, however, offered to make a secret deal with them selling part of the inventory for $700 per monkey to the villagers.

This seemed like a great news to the villagers. They figured they can’t go wrong making riskless $300 profit from each monkey they sell back to the merchant.

The next day, villagers lined up near the monkey cage. The employee sold all the monkeys at $700 each. The rich bought monkeys in large lots, while the poor borrowed money from money lenders and purchased fewer monkeys.

The villagers then took care of their monkeys & waited for the merchant to return. But he never did! Then they tried to find his employee. But he had disappeared too!

The villagers then realized that they have bought the useless stray monkeys @ $700 each and are unable to resell them!


2018-11-19 16:20 | Report Abuse

rob,,,can it be big boys run a'dy ah?


2018-11-19 12:26 | Report Abuse

dragon.....i hear 1 side of story only ma. I also dunno what has transpired between te?hem. Mayb his sifu got give him a parachuteleh. Tell him if halfway see not right.....ask him to jump. So he only needs to swim back halfway ma.......mana tau, he sits all the way until reach holland......
but 6 times is abit too much la......i not saying his sifu. I say him. Coz fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.....fool me 6 times......sigh!!!!

So wht gossip u hav?


2018-11-19 11:58 | Report Abuse

Sorry ho...my name is titus oh....i dun know anyone call tikus.....
As for my friend, i dun think i want to rub anymore salt on his wound la......he say he lose until his mother also cannot recognise. I say this year very tough ma. Almost everyone also lose. He say his sifu give him not only 1 ticket but 6 tickets to holland. All direct flight 1 and no return ticket.

I say how come can no return ticket u still can use the other 5 tickets? He say after he boarded and landed in holland, he quickly jump and sail back to malaysia. Mana tau the next ticket he boarded also end up same place....Holland. He used to weight around 80kg.....now 40kg only......half weight has gone......understand ah? He say it will take him many years to gain back the 40kg...


2018-11-19 11:43 | Report Abuse

tehka, u talking to who ah?


2018-11-19 11:23 | Report Abuse

Actually, over the weekend, I reread hibiscus QR and AR and even slept with it.....
The coming quarter (Q1'19) will indeed report a superb result. I mean base on the Last 3 QR and AR la. But then the next Q which Q2'19.....will be ok only. I take oil at $65, the PE should be around 10....if no wrong calculation la. But if compare the Q1 & Q2, Q2 will look like a huge drop. All my calculation is base on the info in QR and AR. Any unexpected book entry like impairment or negative goodwill or even fluctuation of oil price will be skew the analysis la.......

hmmm....i read back wat i write....i think i talk like no talk only......LOL.....


2018-11-19 10:17 | Report Abuse

Johloh,.....when low should buy? Problem is i scared now is the high leh....hehe....
Depend how you define low and high le.....if next month gap down....then buying today is high loh....


2018-11-19 10:01 | Report Abuse

macam tak betul saja. Howering around this area. Everyone know good QR coming ma. why not shoot up leh. It reminds me on the monkey story again. Everyone is holding the monkey while the trader run away a'dy.


2018-11-16 13:15 | Report Abuse

Ola....what is new today? Just pop in to see. Cannot comment too much or ppl say i'm idss syndicate.


2018-11-15 10:07 | Report Abuse

based on the article bersatu sahred, it mentioned that the oil market will require 30 to 50 days to see the effect. So opec meet in december and therfore we should se oil stabilise in feb?.....really 3 months away leh.


2018-11-15 10:00 | Report Abuse

wow...didn't know that canada oil trade on such as huge discount to wti. I wonder why. Not an oil expert but go so many type of oil 1 meh? I only know brent and wti


2018-11-15 09:51 | Report Abuse

i share org tua view and only paktua agree....only orang tua can appreciate another orang tua view.....lol.....but mixing with too many orang tua make me feel old. Must follow paktua style.....go find an 18 yrs old caddie?


2018-11-15 09:09 | Report Abuse

despacito......i no agent idss la....i also no idss account. If i cakap and can make stk fall ah.....i si beh ho liao loh.....see whether my point is talking cock or making sense loh.....okla....sorry if i'm too negative la. I also tell u that i park at 0.97c ma......my siput also not always right 1......after listen, i buy at my own risk loh.....


2018-11-15 09:06 | Report Abuse

my siput says that market always run 3 to 6 months ahead. He asked me go study tech stock wor. Why all recently reported very good QR but why no up much? because tech stock is expected to be downtrend. Apple & amazon fall. He say after QR out, many retailer holding big ticket will sell but who want to buy. Only sochai like me will go Q and buy loh. then hoping the next Q good but know already ma......Q2'19 will jialat 1 ma......


2018-11-15 09:01 | Report Abuse

hope.....most of the retailer gone??....lol.....you can continue to hope......no pun intended
Hibiscus got how many institutional investors oh??? do you know how many retailers holding big ticket ah?.....actually i don't know la but i heard many retailer holding million oh......


2018-11-15 08:20 | Report Abuse

i have a chat with my siput. I asked him isn't hibiscus undervalue now? Upcoming quarter will be super cantik. He says any tom dick and harry and even his balls also know the upcoming QR will be extremely good. He says that is the problem. Everyone already expected it is a good result. So who else going to buy when good result is out? All already in. Also, remember, the upcoming result have additional revenue from Q4'18 to be recorded into Q1'19. What will happen to Q2'19 result? Tink tink loh. Brent also dropping. Out of flavor. He say u look at steel industry loh. Most of them reported super good result. PE from 2 -6 but market anticipate bleak outlook. Al fall until the ball also sag till touching the ground. He says same as oil also. Overall market is slowing down especially china. Opec is still pumping as usual until next month. Also, previously opec cut production, Malaysia also says will support by cutting. Will this affect hibicus and asked to cut as well??? & etc etc......after all his rambling and mumbling...... sometimes this old horse also have some senses......but i still park small amount at 0.97c la......


2018-11-15 08:09 | Report Abuse

Paktua.....i gonna cut ur Q. I park at 0.97. oh ah?


2018-11-14 17:11 | Report Abuse

i wonder did papaya buy any today since he was disappointed in the morning it din drop to Rm1. In fact it went to 0.99. Hope papaya load up a lorry loh. Papaya, dun tomolo up only u come out and say luckily u bought alot today....ok?......


2018-11-14 17:05 | Report Abuse

yeah!!!!.....hibi safely close above Rm1.......live to battle for another day. Tomolo come back fight fight again.


2018-11-14 16:59 | Report Abuse

rob...which sifu? can share ah???


2018-11-14 16:42 | Report Abuse

Meaning from now till 7th December all oil rig will continue to pump as usual. 3 weeks full speed pumping. How much 3 weeks produce will add on the inventory?


2018-11-14 16:21 | Report Abuse

cheh...park at 0.97 but no match.......go back up......
tomolo park again


2018-11-14 12:28 | Report Abuse

speakup.....capital tax.....does it ring any bells?


2018-11-14 12:27 | Report Abuse

rob...how u know OTB negative now? U his subscriber ah?
Speaking of that....i wonder how my friend is doing. Have not heard from him for about a month. Just hope he is fine and not another case that rots at home without anyone knowing.....better check check on him.


2018-11-14 12:17 | Report Abuse

dexerix....most shale breakeven at 50. Meaning still can continue loh......wun die yet


2018-11-14 12:16 | Report Abuse

rob...cannot say like that ma...u buy at ur own risk....
my siput subscription fee that i pay is food & beverages.....i dun think i want to ask him to return. Because if i insist he return....he will return shit to me........


2018-11-14 11:19 | Report Abuse

Also iran exemption was given for 6 months la......& exemption given to china, india, & North korea. This can say business as usual for iran a'dy because china & india biggest user ma.


2018-11-14 11:17 | Report Abuse

if opec want to cut production also cannot immediately turn off tap. I think it will take few months for it to stabilise before it rebound. Shale oil will reduce pumping when wti drop below 50. That will stabilise the supply and rebound. So i will monitor wti and start too buy when it hibi by then.


2018-11-14 10:59 | Report Abuse

yu&mee.....u lagi bearish than my siput..........dun wish for that la. If oil go down 45....u & me also no good le. malaysia budget base on 70 leh.....


2018-11-14 10:53 | Report Abuse

wah...no need wait for tomolo....today mayb got chance to go below rm 1 ohhh.....
i park to buy 100K unit at 97c.....i reduce to 10K now....dun later buta buta match....


2018-11-14 10:48 | Report Abuse

brent seems to go lower. If during asian market hour also cannot up, tonight will US market time will go down much more? Should go buy AA. I think AA up because of div will be declare soon and coincidently oil drop, just nice for it to rebound.


2018-11-14 10:47 | Report Abuse

akupolitik....saay akan beli kalau hibi 80c dan brent$60. Saya bawa lory datang sapu.


2018-11-14 10:33 | Report Abuse

apanama.....i share the same view le. If Fed increase interest this december ah for the 3rd orround.....then USD will only get stronger. Oil price will fall more. Problem is will ah trump able influence fed not to increase? I think difficult since he his lose his house and now will be out of his order a'dy....


2018-11-14 10:30 | Report Abuse

i q at 97c.....hehe.....dun curse me ok. Look at it as a support from my end. So that hibi no freefall ma. My siput told me sifu 1 say he sell 30% his holding with every 5 dollar drop. Sifu 2 asked to cut loss if drop to 98c. So i ask my siput what about him? He scold me and say i amnesia ah?....he sold all and now holding his ball waiting loh.......waiting for the sky to drop.


2018-11-14 09:45 | Report Abuse

papaya.....thumbs up for u......i wonder when i3 will include emoticon. It will make investing and sharing here more fun....lol