
tkp1 | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2015-05-21 11:25 | Report Abuse

fortunebullz, no doubt you are one of the pioneer in this counter, and I also respect you as a senior sifu, because most of the case, you talk like an expect with facts. But there are 2 incidents I want to clarify with you, 1) during the first wave correction, you said the price is going to down to 0.23, and 2) last night, you said this counter is overbought. And it prove that you are wrong, a senior sifu like you, I am also surprise that you come out with this kind of comment, and I start to doubt about your intention on those 2 comments whether you are really sincere, can you clarify?


2015-05-21 10:46 | Report Abuse

the truth is, to make real friend, you must dare to provide constructive feedback, even though you are just a newbie, I am a newbie too. Don't try to please ppl for the sake of pleasing ppl. If you got a point, stand firm and fight back !!!!

For you, I think, my feedback is, you are all over the place, you appear in a lot counters, and you talk too much, got content? I don't know.


2015-05-21 10:35 | Report Abuse

but bintang is very different, I know his style, the more you whack him (in a right way), the more he like you, he very deep one.


2015-05-21 10:09 | Report Abuse

JN88, give you a "like", the more you give, the more you will get.


2015-05-21 10:00 | Report Abuse

duit, having said that, don't be a yes man to bintang, if he talk nonsense, just whack him, sometime he can be a binatang, as a friend, we need to bring him back as human.


2015-05-21 09:54 | Report Abuse

hi duit, so happy to see you and bintang now become good friend, sometime you have to really think deep deep about his comment, as he said, don't just look at the surface, he is deep guy, lol, his heart full of love !!!


2015-05-21 09:49 | Report Abuse

Pin Wai Koh, Lucas, I agree with you, value investing seem like is a better way to go after my 1 year plus experience, but if combine with some technical skill is even more powerful...just make sure don't be too tight up with technical, not 100% accurate one.


2015-05-21 09:38 | Report Abuse

Pin Wai Koh, try to learn some technical skill, I find it quite useful to at least understand the momentum of the stock, it will help you to make more wise decision especially on selling.

Pick a good stock is very important, knowing how to trade it is even more important !!!


2015-05-21 09:36 | Report Abuse

itisme, I got no TP, its all depend on QR results for me to decide on my next move. If the rev and profit continue to grow, I will hold until RM1 (opsss, that's my TP, hihihi)


2015-05-21 09:23 | Report Abuse

haha, ok ok, sorry about that, my bad


2015-05-21 09:12 | Report Abuse

Victor, itu cheapskate wa tak mau slap lah, later my hand jadi kotor, hahaha


2015-05-21 09:03 | Report Abuse

well, lets see, just my prediction


2015-05-21 08:57 | Report Abuse

Most likely the chart for wave # 2 will be similar to wave # 1, up for 1 day, rest for 2 days.

So today will up 2-3 cents to around 0.35.


2015-05-20 10:34 | Report Abuse

For sharing, from some article and book, especially to newbie.

I changed my trading strategy completely after i read the below and internalize it, i used to be a day trader who jump in jump out everyday, making a few hundred/thousand a day, but some of the day also lose the same amount of money, last year is my first year as a full time trader, and i lose around 100k/year as a day trader/short term trader, a very valuable lesson for me.

I used the below strategy this year, and managed to make quite substantial profit from Priva and now Frontkn, recovered my lost from last year, and also start to make good profit.

“大钱不存在于股票的日常小波动,大钱只存在大势之内。因此你需要判定大势的走向。” “多年 的华尔街经验和几百万美元的学费之后,我要告诉你的是:我赚到大钱的诀窍不在于我怎么思考,而在于 我能安坐不动,坐着不动!明白吗?在股票这行,能够买对了且能安坐不动的人少之又少,我发现这是最 难学的。忽略大势,执着于股票的小波动是致命的,没有人能够抓到所有的小波动。这行的秘密就在于牛 市时,买进股票,安坐不动,直到你认为牛市接近结束时再脱手。”


Sorry for those don't understand mandarin. Will try to translate when I am free.


2015-05-19 09:27 | Report Abuse

JN88, haha, good luck, very difficult one, maybe you can consider to do it for just certain portion of your holding, and wait for a very clear signal, I think this 1-2 days will just have narrow range bounce, or price still will continue going up due to anticipation on the good QR, not so suitable to do it now. Can consider to do it around 0.4, as this is major milestone and I foresee operator will have a round of stock distribution around this price point before the next wave. Anyway, good luck.


2015-05-19 09:20 | Report Abuse

JN88, you mean swing trade?


2015-05-19 09:12 | Report Abuse

JN88, haha, no need skill at this stage, just sit tight and waiting for 0.4, watching drama now, don't want to look at the screen too often. Will only come out if got mouse or cheapskate kacau kacau here, hihihi


2015-05-19 08:57 | Report Abuse

cheapskate buy cheap stock, smart ppl buy 5 stars stock, hahaha


2015-05-18 17:03 | Report Abuse

albert, I won't sell at this moment, I will look at the QR first, if results is good showing grow potential, I will continue to hold.

TSN430, you are welcome.


2015-05-18 16:12 | Report Abuse

Yii Shing, congrat, same here, my first and only counter that help me to make 6 figures, best of all, just within 1 month+, this is the power of "all in" and patience. More to come !!!! If QR is good, I will continue to hold.


2015-05-18 15:37 | Report Abuse

congrats Victor, if can hit 0.4, your profit also quite handsome lah, :)


2015-05-18 15:15 | Report Abuse

second wave will bring the price to above 0.4, if the QR is good, the price will go even higher, hold tight, don't take profit now, can win big, why win small !!!!


2015-05-18 15:05 | Report Abuse

hahahaha, syiok syiok show started, see all of you at 0.4 !!!!!!


2015-05-18 15:04 | Report Abuse



2015-05-18 13:34 | Report Abuse

Bintang, although you gila gila, but quite deep, only smart ppl like me can understand and appreciate


2015-05-18 13:24 | Report Abuse

Ravi, true, why hide if you work for a good company and if you really want to share something useful. I respect you.

Is not that we can't take negative news, but his comment is really fishy, rubber tapper like bintang also can sense something is wrong.

Bro bintang, i suspect he is optimouse lah, hahaha, I am a bit bias, but my catch on tengkufaisal aka optimouse seem correct.


2015-05-18 13:08 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, my good brother bintang, i love u.


2015-05-18 12:38 | Report Abuse

Beware of cheer2015 comments, I sensed something is not right with his sharing. PO in such big company doesn't work that way, I used to work in US MNC as a procurement director too, hihihi, don't trust him, all nonsense. PO in semiconductor is planned at least 6 months down the road, not like what he said yesterday received PO, today received PO again.

Everyone can claim that he work in semiconductor industry, I doubt what cheer2015 said is true.

Also, looking at his number of post, I guess this ID is just recently created, I have the reason to suspect that he is optimouse, hahaha.


2015-05-17 17:32 | Report Abuse

time for jogging, you guys have fun, be happy !!!!

Bye bye Sifu bintang !!!!


2015-05-17 17:27 | Report Abuse

elbrutus, I understand where your point on holding cost, but can you guarantee if you move your money to somewhere else, you can make profit? Sometime you will even end up losing money, and when the price for this counter move up, you will again miss the boat. I have been thru this so many many times, I used to think that is wasted to keep your money during the consolidation phase and move out, but i end up making less money or even lose money.

We are not god, we can't time the market/movement.


2015-05-17 17:20 | Report Abuse

Can win big, why win small ???

And to be able to survive in the market, you have to win big whenever there is a good opportunity like this, because you can't guarantee your other trade will be profitable.


2015-05-17 17:19 | Report Abuse

and I realize, to make big money in stock market, you have to learn to "DO NOTHING" after you bough a good stock at the right price. If you keep Jump in and jump out and hopefully to get extra profit, you will ended up missing the big opportunity/big money.


2015-05-17 17:16 | Report Abuse

I learned my big lesson in IFCAMSC, I all in (about 1 million share) the warrant during 0.1, I sold after I make 5-10%, and I end up missed out the 2000%.


2015-05-17 17:14 | Report Abuse

look at IFCAMSC, the price movement is not in straight line, it had a few correction before it reach 1.7 recently. So what Sifu Bintang said is correct, don't put a timeline to it, just monitor the company performance, if the company can continue to grow in rev & profit, the price will continue to go up, and what we need to do is....NOTHING !!! just hold and wait until FRONTKN to hit RM1, RM2 or higher.


2015-05-17 17:10 | Report Abuse

1 thing I would like to highlight is that this counter is control by the operator, it has the goreng element in it, why? because of it good fundamental and it a penny stock. So, the price movement is not move exactly like what it should be, because operator want to play it to their benefits. Good example is after last QR, price range bounce around 0.17-0.18 for few weeks, operator is accumulating during that phase (box # 1), then after the first wave to 0.3, now range bounce again (box # 2), after this QR, price will move again to new high, as I foresee the QR should be good or at least the growth can maintain, and the operator will continue to control the price it that way, until wave # 5, 6, I don't know. But as long as the results is good, the price will continue to go up that's for sure.


2015-05-15 09:11 | Report Abuse

+- RM30m, for a small company, it considered quite strong cash flow position.


2015-05-15 09:06 | Report Abuse

Cash is King, Frontkn is the King in making for KLSE penny stock in 2015.


2015-05-15 08:46 | Report Abuse

I keep smiling everyday that I make the right decision to all in this counter around 0.2, it make my work very easy for 2015, I can sleep well at night not have to worry even when US index go down, as I know this stock will stay strong, hold well.


2015-05-15 08:44 | Report Abuse

To invest in this stock, don't worry about the short term up and down, look for long term, the business is doing all the right things you can ask for, the amazing part is this is still a penny stock, the potential is tremendous !!!!!!!


2015-05-15 08:42 | Report Abuse

guys, a very good article from kcchongnz - "Investing in Bursa: Cash is king kcchongnz"

I can relate this to Frontkn perfectly. Frontkn not only grow in profit, but also the cash flow which is king in business, at the same time, Frontkn buying back own share to reduce the number of share instead of keep issue new share/right issue. You can hardly find a penny stock in KLSE like Frontkn nowadays, Frontkn will shine from 2015 onwards !!!!!


2015-05-14 11:31 | Report Abuse

thanks Koh & KC53, I know many of us in Frontkn have the same faith and belief in this counter, let's hope for the best, the QR results will provide some guidance on how far this counter can run.


2015-05-14 08:57 | Report Abuse

Vinvin, I increased to 1.2m shares lately, my cost 0.205, all in, I only hold this counter for now, very confident with Frontkn, since my cost is not that high, I will hold until the QR, if results show grow sign, will continue to hold, quite boring sometime to trade 1 counter as a trader, but worth it. :)


2015-05-13 22:43 | Report Abuse

Hi bro bintang, how r u? Good move, you are as smart as me now, this counter sure win one lah, I am just waiting patiently for frontkn to go above 0.4 to enjoy my 200k profit.


2015-05-13 14:55 | Report Abuse

why regret for not buying certain counter, there are so many good counters in KLSE, if you say like that, everyday we will regret.


2015-05-13 14:48 | Report Abuse

but he is not that smart to know whether is pump and dump counter, he just follow insider, blind leading the blind. Somemore still want to maintain a pump and dump list, all his portfolio is that kind of counters lah, hahahaha


2015-05-13 14:44 | Report Abuse

Ravi, his insider bring him to holand eat grass lor, from 0.275 down t0 0.225 now, kikiki


2015-05-13 12:05 | Report Abuse

he is not Malay or Chinese, he is tikus, hahaha


2015-05-13 12:01 | Report Abuse

Guys, for those who don't know, TengkuFaisal aka Optimouse created the below so called pump and dump post and mentioned that Frontkn is one of those counter. Now you all can see his evil intention again to talk bad thing about this counter.

I can see what he is trying to do lah, he is not able to fight from the front door, now using back door, hahaha, low class !!!!


2015-05-13 11:53 | Report Abuse

TengkuFaisal is actually Optimouse, I really question and doubt his intention on this topic, I think he just try to take this opportunity to talk bad about certain counters that he don't like.


2015-05-13 11:34 | Report Abuse

look at the way he cut and paste other ppl post, this is optimouse's signature act, hahahaha