
uncensored | Joined since 2021-09-16

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2022-01-23 15:12 | Report Abuse

Malaysia should have a regulation on Landlord & Tenant.


2022-01-23 15:11 | Report Abuse

Downside risk is minimal as PNB is the largest shareholder but the upside the great.

News & Blogs

2022-01-23 15:09 | Report Abuse

especially if the ex owner refused to move out of the house.

One things lack in Malaysia is the law on Landlord & Tenant Act


2022-01-23 15:07 | Report Abuse

AA need will need to take at least more than 2 year to see the light of the day.


2022-01-23 15:04 | Report Abuse

Shares investment are supposed to be long term in nature. Be patience & calm .


2022-01-23 15:01 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2022-01-23 14:58 | Report Abuse

Only problem is that in Auction there is a lot of hidden costs.

News & Blogs

2022-01-23 14:44 | Report Abuse

If based on property price the ROI is 200 to 300%

News & Blogs

2022-01-23 14:41 | Report Abuse

For commercial property during the bull runs in 2011 to 2015 could give you a ROI of 1,000% (based on initial capital invested ) when you sold off.

News & Blogs

2022-01-23 14:35 | Report Abuse

I like commercial property more than resident property.

News & Blogs

2022-01-23 14:32 | Report Abuse

well not if you bought a property in Iskandar Johor...

News & Blogs

2022-01-23 14:29 | Report Abuse

those who bought after 2015 could still have great capital gain ???

News & Blogs

2022-01-23 14:27 | Report Abuse

Hi stockraider, is qqq3333 & stockraider the same person ????... you just like her love to say silly things

News & Blogs

2022-01-23 14:25 | Report Abuse

Tobby few years back means 2014 ??

News & Blogs

2022-01-23 14:23 | Report Abuse

You are traitor as far as a Malaysian concern.

News & Blogs

2022-01-23 14:19 | Report Abuse

I like to invest in properties. ROI good

hahahaha but definitely not like stockraider who making money out of poor people


News & Blogs

2022-01-23 14:16 | Report Abuse


Always a good investment to hedge against inflation


2022-01-23 14:09 | Report Abuse

hahaha please don't get yourself burn ooh,,,

News & Blogs

2022-01-23 14:07 | Report Abuse

China's economy has matured, its real GDP growth has slowed significantly, from 14.2% in 2007 to 5.9% in 2019. Fact has shown that during Xi leadership China’s GDP growth rate is the slowest in the history of China after Deng’s adopted the capitalism model.

The Chinese government so far has not able achieve the reform that are needed in order for China to avoid hitting the "middle-income trap," when countries achieve a certain economic level but begin to experience sharply diminishing economic growth rates because they are unable to adopt new sources of economic growth, such as innovation.

More than 30% of the China GDP growth was speared by properties development & infrastructure spending. Real estate investment directly contributes 14-15 per cent of GDP, including construction and residential property development, and about 25 per cent of GDP if taking into account upstream and downstream sectors, JP Morgan estimated. China’s infrastructure spending contributed 5.57% of the GDP growth.

In summary about 30% of the wealth created by China are in the form of infrastructure & buildings. The recent sharp falling of properties price has further dampened the local demand for housing which will spill over effect on the demands of others consumer goods in China. Furthermore the cumulative losses incurred by China high speed train authority is mounting up every days.

As the leader is moving toward socialism policy to contain the slowing down of economic will further dampen the private entrepreneurs’ innovation spirit. Just like put oil to fire...

Posted by Sslee > Jan 23, 2022 11:16 AM | Report Abuse


BEIJING -- Since Chinese President Xi Jinping took the helm of the nation nearly nine years ago as the Communist Party's leader, its economy has vaulted from half of America's size to 70% or so -- a gap that will continue to narrow, with some estimates saying it could surpass the U.S. within the decade.

China's gross domestic product has grown roughly 70% since 2012 in nominal dollars. Consumption was a key force behind the country's economic rise under Xi, with disposable income doubling per capita since 2012. Total retail sales of social consumer goods, which include both physical and online sales, came to 31.8 trillion yuan ($4.97 trillion) for the January-September period -- up 110% from the same nine months of 2012.

National fixed-asset investment, or investment in public works, factories and other facilities, increased 55%. For the January-October period, exports increased more than 60% and imports by almost 50% compared with the same 10 months of 2012.

Xi has been especially focused on lifting low-income households to end absolute poverty and achieve a "moderately prosperous society." Urban residents now have 160% more disposable income than rural residents, down from 190% in 2012.

News & Blogs

2022-01-23 11:33 | Report Abuse

stockraider you are funny guy. EQ level pretty good

News & Blogs

2022-01-23 11:22 | Report Abuse

making profit from selling chinese cookies to poor people...hahahaha

News & Blogs

2022-01-23 10:52 | Report Abuse

Tobby do you invest in shares based on your gut feeling ? No right . Institution & prominent investors normal will look at the history of the company before they begin to invest. Whether you are chartist, fundamental FA or Value investors, all of them will look at the history i.e price charts, financial data, company background & news etc.
The same analogy also applied in your prediction of the future of China under Xi. You need to look at the history & ask yourself why China suddenly beginning to be stronger country after Mao. Is there a new policy implemented by Deng? If so what is the policy that Deng implemented ? How this help China economic ?
Look at Xi performance over his almost 8 years of leadership. He failed in his new foreign policy where most of the worlds developed nations turned to be hostile against China. A major shiufted of opinion on China as compare to pre Era of Xi. Economy wise , he is not doing a good. Failure to change or improved the structurally problem in China economic situation. Some more he beginning to abandone the Deng policy by moving toward socialism policy…central economic planning, common prosperity, nationalisation of China large enterprise. All THIS WILL KILL private innovation. In the end will resulted a lot of State sponsored illegal copycat.
Tobby you cannot predicted the future of Chian based on your gut feeling. Take note that FACT do not care about how you FEEL.
Have a nice day.

News & Blogs

2022-01-22 23:57 | Report Abuse

















朱夏莲(Charlene Chu)曾在信用评级机构惠誉(Fitch)任职,她是最早指出中国债务问题的分析家之一。




News & Blogs

2022-01-22 23:34 | Report Abuse

No one has destroyed Chinese culture quite like the Chinese
This week’s Kuora comes from one of Kaiser’s answers originally posted to Quora on June 7, 2014:

China has basically lost touch with its own cultural roots due to actions by the Communist party, especially the Cultural Revolution. Is China trying to underplay the Chinese influence on its language and culture?
Cultural iconoclasm in China — the deliberate disavowal and repudiation of cultural traditions, attacks on the Confucian family system, attacks on classical Chinese, efforts to promote a single, modern, vernacular Chinese — began long before the Cultural Revolution, long before the Communist Party took power, even before the Communist Party’s founding in 1921. It really began with the New Culture Movement, which really began in earnest about a hundred years ago and really announced itself in 1915 with the publication of Xinqingnian magazine (La Jeunesse). Many prominent Chinese intellectuals of the time, with a wide range of ideological predilections — anarchists, anarcho-syndicalists, liberals, socialists, Marxists, nationalists — shared an antipathy to many traditional elements of Chinese culture and language, from religious and philosophical traditions from the sort of beliefs they disparaged as folk superstition to Confucianism to yin-yang and five phases cosmology to Chinese medicine. Hostility to classical Chinese actually led to the creation of the baihua vernacular that is used today.

Of course, Mao Zedong, who as a young man participated in the New Culture Movement and its most visible manifestation, the May Fourth Movement, was especially hostile, and during the Cultural Revolution, encouraged a smashing of the “Four Olds” (see above image). Even after the end of the Cultural Revolution, the push to make Putonghua (standard Mandarin) universal continued. Classrooms would elect a tuīpǔ (推普) representative in regions where another Sinitic language was prevalent; not sure whether that still is the case, but it was at least into the 1980s.

And of course, as Dan Holliday and Paul Denlinger have also pointed out, linguistic and cultural homogenization are quite natural especially in a time when mass communications have advanced, spread, and permeated all corners of practically every nation.

It would be incorrect, I think, to ascribe this entirely either to “natural” historical forces or to state agency. And it would be incorrect to suggest that this was something peculiar to the Communists, as it was well underway already.


News & Blogs

2022-01-22 21:28 | Report Abuse


00:00 摘要
01:19 河南縣長「惡意返鄉」狂言一出 各種「惡意」段子應運而生【阿波羅網報道】
04:02 北京疫情升級 逾2千萬人行程碼全部帶星 百姓崩潰
05:46 當局呼籲中國人不要國際郵購 廣州要求收過國際郵件就要檢測 網質疑
07:24 網民冷嘲熱諷,中共反腐片《零容忍》評論大翻車
08:17 「最美海歸支教女碩士」,這回徹底栽了
09:49 揭露成都大量違建別墅 中國調查記者被刑拘
11:10 中共網絡監視器忽然遭大量破解?內容全流出 王篤然點評


News & Blogs

2022-01-22 21:24 | Report Abuse

Beijing has different approach for 'Nine-dash line' claim over South China Sea
China Reports - The BL
9.54K subscribers

The Chinese regime may be changing the strategy for the South China Sea as pointed out by the Malaysian Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdulla. He found that Beijing seems to have changed its "nine-dash line" toward another legal basis to support claims for these waters, according to Radio Free Asia.


News & Blogs

2022-01-22 21:22 | Report Abuse




News & Blogs

2022-01-22 21:21 | Report Abuse

The real story of China’s growth number is here

382K subscribers

The Chinese growth rate is down. China itself says that its Gross Domestic Product slowed to 4 percent in the fourth quarter of 2021. But in a country where Presidents fudge their swimming speed records, can we really trust the growth numbers?


News & Blogs

2022-01-22 21:19 | Report Abuse


987K subscribers

China is Hiding something Sinister, and because no one sees it they think that China is amazing and far more advanced than the developed world...


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2022-01-22 21:11 | Report Abuse




而其中的文字類型── 會意字


就是《聖經》的獨一創造主── 耶和華 神!


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News & Blogs

2022-01-22 20:58 | Report Abuse

So Sslee you want to discuss about religion with me ??? Hehehehe

News & Blogs

2022-01-22 20:57 | Report Abuse

Sslee I guessed you don't believed in God. Like communist you anti religion.
You always thought God acted like CPC communists. You must followed what I said. Hahahaha

God is not like CPC. He give you freedom to choice.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2022-01-22 20:16 | Report Abuse

Tobby ya ya you don't believed in God. Fine it is your choice that no one could force you. But please provided case study on your accusations that all religions are a disease! Religions have brought nothing but misery! Cases by case on Buddhism, Hinduism, Christian & others religions ....etc.

If you can't then you are the Biggest Liar of All.

Posted by Tobby > Jan 22, 2022 5:04 PM | Report Abuse 

Posted by uncensored > Jan 22, 2022 3:01 PM | Report Abuse

China’s religion problem: Why the Chinese Communist Party views religious belief as a threat
Why the Chinese Communist Party views religious belief as a threat

Answer : Because religions are a disease! Religions have brought nothing but misery! Giving fake hope! Do you know Vatican church has 2 trillion lock up in their little bank! Do you know Vatican helped Nazi! Yeah, that's why China choose their own priests and disregard Vatican orders!

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2022-01-22 20:06 | Report Abuse

Don't you realised that Buddhism is from India. Marxism is from Germany. Will only Emperor imperial system originated from China.


Maybe that is why Xi so eager to adopt the Imperial system. Hehehe

News & Blogs

2022-01-22 20:03 | Report Abuse

Sslee please explained to me Why leader like Mao banned Confucianism?

News & Blogs

2022-01-22 20:02 | Report Abuse

Sslee don't be that naive la... How many in China believed in Buddhism? Please tell me ok ?

News & Blogs

2022-01-22 19:46 | Report Abuse

He ruled Venezuela by adopting socialism policy.

News & Blogs

2022-01-22 19:44 | Report Abuse

Seriously can't have a decent conversation qqq3333. She keep on murmuring & talking silly things. Aiyo she said Xi is loved on China. But what does she really means. A leader adored by the country citizens will that guaranteed the prosperity that country ? Hahaha so silly of her . Look at Leader Mao who being worshipped as God equivalent in China. How is China economy under Mao managed ?

Venezuela hero Hugo Chávez adored by people of Venezuela. He managed one of richest country in South America to become the poorest in his 14 years of his ruling.

News & Blogs

2022-01-22 16:35 | Report Abuse

Tobby I am dissappointed on you lack of knowledge on economy. I thought your foresight is better that this. It seem that your knowledge in economy are weaker than I thought of you.

Posted by Tobby > Jan 22, 2022 4:05 PM | Report Abuse

Chill Uncensored! Covid is turning endemic thanks to Omicron! Many are dropping mass vaccination seeing South Africa data!
Anyway US failing is becoming obvious! Once Fed hike rate, you see the decline of US! US bourses will lose it's glimmer! Innovations have stalled for sometime!
China will dominate innovations! Eventually, China wins because US has failed!

News & Blogs

2022-01-22 16:29 | Report Abuse

Well unless if they are making love then language no longer a barrier


News & Blogs

2022-01-22 16:27 | Report Abuse

If you can't differentiate the differences between Capitalism, socialism & democracy system then very difficult to communicate with you. Just like talk chinese to a girl who do not understand chinese.


News & Blogs

2022-01-22 16:23 | Report Abuse

democracy is not equal to Capitalism la... please go to study more on this. American is not the father of democracy la,,,