
wakeupcall | Joined since 2015-07-24

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1 month ago | Report Abuse

Can't believe people still fall into their pump & dump trick after all this time. 🤣


2024-06-27 10:29 | Report Abuse

The last time it announced divident was like around RM4.40+/-, look away for a while, it dropped below RM4.10, then look away for a while it now RM4.02... Seemed like a pump and dump tricks...


2024-06-18 14:43 | Report Abuse

After the father gone, left all the spoiled kids manage the company, now market cap drop to 3rd, sooner gonna over take by CIMB and drop to 4th... Hopeless...


2018-11-22 10:55 | Report Abuse

Time to wake up, it's a dead counter...


2018-02-23 10:06 | Report Abuse

Hope you are right then this time... ^^"


2018-02-23 10:01 | Report Abuse

You sure..? It closed above 0.60 just end of Jan and never shoot up to 0.62 even... ^^"

News & Blogs

2017-11-21 23:47 | Report Abuse

It's normal, this happened since our brilliant PM visited the US and our government said invested oversea in order to make better profit back in Sept.

News & Blogs

2017-11-10 12:24 | Report Abuse

That's why our PM brilliant, invested in the US to help strengthen the world number one economy country rather than the shit hole here.


2017-09-13 14:28 | Report Abuse

Like some have predicted, after consolidation it's more spaces to drop further rather than crawling back up...


2017-09-13 09:26 | Report Abuse

Sad case for those who bought at 0.035 and above before consolidation, it means it has to crawl back up to at least 0.14 now just to break even, which may seem possible but 0.15 and above may have to wait for a very very very long time or never...


2017-09-12 10:56 | Report Abuse

Current pricing(0.13-0.135) it's lower than 0.035 before consolidation, also means it needs to take 4 times the effort to crawl back up.


2017-08-25 11:45 | Report Abuse

AGM being going on for nearly 2 hours, share prices still stuck and transaction not much active at all. Gone...


2017-08-22 11:16 | Report Abuse

Everyday there's huge different between the bidding and asking volumes, yet not much transaction done, at this so call "bargain" price even the directors don't seem confident with their own company's shares and buy back... If there's no good news at AGM, confirm drop further.


2017-08-22 10:49 | Report Abuse

Company with yearly dividend shouldn't be too bad, just need time...


2017-08-17 13:02 | Report Abuse

Errr... Now I'm worried indeed... With all due respect if I've given you the impression of worrying you, I'm sorry... Errrrrrrr... Glad to know your mom puts her money in FD too..? Man this really sound awkward... ^^"


2017-08-17 12:24 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... You again, told you it's better to put FD rather than wasting time on this company. Why so forgetful..? Ooops, sorry, think you deleted your own comments to forget on purpose... Hahaha...


2017-08-17 11:28 | Report Abuse

Yes true. That's why they wait till not many asking at 0.03, they withdrew all bidding queue at 0.025 thus prices would slash further to 0.02-0.025... Same trick how it drops from 0.05 till now... Else I could not explain how could the bidding queue so huge while asking queue so little could drop so much..?


2017-08-17 11:16 | Report Abuse

It's already dead. With that low volume, they only need less than RM200k to eat up 0.03 and push it up to 0.035, but don't think they would wanna bother since money in own pocket always better. Instead they queue up and block at 0.025 to force all ikan bilis buy at 0.03.


2017-08-15 11:09 | Report Abuse

The price now is at 0.03, after consolidation the price maybe at around 0.12 or less, for those who bought at 0.04 before consolidation, it means it has to rise up to 0.16 just to break even. It's not even able to catch up 1 cent at around 0.025-0.03 now, don't expect it would rise 4 cents after consolidation...


2017-08-14 11:22 | Report Abuse

Look at the trend of this stock and recent market sentiment, 0.025 obviously is not the lowest price, may likely drop further...


2017-08-01 15:06 | Report Abuse

The stock won't go holland, individuals investors go holland only.


2017-07-31 16:36 | Report Abuse

See... 0.03 and below is sooner than expected...


2017-07-26 11:11 | Report Abuse

Confirm drop below 0.03 and don't think it would shoot up in foreseeable future...


2017-07-18 14:51 | Report Abuse

It's always been realized, been saying that long time ago... If not why you asked and I quoted:"polycarp: So I see. U so smart. What are u going to do about that?" You got knock on the head?!! Hahaha...


2017-07-18 10:49 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... You gotta be kidding me, if I assumed it's gonna be dropping, why would I still spend my money on this..?!! It's better to put it in FD obviously, low return but sure return even for 3 months.


2017-07-18 10:30 | Report Abuse

See... Said it's gonna be 0.03 or below very soon...


2017-07-11 09:37 | Report Abuse

Look at that volume and still not rising, surely will drop further to 0.03 or below...


2017-07-10 11:13 | Report Abuse

Surely and truly will drop to 0.03 or below...


2017-06-29 12:02 | Report Abuse

Seems like going down to 3c or below soon and may take forever to recover... Better put your money to FD, at least there's still 3% earning per year...


2017-06-23 12:33 | Report Abuse

Normally, people talk about long term counters would have bonus/ dividend issue etc once in a while even the share prices go flat... And bosses would spend their capital wisely into expansion thus gaining investors confident.
But this...? It's better to put money in FD if you don't earn in short term.


2017-06-23 11:44 | Report Abuse

It's typical money goes into bosses own pocket first rather than reinvestment into the company...


2017-05-25 09:50 | Report Abuse

See... No more volume, suk enuv, leave all the investors drown. Gone.


2017-05-23 11:37 | Report Abuse

If you look at the volume and the buyings and sellings, it does seem like trying to keep on throwing at particular price and when the time's right, they would leave and most investors would stuck with it for good, either you sell it at lower price and they would than start collecting back or you keep on holding until god knows when would it be rising again.


2017-05-23 11:36 | Report Abuse

With all the announcement and suspension yesterday, even the news came out to promote it today all over the media, the price should rise, even if 1 cents or 1 and a half cents would be normal, unfortunately, this is not the case, with all those big hoohaa it's been making, seems to be trapping more people into buying.


2016-10-26 10:33 | Report Abuse

No different how you calculate, if you have 5k shares, bonus share 2k becomes 7k shares. Share split 7k will be 14k shares. Thus, if you have 5k shares, it's still gonna be 14k shares.


2015-07-31 12:18 | Report Abuse

See... It's a falling rather than rising share, in short term, price range will stay below RM1.35, and you will be lucky if it's not falling back to RM1.


2015-07-30 10:50 | Report Abuse

Situation like this is to hook up more ikan bilis... Again... People yet to fall into it... Again... Never learn... Sigh...


2015-07-29 15:10 | Report Abuse

See... This share is more likely to fall than rise.


2015-07-28 16:43 | Report Abuse

See... They throw some baits to hook up some ikan bilis, once got up and they swallow enough then the price would drop back. If make a bit of profit, run. If making loss, either cut it or prepare to hold for very long time. Price likely to go down further than up in short term


2015-07-28 12:59 | Report Abuse

Trust me, it's time to run, will fall back very soon like last week. It's no rocket science to learn from the trend this few days, THEY do not want it to go up high, it's a trap.


2015-07-28 10:06 | Report Abuse

It's not you wrongly studied the company profile or background, it's not your analytical skill problem. No matter how talented you are, too bad you are no shark...


2015-07-27 10:53 | Report Abuse

Not really sell on panic, purposely sell off to press down the price, the buying queue will disappear once price got down...


2015-07-27 10:52 | Report Abuse

It didn't closed RM1.25 or below last Friday, but it sure will today or maybe worst... It's pretty much dead counter for the coming few months as I read one of the forumers up there said most director's proxies have sold off all their holdings...


2015-07-27 10:36 | Report Abuse

See... Say it would go back down... How is it possible to go up if most big sharks up there pressing the price down..? Unless you're bigger than them...


2015-07-24 15:24 | Report Abuse

If no stronger buyers crawl above RM1.35 level sure will drop sharp later approaching closing...


2015-07-24 14:59 | Report Abuse

Obviously someone not happy to see it crawl above RM1.35, they're sharks up there pressing down the price...


2015-07-24 13:47 | Report Abuse

Gone case... Likely close RM1.25 or lower today.


2015-07-24 11:47 | Report Abuse

It means pure speculating, if the news was true, it should trade like hotcake now, without corporate trading in volume... Second half would likely drop further... It's pretty much a dead counter for time being.


2015-07-24 10:07 | Report Abuse

It's crawling and low volume compare to yesterday and day before, obviously no more support from corporate players, price will shoot down till who knows how low, would only come back up some light years later... Cut loss or prepare to hold for a very very long time...


2015-07-24 09:33 | Report Abuse

News or no news, no big players push up the price, it will sure drop. Cut loss or lose more...