
warchest | Joined since 2015-04-23

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i'm nibbling now because of its value





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2023-02-12 22:00 | Report Abuse

Who is the real person behind Tass Technology? This is highly dubious


2023-02-12 21:59 | Report Abuse

This is hard hit to its credentials, especially to bid new projects in the region. Hence, we need to seek the Board of Directors to seek an explanation on this. IRIS would not left unscathed with this negative development


2023-02-12 21:54 | Report Abuse

Anyway, this development will have negative impact to Iris in the mid term, like it or not. First, on the reputation and its financial position as they have deployed many staff and capex on this. With RM70 million it is too little. Investigation by MACC on both parties is a must


2023-02-12 21:49 | Report Abuse

The right way if is under investigation is to get it investigated and subsequently revoke its contract by immigration. Then to do a re-tender again to other providers


2023-02-12 21:48 | Report Abuse

The stakeholders including shareholders and Bursa need to question on this dubious deal. Is Tass Tech sold to the related parties ?


2023-02-12 21:46 | Report Abuse

NIISE is a game changer for IRIS and the company has been investing time and effort for this for many years to get this contract and now they are selling the stake of 80% for RM70 million? This is a dubious deal as it proposed to sell it for an insignificant amount. Bear in mind beside the cost of developing and implementing of the new immigration system, it has a component of maintenance which is highly lucrative and with recurring income


2023-01-17 13:22 | Report Abuse

Market already lost trust on the management team and its corporate governance. Any good news also has no impact to its share price


2023-01-17 13:19 | Report Abuse

Lousy management team with their actions that were detrimental to the interests of the shareholders. Countless of fund-raising activities, free shares scheme and litigation cases. The only way to go is to eliminate the fats from the Group


2022-12-17 18:14 | Report Abuse

It only means that all the projects, including BTR are loss-making.


2022-12-17 18:12 | Report Abuse

That's why RM900 m excess cash after 6 years of RM2.4 b investment is bad. If they are good, they already turn the RM2.4 b investment to RM3 or even RM4 b excess cash


2022-12-17 18:10 | Report Abuse

But the dividend and the replacement of the management team are the silver linings


2022-12-17 18:09 | Report Abuse

A good investment for investors that invested below 40 cents. Anything above is a bad investment


2022-12-17 18:08 | Report Abuse

Nope, 2.4 b of issued shares. RM900 m of excess cash at later part of 2023 or 37.5 cents with all the projects completed. For IPO shareholders that invested RM2.4b in 2017 vs RM900m excess cash in 2023, that's negative return of their investments


2022-12-16 19:55 | Report Abuse

There should be a change to its management in the UK's operations to improve its lackluster performance? There is no point of getting any awards and accreditations when the Group can't be profitable


2022-12-08 19:12 | Report Abuse

And priority is to pay dividends to the shareholders. If they cannot expand the business, it's better to return back the capital to the shareholders


2022-12-08 10:58 | Report Abuse

Seriously, they need to change the management for the betterment of the Group


2022-12-01 07:18 | Report Abuse

You can see the bigger earnings coming for the future periods


2022-12-01 07:18 | Report Abuse

Now is accumulation stage till 20 cents. Min TP is 30


2022-11-12 16:28 | Report Abuse

Preparing for 20 cents level


2022-11-10 21:41 | Report Abuse

Management changes are imminent to restore it's credibility


2022-11-09 20:35 | Report Abuse

Better delist and repay the money back to the shareholders


2022-11-09 20:34 | Report Abuse

1 day show. Useless


2022-11-05 21:38 | Report Abuse

Only silver lining is the cash distribution. They can distribute up to 80 cents if they do not need to plough it back to their existing projects


2022-11-05 21:37 | Report Abuse

Management is incompetent? That's is a fact. Management not able to earn profits from outright sales and BtR projects? Figures tell you everything. Management change is imminent? No choice but to change if they want to turnaround


2022-10-02 08:04 | Report Abuse

Recent development, RM0.30 is a conservative scenario. Blue sky scenario can be like Penta


2022-10-02 08:03 | Report Abuse

Congrats Chuah as the new MD. Penta 2.0 in the making. Previously they relied on Dyson during with as much as 70% contribution to sales. In 2021, only 42%. It means now they have broader base of customers. If they can continue to expand and get another major customer, then is gonna break new high


2022-09-29 12:12 | Report Abuse

Is a good value at current price. But is a very depressive investment for IPO investors that pouring billions but getting negative returns. All end in vain due to inability of the management team to understand on its business model, core competencies and landscapes. More developed the country is, more regulations, compliance and cost of doing business. That's why EWINT is in distress mode


2022-09-29 12:08 | Report Abuse

Somehow the UK and Australia markets no longer lucrative for the Group. The projects are nice but somehow they haven't learned to make profits from these projects and the issues spiralling down. Do less, be lean is the way to go till they have found the right business model to make money for its shareholders


2022-09-29 12:05 | Report Abuse

No choice, if cannot expand the business than need to be prudence especially on the spending and staff costs. That's why they need to spend less, focused to repay borrowings and repay the shareholders. Is better for them to do less than more. You can see that RM2.4b invested now probably can get RM2b back. It is I'm negative returns more than 5 years since IPO


2022-09-27 17:09 | Report Abuse

Its share price now at 27.5 cents, pathetic with more than 2/3 drop in value compared to its IPO.


2022-09-27 17:07 | Report Abuse

Just that is underperforming Group with incompetent management team. Its share price performance is a good bellwether to know whether they do well or not. They should be leaned and reduce excessive fat from high salaries, bonuses, benefits and perks to the CEO and management team in the corporate and the UK


2022-09-27 12:49 | Report Abuse

Which should work out around RM1.9b, but that is before the recent tumble of UK pound


2022-09-22 20:08 | Report Abuse

Is a turnaround counter in a sunrise theme. Given right time and big rebound in market sentiments, expect it to go multibagger


2022-09-22 20:07 | Report Abuse

Building base at RM0.16. uptrend setup with good volume. Once is breached, in no time RM0.20


2022-09-22 16:05 | Report Abuse

The CEO of UK subsidiary is too young and incapable. The Group President more of finance guy and lacking of business acumen. We need good resource allocator that knows how to putting the resources into right projects


2022-09-22 15:34 | Report Abuse

Every dog has its day. But so far not EWINT since it's venture into the UK and AU. Results since IPO were horrible. Don't count on the management team to expand its business but instead hope bigger chunk of dividends instead. It need to be restructured and pivot it's business model from now


2022-09-22 09:56 | Report Abuse

Not buying hope. Buy based on facts, numbers and turnaround of financials and business model


2022-09-22 09:45 | Report Abuse

The light at the end of tunnel is to get the repatriation of funds which envisaged to be RM0.80. Hopefully more than 3/4 would be distributed


2022-09-22 07:59 | Report Abuse

You can just exercise your rights as a shareholder. Raise your questions via AGM or to their investors relations. Just throw a small bomb to them to pressure them.

Any questions and concerns about its business, financials and even issues, please address to its Investor Relations at ewi@ecoworldinternational.com


2022-09-21 18:23 | Report Abuse

No point monitoring this unless u want to be a punter. Just wait till elevates to RM0.30 first


2022-09-21 18:19 | Report Abuse

They need to be engaging. We need to be engaged on the good news but bad news. So far the engagement is disappointing


2022-09-21 18:18 | Report Abuse

For president and CEO and management team, I believe is their intentions to create value for the shareholders. However, so far they're lacking of the skills and experience to ride on the trends and navigate it from the crises. 5 years plus already enough to judge it. If not because of their partners they could not get the developments completed. Should just change the management and get the more competence management team


2022-09-19 20:00 | Report Abuse

Actually I believe the shareholders are mainly institutional, private companies, high net-worth individuals, management of Ecoworld and Guocoland


2022-09-16 09:37 | Report Abuse

It was hinted that they exploring few proposals including alliances/collaborations that going to be a turning point to them


2022-09-16 09:35 | Report Abuse

Same as Aimflex. Aimflex is too concentrated on single customer in a single sector, electric appliances, Dyson. If they successfully breakout of this and venture into automotive and semiconductor, is gonna become Aimflex's inflection point


2022-09-16 09:34 | Report Abuse

16 cents is the base, its IPO price. Penta was having crisis before the appointment of Chuah as the CEO, similiar to Aimflex i.e. working capital constraints, inability to secure broad range of major customers. Their inflection point was when they secured 2 majors customers in Singapore and the rest is history


2022-09-16 07:38 | Report Abuse

Market no longer reacting to its sales targets and sales + reserves secured. RM2b, RM2.2b as these do not necessarily translate into profitability. Something that management need to focus is not only be a strong resources allocator but finding ways to expand its margins


2022-09-16 07:35 | Report Abuse

As the Company is entering into 2nd phase and replenishment of its landbank, it would be better that the Company restrategise its business. Of course they have track record but now they need to figure on how to make money for the shareholders as RM2.4b of equity has been invested since 2017


2022-09-16 07:30 | Report Abuse

Like what I calculated net net cash should be 80 cents once the JV entities repaid the amounts owing. 50% distribution and remaining for landbank acquisition, we can still expect a dividends of 40 cents, well above the current share price and we still own the company. Actually payment of dividends is bad for growth companies as less money invested to compound growth. But so far not in the case of EWINT. So far landbank mostly exhausted as most of the projects at tail-end. However, the issue is with this company is whether is outright sales or BTR project, its projects only have thin margins after taking into account holding costs and extra incentives. It cause doubt either the industry itself is too competitive for the management to handle or they are having issue in cost control. That's why the silver lining now for redistribution of dividends and why is taking 1-2 years as the pound now is weakening badly against RM, so is not a wise decision


2022-09-15 18:08 | Report Abuse

As they stucked at RM1.20