
wayneforwin | Joined since 2020-11-23 19:23:55

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2022-02-21 12:22 | Report Abuse

Kanger gonna fly more, Ready for the game


2021-12-22 11:09 | Report Abuse

Go big or go home. Why not


2021-12-21 10:48 | Report Abuse


How to gain big in the stock market?

When it comes to the stock market, we all have a uniformed objective, and that is to profit in the stock market. In the modern days however, some methods of investing had become obsolete we may need new strategies to outperform the market.

Does technical analysis still work? Yes, but only to selected few. Don’t forget you are trading against highly automated AIs in the stock market. Unlike us, they have an extremely low likelihood to make fat finger mistakes.

Thus to end big in the stock market, I quote George Soros’s

“Markets are constantly in a state of uncertainty and flux, and money is made by discounting the obvious and betting on the unexpected.”

We can no longer rely on conventional methods to profit in the stock market, that is if you want extraordinary or big gains in the stock market.

Here’s an example.

The above chart shows the price movement of Kanger International Berhad. By now, most investors had already been shaken out of holdings the shares of the company.

What if, this is exactly what the owners want?

If you exited on panic terms, then you are missing out big on this stock.

Looking back on September this year, the daughter for the founder of property giant Aset Kayamas had acquired close to 10% of KANGER’s shares. And she is still holding to date.

Aset Kayamas had always planned to go for listing, and given that the price is depressed now, are they collecting the shares in open market?

Why did the existing owners did not “help” the share price?

Is it possible for them to do backdoor listing by getting cheap shares now?

By the time these questions are answered, the share price either tanked or rocketed. With current price for the company, you can easily trade for a triple-quadruple return.

I rest my case.


2021-12-06 10:33 | Report Abuse

Another good day to catch red color stock


2021-11-16 10:30 | Report Abuse




换句话说,若一家拥有 1 亿股已发行流通股的公司进行 5:1 的股份合并, 股票合并后将造成 2000 万股已发行流通股。


不幸的是,股价低的公司通常给投资者一个不好的印象——除了拥有高数量的流通股之外,该公司并没有做错任何事。 有些公司有着优秀的复兴计划,但由于股价偏低,这造成了恶性循环,进一步惩罚了股东们。


KANGER INTERNATIONAL BERHAD (康尔国际控股有限公司) 就是一个很好的例子。 这是该公司目前的状况照。

截至2021年11月9日,即本公告的最后实际可行日 (LPD) ,康尔已发行的股本约为4亿6394万令吉,包含了 5,979,312,213 股股份。截至LPD,本公司并无持有任何库存股。 此外,截至 LPD,本公司拥有以下可转换证券:-

(i) 本公司 65,805,967 份未行使的股票发行计划(SIS 期权)。 每份未行使的 SIS 将赋予其持有人,以 0.05409 令吉的行使价认购 1 股新康尔股份; 以及

(ii) 1,699,511,579 份本公司 2021/2026 年凭单(“凭单 B”)。 凭单 B 由日期为 2021 年 8 月 16 日的投票表决契约(“投票契约 B”)构成,每份认股权证 B 有权在截至 2026 年 9 月 22 日的 5 年行使期内以每一份凭单,以 RM0.05 的行使价认购 1 股新股份。

若股票整合完成后,以最低情景下的 597,931,221 股合并股份之下, KANGER 的已发行股本将约为 4.6394 亿令吉。 而在最大情景下, KANGER 的合并股份约为 774,462,795 股, 发行股本为 5.5247 亿令吉。

简单来说,此次整合后 KANGER 最多将持有7.744亿股,股价将上涨10倍。

我想借此机会提醒投资者,KANGER在云顶购买了上大量的房产(现在应该会有很大的资本收益,并收购了Aset Kayamas 51%的股份,该公司目前已被市场严重低估了。 股票合并不是每天都能发生的事情,但你必须抓住这个机会以从中套利。



2021-10-28 15:06 | Report Abuse

But honestly, market recently not so good, I think slowly collect will be better. Monitor first. Later goreng goreng, 20cent profit again XD big return from kanger again.


2021-10-28 15:04 | Report Abuse

Guess not so fast, as that side state Nov.

Kanger had quiet for sometime, Guess others than focus on their construction project with kayamas,

Now the next big thing is coming, prepare the next bullet !


2021-10-25 10:56 | Report Abuse

Jika kita berfikir secara rasional, KANGER telah melakukan perkara-perkara berikut:

-Pembelian aset dari Aset Kayamas.

- Projek pembinaan yang bernilai RM1 bilion (mungkin dari Aset Kayamas).

- Pembelian 51% saham Sung Master, yang membekalkan bahan binaan kepada Aset Kayamas.

-Kemunculan pemegang saham utama baru yang dijangka PAC Aset Kayamas.

Sekiranya pengambilalihan terbalik telah ditentukan, Aset Kayamas, yang telibat dalam projek pembangunan hartanah, merangkumi rumah pangsapuri mewah dan projek harta tanah lain, seperti Axon, The Hipster, The Hermington, dll. Dengan pengalaman Aset Kayamas selama bertahun-tahun dalam pembangunan harta tanah, pengambilalihan terbalik ini akan mengubah KANGER selamanya.

Harga semasa KANGER 6 sen sesaham adalah sama dengan harga terbitan hak, dan tahap harga kemasukan semasa adalah sama dengan PAC Aset Kayamas. Sebenarnya, risiko kerugian sangat rendah. Saya percaya bahawa sebelum pengambilalihan terbalik ditentukan, nilai KANGER adalah lebih daripada dua kali ganda harga saham semasa.

Sekiranya berlaku pengambilalihan terbalik, terlambatlah untuk kita melabur Kanger.


2021-10-25 10:55 | Report Abuse


Pengeluar lantai buluh dan pembekal vaksin telah mengalami perubahan radikal dalam asasnya, namun pasaran menetapkan harga dari sudut pandangan KANGER yang lama. Walau bagaimanapun, sekarang ialah masanya untuk pelabur melabur KANGER dengan penglibatan baru mereka dalam segmen hartanah dan pembinaan.

Pemulihan Sektor Pelancongan di Genting

Saya percaya ramai pelabur telah menonton video tempat kegemaran Uncle Lim di Genting, selepas Genting dibuka kita mungkin menentukan bahawa penerima manfaat utama ialah GENM (KLSE: 4715) dan GENTING (KLSE: 3182 ). Tetapi pada sudut pandang yang lebih rasional, kedua-dua syarikat telah melihat kenaikan harga saham yang cukup besar sejak program vaksinasi dan pengurangan jumlah kes COVID-19.

Dalam kata lain, ganjaran pelaburan untuk GENM dan GENTING telah menjadi lebih rendah.

Pemaju hartanah yang mempunyai projek di Genting boleh dimanfaat dari pemulihan sektor pelancongan, seperti syarikat TROP (KLSE: 5401) dan NCT (KLSE: 0056).

Tetapi di antara semua syarikat yang disebut, KANGER ialah syarikat yang paling dinilai rendah dari semua syarikat tersebut.

Pada Februari 2021, KANGER telah menandatangani SPA dengan Aset Kayamas Sdn Bhd, sebuah syarikat yang mempunyai potensi pengambilalihan terbalik (RTO), dan memperolehi 126 pangsapuri servis di Antara @ Genting Highlands, dengan harga RM 142.87 juta.

Statistik telah menunjukan bahawa aliran penumpang di Genting telah meningkat. GENM juga melabur US $ 800 juta GENM di Genting Sky World yang akan dilancar, harga hartanah di kawasan Genting akan dijangka meningkat dengan kenaikan aliran penumpang dan pendapatan sektor pelancongan.

Melalui perkongsian strategik dengan Aset Kayamas, Kanger boleh menyewakan 126 unit sementara menunggu keuntungan modal dari pelaburan tersebut. Pelaburan ini akan membawa pendapatan yang lebih stabil kepada Kanger, dan menperoleh keuntungan dengan cara operasi, pengurusan, dan keuntungan besar melalui pelupusan aset.

Pemulihan sektor pembinaan

Pada bulan Oktober, wang yang berjumlah besar telah dilabur ke dalam sektor pembinaan kerana pasaran beryakin pada sektor pembinaan akan mendapat keuntungan besar dengan pembukaan pasaran dan ekonomi. Pelan Pemulihan Negara dan Bajet 2022 yang akan datang juga mungkin memberi kesan positif kepada sektor pembinaan.

KANGER sedang memohon lesen kontraktor gred tertinggi dari CIDB , G7, untuk melaksanakan projek pembinaannya yang bernilai sekitar RM1 bilion. Angappan tentang projek tersebut akan berlangsung selama 3 tahun, KANGER akan menerima 333.3 juta ringgit pada setiap tahun, pendapatan ini merupakan 20 kali ganda berbanding dari prestasi normal pada suku pertama tahun 2022.

KANGER juga membeli 51 peratus saham pembekal bahan binaan, Sung Master Holdings Sdn Bhd pada harga RM 94.8 juta.

Master terlibat dalam pembekalan bahan binaan dan dijangka keuntungan operasi bersih bernilai 20 juta ringgit pada tahun 2021.

Saya telah menjalan pemeriksaan CTOS untuk Sung Master (disebabkan alasan yang jelas, saya tidak dapat berkongsi laporan ini dengan pembaca-pembaca) dan menyedari bahawa salah satu pelanggan utama Sung Master ialah Aset Kayamas. Sekiranya anda mengaitkan perbelian aset di Genting, kebarangkalian tinggi KANGER akan menerima projek pembinaan dari Aset Kayamas, dan membekalkan bahan binaan kepada Aset Kayamas, ini akan mewujudkan perkongsian strategik antara kedua-dua pihak tersebut.

Potensi pengambilalihan terbalik

Pada 4 Oktober, kemunculan pemegang saham utama baru, Cik Cai Wen yun, yang memegang sekitar 9.3% saham KANGER setelah terbitan hak. Setelah melakukan pemeriksaan latar belakang untuk Cik Cai Wen Yun, saya menyedari bahawa dia sebenarnya adalah anak perempuan kepada pengasas Aset Kayamas.

Terlampir di sini adalah tangkapan skrin mengenai kemunculan pemegang saham utama baru.


2021-10-12 17:25 | Report Abuse

wow... just saw this news.... goreng up up up.....
anyhow Kaya mas will make every kaya. I trusted that the RTO is a good sign and strengthen up Kanger share price


2021-10-01 10:37 | Report Abuse



In KANGER’s recent announcement, the company had struck a deal with China Energy Construction Co Ltd to dispose two parcels of land with commercial buildings located in Ganzhou City for approximately RMB400.0 million or RM258.9 million in ringgit terms.

How would this change KANGER as a whole?

Due to challenge outlook of the sector KANGER previously was in, the company suffered losses on the bamboo business which was in tandem with the industry as a whole. Fortunately, the active turnaround plan for the company to venture into construction might result in – well, as the title of the article suggests, a quantum leap in earnings.

The disposal of the fixed assets will result in one-off earnings for the group, which will be significant but what was more impressive was the cash flow generated from the sale of asset.

For those who do not know, the company had ventured into the construction company, in which they had secured an order book value of RM1.0 billion on 7 different construction projects. They had also bulk-purchased properties from the well-reputed developer Aset Kayamas.

Interestingly, the purchase of assets from Aset Kayamas could establish a good relationship with the developer and given that KANGER is now in the construction business, they could potentially secure business from Aset Kayamas. But there is more to that.

A ground check with employees in Sung Master actually returned that Sung Master top 3 customer consists of the name of Aset Kayamas, so if we link everything up – property acquisition, potential construction projects and supply of building material, does this sound like a synergetic trio-relationship?

I believe so.

Heck, there might even be a chance for Aset Kayamas to takeover KANGER by injecting more assets into the company. Bear in mind that KANGER is only trading at RM299.0 million market capitalization and any big asset injection could easily result in a takeover. A great case study would be with the company NCT ALLIANCE BERHAD (KLSE: 0056).

Nevertheless, it was almost certain for KANGER to return to black in the next few quarters and I believe with NTA doubling the share price, this stock is a valuable gem for those who believe in recovery in inbound travel and construction sector, as the properties “injected” from Aset Kayamas are located in Genting Highland and since 16th August, construction work had mostly resumed, hence KANGER new construction segment could finally perform.

Based on the latest quarterly report of the company, KANGER is trading at a discounted Price-to-book value of 0.48 times, which we could say that the company is deep in value.

However, we also understand the fluctuation nature of the share price, so only strong holders are recommended to buy at the current discounted level.



2021-09-23 12:28 | Report Abuse

Like hantamking said, Education is a must


2021-09-23 12:28 | Report Abuse

Additional with market sentiment, laosai aldi... but no worries
Fa good ! Will surely come back !


2021-09-03 10:49 | Report Abuse

Looking good , it seems that going to goreng soon ?


2021-09-03 10:37 | Report Abuse

Slowly growth. Nice...


2021-09-03 10:32 | Report Abuse

Current support level looks good.


2021-09-03 10:14 | Report Abuse

Potential tech stock for long run


2021-09-01 20:06 | Report Abuse

kanger ini kalilah !!!


2021-09-01 19:26 | Report Abuse

Time to collect !!!!


2021-09-01 17:59 | Report Abuse

Guess kanger will going better after the business involve after the mask。 Very good example of iconic


2021-07-27 14:26 | Report Abuse

5more min to see the buy q....


2021-07-19 14:40 | Report Abuse

Heard that some internal people mentioning that KANGER previously build connection in Sabah and Sarawak and now they will working together with DUOPHARMA to distribute sinopharm to supply for Malaysia


2021-07-19 14:37 | Report Abuse

Heard that some internal people mentioning that KANGER previously build connection in Sabah and Sarawak and now they will working together with DUOPHAMA to distribute sinopharm to supply for Malaysia


2021-07-19 14:37 | Report Abuse

Heard that some internal people mentioning that KANGER previously build connection in Sabah and Sarawak and now they will working together with DUOPHAMA to distribute sinopharm to supply for Malaysia


2021-05-18 14:54 | Report Abuse

Covid case seems getting worst now, Confirm next wave going to play Vaccine, Solution, HWGB and Kanger all in.Kanger seems more high chance in shae price rebounds and HWGB more stable.


2021-05-18 14:50 | Report Abuse

Heavy drop, seems like there are having a chance to rebound soon. Bintai getting weak, Move to kanger. I can see vaccine wave is coming, next will logistic again, Just like last time. Kanger venture to East Malaysia. Population game winner.


2021-04-02 16:58 | Report Abuse

lol, the above is crazy people, look at his comment like everywhere spamming. Probably a hired spammer. numberone spammer. lol


2021-02-18 15:06 | Report Abuse

Global Glove Demand For Gloves Increases --> Attractive Margin For Glove Manufacturers --> Increased Capacity For Glove Manufacturers --> Demand More Carton Box Packaging (Beneficial to DNONCE) --> Carton Box Is A Must In Glove Manufacturing, Not Hindered By ASP Fluctuation

Well said by this article, gogo DNONCE


2021-02-08 12:57 | Report Abuse

journey toward greatness - DNONCE 2021