
winbigbursa | Joined since 2018-05-09

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2019-07-10 11:58 | Report Abuse

chase high give the gambler the adrenaline high...v thrilling & exciting one...


2019-07-10 11:55 | Report Abuse

Bursalord888 Pity of ekovest fans...
Still no chance for me to chase high.
10/07/2019 11:52 AM

U always chase high ? no wonder lah...


2019-07-10 11:45 | Report Abuse

Kingston1 Those who havent buy in econpile may buy now. Econpile confirm more to come !! Sorry to those hardcore fan of ekovest.. Ekovest will continue sink sink sink .. Econpile up up up .. Hahahaa
10/07/2019 10:57 AM

KIngston1, your Econpile coming down fast, better run....
already heavily overbought....

u have a funny way to choose stocks,

prefer to bet on the small subcon, n not the TAIKO, big boss contractor...hahaha

how big can Econpile grow ???

Ekovest already touch rm1 this yr, can Econpile ever reach 90 sen ??

no wonder have to keep shouting for support....


2019-07-10 11:25 | Report Abuse

try to shout louder,scream,doomsday coming blah,blah,blah (good for destress) ,
see if can push it down to 79.5, i m still waiting there,..thks !


2019-07-10 10:08 | Report Abuse

Keep calm, let the 162m shares from T2 clear n everything will be fine,...its just a small loss from recent high , cannot sit still, how to make big money, haiya...


2019-07-09 10:40 | Report Abuse

Good move jay_cwk88, the xpiry date is v close,Aug will be a gamble..

can always switch C57 with longer expry date, when see opportunity of good price during bad market few days back


2019-07-09 06:45 | Report Abuse

Based on yesterday pattern, should hold n rebound, imo


2019-07-09 06:44 | Report Abuse

80.5 sen is the 50 day EMA, that must hold, according to technical analysts.if broken n no rebound aftr 2 days, cut loss is a must


2019-07-08 21:42 | Report Abuse

yes, that's why its good to lighten up n sell into strength if Tenaga cross rm14 tmrw.
we r going into Aug/Sep, traditionally v volatile mths ahead
There is US Fed meeting on July 30-31, where intention on Us interest rate cut will be made.
Can expect US market to react -vely, if its not to the market's liking, imo


2019-07-08 21:18 | Report Abuse

its a good plan...


2019-07-08 21:17 | Report Abuse

Trouble Huat tmr will have short correction, buy on correction and sell after cross RM14

thks for info..


2019-07-08 19:13 | Report Abuse

NESARAJAH1 Ha ha ha. I dont heed the comments. Many times wrong judgement. Made a handsome profit and sold at 13.80
08/07/2019 3:08 PM

NESARAJAH1 Congrats !

agree, follow own judgement is best, as only we know our own risk tolerance n preference..


2019-07-08 16:22 | Report Abuse

Maybe sell on rumours, today, buy on news tomorrow ...


2019-07-08 15:51 | Report Abuse

put in at buy q, to get better price, as now correction mode, n hope for good luck


2019-07-08 15:50 | Report Abuse

at own risk...


2019-07-08 15:48 | Report Abuse

Scavenger23 just no balls to buy CW since get burned before
08/07/2019 3:27 PM

i think Tenaga cw may be easier to play, maybe buy a small amt just for the trading experience..
now shd be relatively cheap, c51, c57 , shd sell if mother share is droping fast n buy back at lows


2019-07-08 15:44 | Report Abuse

solid ...i bought C57 @.8cts..sold half @ .165cts :)
08/07/2019 3:36 PM

wow ! Congrats !


2019-07-08 15:25 | Report Abuse

solid Did anyone buy last week? :)
08/07/2019 1:37 PM

solid, u bought too ?


2019-07-08 15:20 | Report Abuse

jay_cwk88 Me buy C51 20k lots
08/07/2019 2:17 PM

Congrats to jay_cwk88 !! yes rm14 again...


2019-07-08 11:13 | Report Abuse

keyman188...bring supper too...


2019-07-08 10:42 | Report Abuse

0.805 bgt too , hihihi


2019-07-08 09:16 | Report Abuse

bcause there is a big jaga at 13.50 (20 day ema) there...


2019-07-08 09:14 | Report Abuse

keyman188 ,.. bring your lunch n dinner pack ready, its goin to be a long wait at 13.20..


2019-07-07 21:29 | Report Abuse

This piece of good news should propel POS towards the rm2 and beyond soon..imo


2019-07-07 21:12 | Report Abuse

Hafid Tenaga hope down to 12.00

was 12.00 your previous buy level ? what price you sold ?


2019-07-07 13:30 | Report Abuse

Tenaga should be traded at a premium over time, for its safe haven status, in the face of growing global headwinds. Big funds will flock here as what happen to the consumer blue chips like Nestle, ajinomoto ( all overvalued now).
Good time to buy esp on further temp. weakness below 13.50


2019-07-06 11:24 | Report Abuse

No need to pening kepala , know who we are, n be like the pelanduk. Alway be ready to RUN, when see danger break out, come back in when things back to normal. N dont put all the eggs in one basket, hahaha


2019-07-05 22:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by Keyman188 > Jul 5, 2019 10:22 PM | Report Abuse

Market sudah Holland lor...

You see DJIA already u-turn to south after job report announced better than expected

hahaha.. you sold at rm13 n waiting to buy back at below 12 ah ??

dont worry on DJIA, bully Donald Trump will jaga lah....

Tenaga strong support is rm13.50 tested,

should rebounded next week, just normal profit taking, up 25%, down 3.8% lah...


2019-07-05 22:05 | Report Abuse

In May, Malaysia's central bank became the first in Southeast Asia to cut interest rates this year as it moved to bolster its economy on concerns about slowing global growth and the impact from the Sino-U.S. trade war.

- the cut in interest rate (May) was not to bring down the banks shares lah,
- it is to give a boost to the country's economic / business environment which was slowing down due to bully Donald Trump triggered US-China trade war
- whole world is suffering, not only Msia, so will be reflected in Bursa small companies loh


2019-07-05 21:53 | Report Abuse

Tenaga has rebounded from the lows of rm11.24 on 28/5, n broke the rm14 level on June 25.

already up 24.5% within a short space of less than 1 mth

Most of the IB's TP already achieved, what is the next likey move , up or down ??

It is own personal greed for more profit that cause one to be caught in stock market.

Blame this, blame that, but not blame one'self is a Loser mentality,

Winners always take personal responsibility and learn from expensive mistakes, to do better next time.

Dont gamble big in stock market, will sleep better at night, hihihi


2019-07-05 21:38 | Report Abuse

Govts in every country in the world , is not responsible for the DAILY ups n downs of stock market (except for US now..hahaha) .

But the Govt policies will have a direct bearing on the MEDIUM n LONG term impact on the country's stock market.

It has alway been, buy n sell in the stock market, at ONE"S OWN RISKS...

There is NO FREE MEAL in the stock market for the unprepared, BE WARNED ye...


2019-07-05 21:30 | Report Abuse

more competition is not a threat to Tenaga, as it encourages business to cut away the fat n force mgmt to operate at higher level of efficiency, to achieve the same/higher amt of profits to thrive


2019-07-05 21:27 | Report Abuse

RainT Under PH don't expect good news for TENAGA

Be prepare for more bad news underway for TENAGA
05/07/2019 7:06 PM

Would a 'NOT WHO YOU KNOW BUT WHAT YOU KNOW' business culture where less grease palm is practiced n corrupt culture not tolerated be good news for business under PH ?

Would there be savings in cost of business , if a corruption free culture is the norm ?

a scenario that was impossible under the previous BN regime ?
It is works in progress, Rome was not bulit in a day lah...


2019-07-05 13:57 | Report Abuse

terbangun dari impian manis yah.....


2019-07-05 13:56 | Report Abuse

the RSI (14 days) indicator is a v accurate signal to give warning of impending correction by the big boys. It was over 80 for past few days already, now down to 45.9, according to I3 technical chart


2019-07-05 13:51 | Report Abuse

could be just an overdue profit taking correction, as long as 20 days Moving Average not broken,
20 days EMA is @ 13.488 level..

if violated, cut loss, after 2-3 days if no rebound


2019-07-05 11:27 | Report Abuse

this 'news' has been around for some time, just a convenient excuse to bring out now, hihihi


2019-07-05 11:26 | Report Abuse

siaoliao Uturn PH start pusing
05/07/2019 11:16 AM


no lah , its just the big boys try to outsmart one another,

do u experience all bright shiny days without any thunderstorms in life ?
yes, in your dreams, right ?


2019-07-05 10:34 | Report Abuse

need not panic, wait 2-3 days for the confirmation n act accordingly..


2019-07-05 10:33 | Report Abuse

rm14 need to be tested for solid reassurance before it can go up further,..should hold n rebound or else...


2019-07-05 10:30 | Report Abuse

in life as in stocks, one make one own's misery or joy,....


2019-07-05 10:29 | Report Abuse

No more limit up,
just steady up,up,up n away ....


2019-07-04 07:05 | Report Abuse

the IB n smaller funds could b looking to take profits since their tp achieved, so the big brother , Khazanah etc cant b too generous n showy since foreign funds are not making in big here, yet, imo


2019-07-03 18:25 | Report Abuse

Foreign fund buying pushes Bursa Malaysia higher

Maybank IB Research , end-2019 KLCI target of 1,680

Kenanga Research, in a strategy report, believed the recent rally still has legs to continue.
Kenanga Research expects the benchmark index to hit 1,745 points by end-2019.

AmInvestment has a year end target of 1,820 points for the FBM KLCI.


2019-07-03 16:32 | Report Abuse

10218296660755375 Finally break 14 and hold steady there.

just a short pause, above rm14, which is strong support now, can go further at least 14.60-15 is achievable by mid-July , imo


2019-07-03 15:54 | Report Abuse

even the buy q amt 500 lots each n sell q amt 800 lots are identical,
lazy operator,..hahaha


2019-07-03 15:42 | Report Abuse

Something is fishy in cw C56 (27 sen) , pls be careful ..operator is active here..

see the consistent transaction av 500 lots at regular interval to generate interest ?
it has the highest volume among all the CW today,

why would one be keen on this CW, when premium is at the high of 5.09%, ex price 12.70 maturity 29/11/19, conversion ratio 8 for 1 ?

which means break even only when mother is at 14.86
just my take ,...


2019-07-02 22:51 | Report Abuse

scptz cw51 price 12.6 ex date 2020 jan... if next few months coal price rise, or rp2 this year end revised... tenga can survive or not still is a question.... thatz why call warrant is high risk high return stuff..
can play... but not all in.. make sure those money u are ready to burn and if burnt it will not kill ur financial..
26/06/2019 2:34 PM

typo error, cw57

thks for v good reminder on not putting all in into cw as it is double edged sword, ie potential high return if Tenaga keep going up, but also potential big losses if Tenaga reverse gear, due to unforseen market risk etc.

another point is the whether the CW is liquid enough for one to get out when we need to sell. Should check the daily volume and average transaction size of the cw.
also v important is expiry date, as cw v close to expiry date may face issues with liquidity...


2019-07-02 19:13 | Report Abuse

i believe there are many 'veterans' holders of Tenaga here, from the lows of 11.20's n even earlier.
Thks to all, for your accurate assessment of the price action today.
Hope, can benefit more from your experienced views going forward !


2019-07-02 16:51 | Report Abuse

Wow ! can expect more to come tmrw, Good Show Tenaga !!