
xiaochen | Joined since 2018-09-03

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2022-11-16 09:28 | Report Abuse

Above news quote from IMF press release, 15/11/2022, through the following title: IMF Staff Reach Staff-Level Agreement with Jordan on the Fifth Review Under the Extended Fund Facility


2022-11-16 09:26 | Report Abuse

With the oil shale power purchasing agreement (PPA) coming on stream, NEPCO’s financial balance will come under further stress next year (2023).


2022-09-12 08:31 | Report Abuse


The Yes Wireless Fibre Plan offers unlimited 5G data for RM148/month on a 24-month contract. Although Yes 5G is capable of providing download speeds exceeding 1Gbps for its mobile plans, the wireless broadband offering appears to be speed-capped at 120Mbps on a best-effort basis. If you need to use the plan outside Digital Nasional Berhad’s 5G coverage, there’s also 150GB of 4G LTE data. Also bundled is a 5G router worth RM1,199 that’s capable of connecting up to 32 devices over WiFi.

If you also need connectivity on the go, Yes also has a bundle plan where you can get 120Mbps home wireless broadband plus two additional mobile lines for RM229/month on a 24-month contract. The two supplementary lines are basically Yes Infinite Basic which offers unlimited 4G and 5G data, unlimited domestic calls and 10GB of hotspot quota.


2022-09-10 08:56 | Report Abuse

For me, this brand new plan quite attractive, and im excited especially with its BUNDLE plan.

Good move for YES. Hope this BUNDLE plan can attract both consumer from unifi and also other telco.


2022-08-26 15:57 | Report Abuse



2022-08-26 15:52 | Report Abuse

Our GG debt projections assume that the National Electric Power Company (NEPCO) will incur on average about 0.5% of GDP a year in new guaranteed debt in 2022-2024 to cover its operating deficit, assuming partial impact from the coming on-stream of an expensive new oil shale power purchase agreement.



2022-06-09 08:09 | Report Abuse

I totally have no idea what is Casa Systems, although i had read this article.


2022-06-09 08:05 | Report Abuse

Casa Systems powers YTL Communications 5G network with cloud-native 5G Core

Powered by Casa Systems’ cloud-native 5G Core, YTL Communications can create new 5G services for enterprise and consumer customers and deliver an enhanced user experience with superior speeds and performance. Casa’s cloud-native 5G Core solution provides a full set of network functions including subscriber data management supplied by Summa Networks.

Wing K. Lee, Chief Executive Officer at YTL Communications said: “As the pioneer of 5G in Malaysia, YTL Communications is committed to delivering the best 5G experience to all Malaysians. Casa Systems represents a new breed of 5G technology innovators with cloud-native software solutions that transform networks to be more flexible and scalable. This advanced architecture allows us to evolve at Internet speed to meet the rapidly changing needs of our customers today and tomorrow.”


2022-06-08 11:10 | Report Abuse

Hopefully the acquisition could improve the coming QR performance.


2022-06-08 09:25 | Report Abuse


If you want to know further, you may study this statistics.

The total electricity generation capacity decreased from 12,563.6 MW in 2019 to 12,021.1 MW in 2020 largely due to the retirement of generation units that had reached their “end-of-lifespan”.

If the light yellow Tuaspring refer the YTLP's Tuassping, seems like, this power plant still keep functioning.


2022-06-08 08:57 | Report Abuse

For me, i don't really care about whether OPERATOR is disposing or acquiring, i’m really care about the 2 sens dividend which will pocket in at the end of June.

This meant a lot for me, especially during this high inflation period, most of the goods price keep increasing.


2022-06-08 08:48 | Report Abuse

Power seraya got some power plant which is very old type, efficiency is very low and very not environmental friendly. This power plant should be REPLACED. I don’t have the figure how much MW power plant should be replaced.

The fact is power plant need to be repowering from time to time to meet the current need in term of power efficiency and environmental friendly. The below link show that power seraya keep investing huge fund to keep his power plant up to date. https://www.eco-business.com/news/tuas-powers-800m-plan-upgrade-plants/

This acquisition safe a lot of replacement or repowering fund. It’s very expensive nowadays if you build a new power plant.


2022-06-03 10:14 | Report Abuse

5. After refer to Time dotCom QR, seems like the Data Centre can contribute good net profit. Good move for YTLP to involving in Data Centre service. 两三年后,有望成为盈利推动器。希望能竞争得过其他人。

6. YES telco…nothing to say, even with 5G. 若有强者入驻,就有希望。

7. The digital bank license. Can put your hope on the Singapore partner.

8. The project known as Tanjung Jati ‘A’ Coal Fired Independent Power Project (''Project'') will be located at Cirebon, West Jawa, Indonesia. This is the second power plant proposed by YTLP in Indonesia. With the moving capital from Jawa to Kalimantan, the electric need will be lesser. The need of this power plant maybe effected. The kick start of this project is still pending.


2022-06-03 10:14 | Report Abuse

1. The disposal of ElectraNet, can get lots of cash, BUT the profit contribute from this asset, if any, also gone. This will effect the total net profit.

2. The England is suffering high inflation(4月年通膨率攀抵40年高点,显示英国生活成本飙涨的危机进一步恶化)https://www.rfi.fr/cn/%E8%8B%B1%E5%9B%BD%E9%80%9A%E8%86%A8%E6%94%80%E6%8A%B540%E5%B9%B4%E9%AB%98%E7%82%B9 The England economic is getting weaker. Wessex Water will hardly contribute higher net profit.

3. The Singapore economic is healthy and remain strong, Power Seraya got higher possibility contribute higher net profit. 盈利非常非常不稳定。

4. The Jordan government is striving to sell off as much as electric supply (Jordan to double amount of electricity exported to Palestine — Energy minister). And Jordan economic keep recovering. This will make the Attarat power plant more easier to be accepted by the Jordan government. 是喝粥还是吃饭,就看你的了。


2022-05-30 14:21 | Report Abuse

Will another 5 sens of dividend is too good to be true?


2022-05-30 14:18 | Report Abuse

Actually the disposal of ElectraNet can generate total CASH of RM3.1bil, based on the total selling price. BUT 3rd QR only revealed part of the CASH. Hopefully the remaining portion, if any, will be shown in the 4th QR,. If this is true, another 5 sens as Final Dividend will be possible, and make a total of 7 sens. That why i said im satisfied the 2 sens dividend before.


2022-05-27 09:21 | Report Abuse

Again,congrats to YES for off set the contribution from England. YES is really good for dragging the others.

YES is really impressed me for losing nearly RM ONE million per DAY. How can it be? Really no shame / no pressure at all sending this kind of financial result to BOARD? This YES remind me about Proton(before sell half of the share to Chine tycoon), Mas airline....

Those board members are ONE family, so still can keep pumping money in YES years after years.

Anyway, 2 cents of dividend is good for me. Thank you YTLP.

Im pretty sure, if YTLP sell YES away or close YES business down, the share price will shoot up. No need for Malaysian for another telco like YES. No need for YTLP owning his own telco even with the digital bank license.


2022-05-09 18:06 | Report Abuse

Seems like im not alone who lose BIG money in this counter.

Some points to look for the coming QR
1. How much profit could generate from the Singapore 12.5MW DC. Imagine what if the total DC come to 252.5MW in 2024.
2. How much YES could benefit from the launching of 5g. The free access to 5g is extended to June. Actually YES benefit a lot through its partner Shopee.
3. Is there any interim dividend announce.
4. Will the EPS been improved? How far will be this improvement, or getting worse.

Something not usual happen to YTLP.
1. listed as top 2 most active counter before.
2. Daily Trading Volume is higher than before.
3. The news/research is keep coming up.
4. conclusion: those big fish is preparing to goreng this counter.


2022-05-09 12:16 | Report Abuse

haha, i just found out im holding this counter longer than i thought. My average price is RM 1.47...*&%¥#@


2022-05-08 21:00 | Report Abuse

Hopefully the coming QR, YES can made some profit with 5g is on high demand.

By the way, im holding YTLP since 2017.


2022-05-08 20:57 | Report Abuse

About Data Center

YTL Power International Bhd has completed the acquisition of Dodid Pte Ltd, the owner of a 12.5 megawatt (MW) tier-three data centre in Singapore.

Purchase price remain unknown...so P&C one...huh

Seems like DC can contribute meaningful revenue contribution from 50MW DC. Reference from TIME DotCom.
“We expect meaningful revenue contribution from the second Cyberjaya facility in 2022. The site is ultimately scalable to 50 megawatts, and there is thus ample scope for further growth,” the research outfit said.

Malaysia data center market size is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 7% during the period 2020−2026.

Conclusion: YTL Power had done a good move by investing in DC with coming soon 240MW DC (2024).


2022-05-07 19:20 | Report Abuse

Why stay away from YTL? Because YTL not striving to create profit for share holder, BUT they tend to MAINTAIN Yeoh’s Family own luxury life style. These Yeoh can’t generate profit more than their luxury salary. Yeo need PARTNER to run their business. 肥水不流外人田。Yeoh claim director salary twice.


2022-05-07 18:16 | Report Abuse

so, stay away from YTL


2022-05-07 18:14 | Report Abuse

Yeoh not capable to establish new business that makes profit. For example, YES telco. Im really sad with YES telco. Even with the contract with BN government, YES telco still keep losing BIG money for decade. Other major telco make BIG profit, even minor telco likes Tunetalk, Redone, Umobile make profit too. ONLY YES telco, still keep pumping money/milk from mother like an ungrown BABY.

YTL actually not bad, BUT the other stock perform much more better.


2022-05-07 18:13 | Report Abuse

“People are valuing our company in terms of dividends but our company holds a fair share of regulated assets. “There is a lack of understanding on how these assets should be valued,” group managing director Datuk Yeoh Seok Hong tells StarBizWeek.

if im tauke of this company (with luxury director income), I would said the same point as Yeoh said. BUT im only minor share holder, dividends is my main and only income, why I should care about “how these assets should be valued”? I didn’t received DIRECTOR salary, BUT Yeoh family do.


2022-05-07 18:11 | Report Abuse


然而,当地两家数字银行领头羊,即由渣打银行主导的Mox银行,和众安银行(ZA Bank),目前都预计需等到2024年才能盈利。


2022-05-06 18:16 | Report Abuse

Let‘s talk about the digital banking.

1. The fund required to run this digital banking business doesn’t cause any problem to YTL Power.
The initial capital investment for Malaysia’s new digital banking licence is around RM100 million (unimpaired by losses) during the “foundational phase” of three to five years and by the end of five years, the consortium needs to achieve a minimum amount of capital funds of RM300 million (unimpaired by losses).
Wong noted that YTLP can easily fund the capital requirement (for its shareholding portion) with the recently completed RM3 billion cash proceeds from the disposal of ElectraNet Pte Ltd.

2. The market is there.
noting that around 55 per cent of Malaysians are unbanked or underbanked, representing a market size of 11 million people.

3. Profitable is achievable within 2-5 years.
2years example: Kakao Bank, which was listed in South Korea in August 2021, became profitable in 2019 after less than two years in operation.
5years example: Estimate for hong kong digital bank will make profit after 5 years in 2024. I cant find the sources.

4. Unlikely to see material contributions from their digital banking units in the initial years.


2022-04-30 09:48 | Report Abuse

IF the court case for ATTARAT is ended and the decision is positive to APCO, RM
1 will not be a sweet dream anymore.


2022-04-30 09:45 | Report Abuse

BUT, things are different in Malaysia. The need of digital bank is quite high. Quite a lot of Malaysian is un-served by traditional bank.

If you see the Ah Long business, you can feel that the lending need is huge.


2022-04-30 09:41 | Report Abuse

when things go online, it will need a place to store those data.Shopee is consume lots of data storage.

If bank goes in digital mode, it require tons of storage to ensure the operation can run smoothly. Im guessing, the latest 168MW DC is purposely made for digital bank.

168MW is super super super big DC.
if this DC is reserve for digital bank, means that, Sea and YTL Digital will put very big effort to run this digital bank business.

Not like Singapore, although the digital bank license had been awarded, but all 4 license holder still no doing anything yet, its mainly because the traditional bank already serve most the Singaporeans banking need.


2022-04-28 17:03 | Report Abuse

These are few puzzles recently post up.
Building own DC
Digital bank license
Disposal of the Electranet
Building Solar power plant in Johor to supply power to DC

When these puzzles put together, you will see the whole picture.


2022-04-28 16:55 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR: YTL Power International Bhd, the country's first independent power producer, has partnered with GDS Holdings Ltd to co-develop 168 megawatts (MW) of data centre capacity at the upcoming YTL Green Data Centre Park in Johor.

YTL Power's Singapore-based subsidiary YTL Data Center Holdings Pte Ltd is building the 500 MW solar-powered data centre park in Johor's Iskandar region, which will include over 535,000 square feet of purpose-built data centre space.

GDS operates high-performance data centres in China.

Both parties signed an agreement yesterday to collaborate on the development of 168MW of data centre capacity across eight individual data centre facilities at the data centre park.

Separate from the co-development with GDS, the construction of 72MW of capacity for other hyperscale customers have already begun on site.


2022-04-28 16:54 | Report Abuse

ytl build TWO data centre.
First, 72MW. This one, the construction progress already kick off.

Second one is announced today, 168MW, partnership with DC builder from China. They just sign the agreement yesterday.


2022-04-28 15:40 | Report Abuse

Why building these data centre in hurry? 72+168=240MW out of 500MW.

Maybe reserve for digital banking...


2022-04-28 15:36 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR: YTL Power International Bhd, the country's first independent power producer, has partnered with GDS Holdings Ltd to co-develop 168 megawatts (MW) of data centre capacity at the upcoming YTL Green Data Centre Park in Johor.


2022-04-20 10:03 | Report Abuse

The Jordan economy seems so far so good, the government debt is decreasing. Hopefully the government will help to pay the NEPCO debt.


Hope that this meter is accurate


2022-04-19 10:03 | Report Abuse

NEPCO is Jordan power company, own by government.
NEPCO debts is increasing especially these few years.
ATTARAT will cause more debt if launching, that way NEPCO bring ATTARAT to court case.

Now, NEPCO debts will transfer to government.

New electricity tariff to take effect as of April 1


2022-04-19 09:48 | Report Abuse

YTLP,at the moment, very very very rely on ATTARAT project to boost its EPS. If not, the EPS will remain same level for coming few years.

If I not wrong guessing, the price surge last week, mainly because of the positive news I post before.

So, the final decision of the court case, will determine the stock price.


2018-11-23 22:17 | Report Abuse

Bad start means another bad FY, even worse than 2018. 没有最低,只有更低。Though FY19 will be better, but it doesn't. Feel like been cheated. Hopeless...


2018-11-03 11:39 | Report Abuse

this stock profit much depend on UK business, the fluctuation of UK currency will determine this stock price.


2018-09-29 16:29 | Report Abuse

The Ultimate Comparison (as of 21 Sept 2018): Which Electricity Retailer Is The Cheapest In Singapore? (Updated with the latest Electricity Tariff)

There are a total of 12 players and 3 most distinct types of price plans available.
New players in the residential market, SingNet, Union Power and Environmental Solutions have yet to release their plans.

For Fixed Price Plan:
Best Electricity is the cheapest for 6 months.
Sembcorp Power and Keppel Electric is the cheapest for a 1-year contract.
Geneco is the cheapest for a 2-year contract.
Tuas Power is the only one with a 3-years contract plan.
Ohm Electricity has a No Contract Plan for this category.

For Discount Off Tariff Plan:
Geneco has the cheapest 6 months contract plan.
Ohm Electricity is the cheapest when it comes to 1-year contract.
Sembcorp Power is the cheapest for a 2 years contract.

For peak and off-peak plans:
PacificLight has the cheapest peak hours usage rate.
Geneco and Keppel Electricity are the cheapest for off-peak rates.


Seraya is contest with the New Brand Name which is GENECO. Geneco offer very competitive price and package.


2018-09-29 16:16 | Report Abuse

xian... need to wait for another 1-8 months for Singapore electricity market to be fully liberalised. 4 phase to go. The Final countdown will be on 1/5/19.


2018-09-29 16:11 | Report Abuse








2018-09-04 16:36 | Report Abuse

Hyflux asset is include power plant segment which cause negative in their overall income, and seems to be a burden. BUT, seawater desalination is profitable.

Seraya is in the progress of diversifying their business in Singapore, which include seawater desalination service too and oil tanks service.