
ziyang231011 | Joined since 2019-01-30

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2021-03-20 22:17 | Report Abuse

Tabung haji currently holds 29%of the warrant,but 53% of the mother share.If the deal is off ,TH as biggest shareholder can ask the management to distribute the 161millions which supposed to warrant holders distribute to BIMB directly after the warrant expired.they can get much higher than in warrant.remember Warrant has life span but BIMB no,they can launch a second exercise anytime after the warrant expired. Minority will eat shit while the TH (largest shareholder) can have better meal.


2021-03-20 21:39 | Report Abuse

So far no cases mmediately relaunch a second CCM or EGM to hold after the first attempt was failed no matter for GO or SOA ,means no precedent case to offer higher price immediately after the deal was off. We need to stay awake in order not to fall into the trap which can offer to fight for 0.80-1.20 if you vote against.


2021-03-20 19:03 | Report Abuse

Expecting more new accounts flocks in to this forum to shout for VOTE AGAINST in order to get much much higher price.


2021-03-20 18:58 | Report Abuse

According to the circular is scheduled in mid July to get back 0.38. Not compulsory must vote,you can use e-proxy to vote or pre vote or ask chairman to vote on behalf if you have registered with boardroom. I think this virtual CCM will process in very short time not like past meeting can debate like pasar.


2021-03-20 16:53 | Report Abuse

Don't expect to open champagne to celebrate if you success to vote down the deal. After the 2.30 bursa resume to trade then you will cry.I don't know.. maybe someone will laugh and hold the party to see that scene.


2021-03-20 16:43 | Report Abuse

My advice is if someone really intends to vote against, better sell now and switch to TOP 10 GORENG COUNTERS.At least high risk high return.Better than vote against for HIgh risk come with unknown return


2021-03-20 16:40 | Report Abuse

For me sure to vote FOR. At least to protect minimum 0.38.The warrant will trade until beginning of July after the deal is pass.so,as what I said before,nobody will know what will happen in 3 months times.if mother's share able to break RM5 then to like 5.30 the warrant price sure will follow to hit up.because already surpass the exercise price 4.72. If nothing happened before suspend,just take back 0.38 and move on. This option can let you sleep well. Once again,NO WAY TO GAMBLE for UNKNOWN DEAL. Nobody will knows what is the consequences if the deal is off.


2021-03-20 10:54 | Report Abuse

The only reason why he needs to create so many IDs to incite investors to vote against, because he wants to create the scenario looks like many investors are keen to vote against.


2021-03-20 00:59 | Report Abuse

Hey, what's the problem with you guys? Stop acting...what is a shame purposely to create 4person's ID to keep on incite investors to vote against.


2021-03-20 00:51 | Report Abuse

Haha,now I realized that not Auditor x3, is x 4. Mr Ular/Auditor/god of hell/IB all actually same person. What happens to you guys? Something wrong with you ? Why need to create 4 persons ID just to incite investors to vote against?


2021-03-19 16:20 | Report Abuse

Mr Ular,is not about the scare or not scare,there is no way to bet like this . Win or lose ? All in ? No way


2021-03-19 16:18 | Report Abuse

No way to take the risk to vote against...then everything has gone. Instead of taking the minimum 0.38 then wait for miracle if the mother can break RM5 then to much higher.if not still good to receive 0.38 in mid of July


2021-03-19 16:16 | Report Abuse

U better pray that mother share keeps going up after EGM, if break through RM5 , there is very high chance warrant might goes up more than 0.38 which already protected. Warrant only suspend in beginning July .In between this period still have possiblity that mother will break RM5 -5.30.


2021-03-19 16:12 | Report Abuse

Don't dreaming lah..where got grand price? Listen to the god of hell x 3? Sure will lead you to Holland. Market seems not good, don't play fire


2021-03-19 13:55 | Report Abuse

As I said this CCM is held in virtual.not much time to let you debate for the prices, every inquiry must go through email or text..I expect it takes very short time then let you to vote. So, don't expect any price increase on the CCM day.If those keep on shouting can bring you grand price please ask them to do it before 31/3. Otherwise, don't fall into their traps to lose your hard earn money.


2021-03-19 13:32 | Report Abuse

If you want to ruin the party to let the CCM down because maybe BIMB had done something bad to you before,you must go directly to them not drag the warrant holders to die for you.i strongly doubted that you not even hold a single warrant....just purely come to spoil the party without hurt yourself.


2021-03-17 23:07 | Report Abuse

CCM is under virtual meeting. any demand must go through email or text not like the past meeting to be held in the hall in person. Not much time to answer many questions...most likely is directly to vote. If any announcement makes before 31/3 for price increase then you can consider as consolation price. Otherwise just vote FOR and move on.


2021-03-17 22:58 | Report Abuse

Mr Ular,BIMB WA & FGV are two different cases. One is warrant with life span and is out of money currently.another one is mother share with no life span..FGV spike because the goreng due to Palm oil Price has up a lot.


2021-03-15 10:18 | Report Abuse

Azhah, thumb up for you, don't know why somebody keep on asking those not intend to vote against have to sell ..if you want to buy more..u can buy as many as in the market.


2021-03-14 22:21 | Report Abuse

I am not represent anyone,I am a true warrant holder.i just give my comments. Nobody behind me,no big or small bosses...nobody,just myself


2021-03-14 22:17 | Report Abuse

If someone simply told you that he has hold 29% ,but still need us to support to vote against,do you think this kind of person can trust?


2021-03-14 22:09 | Report Abuse

CCM will not be held again...this is not a child game.. don't play play..No U Turn !


2021-03-14 22:07 | Report Abuse

Don't believe that the CCM will held again once the deal is turn down by warrant holders on 31/3.everything is over..game over then see your warrant price free fall when market open at 2.30pm on 31/3. At that time..sure you can't see any more comments from Auditor / IB/God of hell (same person) until now I still not understand what is his agenda,why he wants to do that?


2021-03-14 22:02 | Report Abuse

Taitaumau, Your comments were looks more rational and reasonable. No way to put risk at own hard earn money. For those keep on
shouting can fight for much higher price and want to become hero for warrant holders.. please do it before 31/3. If nothing is happened before 31/3, better vote FOR


2021-03-13 10:18 | Report Abuse

Jolin888 if you really hold so many lots in BIMB WA and other investors who are hold quite number of shares better think twice, don't play play...once vote ,no turn. Don't put your money at risk.If those talk cock really can demand higher price.. should do it before 31/3,let the management announce to revise the price,not on the CCM day. But I believe you are an experience investor should know how to choose it.


2021-03-12 19:16 | Report Abuse

I think you have 走火入魔。。just talk nonsense. But I know still a lot people like to listen his bragging


2021-03-12 19:14 | Report Abuse

If you have 29%, already more than enough to vote it down,no need to ask anymore support here.


2021-03-12 19:12 | Report Abuse

Hello Mr Auditor x 3 ,you said your gang have 29%? I tell you now actually my gang have gathered 75%,do you believe me ?


2021-03-12 15:56 | Report Abuse

Hi Auditor x 3 ,I thought you wouldn't write any comments again in BIMB WA? Because I saw your last comment said that you won't put anymore comments due to someone keep on comments against your wish.. Oh..maybe your boss ask you to do that again.


2021-03-09 18:05 | Report Abuse

Hopefully mother share can pecah RM 5.00 then go higher and lead the son to fly over 0.38..then everyone is happy,no need to argue


2021-03-09 18:02 | Report Abuse

Bimb mother share supposed can go higher..I think selling from PNB/AMANAH/ASB press the price down...if mother keeps going up.. there is chance to bring son goes higher than 0.38


2021-03-09 11:33 | Report Abuse

Some investors might just have bought few lots and then try to gather other minority power to ask for rocket price..if can't get ..incite them to throw the against vote to turn down the deal.for them might lose not much..but must think other investors who follow you might ose a lot .


2021-03-09 11:28 | Report Abuse

Hello Mr ular,after u success to reject to vote..do u think they will beg to hold another vote again,and let you choose whatever price u need ? Please advise..your common sense is so good


2021-03-09 11:23 | Report Abuse

A lot people like to hear something that might not realistic..like demand for rocket price,,sound good ,so happy,but is it realistic?
Do you think the money so easy to earn ? Please remember when they first offer 0.26 since Dec2019 until end Jan2021..I didn't see any comments to ask for rocket price,not fair lah. After they revise the terms..0.38 is much higher than 0.26 looks like many investors not happy..and need much more.


2021-03-09 11:14 | Report Abuse

CCM is the best platform to tell your demand but ,if the management insist remain 0.38 and ask to go to vote. Please make a wise decision to vote for in order to get back 0.38.no need to make it 鱼死网破。Klse never closed..many many good counters still can invest.


2021-03-09 11:07 | Report Abuse

Dealova, you were given the most rational comments. Every warrant holders eager to get extra from 0.38.but must in reasonable way and if really can't ..maintain the 0.38 is good enough. Never think to use against vote to threaten the management..if need to fight as gamble ,all in or show hand can go to top 20 volume counters.


2021-03-08 16:44 | Report Abuse

Pray hard for this day come in .. everyone is happy


2021-03-08 16:43 | Report Abuse

Actually mother share has chance to hit 5.00,from the exercise can get takaful .and is recovery stock..


2021-03-08 16:41 | Report Abuse

Aiyo,if it's mother share ..can push up to 5.50 sure wa cantik-cantik... hopefully this scenario can come before 31/3


2021-03-07 20:48 | Report Abuse

Fzy1388 I think we have same objective (hope others investors as well)..demand ,stay calm , protect min return capital 0.38 and move on


2021-03-07 20:28 | Report Abuse

Warrant holders meeting at 12.30pm. we still can discuss during the virtual meeting. Please stay calm if the surprise not come true..for me any extra even 1 sen increase is consider as bonus. For me,demand higher price is every holder's right but must be in rational range.we not go for gamble,at least take back 0.38 u know what I mean (not battle in colosseum,only the winner can walk out)


2021-03-07 19:31 | Report Abuse

Not understand why one person needs to create 3 accounts to give comments.. please check your comments come simultaneously in BIMB ,BIMB WA and Klse screen. ( Auditor,Hong Kong IB,God of wealth)


2021-03-06 22:13 | Report Abuse

Hopefully is happy ending for every warrant holder,no matter able to get additional or not


2021-03-06 18:14 | Report Abuse

Fzy1388 希望管理层听了诉求之后,会考虑提高价格,如果真不给,也希望不要意气用事去投反对票,万一坏的结果出来,也许已挽回不了。有些事情不能用威胁来解决。在股市里是求财不求气。


2021-03-06 16:58 | Report Abuse

Fzy1388 你说的是意愿,就像是以为,我想是,这些都不是保证。只是猜测Assuming ,not guarantee. 其实我是希望大家都不要亏损,如果在会里求不到更高的价格,就让它通过吧!股市还有很多股可投资,何必冒不必要的险呢?


2021-03-06 16:20 | Report Abuse

If you strongly believe you can fight for 0.80,no need to tell those afraid the price will drop to sell early if the deal goes off.market currently can easily buy from .036-0.38 anytime,you can buy as much as you can I think the supply is more than enough,


2021-03-06 16:15 | Report Abuse

Fzy1388 不明白什么叫做一定会通过,拿什么来保证呢?到时没过呢?那你会不会说,怎会这样的?


2021-03-06 16:10 | Report Abuse

Fzy1388 对呀,我不说了吗?谈归谈,投归投。我没说不要谈直接投赞成。我是说谈了过后管理层没同意,你是投反对票吗?


2021-03-06 16:03 | Report Abuse

The BIMB management can wait for 3years after the warrant expired then resubmit again the exercise.it is not their fault, because warrant holders not approved.but your warrant will become 0 at the end if mother share is still below RM4.72. who said impossible? Who can guarantee mother sure will surpass 4.72 within next 3years?


2021-03-06 15:53 | Report Abuse

If demand a bit more, maybe there is a chance,if ask for 0.80 sure they will tell you go to eat shit