
ziyang231011 | Joined since 2019-01-30

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2021-03-06 15:51 | Report Abuse

Demand is demand ,vote is vote


2021-03-06 15:51 | Report Abuse

For those try to threaten to vote for against if management refuse to agree price demand like 0.80 or more..please do yourself,no need to gather companions


2021-03-06 15:45 | Report Abuse

Please think twice, do not think to threaten to use the reject vote to block for the exercise.everyone will become loser at the end


2021-03-06 15:43 | Report Abuse

Hello Mr ular,I said if want to fight for 0.80 is ridiculous,0.45 is more reasonable. I didn't say cannot fight for higher price.but how to fight,if you try to threaten the management to vote for reject then you please go ahead


2021-03-06 15:38 | Report Abuse

Why need to sell when you think they afraid the deal will fell off ? Some investors bought from 0.360-370 recently is totally go for arbitrage play (can get 3-5%) return,much better than FD. they need to wait 0.38 to redeem. Not for like what you expect to get 0.80;RM1,RM1.5 the crazy demand.of course can demand in egm,what about management refuse your demand,ask you to go for vote,so what should you do?


2021-03-06 12:28 | Report Abuse

It is so strange when the price fix at 0.26 more than 1 year ago, everyone is so satisfying with no shouting like someone...now 0.38 they said why so stingy,why used dirty tactics to fix the price. Who is speculator and who is play arbitrage you should know


2021-03-06 12:25 | Report Abuse

Please don't attack to those who gives reasonable comments,I am not from bank nor opposition party ,I am a true warrant holder. everyone is hoping for better return,but must be in a reasonable way and more constructive suggestions to fight for higher price..not just shout for heaven price like they need to open their bank to let you take whatever amount you want.


2021-03-06 12:04 | Report Abuse

Now economy is so bad, everyone takes from FD intend to get better return.we should not put their money at risk..once the price collapse do you know how bad is the situation?


2021-03-06 12:01 | Report Abuse

Your intention is good but with no good plan to negotiate just keep shouting how much you want,do you think does it work?


2021-03-06 11:59 | Report Abuse

Don't just want to be hero..some investors really believe you able to fight for 0.80 don't be silly


2021-03-06 11:58 | Report Abuse

Please please don't simply ask investors to follow you with no secure..think about the people's hard earn money


2021-03-06 11:57 | Report Abuse

If you really capable to ask for higher price, before do it before vote


2021-03-06 11:56 | Report Abuse

If unable to secure 75%,can you ask the management to give second chance to vote again?or can you tell the board that I so regret I need to vote for now.. Betul betul need to think twice before follow the advice come from hell..


2021-03-06 11:07 | Report Abuse

It seems you have 铺了后路 if the deal can not go through.you just write on behalf.. nothing to do with you.不管我的事,告吹了真不好意思


2021-03-06 11:00 | Report Abuse

You are the one who comments, must be responsible to your word. don't do on behalf ,if your boss wants to comment ,just comment directly. Please don't tell aiya is not my problem,I just comments on behalf when anything not good is happened.


2021-03-06 10:56 | Report Abuse

Please don't said who scare please sell it..my friends would like to buy, warrant currently trade price in-between 0.36- 0.37 why your friends not buy? Sapu all lah ! Don't simply misleading investors . I remember when warrant prices dropped from 0.39 to 0.305 2 weeks ago, I didn't see anyone come to buy it , especially those always said my boss ,my friends wanted all the shares.. please sell to us. Don't just talk rubbish,be responsible.


2021-03-06 10:35 | Report Abuse

Have you received the PA share or additional warrant?


2021-03-06 10:28 | Report Abuse

If able to fight for 0.45 then is good enough.0.80 is not realistic


2021-03-06 10:26 | Report Abuse

Some investors bought in 0.36-.037 just for better FD return with their hard earn money.if you can come out with good solutions and able to ask for higher price,of course everyone is happy. But make sure don't put the arbitrage's investors at risk. No one can guarantee what will happen if unable to secure 75%.dont just asking everyone to vote against,are you undertaking the compensation if the price collapse?


2021-01-06 17:56 | Report Abuse

Everything is looking good, coming quarter should be report good profit,but still dumped by retailers,not big volume but enough to let share price continue hit low..


2020-10-26 14:26 | Report Abuse

Market not good,need to be more patient.MMC definitely is good counter worth to hold at this price in terms of NTA, DIVIDEND Yield and business model +political link.sure will come back again to its glorious day.


2020-10-23 18:02 | Report Abuse

Where is the GMGT news?


2020-10-15 18:13 | Report Abuse

Is it very complicated to get approval for this corporate exercise compare to other banks ?need to take much longer time to scrutinize all the documents? terrible Bank Negara and Investment bank's staff,keep sleeping.


2020-10-15 18:07 | Report Abuse

Submitted since last Dec, already more than 10 months..no update,no news at all.this is the longest period compare to previous banks submission to get approval.Refer to closely bank similar restructured by RHB just took 3months only.What happened to the Bank Negara ? What is Maybank investment bank doing? Just leave it? No progress ? No time frame to complete?


2020-07-09 15:10 | Report Abuse

All the stocks in Finance sector are up except MBSB drop! really terrible stock..haiz


2020-07-09 14:50 | Report Abuse

AAX sure going to PN17 once result out for JAN -MAR , if not , APR -JUN (EXPECTING WORST) definitely will go into it. NTA only left 5 sen.
Do you think it can escape?Dont know why people still queue to buy..


2020-06-09 11:20 | Report Abuse

index has gone up more than 150 points ,but it didn't move at all...all rush to buy glove stocks even though all have getting higher and higher


2020-02-20 21:42 | Report Abuse

Can't imagine it drops so much to such low price become a rubbish stock,just privatize it.otherwise become another utusan

News & Blogs

2020-01-16 11:51 | Report Abuse

The rest of the bourses hit new high record again & again, but bursa Malaysia hit low and low again, every day down no matter other bourses up or down. I really don't know why? every day keeps on selling & profit-taking. Such market how to profit-taking, is there anybody can tell me? what happen to the government?


2019-01-30 12:04 | Report Abuse

the announcement might make in MiD-FEB for the shareholder's entitlement


2019-01-30 12:03 | Report Abuse

I just called liquidator to check the non-cash distribute and raise concerned about the initiative investor entitlement for the distribution, they said will discuss with SC & Bursa in mid-Feb As compared to last spac counters CLIQ & SONA, no such entitlement for initiative investors


2019-01-30 11:03 | Report Abuse

IS NOT 404.46MILLION + 16.91MILLION = 421.37 /800 = 0.5267 ?


2019-01-30 11:02 | Report Abuse

why just distribute RM0.50793? 99.8% that means balance only left RM 0.001?