
zoomboom | Joined since 2014-01-23

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2015-12-16 10:08 | Report Abuse

Wahh uncleZ kembali aktif dgn coretannya...TQ UncleZ.


Siap dgn gambaq airport mesin security check Kulit....

UncleZ, I'm happy to be one of them - patient enuff and see the rewards now. I'm looking forward and continue to be patient n wait to see Dr. Abu's ambition rm1.5bil cap realised - at the current run rate it looks to be fairly expedited. :-)

Staying calm. Staying focused. Keeping steady.


2015-12-11 13:55 | Report Abuse

Nampaknya old man nak bangun ni. Nice hit 0.765


2015-12-11 07:35 | Report Abuse

bro tewnama, itu nombor cantek. 3.92 :-) harap2 semut2 tak terlalu ghairah dgn TP.

looks like the price is poised to climb higher, from TA point of view - 50MA crossing 200MA.
we could also see the "selldown" to 2.8x on dividend ex-date was well absorbed and back to 2.9x levels very fast.

lets see how this baby will continue its journey.

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2015-12-08 15:50 | Report Abuse

FairTalk bro, huat ah lol... but then again, politik involved, anything still can happen geh....

let's await for the official announcement. after that it should shoot up higher if the value of the contract is indeed billions.

salivating.... lol...

stay calm. stay focused.


2015-12-08 12:44 | Report Abuse

Hehehe tewnama bro, sasaran lepas semua telah picah harga.
3.50 tak jadi masalah- caveat ialah long term jangka panjang.

Yg main lompat katak kena berhati2. Bila semut2 dah masuk gelanggang maksudnya tahap euphoria tercapai.

Yg jangka panjang steady je. Tonton je blockbuster.



2015-12-08 11:20 | Report Abuse

fighter1wong bro, what wind blow what good comments? lol


2015-12-08 11:19 | Report Abuse

tahniah haziq.... zoom cume "tumpang" gembira sbb belum jual mana ada nampak keuntungan. lol... zoom nih long term... tapi mmg best sungguh hepi angsa tersayang pulih dan terbang lebih tinggi drp sebelum ni... berbaloi...

mesti ada patience. stay calm. stay focused. steady.


2015-12-08 10:59 | Report Abuse

Madcow bro. Your observations spot on. Sudah keluar. Lol


2015-12-08 09:57 | Report Abuse

ww_guy that's why, long term is the only way retail kucimayo investors can win... UncleZ is a good reference to learn from. I've kept my DSONIC shares through up and down and seeing these comments throughout the two years.... can't 100% believe them all... need to do your homework....


2015-12-08 09:48 | Report Abuse

wahwahwah, pagi pagi sudah pecah rekod terbaru lagi. fuiyo.

tingg ! 2.93 harga catat tertinggi rekod terbaru!

nampaknya tak payah ragu2 lagi la ni... rasa2nya sudah konfirm dapat projek kulit.
atau kemungkinan ada lagi berita lagi best?

kita saksikan tayangan seterusnya. wahh sudah dekat 2.99 ni... lol


stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2015-12-08 09:22 | Report Abuse

It's good to have some constructive comments. Whether is bad or good news. Just ignore the noises.

avatar KL bro, actually 99% of us are affected by emotions. It's only human.
U are right about emotions affecting rationale. But then again one's rationale may be irrational to another person. Adage one man's meat is another man's poison.

We need to read between the lines and pick the right info to make our decisions.
I think for newbies (not that I am that long here in i3 laa but got eaten some salt lol) please be vigilant and not treat investing as gambling. It's too risky. I sure hope the earlier forumer that allege he sold everything and all in DSONIC wasn't serious. - if he is a short term trader.

Staying calm. Keeping steady.


2015-12-08 00:08 | Report Abuse

hehehe saya dah agak dah, UncleZ mesti tak tahan nak tulis...:


TQ UncleZ. yes, zoom is one of them. been holding on to this baby through thick and thin. I am glad it is panning out well. It really is a lifelong investment learning journey. beautiful.


2015-12-07 23:54 | Report Abuse

hahaha, i like your positive spin Pavilion2. ok. hope and despair round 15. its a vicious cycle - i've been here long enuff to see soo many colourful characters come and go lol

let's see what are the other big projects to be announced. awaiting patiently. staying calm.


2015-12-07 22:42 | Report Abuse

Hopefully the days without project and rocket up will be back soon. Miss those days.


2015-12-07 22:39 | Report Abuse

Ya, bro tewnama, dgn harga yg tiba2 melonjak, walaupun sudah naik dgn konsisten sejak kebelakangan Ini, rasa2nya kemungkinan besar Sudah confirm.
Cuma Ada mereka yg berpendapat bahawa approval in principle ini tak boleh pakai dan semata mata "smokescreen". Tapi takpe, Kita tunggu je pengumuman rasmi...

Stay calm. Stay fokused. Steady....


2015-12-07 17:47 | Report Abuse

aiseh sudah senyap. apakah semua sudah lenyap?


2015-12-07 17:45 | Report Abuse

mungkin disebabkan berita ini:

tapi takpe, kita sabar, steady dan teruskan menonton... 2.99... boleh picah? kalu dapat projek kulit, pasti picah. lol..


2015-12-07 17:43 | Report Abuse

hehehe. akhirnya tren kami sudah bergerak dengan lancar, itu insiden dekat switzerland dulu yg langgar moo moo cow, kan dah clear nama dan AIA pun beli saham presbhd.. :-) hehehehe..

dividen kali ini pun cantek. 1 sen.. mmg berbaloi pegang angsa tersayang ini... unceZ mesti hepi.

tahniah azizulma dan tewnama bro,....


2015-12-07 17:23 | Report Abuse

inilah masanya untuk beli... masa diam-diam.. dan harga tak mendadak naik/turun... takde euphoria...


2015-12-07 17:21 | Report Abuse

kita nantikan tayangan kulit seterusnya... tiap tiap hari surprise.. best nya...


2015-12-07 17:19 | Report Abuse

mak oii... powernya angsa tersayang hari ini... 16 gol hari ini... fuiyoo... mmg cun !
azizulma bro, u masih ada pegang saham presbhd?
kalu prestasi prestariang yg sungguh pesta riang ria ini berterusan, 3.00 pasti akan picah...

stay calm, stay fokused. jagan goyang.


2015-12-07 16:29 | Report Abuse

wohoooo... power... angsa tersayang.. terbang lah... tingginya... sungguh manis....

best !


2015-12-07 15:44 | Report Abuse

Pavilion2, when u say u have a lot of the above shares - is it IRIS or DSONIC? lol


2015-12-07 15:44 | Report Abuse

deja vu. remember fuelsub? lol ....too much speculation...

staying calm.


2015-12-07 15:25 | Report Abuse

Tiiiiiiingg! 2.82. Wohoo rekod tertinggi terbaru! Baik pinya!

Smallfish99 bro, check out their bursa announcement. So far it's principal agreement hehe.
All awaiting to see if the LoA with the contract details will finally be out. Let's await with bated breath.

Stay calm. Stay focused. Keep steady.


2015-12-07 14:53 | Report Abuse

Tiiing!!! 2.77. Fuiyoh. Best best best! Tewnama bro mai jerit sama2 ... Boring la zoom seorang jerit lol


2015-12-07 14:46 | Report Abuse

Nampak gayanya forum ini macam sudah di tinggalkan...

Siva bro how r u? Hope u are doing well and fine. Hope the rest of the Bros n sis are too.

How Time flies. Already almost 2years anniversary since my first post in i3 back in Jan2014. Have experienced the ups n downs and still am a follower of UncleZ stocks :-) still a long lifelong learning journey to go...

Hope everyone is ok health first. Then wealth.

Stay calm. Stay focused. Keep steady.


2015-12-07 13:32 | Report Abuse

brader BuZiDao, go and print out ler...


2015-12-07 13:30 | Report Abuse

best best best ! ohh 2.74 harga tertinggi yg baru meh tewnama bro? setahu saya, 2.74 ialah rekod tertinggi sebelum ni... lol. takpe janji kasi picah... go go go :-)


2015-12-07 09:29 | Report Abuse

Fuuh. Semakin dekat 2.74. Sudah cecah 2.72. Ada chan Mau kasi picah rekod ?

Kita terus saksikan dgn hati berdebar.....

Stay calm. Stay focused. Keep steady.


2015-12-07 09:18 | Report Abuse

Kukuman bro, do u still hold OCK shares?


2015-12-05 01:24 | Report Abuse

Steadyinvestor bro/sis, this effect is already factored in on ex-date. Remember? Mother share was trading at 0.81sen two weeks ago? When it ex-date, and OR listed,, if you observed, mother share "dropped" to 67, 70 sen range. The additional share "dilution" effect is already in place. Provided if one has subscribed or sold OR or combination of both, one should not be making losses as the prices adjusts itself to reflect the changes in number of shares outstanding. Those who didn't take any action on their OR entitlement will definitely lose out.

That's my understanding. U may want to counter check with your remisier/broker to clarify.

Stay focused.


2015-12-05 01:05 | Report Abuse

.... Rileks... Kita steady tewnama bro. Itu semua "noise"... Biar lah diorang syiok sendiri tikam sesama sendiri.... Janji kita tau apa matlamat masing2....

Stay calm. Stay focused.


2015-12-04 19:03 | Report Abuse

Refer to this link:

We should be getting our entitled rights converted to mother share by 22DEC.


2015-12-04 19:00 | Report Abuse

Rav scroll back to my earlier comments for details.
In a nutshell, u can't sell the OR anymore as the trading week ended.
U now subscribe to your entitlement. The OR will then be converted to mother shares and add into your existing mother shares automatically provided all the necessary actions had been done successfully. Then u will also get the free warrants and they will be listed and expires in 5 years time. During which u can either sell the warrants or convert them to mother shares at 0.71sen each. Hope this provides some clarity.


2015-12-04 18:53 | Report Abuse

Sudah dekat catatan rekod 2.74 tertinggi sebelum ini. Second try. Will it break new barriers?
Kita saksikan tayangan seterusnya...

Stay calm.


2015-12-04 11:54 | Report Abuse

yea la bros and sis, rileks laa... kita tonton je wayang.... jangka panjang tak payah susah2 gaduh punya...

stay calm. stay focused. Keep steady.


2015-12-01 19:06 | Report Abuse

Chill. Relax n enjoy the show Bros. Let's touch base end of Q1 2016. Doesn't matter who win both also good co. As long as either one wins. If both win its a bonus. Hehe.


2015-11-30 23:09 | Report Abuse

good question wannabe.... next up is myanmar agreement sign off conclusion. then other overseas agreements (china, vietnam, cambodia). these are great recurring incomes just like PT Mulia in Indonesia which we can see the income stream coming in already.

now with additional shares in the market, i won't be surprised if the price of mother share may face some selling pressure. but my opinion is, the catalysts will come one after another, which will bring the share price up again.

remember, invest with only money you have spare... don't borrow so that you don't have stress to sell when under pressure...

I believe Q4 results will also be excellent and they will end the year with a big bang (highest Revenue and Profits thus far)

Stay Calm, stay focused. keep steady.


2015-11-30 17:42 | Report Abuse

FairTalk bro, make sure u stay long term. don't hop hop katak. my short 2 years here has seen so many come and go.. (macam lah zoom ni otai... bukan otai la... kicimai investor je)..
this company fundamentals are strong. and as u have pointed out, their cash balance is huge, and they share by giving out "generous" dividends...
i really like they way they are being very transparent and keeps investors in the know by announcing progress and updates.

lets stay calm, and stay focused.


2015-11-30 17:38 | Report Abuse

aha. OCK-OR trading has come to an end. what a nice show. fly all the way and ending at a high 0.395. hopefully this will augur well for the warrants listing pricing and movements.

so sekarang, peluang untuk dapatkan "waran" tangkap exercise 71sen sudah habis. hopefully tomorrow onwards, mama akan show power pula. hope lol

kita continue saksikan tayangan seterusnya...

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2015-11-30 17:25 | Report Abuse

thanks Pavilion bro for the sharing. It's ok, SKIN was a surprise, if get hepi, if never get smile (then if DSONIC pao kao liow SKIN and all passport pages etc, i also hepi bcuz i am still holding them too :-) )

for Prestariang, PISA and its core strength businesses such as MLA are more important. UniMy slowly steadily hopefully can gain traction. O&G will reap good rewards once oil price recovers.

long term.


2015-11-30 15:57 | Report Abuse

hey philan bro, good to know you still "yau sum" (ada hati) to drop by to say hello. wish you huathuat wherever your $$ is invested in now :-) yeah bro, I am long term here, will camp here for years.. "one eye see" oredi 2 years passed holding on this baby...

wow, it really is getting interesting by the day:

"SKIN and ESBLA projects will start soon. Management targets to kick-start the SKIN project in 1Q 2016. The project will collaborate with other government agencies including border control, foreign worker department, visa & permit department, enforcement agency, passport & security department and immigration department. To-date, the company has invested a total of RM12m for the pilot run. Enhancing School based learning assessment in science & maths (ESBLA) or known as PISA programme is targeted to commence next month. It will involve training and certification for a total of 70,000 teachers in Malaysia."

I didn't know they already landed PISA. nice.now called ESBLA. hehe

"Fund raising exercises in the pipeline. Prestariang plans to undertake a combination of debt and equity raising exercises for the “Sistem Kawalan & Imigresen Nasional” (SKIN) project. About 75% of the funding will come from sukuk while the remainder will be derived from a private placement. Currently, the Group has a minimal debt of RM800,000 with cash in the bank standing at RM86m."

FairTalk bro, looks like we get to keep our funds.:-) rights issue will be sukuk and private placement. yay !

stay calm. stay focused. be steady


2015-11-30 15:41 | Report Abuse

wow. enjin sudah start.... mama dan anak juga naik... best lah tonton wayang ini...


2015-11-30 12:22 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro, :
1. jangka panjang (bertahun) simpan.
2. jangka pendek/perlukan duit, jual.
itu strategi saye, tak ada 100% betul ya. sila buat keputusan masing2...

masinnya bro, thanks for the update.. looks slow doesnt look like will hit the 0.675. but then again still got afternoon trading session. who knows. lol

WCapital bro, refer to the link:

btw, u can print out the form if u didn't get it.
or if like my case, using nominee account tak ada form laa, just make sure $$ in the account to subscribe.

stay calm, stay focused. keep steady.


2015-11-29 18:16 | Report Abuse

Masinya bro I didn't know that there is a limit of 50sen. I learnt a new thing. Thanks for sharing bro.


2015-11-29 18:16 | Report Abuse

Mesti best show OCK-OR besok. Kita nantikan dgn hati berdebar.


2015-11-29 18:14 | Report Abuse

Semut jalanan pon sebenarnya follow org lain jugak. Cume tgk siapa lebih power cuci otak. Kita kena berwaspada dan buat Kerja rumah masing2 sebelum jual/beli. Semak jawapan dgn otai2 yg "bertauliah" iaitu public bank dan rakan2 mereka spt RHB etc. Lepas itu buat keputusan berdasarkan kombinasi fakta2 yg diperolehi. Lol. Terlalu teknikal la pula.

Stay calm. Stay focused.


2015-11-28 16:27 | Report Abuse

U r most welcome bro tewnama. Aha pasal jual kalu hit rm1.00 OCK-OR ini, sebenarnya tertakluk kpd objektif para saudara -saudari masing2. Ada yg short term. Ada yg long term. Senang Je nak buat keputusan. Kalu short term Kalu betul2 hit rm1 pada Hari isnin, no brainer. Kasi jual dan poket duit dulu. Zoom punya strategy long term. Saya nampak potensi syarikat ini amat besar dalam 5 tahun. As long as fundamentals are intact, and u can see the numbers growing, it's a positive sign.

Mungkin zoom share sikit experience zoom yg dah pegang. Bukannya lama pun. 2 tahun Je nih lol. Biar dia naik turun zoom hayati pesanan UncleZ dan mmg hepi dgn keputusan setakat ini. Masa harga jatuh sampai 60sen mmg lutut ada sikit goyang lol tapi keep steady. Dgn perkembangan terkini Kita dapat Lihat yg sykt ini memang deliver janji2nya. Sam mmg team leader yg jauh visionnya. Zoom akan "fight" macam masinnya bro untuk pertahankan peluang saya untuk memiliki lebih banyak syer dlm sykt. Saya wonder kalu hit RM1 pada Hari Isnin, bro masinnya Akan teruskan perjuangan atau jual? Hihihi.

Of course everyone has their own reasons for their decisions. Do make an informed choice and not follow anyone's reasonings blindly, including mine.

Stay calm. Stay focused. Keep steady (bila lutut rasa goyang, jgn tengok pasaran, pigi baca buku dan buat benda2 lain)

Wish everyone huathuathuuat!