
zoomboom | Joined since 2014-01-23

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2016-01-06 14:06 | Report Abuse

Wah abundance bro still here. Nampaknya semua Pilihan UncleZ jalan :-)

Tewnama bro Ada pegang lagi ?

Looks like this time seems for real...

Wish Bros n sis Huat ah!


2016-01-06 12:43 | Report Abuse

wah, alphajack, ada betul ka datasonic menang contract 1B? kalu betui,...best. zoom pon akan huat lol... projek Kulit ka ? 1B...


2016-01-06 11:48 | Report Abuse

AbangSatay huat ohh.... masuk masa 0.66 sen :-) congrats....

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-01-06 11:45 | Report Abuse

tiiniiing ! ada catat 3.09 ... harga tertinggi.... nampaknya 2016 tahun picah rekod2 terbaru Prestariang...

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-01-06 00:44 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro, nampaknya mungkin belum lambat lagi untuk masuk gadang, sbb UncleZ baru tulis Episode 2.

Prestariang pon dah episode 10+... lol...


2016-01-06 00:37 | Report Abuse

hehe... betul lah tewnama bro, kita kena bangkit... 2016 jom makan kueh bangkit dan ber Presta Riang... lol

hepi new year bros and sis. hope everyone sihat sejahtera. wish you all huat huat huat in the year of the monkey :-)

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.

Lim Elson bro, i believe u now must be multi billionaire oredi. master trader. conGRATS. we dun have telegram. snail mail maybe lol


2016-01-06 00:29 | Report Abuse

gunn, making me drool with that TP... but i shall await 2020 to reap the rewards.... wawasan 2020... 3000 towers in Myanmar target. by then, OCK would probably be multiple times of its stock price right now. confident Sam will steer his beloved company to greater heights y-o-y.

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-01-06 00:25 | Report Abuse

heheehe tewnama bro, congrats dgn pegangan Gadang anda :-) ya saya baru terbaca amanat uncleZ lalu singgah sini untuk tengok. wow semua hepi belaka... best. congrats to all bros and sis here.. great start to 2016 :-)


2016-01-05 12:17 | Report Abuse

lai ah... huat ah lol

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2016-01-04 15:14 | Report Abuse

sharp eyes zlyc bro. ditto that. when its quiet and noody notice it, its the bet time to accumulate...

stay calm. stay focused. Keep steady.


2016-01-04 12:55 | Report Abuse

Yg best nya, dividen pun on the way. Hehehe. Ingat lagi analogy zoom? Dividen ialah pemandangan indah semasa tren menuju destinasi. Hehehe. Rasanya tren masuk Switzerland sekali lagi. Harap2 tak kan Ada accident moo moo cow seperti sebelum ini. Hehe. AIA pasti senyum lebar dgn pelaburan mereka dlm Presbhd.

Agaknya KWAP tgh melahap dgn keuntungan drp jualan propertynya di UK?
Takpe. Kita tunggu makluman rasmi nnt.

Stay calm. Stay focused.


2016-01-04 12:50 | Report Abuse

Bukan main busy bro tewnama catat rekod2 tertinggi presbhd :-). Saya rase UncleZ pasti akan menulis sebentar lagi hihihi. Ah, nampaknya semut2 sudah masuk gelanggang sekali lagi. Best. Pasti menarik rancangan dgn semut2.

Tewnama bro, kita dah kira semut2 tua dah nih.... Betul tak? Kekekeke...

Stay calm. Stay focused. Keep steady.


2016-01-04 10:42 | Report Abuse

best tewnama bro. yes, kita kena rileks dan teruskan menonton tayangan hebat ini :-)

RM3.00 sudah picah dengan begitu konfidennya. ia petanda yg bagus :-) apakah projek kulit sudah rasmi ? kita terus saksikan...


2016-01-04 10:20 | Report Abuse

Seronoknya melihat angsa tersayang terbang tinggi2.... Telur emas in the making....

Stay calm. Stay focused. Keep steady.


2016-01-04 10:18 | Report Abuse

Tiiiing! What a great start to the new year. Wohooo!


2016-01-02 00:06 | Report Abuse

Ya betul tewnama bro, zoom pon adalah, kicimai untung sikit2. Berbanding dgn UncleZ 244%, masih jauh lagi 1/4 untuk catch up hehe.

Mungkinkah KWAP akan suntik keuntungannya drp UK ke dalam Presbhd?:

Kita bawa bertenang, kekal fokus dan senantiasa kaki kukuh dan terus menyaksikan tayangan yg berpotensi blockbuster 2016 ini.

Selamat tahun baru abg2 dan kakak2 sekalian!


2015-12-31 23:12 | Report Abuse

be patient bros and sis....

reap the rewards when the results come. this is one of the goose that will lay the golden eggs.
long term.

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2015-12-31 23:09 | Report Abuse

aha, UncleZ tulis lagi, untuk wrap up 2015 kot.. :-)

ini angsa tersayang... kena jaganya dengan penuh kasih sayang... it will lay the golden eggs :-)
UncleZ pon dah 244% untung .. WoW...

stay calm, stay focused. keep steady.


2015-12-31 17:03 | Report Abuse

ya betul tewnama bro !
stay calm. stay focused. keep steady :-)

2.98. takpe setiap hari 1 sen naik pon takpe. kita sabar :-)


2015-12-30 18:36 | Report Abuse

welcome dot3 and AbangSatay. make sure u stay through 2016. lol...

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2015-12-30 18:35 | Report Abuse

hehe. macam ada vroom vroom sikit.

tiiing. tutup tertinggi 2.97. rm3 mau kasi pecah... mai kita celebrate esok... lol...adakah ada peluang untuk picah rm3.00? kita tunggu dan saksikan...

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2015-12-28 17:28 | Report Abuse

ND087 bro, you are most welcome. I am basically just sharing what I interpret from publicly available data, and also my short experience in share investment. do also have a read on UncleZ's earlier blog postings, I have learnt quite a lot from his experience sharing.

If you are a long term holder, make sure u don't borrow or have margin calls, then u can have peace of mind even if the share price volatility is huge. FairTalk bro has a rational explanation too - you need patience to unlock the true value of this stock.

I believe Q4 results will be an icing on the cake for OCK's 2015 full year financial results. Let's continue to see how it unfolds...

Stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2015-12-25 17:33 | Report Abuse

sosfinance bro, read your write up on OCK. For the 9mths, it's already hitting 20mil. For Q4, traditionally telco players will ramp up site build and players like OCK will benefit. I won't be surprised if the Q4 report will be good. Remember the recent local players 4GLTE "war"? In any case, OCK will end the year with a bang as it will be the highest revenue and profit yearly to date.

Masinnya bro, I guess there is no absolute right or wrong strategy. So long as it fits the respective individual investing risk appetite and how fast he or she want to taste the rewards it should be fine.

Wishing everyone a merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Stay calm. Stay focused. Keep steady.


2015-12-24 15:55 | Report Abuse

Fairtalk bro, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Agreed. Any project sure comes with certain degree of operational risks. But for SKIN project I believe the partnership with Unisys will have mitigated most of the execution risks as they are the experts in security systems. Let's continue to be patient and see how things unfold.

Staying calm. Staying focused. Keep steady.


2015-12-23 10:08 | Report Abuse

oh ya, masinnya bro, how about you? what is your strategy? sell warrants and buy mother?...


2015-12-23 07:51 | Report Abuse

Zlyc bro, apa macam? Your TP came true. Did u sell all your warrants?

Stay calm. Stay focused.


2015-12-23 07:16 | Report Abuse

Yo philan bro, good to hear from u :-) still keeping this stock? Congrats bro. :-) we are finally out of penjaraBursa :-) lol

FairTalk bro, what is the risk u see? Do share your thoughts...

Stay calm. Stay focused.


2015-12-21 09:56 | Report Abuse

Market watcher bro, nvm if you are a long term holder. If short term traders, bad perhaps.
Have a look at how UncleZ views PE, perhaps this will open up a view from a different perspective :


If you factor in the recurring revenue from telenor Myanmar, I think u will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Stay calm. Stay focused. Keep steady.


2015-12-20 21:53 | Report Abuse

Ye lah bro Tewnama. Zoom pon baru saje dapat baca. Hari Minggu zoom sibuk Dgn family....Wah Ini peluang baik untuk mendapatkan pandangan Dan recommendation UncleZ. USD 10 iaitu rm 42 ringgit. Barbaloi sebab UncleZ beri jaminan pulangan wang jika stock tak breprestasi yg dijangkakan....

Agaknya saham mana yg UncleZ katakan pilihannya untuk 2016?

Wow nyata UncleZ is back active. Posting almost every other day :-)


2015-12-18 21:28 | Report Abuse

Wow. Initial 12 years with an option to renew 3x 5 years. = 27 years? This redefines the word long term. Ock target 3000 towers in the next 5 years. Taking a conservative target of 1000 towers for the next 4x 5years, it may end up owning 7000 towers build n leased back to telenor. Recurring income. Sweet. U can already imagine next year revenue for the 920 towers to be done by 2016.

Definitely a gem.

Stay calm. Stay focused. Loooong term.



2015-12-18 13:54 | Report Abuse

Kita tunggu UncleZ tulis. Ari itu dia mengatakan Ada bagus news DSONIC setelah sekian lama diam diam.


2015-12-18 13:53 | Report Abuse

Hehehe. Ini port best. Meriah sejak zoom joined in the party. Wow sudah 2tahun sekelip mata.


2015-12-18 12:58 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro, tq tq, same2.... zoom cume tlg sebarkan pengalaman zoom yg mengikuti pengalaman UncleZ dengan harapan semut2 sekalian boleh berjaya dalam pasaran saham yg sugguh volatile.... kita kena ucapkan ribuan terima kasih dgn uncleZ yg memberi ilham dan inspirasi dan pengalamannya dalam pasaran saham. saya masih ingat tewnama bro pernah tulis "UncleZ tak pernah bawa kita ke dalam longkang " :-)

stay calm. stay focused. kita rock steady.


2015-12-18 09:20 | Report Abuse

Okok. Pemegang syer presbhd jangka panjang, jangan goyang. Baca insight UncleZ terbaru:


a picture paints a thousand words... Hehe.

Pavilion bro, nvm la. If presbhd get then we hepi. If no get life goes on.... No need to rubbish presbhd geh... We wait and see lah. Sure got winner one. Wait for announcement. If no get skin still got so many other contracts to vie for...

Kita rileks. Keep calm. Stay focused. Be steady.


2015-12-17 17:07 | Report Abuse

what's your TP to sell your warrants zlyc bro?


2015-12-17 13:12 | Report Abuse

tahniah Haziq bro. best. kita same same menjejak lifelong learning ini. profil kita almost the same he he he, tapi i banyak sikit kat Presbhd :-) ohh u ke the boy yg beli hovid? congrats :-) semua untung. yaa UncleZ is our sifu.. :-)


2015-12-17 12:35 | Report Abuse

zlyc bro. i will keep. i keep them all... :-) and wait till 2018... or beyond... i will treat the free warrants as an "ESOS" and only exercise them when i need ... got 5 years life period :-) so target 2020 lah :-) 5 years very fast will pass by...

the potential of this company is very very bright. overseas expansion and clinching contracts to build and lease = recurring income for many many years to come...

this one hopefully will be my golden goose... to lay golden eggs for years to come...

that's my plan :-) what about you bro? did u manage to pinjam the $$ and subscribed to all your allocations? :-)

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2015-12-17 11:07 | Report Abuse

this stock very nice punya. always give opportunity to collect before it start to fly.... UncleZ very pandai, nicknamed it old man lol....

can see the accumulation going on :-)

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2015-12-17 07:51 | Report Abuse

bro kcsc, its a great sign from Wall St. :-) let's continue watching the show.....Kylo Ren.

Stay Calm. Stay Focused. Keep Steady.


2015-12-17 00:39 | Report Abuse

wow wow..... cantekk.... sudah sign. 3000 towers in Myanmar. this is big. with Telenor some more. Malaysia T3 towers, tak main lagi lah.. can throw in the towel if get its a bonus lol



Sam, never doubted the fire in his belly. his overseas ventures bearing fruit.
Thank you UncleZ !

awaiting patiently for the durian runtuh.

stay calm. stay focused. awaiting huat ah.


2015-12-17 00:25 | Report Abuse

all the IRIS fansee sulking oredi now that DSONIC has grabbed their "bread and butter" passport project. the TA report really caused damage to IRIS stock... lets see what is next in store for DSONIC fansee's...

kcsc, still reading UncleZ blog ya? i thought the ol timers here oredi long gone :-)... miss the pee poo pee poo police catching dayz... will this be the time? every day up 10 sen days?..

stay calm. stay focused. keeping steady.


2015-12-16 17:48 | Report Abuse

wow, i think this is a good sign:

oversubscribed by 28.12%.... ada demand....

waiting patiently for the "old man" to awake and slow jog... hehe

stay calm. stay focused.


2015-12-16 17:43 | Report Abuse

well observed kcsc bro. volume...


2015-12-16 16:53 | Report Abuse

kcsc bro, good. i'm still holding mine tight lol... let's continue watching the show... this counter is amazing.. just read the thread and u know what i mean lol...

stay calm. stay focused. keep steady.


2015-12-16 14:26 | Report Abuse

kcsc ! bro u are back ! lol


2015-12-16 14:23 | Report Abuse

zoom kekal sabar, dan tunggu durian runtuh. 2017 "jauh" lagi.... hehe... tewnama bro, harap bro akan kekal bersabar dan tunggu bersama-sama zoom.

UncleZ memang pandai blog. dia tak tulis pun pasal projek kulit, tapi isi tersirat dalam coretan terbarunya sungguh clear. masuk satu gambaq je. itulah isi tersirat SKIN.
nampaknya, peluang besar projek kulit akan dapat.

tapi takpe, kalu DSONIC dapat SKIN pun, zoom tetap hepi, sbb saya masih pegang DSONIC - jangka panjang hehe.

stay calm. stay focused.