
zoomboom | Joined since 2014-01-23

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2014-03-07 20:20 | Report Abuse

TAFA: Poh HUAT name is already so beautiful..... Hehe

Bro asamlaksa , looks like its time to upgrade my BOH 3 in 1 tea soon...
Next wk will surely be an explosive show.

Bro invest, same here. Boy am I glad I consolidated and top up on DSONIC. My heart dup dup dup dup yet again!!

Bro chinesetea wow all your counters so good lah. How to remove? Hahaha
My take is:
Consolidate your property shares. Focus on one that u are most confident. There u have ur answer to remove 2 or three dy.

Just my 2 sen. :)


2014-03-07 13:01 | Report Abuse

Thank you unclez. Your postings are an inspiration to the average man on the street. :-)
Thank you bros tewnama, asamlaksa, chinesetea, pavillion, invest1818, Chrollo and all those of you who gave your patience, knowledge, encouragement and sincere sharing. I am sure your writings has helped many investors indeed in one way or another - whatever categories they may belong to (quickie/longterm/feisty/grumpy/angry/helpless/euphoric/cool/steady/hundreair/thousandair/millionaire/billionaire/etc) hehe

lotusf1 : i guess it sniffed 3.77 and got high dy. now dancing in ecstacy mode :-) very possible to close 3.80 and above :-) watch out next wk. will shift into 2nd gear.

Heed unclez's advice and pls keep your golden goose and sayang it 24x7 :-) !


2014-03-07 10:46 | Report Abuse

there she goes. the train has starting chugging and speed up.

wow. 3.78. broken previous high 3.77. next stop. 5.00.


2014-03-07 10:39 | Report Abuse

awesome. as anticipated, the train has started its next leg.

wow. all time high. 3.78. broken the previous high 3.77 record already !

蓝庆翰 no worries. just add as and when your bullets are available. this is a solid counter. long term investment. like what bro tewnama said, dont hop in and out like froggie. just stay on course.


2014-03-07 00:30 | Report Abuse

Agree with bro chinesetea, those who missed boarding yday DSONIC train stop in the morning, do jump and hop on to the train tomorrow. I anticipate news of bonus proposal submission to bursa next wk. :-)

The train has started its next leg and will probably zzzoooom up again !

Bro tewnama, cya lah. Awesome. With news straight from the mulut kuda, letupan PRESBHD pasti hebat! Thank u!


2014-03-06 18:00 | Report Abuse

fuuh. what a day it was.
i am glad i made the decisions i made. cold sweat !
it turns out very fine indeed.

DSONIC is back in action after a 2D hiatus :-)

looks like it was a last minute buying that pushed up most of the counters (like what bro chinesetea pointed out yday - compare the right and left KLCI charts)

the coming weeks will be very interesting to watch indeed.

btw bros, I was reading this blog on small cap:

bro invest, good move to consolidate your holdings :-)


2014-03-06 16:02 | Report Abuse

congratz bros on your bonuses :-) awesome!

Following up on asam's political theme investment concept some dates in my head to note:

March 21 - EcoWld ex-date

March 29 - Balingian by-election (If Mahmud Bekir runs and wins, wow Scable will fly for sure)

April 30 - TS Liew officially leaves SP Setia

of course not forgetting, within this timeframe, PRESHBHD and DSONIC bonus annoucements ;-
i. submission to Bursa.
ii. EGM.
iii. Approval.

kekeke out of bullets dy.
now its time to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride !

Huat x3 ah bros !


2014-03-06 07:30 | Report Abuse

Bro chinesetea, Awesome. If it's intl then it should be okay barring Ukraine conflict spiraling into war. Of coz if that happens it means bargain hunting time for all stocks :) Gd luck bros: huat x3 !!!


2014-03-05 23:26 | Report Abuse

Bros I just recalled reading this about the OSV's


Not sure if it will affect coastal's catalysts....


2014-03-04 17:26 | Report Abuse

thanks bro Siva68. now I can see clearly dy :-)

bro chinesetea, spot on the observation you posted in DSONIC thread. :-)


2014-03-04 12:24 | Report Abuse

bros, a quick dumb question:

the chart (Technical--> Stock Chart) that we open from the individual stocks selected in this i3forum, how do i read the colors in the volume bar chart?

I am assuming green means net buy and red means net sell? is this correct?




2014-03-03 18:25 | Report Abuse

I think I figured it out dy. thx bro chinesetea. keeping mum :-)

Definito. holding TIGHT2 I am bro asamlaksa. thx for your advice.

bro chinesetea, the stocks you picked up post syria episode, how many %% have u gained? ! :-)


2014-03-03 08:49 | Report Abuse

Nampak gayanye jantung berdegup kencang sekali lagi.....

dup dup.....dup dup....dup duP...dup DuP....

All eyes in 0900.



2014-03-01 23:34 | Report Abuse

Bro chinesetea, I like your new signofff kekekiki hahahahah

Looks like the bashers r already working full time and back in action in dsonic forum.
All the potential doom n gloom and fear mongering at full blast! Perhaps they read what we discussed here and trying to play reverse psychology (behavioral investing) so that on Monday get to buy in at lower price ?!?? Kekekeke

I also noted the announcement on new financial year end. Gut feel tells me something is positive about this but can't really figure it out. I can see significance with 15months closing the rev and profits for 2014. What's your take on the change?


2014-03-01 10:44 | Report Abuse

ROTFLOL Kekekekeke
Thx bro asam bro ctea. I shall refrain from formality and switch back to kopitiam mode haha. :-)

Thx bro asam for your explanation. Very good. I now understand already. The wording really tersirat hidden at the end lah.... Bugger using all these twist n turn legal wordings. :) Orait. Line clear.

Enjoy your weekends bros!


2014-03-01 00:21 | Report Abuse

Bros, as I was reading through the bonus issue proposals for both PRESBHD and DSONIC, I wish to bring your attention to :

Ranking of the Bonus Shares

The Bonus Shares shall, upon issue and allotment, rank pari passu in all respects with the then
existing Datasonic Shares except that they will not be entitled to any dividends, rights, allotments
and/or other distributions which may be declared, made or paid to shareholders, of which the
entitlement date is prior to the date of allotment of the Bonus Shares.

Note that the bonus shares will not be entitled to dividends.

I wonder how will these be traded once in the market. does it mean post exDate, if i sell these "bonus" shares, the buyer will not be entitled to dividends thereafter? how do they tag/keep track these non-eligible dividend shares?, more importantly how do we know which shares we own are dividend eligible?


2014-02-28 23:48 | Report Abuse

thx bro asam, bro chinesetea. enjoying my "top" quality 3 in 1 Teh Tarik now :-) (still kenot afford the real thing yet, target end of this yr boleh kot... hehe

sori asam, i posted "someone said yday high is tomo low" in the DSONIC thread. that someone is you asamlaksa :-) thx bro.

bros, i'll have some bullets next wk to pounce on when opportunity arises...

but with DSONIC i have a gut feel that only "ubat mujarab" UMA will pull it back...

this train is like the CRH380A (China Bullet Train) hitting 300mph when it bull runs !

it is madness - making those bashers cringe in disbelief and quiet like a mouse while we the ones who are holding tighttighttt break cold sweat looking at our investment blink blink GROwwWW + thinking "aiyo should've bought more "mentality" hahahaha

ok bros, shall keep a close eye on "return of the bashers"


2014-02-28 19:09 | Report Abuse

Bros DSONIC report mantap and is proposing 1to1 bonus like how PRESBHD did.

Bro chinesetea would DSONIC experience the same? I.e shoots up next wk then comes back down.

Only thing is DSONIC is a diff animal altogether. Always exceeds expectations!!!


2014-02-28 18:56 | Report Abuse

Chinesetea - sweet ! I am sure all of u are smiling so widely your cheeks already at the bank doorstep !

Altho I joined the party late (post split) the euphoria is just awesome!

This is indeed a very very very fast moving train! Zzzoom and like someone said earlier yday high is tomorow's low.
Just buy the next selling in queue!


2014-02-28 18:32 | Report Abuse

Wow. Next Monday share price sure zoooooooooooombooooom !

Congratulations to all still holding your golden geese :)



2014-02-28 18:20 | Report Abuse

bro chinesetea, the RM3 u referred to, was it pre-split or post-split? :-)


2014-02-28 18:19 | Report Abuse

rileks bro. the shares txaction was transfer to father to son, and daughter...

steady, listen to bro tewnama.... myvi on the way :-)

everybody sudah tukar IC ke belum?
next up, kena renew passport ... :-)


2014-02-28 15:29 | Report Abuse

wow the share price is moving as fast as the postings on this thread!

psd57, if that is true means + RM20mil to RHB anayst's expectation !:

"Kong expects full-year net profit for the financial year ended Dec 31, 2013 to be within RM80mil to RM81mil, based on the assumption that about 6.5 million copies of new MyKads were delivered in 2013."

means, RHB must revise TP again !


2014-02-28 15:12 | Report Abuse

huah! panasss....ZZzzZzzzzooooooooOOMMMMM ! bugatti veyron pun sudah kalah wey...
rilek kejap. jom pergi JPN... itchy nak buat IC baru yang canggih ....


2014-02-26 15:37 | Report Abuse

bro chinesetea, meaning? particular stock or major correction?


2014-02-26 12:52 | Report Abuse

ok bro tewnama. advice noted - kena berhati hati :-)

bros sekalian, Chrollo, chinesetea, invest1818, asamlaksa,Siva68, tewnama, daripada experience bros tengok dunia saham selama ni, ada ape ape "petua" atau warning signs yang boleh kami watchout for ?


2014-02-26 00:36 | Report Abuse

Oops Bukan post terbaru, post yg sebelumnye "during Bull Market"

Another petikan from that post :
" don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Don't turn an enjoyable venture into a nightmare when the big storm come hitting. "

Big storm tu macam mesej tersirat .....


2014-02-26 00:31 | Report Abuse

Oh begitu.... buat I kan cheong (suspens) bila terbaca post bro. Bukan ape, kan cheong dah low tak cukup bullet nak top up lagi hehehe :)

Ape pendapat bro tentang berita2 mat doom n gloom yg predict market crash imminent la, jaga2 la, etc? Sebab macam saya yg baru masuk untuk long term nih, harga sudah mahal berbanding dgn bros yg dah 2 tahun dulu 80sen sudah start.... Kalu crash pun u guys masih ada margin yg besar sepertimana uncleZ tulis on DSONIC. Untuk newbies like me, kalau crash memang akan stuck for a long time? Walaupun fundamentals Kuat market crash semua pun akan turun kan?

Another thing is, post terbaru uncleZ seakan akan ada maksud tersirat- "we will know by 2015 or earlier..." Is this an early warning sign? ..... Ape pendapat bros sekalian?


2014-02-25 19:11 | Report Abuse

bro tewnama, why tomorrow PresBhd will jatuh?


2014-02-21 17:14 | Report Abuse

got it bro invest.
sorry if i sent the wrong signal - i wasn't expecting PresBHD to behave like dsonic. am in it for the long term :-) slow and steady growth


2014-02-21 17:11 | Report Abuse

ok, now I understand. thanks chinesetea.


2014-02-21 16:48 | Report Abuse

chinesetea, i read back your post, but dont really understand about te shark... can explain a bit further?... thanks


2014-02-21 10:55 | Report Abuse

thank you uncleZ :-)
dan thank you bros :-)

chinesetea, looks like our analysis on the spot. Presbhd shot up ! - altho we kept quiet hahaha (we retail investors are the kucimayo sharesholders lah, even if we all combined together to buy, it probably wont even reach 0.0001% of total shares issued... or would it? ) to me, even at 3.50 i feel its still a good buy considering the fundamentals and prospects ahead.

yangkwang, suka hati u lah, nak jual jual lor. nak beli beli lah. tapi buat la homework dulu sebelum decide. gd luck!

btw Dyson products are awesome!


2014-02-20 18:57 | Report Abuse

Tewnama baru topped up s'more. Cun Beb :)


2014-02-20 18:56 | Report Abuse

Yeahhhhhhh! Sure shoot up like crazy :) hahhaa :)


2014-02-20 18:44 | Report Abuse

Presbhd report out dy
Pretty good q4 earnings.


Woohoo ! Proposed bonus issue 1 for each share held !


2014-02-20 11:17 | Report Abuse

T+3 besok. dup dup... dup dup....


2014-02-19 19:36 | Report Abuse

Chinesetea, noted on your warning :)
Btw I wanted to share, of course after following your posts, ecow was the choice to go. What made me even more confident was as I was driving past glenmarie on the fed hghy I observed and noted that the new Dev just beside the hghy (opposite empire shopping mall) was by UOA Dev. This is next to saujana zero lot owned by focal aims previously. I know the m&A didn't materialise, but the fact that they tried to acquire reveals the traits of TS 's strategic thinking and long term vision. How he built Setia alam was truly amazing.

Definitely keeping Eco long term.


2014-02-19 19:07 | Report Abuse

Tewnama, Ada berape stock dalam stable anda?
Chinesetea I couldn't tahan my itch and topped up some DSONIC this morning. Did u manage to get some at firesale price?


2014-02-19 19:01 | Report Abuse

Wow. So many options on under valued shares !
Awesome sharing bros. Danke! (Oops sorry Chrollo it's in my nature to always say thanks!) hehe


2014-02-19 18:49 | Report Abuse

soul, stay calm and dont be sad. this is a steady counter, will not disappoint you for sure. give it some time. like tewnama said, give it a couple of months.


2014-02-19 18:45 | Report Abuse

If its asking who can sell during "bleak times", its definitely going to be Tan Sri's high performance team. Remember 5/95?

The brains behind an attractive value proposition is the invaluable asset behind a successful company.

"tung tung chiang x2" drum dan cymbal dulu :-)...


2014-02-19 15:51 | Report Abuse

thanks Chrollo for the updates.


2014-02-19 15:13 | Report Abuse

hokay thanks bro. :-) learnt some good technical details from your posting :-) I think it was probably also the fact that Datuk Stanley Thai (Supermax MD)supported "opposition" before the last GE that had a clout over its share price not "on par" with the big 3 taiko's. It has come a long way, and is currently facing a roadblock at the 3.02-3.03 range.


2014-02-19 14:53 | Report Abuse

thanks invest1818 for the detailed info. How about Supermax? What's your take/ experience on them? They seem to be on an aggresive mode to expand their Nitrile production similar to Kossan.


2014-02-19 08:34 | Report Abuse

Thx Chinese tea. Another great advice. :). Staying up late eh? Dsonic? :))


2014-02-18 22:21 | Report Abuse

Thanks asam. Yep I shall hold on tight and chat in this executive lounge instead.
You guys are the best. Rational and talking sense :)
Hopefully tomorrow will be another great day ahead and presenting some opportunities :)
Gd luck bros


2014-02-18 17:50 | Report Abuse

i agree chinesetea. really turning out to be a blessing in disguise. thats why i suggest lets name is as Ubiquitous Market Advancing instead ! hehe.

Yea, post Eco's UMA, I was using it as a observation period to learn the effects (did manage to collect some in the low 4's)... and today I feel vindicated. as you advised, this limited edition tix i will hold on tight2 :-)

so whats the "right" price you are targeting chinesetea?

whats this some forumers shouting about a huge market correction in the next few days? - creating fear huh?...


2014-02-18 17:03 | Report Abuse

thanks chinesetea.
my hands were damn itchy when it hit 2.75... hahaha
better prepare some bullet first :-). when is a good time to go in? since report will be out end next wk... the period is only these couple of days + next wk.... would it be a good approach to let the UMA dust settle for the next two days?..