
zoomboom | Joined since 2014-01-23

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2014-04-02 00:03 | Report Abuse

Okok. Roger that bro asamlaksa and chinesetea.. - for now :p memang tgh malam2 i nih otak qi sin sikit hahahaha

uncleZ pls do forgive our young, speculative, naughty, naivety :-)

Chrollo, if the lim teh session on, can I join? Can I? Can I? I promise I'll bring lots of Tesco 3in1 Teh Tarik to share :-) kekekeke

Bro chinesetea, let me guess... PRESBHD and OCK? :-)?


2014-04-01 23:02 | Report Abuse

Chrollo, betulkan? :-) takpe, Kita biar je sebagai spekulasi :-)...kekekeke

Stay cool, calm n steady brews, uncleT n uncleZ has spoken.
Prep ur bullets n cheong! once turun !

More chance to tua huat windfall! Yippie!!

Thx bro chinesetea :-)


2014-04-01 19:04 | Report Abuse

(Siren) pee poo x3
(Pengawas bursa) : bang, janganlah terbang laju sangat. Kita pun nak huat juga...


2014-04-01 19:00 | Report Abuse

U mean UMA ? Yay! (Oops I don't mean to b a party pooper)


2014-04-01 18:54 | Report Abuse

Aiseh packed like a sardine in this Lousy Rail Transport (LRT). Have to type with one hand and contend with smelly sweaty ppl ( bluekk humidity n was pouring cats n dogs in KL). Dun get me wrong, I don't despise them in fact I ustand what they r going thru. Kesian mereka. I would create small talk "how r u bro?" But alas that's the fact of life. Meesa no mind, meesa comfy being in the normal herd :-). Life teaches us a lot of things just by experiencing them....

Bro Siva68, takpe. If he turns up we just recite the mantra "ignorance is bliss " kekeke


2014-04-01 18:15 | Report Abuse

sau tou x2 (rogerx2 in cantonese) bro chinesetea :-) i know u know that i knew that he knew that they didn't know that we know (*wink2)kekekekkek

Danke 1n1792. you made my day. maybe, just maaaybee.. (day dreaming again) 1 fine day can dream of publishing a book and write nonsense and see got ppl interested to read or not (when i am financially free at last) kekekeke

brew tewnama, tak marah2 ler.. hepi giler hari ini. semua counter bull run :-)

bro Siva68 : "sounds like some form of being which likes to kacau here and there, it can be very irritating at times but adds a bit of humor," I think if he change his name to Megatron from the Transformers it would be a perfect fit ! Optimus just tarnishes the leader of the Autobots.. kekeke

"Investobots, transform and Rollout !" (chu chu chu chu chuett)

oops young Zoom daydreaming again.. sori bro chinesetea :-) kekekeke


2014-04-01 17:59 | Report Abuse

(clap clap clap) high five (piakk !) ...

"Senyummmm... kepada semuaa....
Senyumanmu... amatlah berharga...
Senyum... Membahagiakan....
Dengan Seyuman... Terjalinlah....
Ikatann......" :-)

sing it brews !


2014-04-01 17:52 | Report Abuse

brew sarawakian , destinasinya stesen no. berape ya?..


2014-04-01 17:50 | Report Abuse

huah, price myvi dah melonjak wooooo - last time i beli untuk wifey baru RM46K beberapa tahun dulu kekeke

tapi myVi memang solid. baik pinya kereta. robust dan tahan lama :p


2014-04-01 16:19 | Report Abuse

yes uncleZ. erm i mean bro chinesetea :-) I understand the risks involved, and am putting in my money on my own risk. no one is holding a gun to my head.

yep, i am always watching the market (DJIA, KLSE,etc) and staying vigilant (BURSA). In fact uncleZ has given hints about the storm. we all have to be very vigilant and play safe (KAREX ?) ..

on a lighter side, my brain has been automatically associating with stocks lately as apparent from my posting above. kekekeke.


2014-04-01 15:39 | Report Abuse

ruparupanya cuticuti is an ol timer too :-) congratz bro/sis.

I must be the most junior here hehehe. still far far away from all of you otais :-) but i am happy, at least i am on the right track dy.

TQ bros/sis.


2014-04-01 15:32 | Report Abuse

TQ Joel for sharing :-) making all more euphoric dy.

This also means what I understand from uncleZ' latest post is coming true after all ...:-
" The party has just began " ....


2014-04-01 15:29 | Report Abuse

kcsc : true true... yes sir/madam. roger that. angsa tersayang will never be killed. :-) looks like we need to revise our target leh, Joel's remisier called him (!!!! - as opposed to Joel calling remisier, its a very thoughtful SURPRISE). looks like our dream will come true wor. nvm lets day dream again and set our new target... kekeke

HhHHhhuatx3 !


2014-04-01 13:34 | Report Abuse

kcsc: bbbut bbbut... there is rule wor... : never fall in love with stock?... hhow hhow?..


2014-04-01 12:59 | Report Abuse

yes sir kapten asamalaksa :-)
i go buy some lozenges now kekeke....


2014-04-01 12:55 | Report Abuse

its true what the ol' timers said. this counter is very hard to decide when to sell, especially when u see it rocket higher and higher...

kcsc: whats your decision? let go when hit 7.50? kekeke


2014-04-01 12:48 | Report Abuse

brew cuticuti: just to share my experience, i just started following uncleZ and the otai's in this thread back in Jan2014. I trimmed my herd (the usual some make the other loss = nett same same) almost completely (only holding one left hehe) and entered into these recommendations by uncleZ. tell you the truth, no regrets and huat smallsmall oredi :-)

very strong counters with superb fundamentals. do some homework and read up on them. the more you find out, the more confident you will be of their immense potential. convince yourself before committing, don't just take the advises for granted... in the long run sure can see huat2. hope this helps those out there with the same goal as me - to get out of the rat race and hopefully be financially independent one day :-)

my teenie weenie 2 sen.


2014-04-01 12:31 | Report Abuse

"jia you... jia you... !":-) slow and steady :-)


2014-04-01 12:03 | Report Abuse

brew's, ingat pesanan uncleZ. simpan 4Q. :-)


2014-04-01 12:01 | Report Abuse

this baby is for long term... i know when i pressed the buy button, i have made money.
check it out in 2015. :-)


2014-04-01 12:00 | Report Abuse

looks like today might be the day, ... its simmering... and will break 4 confidently :-)


2014-04-01 11:49 | Report Abuse

cuticuti, if you read uncleZ's posting carefully, i believe the isi tersirat is
"The party has just began" refer to both the counters.

I might be wrong, but that's what I gather.
my teenie weenie 2 sen. :-)

huaatx3 arr brew's !


2014-04-01 11:30 | Report Abuse

1n1792 :-)

HUATx3 arr !:-)
(i perlu belajar cara asamlaksa - get others to cheer, my throat indeed sudah sakit hahaha)


2014-04-01 11:26 | Report Abuse

sosfinance: if Ben10 and gang know they can double or triple it, why would they want to sell?

Hochimama : Agreed. its a vicious cycle !


2014-04-01 11:21 | Report Abuse

bro tewnama, I pun mungkin nak ambik leave dan hadir EGM. :-)

yeshh. funds sudah masuk. berjaya top up angsa tersayang sebelum lepas stesen no.4 :-)


2014-04-01 10:08 | Report Abuse

TQTQ bro asamlaksa.
looks like i have followed the correct leader and made the right decision :-)

betul tewnama, the party has indeed just begun.

Huatttx3 ARR brew's (bros & sis') !


2014-04-01 09:54 | Report Abuse

zoom daydreams again (omg its really happening):

(siren) pee poo pee poo pee poo.....
(traffic polis ) : "sila ke tepi, sila ke tepi, keretapi DSONIC nak lalu"

this time, looks like the traffic polis is escorting our dear beloved goose... goose about to lay another golden egg.

kcsc: jit bai jit bai lai ! ong arr huat arr !

HUAATx3 ARR brew's (bro & sis) !


2014-04-01 09:49 | Report Abuse

tekken, how u calculated get .94 sen @ mother 4.70 ?


2014-04-01 07:22 | Report Abuse

Selamat sejahtera brew's,

Thx tonylim n mikekong55. Looks like it's gonna break record again today then.

kcsc: (clap clap) high five ! Lai Lai Lai.... "Chit Khor Phua"

HHUATTx3 ARR brew's !!


2014-04-01 07:00 | Report Abuse

My sincere thanks again to uncleZ (chinesetea), asamlaksa, tewnama, chrollo, invest1818). Would like to let u brew's (bros+sis) know, your guidance and advice has definitely helped accelerate my quest to get out of the rat race...

Not forgetting the rest of the bros n sis that I have made good company with. Your friendship will be treasured :-).

TQ and HHUATTx3 ARR brew's !!


2014-03-31 17:14 | Report Abuse

Feimaw: so juen lah your prediction. closing .425. got collect more bo?


2014-03-31 17:09 | Report Abuse

"Kukuman many are hitting themselves for not keeping this share. 10.00 nobody believe. 5.00 nobody believe. But now everyone believe! how about 7.00? anyone?"

bro Kukuman: yes! yes! yes! (me and kcsc jumping in ecstacy in the background with hands waving frantically) us us... we believed 7.50 last week and still believing ! we kept and kept.. and keep and keeping still :-)



2014-03-31 17:04 | Report Abuse

Joel: TQ for sharing. I always liked the way you posted your remisier (KL-PJ). cool and professional bro. we promise we won't tell that you joined forum. swear. kekeke

huah. i stopped daydreaming over the weekend, and today my dreams getting real by the day !!!
awesome !

HUATx3 ARR everybody !


2014-03-31 16:19 | Report Abuse

Ok! Noted bro Firebird2 :-) I think no problem. iron clothes-checked. wash floor - checked. clean plates - checked. all oredi doing now. hahahaha but i guess you are right. every point in life has different set of challenges :-) I always believe is how you make things work during that difficult period that matter the most a.k.a gaining experience :-)

Hochimama: I guess not to worry, DSONIC upgraded to supersonic jet again... PRESBHD still on track.. enjoy the scenery :-) they will meet up again soon for sure.. hehehe


2014-03-31 16:12 | Report Abuse

"wah lao eh.."

kcsc: yammmm senggg !


2014-03-31 15:30 | Report Abuse

*paiseh* actually not much experience, still learning too :-) i agree with your opinion on bad attitude forumers that spoil the mood with their incessant insults. yep. ignorance is bliss hehehe..

Tq bro for your support. I can't wait to be out of the rat race asap and spend a lot more time with family at home... the vicious cycle of earning a salary, get in debt to buy house/car/etc, pay the loans and the never ending inflation eating up our hard earned money ( which is used to pay the debts)... is just that... vicious !!! this is the ultimate trap in life hehehe...


2014-03-31 13:26 | Report Abuse

Ok Feimaw. so this time collection u will be keeping? no contra? what's your TP bro?


2014-03-31 13:16 | Report Abuse

aiseh Feimaw, I thought you queued bit bit at every price?... how come didn't manage to catch it?


2014-03-31 13:14 | Report Abuse

yesyesyes :-) perfect...all green color.... this is no doubt the best way to make your money work hard for you... chillax :-)


2014-03-31 12:57 | Report Abuse

kekekeke ROTSLOL huh.. :-)
Thanks Firebird2. Keepin my fingers crossed that all will go as planned :-) - btw I didn't know by just participating in a forum, one can reveal so much about oneself ! huahh have to beware! hahahahaha

I must salute uncleZ's wife. she can finish the whole candy crush game. I couldn't last a couple of levels - must've been installing too many investing apps --> ha ha ha.

nicole76: my sincere wish gd luck on your DSONIC-CA venture :-) huaatx3 for you !


2014-03-31 12:49 | Report Abuse

I love reading this piece over and again. it gives me pure inspiration:

31/03/2014 12:47

It should also be a big hint that VTY wont stay on long too...


2014-03-31 12:46 | Report Abuse

News like these are the nibblets of things to come.. :


Kesian TS, no matter how he deny and plus saying no offer letter from ECOWLD, still he will be related to it no matter how :-)


2014-03-31 12:42 | Report Abuse

yeah brew's (plural for more bros?), of course those like me would've wished we bought during its 0.36 issue price, but then again, it has proven it's capabilities along that 2 years which gives credibility and confidence for investors to notice now :-) but at the same context, whos to say if I bought at .36 I would have kept it till today? (old man so sloww ) kekekekeke..


2014-03-31 12:34 | Report Abuse

Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud.
I bet you are doing it now. :-) aahaahahahahah.

not so much money ler... - not enuff yet to get out of the rat race. :-)

yeah bro, chillax and chat and joke a bit... like what uncleZ posted, he was talking about candy crush IPO.. candy crush got crushed - he has a knack for coming up with very unique eyecatching titles in his pieces he he he..


2014-03-31 12:22 | Report Abuse

hahaha - and i was such a n00b went and search for stock "Stock Quote"


2014-03-31 12:20 | Report Abuse

thx and gd luck nicole76!


2014-03-31 11:58 | Report Abuse

This ship sailing steadily tells me that its entry into high seas (mainboard) will be imminent. once in the high seas, it will have to push up the speed (20knots?) and ZZzzzzooooom to maintain course.

Potential is huge. Go for it. (hold it long term [ at least till yr end] and surely be rewarded)

my 2sen.


2014-03-31 11:51 | Report Abuse

this golden goose will lay golden eggs for many years to come... long term.. very long term..

FIrebird2: looks like our train journey to JB will be a very long ride indeed :-) kekekeke..

huat arr bros and sis' !


2014-03-31 11:48 | Report Abuse

in addition, the Balingian win basically sealed the authority of pek moh over the long term... its a good time to accumulate for those belum stock up...