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2 comment(s). Last comment by AlbertLim 2013-08-02 11:07


33 posts

Posted by leviathan > 2013-08-01 16:09 | Report Abuse

private school, nowadays kids are so spoiled...? hahaha, really don't understand. Maybe the creation of the "strawberry generation" are due to these kind of parents doing ?

during my time, my ah ma & ah gong used to say these to me - " if you can study, i sent you to which school also you can excel, if you are potato, i sent you to which private school also you will end up as a potato , so want to study, study properly, don't wanna study, after form three or form five , pack your ass & follow ah ma & ah gong to grow vegetables ".

lol, save the 12k to buy Perak Corp for their tertiary eductaion 10 years later. Now with 12k can get 5,000 units


281 posts

Posted by AlbertLim > 2013-08-02 11:07 | Report Abuse

see... last post he said less posting but just after that got another one here... he is a flip flop man no integrity con man..

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