I think main cause of Malaysia political instability was due to the 'Anti Hopping Law' been taken away during M's regime. This anti hopping law would prevent MP from frogging from one party to another without need to resign from their present position as MP. If this anti hopping law is reenacted, majority of seats would not be an issue anymore. Anti hopping law actually is good rakyat as what the MPs been elected for.
zahid yang wajib di pecat oleh umno - pemimpin yang memalukan umno dan orang melayu. umno memerlukan pemimpin yang berkaliber, berintegriti dan di hormati oleh rakyat.
Umno was doing very well until Zahid came back from his jungle leave! The rest is history! Zahid turn Umno upsidedown! Hope to see Umno deregistered soon! Good riddance! If not for Zahid, there won't be polticial unheavel that we experience now!
If the President of UMNO gives an ultimatum to all its MP's to either quit their Cabinet/Minister posts or get fired from the party, it is the President himself who will instead find that he is without a party
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
14,982 posts
Posted by DickyMe > 2021-07-08 12:45 | Report Abuse
Tidak perlu cakap pun. Sumber cuma nak burukkan Zahid.