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9 comment(s). Last comment by stockraider 2023-02-19 14:45
Posted by speakup > 2023-02-13 21:59 | Report Abuse
Sad to say PMX is too scared to execute the tough decisions that Malaysia must take in order to become a 1st world nation
Posted by Ron90 > 2023-02-14 18:37 | Report Abuse
don't be too chinese centric la.. lets face the truth ....before "Our civil service should represent all the people." about your private sector services should be represent all the people olso, not majority your type of ?? got what i mean eh?.
but than again.. you will reserve to "play victim" side to defend your race preferences appointment, and konon based on meritocracy la, bla, bla.. in realty, thats in your blood la. Even Sing4p0re...where got meritocracy..they selectively press other race. Mjority chinese ppl in all sectors.
enough of always condemning govt sectors, you should look at private sectors la..
Posted by Ron90 > 2023-02-14 18:42 | Report Abuse
Same statement applies to chines' control companies. Even the non-bumiputeras (not chines) olso got no place for carrier advancement la..
"Even Noor Farida Ariffin, a spokesman for the G25 group of former senior civil servants, has come out to say that low salaries are not the only factor discouraging the Chinese community in Sabah, Sarawak, and the peninsula from joining the civil service: "The main reason other races are not keen to join the civil service is the lack of opportunities for advancement and the discrimination most of them face."
She said this was evident from the many instances where capable non-Bumiputeras were passed over for promotion by "less capable and non-performing Bumiputeras".
Posted by Ron90 > 2023-02-14 19:07 | Report Abuse
Vodo statement.. other countries Not include ARMED FORCES personnel as their goverment servant. The ratios subjective to diff definition. Mjority of the 1.7 m govt servant, about half 48%, consist of educationist (420,000), health personnel (268,000), police personnel (130,00) ... that should match our population. Unless you want all to be privatize eh?... than complain, malaysia tak selamat la, not enough doctors la, school congested la. complainant, esp those group of people... only satisfy when Xi Jin phg become PM. vodoo compare to s1ng4pore, hongkong, small area easy to managed la 1d1ots, we have to established govt machineries (agencies) at the rural area as well, Baling, Kapit, Pensiangan.
"Malaysia’s bureaucracy is one of the biggest in the world, with 1.7 million civil servants to a population of 32 million, a ratio of 4.5% compared with Singapore’s ratio of 1.5% (small area like penang only) civil servants to total population, Hong Kong’s 2.3% (small area like KL only )and Taiwan’s ratio of 2.3% (armed forces secret number). We are spending more than RM41 billion a year to upkeep our civil servants."
Posted by speakup > 2023-02-14 22:27 | Report Abuse
malaysia baru????? nampak mcm sama je
Posted by stockraider > 2023-02-15 08:23 | Report Abuse
DAP has become more realist loh!
Instead of reforming the Public Service & PH will lose the Govt, why not reform system to prevent corruption & wastage that Universal Accepted by all races & religion leh ??
Dap is right to prioritise what is importance loh!
Posted by i3lurker > 2023-02-15 16:23 | Report Abuse
we need to enlarge the civil service by another 1 million jobs
priority to be given to only Bumiputras for this additional 1 million jobs
Posted by stockraider > 2023-02-19 14:45 | Report Abuse
The Govt should set up the country largest employment agency.....provide work force to the private sectors.....whenever they wants worker.....instead of giving brim & free money that is not productive!
So private sector get its workforce....Govt get the population employed wastage loh!
No result.
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Posted by speakup > 2023-02-13 21:32 | Report Abuse
Good article