I am really really getting more interested on this company because their taiwan subsidiary. Ares Green Technologies榮眾科技,their Dec 2014 revenue hit another historical high.
The value of this company keep on increase. It shouldn't stay at 0.15, shall be more. Last quarter results make it hit 0.18. Next quarter results might help to hit 0.21
The major shareholders are dumping habis the warrants, so they won't push the mother to let you gain on warrant. The warrant expired on March 2015, so take your time to accumulate more.
The conversion price is $0.18. The warrant is going to suspend trading about 1 month before the expire date.After the expired date, it will be delisting and burst.
With superior annual results released next month, the mother can easily shoot to 0.20 and you can easily sell out your warrants and gain 100% returns... don't hurry to sell :)
From the last 3Q earning of 2014, you can clearly see that the revenue grew very strong, in fact it is the strongest ever quarter result. And this 4Q result will be included into the upcoming 4Q result next month.
Correction :The warrants expired on 10th of march 2015 and will delisting after that. The last day for trading of warrants should be on 13th of feb 2015(friday).
The current management officers and major shareholders already disposed the warrants. Why they want to push the mother to let you gain?? The next Q results should be released as usual on 26/27 feb 2015, so take your time to accumulating lower.
Are you sure last day trading of warrant is 13/2/2015? U need to confirm this before commenting. If the mother shares worth than 0.18, some big companies who are interested, they can take over the company at low price.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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Posted by VLVL > 2015-01-08 14:28 | Report Abuse