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2 comment(s). Last comment by spiderman49 2018-01-20 02:03


3,220 posts

Posted by KLCI King > 2017-10-12 22:58 | Report Abuse

once market collapse, all bankers will laugh all the way back to their offices

Posted by spiderman49 > 2018-01-20 02:03 | Report Abuse

depend on how good they distribute it out la , certain SW listing till expired no vol or within the tenure very low transaction then how can they make money even market collapse ? listing expenses for each SW around 50 to 80k n need jaga some more , most of the MM do hedging wont take risk n fight with u la , that why u can see even close to expired and to many punters is already gg 0 value also they provide buy q la and is also by law they need to la caused of time value la mana tau .....

example :in a series of sapnrg SW , so high premium why mm they still provide buy Q n still ada pple buy ? tak kan all buy punya bodo ?

Sw is bull mkt best friend vice versa lo , dont understand pls dont buy la will kill u if traded this simply base on price n not few criteria requirement la ,

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