Posted by Lam Kok Hoong > 2015-09-15 12:17 | Report Abuse

Investment - Gold 黄金投资 有人问我,黄金可以投资吗?黄金可以买来收吗等等。。。 几年前,我的答案是我不会买黄金来投资,但我给不出一个很好的理由。但当我多看和多读有关于投资的书籍后,知识也有所提升了一点点。。。我终于有比较靠谱的理由了! 我的理由很简单 1。黄金只不过是众多矿物质里的其中一种,黄金的价值在于它的物质稳定和有限的产量。但假设有一天,一个蕴藏着5千万公吨的黄金矿被发现于被开发的话,黄金的价值肯定会受到影响的。这道理和石油价的起落有着同一个道理。 2。黄金投资-要投资实体黄金还是纸黄金呢?纸黄金的话就要特别小心,因为你所拥有和购买的照道理来说只是一张纸,是有很大的风险的。而实体黄金呢,你就要把它收在安全的地方比如保险箱,不要忘记,保险箱的租金是部便宜的,再你还没开始赚钱时你就要先花钱保障黄金的安全。 3。黄金是不会在等待的期间给你任何回筹的。 你把钱放在定期还会给你最少3%的利息。。 4。黄金投资的真实回筹其实不高,以25年的平均回筹才平均一年8%,但如果你在5年前买进黄金的话这5年你是亏钱的! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Someone will ask me: is it good to invest in gold or buy gold to keep? Few years back I will say no but I cannot come out with better explanation, but now days after more reading I can come out with better fact to support my comment. My reason is simple: 1. Gold is just one another type of mineral, other type of minerals are such as copper, iron, silver, diamond etc etc is mined from the ground as well, if one fine day a mega gold mine is to be discovered say 50 million to of deposit is discovered, what will happened to our gold price? Just look at our oil price and you can imagine that. 2. To buy gold, paper gold or real gold? If paper gold, how reliable will be the dealer? Can it be the Geneva case? If physical gold, then we have to pay for the gold safe keeping in safe box. Instead of generating money, you are paying to safe keep it. 3. Gold do not generate income during the waiting time, at least in FD they give you 3% during your waiting time. 4. In fact if we study the gold price trend properly, the gold price is actually raising according to inflation rate and is compound increment is merely average 8% growth per year for the pass 25 years and eventually you are losing money if you bought it 5 years ago!

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