Posted by hoolahoo > 2018-02-10 21:43 | Report Abuse

1. Timing is crucial to wealth accumulation. 2. Learn about cryptocurrency while you stay invested only far sighted people can see what the founder of onecoin can see. She looks from the too and those who still do not believe in onecoin are looking from below. 3. This relative new cryptocurrency (onecoin) is very special and different from all other cryptocurrencies. 4. This cryptocurrency will make all other cryptocurrencies irrelevant/obsolete. 5. You have approx only 8 months to go before this cryptocurrency is going public on 8/10/18, meaning it will explode after going public. Which stock in klse can bring you 4000% return in approx 3 yrs? 6. This cryptocurrency is legit and has been investigated by authorities in 3 countries (Bulgaria, Sweden, and Germany) and government found nothing illegal like scam, ponzi, money laundering or criminal activities. 7. It is completely legal and has no risk involved (you don't need money to invest inorder to mine coins or make money. If you still in doubt you can register free as a rookie! 8. Afterall this information shared here is to make you wealthy not me! I do not gain if you become wealthy. It is only right for me to share good things. I have done my sharing part and the rest is in your hand, whether you are fated to be wealthy or not. May new year bring you great fortune!!!

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2 comment(s). Last comment by hoolahoo 2018-02-10 22:23


126 posts

Posted by hoolahoo > 2018-02-10 22:23 | Report Abuse

Sorry for spelling mistake---item 2. She looks from the top

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