Posted by Silent Boy > 2018-07-03 16:24 | Report Abuse

Somewhat Xi is getting wrong advise from his fellow technocrats! China will collapse if round 2 goes into affect! Next week, we should see round 1 implemented! The first 50 billion tariff may be painful but CCP may remain defiant and refuse to blink! For one, i am very surprise China didn't blink! It would have been easier for China to make a deal and respect IP rights of other countries! Or maybe, the easy money made from pirating is too much to let go! I really don't know! But the ongoing trade war is win-lose scenario! US will come out the ultimate winner no matter how to spin it! And this may see US becoming manufacturing hub, if Donald Trump next target, the unionized worker syndicates nuke to demise! Oh yes, Donald Trump is going after those corrupted unions! The only question remain is, will CCP make a deal to save itself! Because the next round will be extremely painful!

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