Posted by yuanping > 2019-01-16 11:35 | Report Abuse

给FinSpark的公开信函 本人,Lai Yuan Ping,投资者编号155,是FinSpark公司的投资者兼股东。鉴于FinSpark公司在回复本人的电邮中以将在本月29日举行非正式股东会议为由,而不正面回应本人向董事们所提出的问题,所以本人在无可奈何下,以公开方式向董事们提出我的问题。为了解除我的疑虑,请董事们公开回答我以下的问题: 1) 针对报章上有关大股东兼董事陈星有先生Alvin Tan和张开亮先生Spark Liang联合向黄济远先生Stanley Ng公开道歉启事,我想问问两位董事为什么要向刚辞去CFO之职的黄济远先生Stanley Ng公开道歉并撤回言论及帖文? 这是否表示有关去年在网络流传的"红漆交代事件"视频及面子书帖文里的内容并非属实,只是一场闹剧? 2) 有关本月八日FinSpark公司透过电邮发给全体股东的公告中提及所有的法律纠纷已获得圆满解决,我想向董事们再度确认此事,当中是否包括董事陈星有先生Alvin Tan Shing Yeou在特别股东大会(EGM)上当众承认所涉及的失信案(Criminal Breach of Trust)在内? 3) 有关公告中提到一份完整的审计报告(Audit Report)将会在今年三月出炉,请问这是否意味着原先在FinSpark特别股东大会上,董事张开亮先生Spark Liang向股东们承诺会委任第三方独立审计公司对FinSpark公司进行特别审计(Special Audit)的事项已不再执行? 4) 特别股东大会(EGM)已结束两个月,为什么身为股东的我至今仍未收到有关大会的任何书面汇报/秘书报告? 公司如此的作风令我非常不满意,同时也替那些没有出席EGM的股东们不值,因为董事们更本不重视小股东的权益。 最后,我不希望我们公司的领导人如同网络传言,这是一场自导自演的闹剧,好让董事们可以在充分的理由下将公司清盘,投资者兼小股东也无法追究公司所面对的重大亏损,之后再以新名称,新姿态重新融资。另外,请董事们不要以举办什么Brief Gathering(非正式股东会议)为由而回避我以上的问题,谢谢。 Lai Yuan Ping 启 股东编号155

4 people like this.

31 comment(s). Last comment by Fei Yang 2019-07-25 15:33


1,816 posts

Posted by Davidl > 2019-01-17 13:31 | Report Abuse

What is this?


12 posts

Posted by yuanping > 2019-01-17 19:38 | Report Abuse

Finspark crisis, the founders refuse to reply my email

Posted by finspark > 2019-01-18 14:03 | Report Abuse

Miss Yuan Ping,
We have taken note of your queries. However, we have cross checked with our records and the registered shareholder list with SSM and your name is not listed in the records. Kindly forward your queries to or and we will be more happy to address them.


Posted by Sansan Lee > 2019-01-18 19:37 | Report Abuse

Video里头出现很多疑点,让我怀疑3个董事自导自演,目的是让公司在充分理由下倒闭后再重新融资。如果不是那就有可能从一开始CEO Alvin Tan和CMO Sparkliang知情并同意Finspark入股CFO新创办的公司,后来不知为何改变主意,转移目标,将目标锁定众筹回来1.5mil,先以低价位献购CFO Stanley Ng的股权但由于双方无法达成协议就改变策略,故意拖延时间,让股权收购价迟迟无法达成共识,然后利用这段时间掏空公司户口里的钱,包括领走公司户口里的30万,等到CFO发现CEO和CMO在这段时间不断的挪用公款,对公司进行利益收授而要求召开EGM时,CEO和CMO就先发制人,利用网络散播一个扭曲事实的视频,让大家误以为CFO就是令到公司面临损失惨重的坏人,自己可以将责任推到一干二净!当中也可能包括CEO因个人财务周转问题,搞到跟阿窿借钱,结果阿窿上门讨债泼红漆,所以知道事情无法再拖下去,就使出他们的杀手锏,制作误导性的视频,将所有罪责推给一个吃死猫的董事,自己继续做好好先生,再利用合法众筹平台进行新一轮的融资!

Posted by Gregory Koh > 2019-01-18 19:40 | Report Abuse

在2015年,LearnVest被美国一家著名人寿保险和资产管理企业Northwestern Mutual (NM) 以USD250m的价格收购。后者计划以LearnVest的软件作为他们的核心平台与数百万用户保持联系。
回到FinSpark,根据未来3年的预估账目,管理层预算这个平台第一年营业额是RM3.6m (RM1.3m盈利),而第二年营业额是RM12.7m (RM4.0m盈利)。换句话数,他们必须寻找超过5,000人付费订阅,甚至是10,000。管理层也保证往后会用3倍价格赎回股票。


12 posts

Posted by yuanping > 2019-01-18 19:45 | Report Abuse

I had email to or , no one reply me, why not reply me now?!!!

陈星有被控告?下一个会不会是spark liang?他是不是滥用公款被告?


4,017 posts

Posted by rogers123 > 2019-01-18 20:10 | Report Abuse

Omg! Another scam case. Etoro can copy the portfolio from good investor. U think is so easy people will reveal their hard work to public?

Posted by Johny Wong > 2019-01-18 20:31 | Report Abuse

FinSpark EGM报导:
另外,CFO Stanley Ng也被投资者质问为何不履行董事职务和极少出现在公司时,他一一否认并强调自己从今年三月起已被CEO陈星友以同意辞去董事职务为由拒绝他回公司执行董事职务。
大会结束前, 大股东陈星友和张开亮主张以个人身份向失去信心的投资者全数回购股份。


12 posts

Posted by yuanping > 2019-01-18 21:03 | Report Abuse

investor have the right to know what happen!!!! dont ask me to prove myself, please answer me FINSPARK!!

Posted by Wilson Loo > 2019-01-19 18:48 | Report Abuse

very interesting story, lucky i did not invest, but some of my friend invest 10k and 20k. the shit will hit the FAN very soon

Posted by Grey Yap > 2019-01-19 20:33 | Report Abuse

tiu lor, i invested some, how come no one alarm this crisis


21,622 posts

Posted by paperplane > 2019-01-19 21:04 | Report Abuse

Security commission shld step in! Report to SC, make police report, lodge complain to MOF


21,622 posts

Posted by paperplane > 2019-01-19 21:05 | Report Abuse

If got any misconduct, report to BNM financial surveillance unit!


21,622 posts

Posted by paperplane > 2019-01-19 21:07 | Report Abuse

Worst case, get a lawyer to sue the whole board of directors


21,622 posts

Posted by paperplane > 2019-01-19 21:14 | Report Abuse

Why u all go invest this kind company. Buy stock better, its exchange traded, highly regulated. 别让你们贪念害了你们。。。有也去bnm approve的p2p啦。。。fundaztic, funding society, 只要那些公司不倒闭在10%return 有的。


21,622 posts

Posted by paperplane > 2019-01-19 21:16 | Report Abuse



4,017 posts

Posted by rogers123 > 2019-01-19 21:46 | Report Abuse

I can tell u that the way of these 3 person invested, they dont have a proper skill in investing. They just explained to the public based on watever they have studied.


4,017 posts

Posted by rogers123 > 2019-01-19 21:48 | Report Abuse

They used the money to renovate the office is really a bad move. They should use the money to invest wisely. Renovation wont give any return.

Posted by Grey Yap > 2019-01-20 12:15 | Report Abuse

i just received insider news that, their account is really a mess, i will email them to reply


1,579 posts

Posted by Wuzy > 2019-01-20 19:31 | Report Abuse


Posted by Ashley Liew > 2019-01-22 22:06 | Report Abuse

Spark liang 教人理財? 簡直是個大笑話! 就好像很多開班授課投資股市的"網紅", 本身的主要被動收入反而不是來自股市.


21,622 posts

Posted by paperplane > 2019-01-23 00:48 | Report Abuse

Wah, use crowd funding to do renovation??hmmm

Posted by 129055444514385 > 2019-01-23 13:50 | Report Abuse

Revenue, Profit, etc. according to the strategic plan prepared during ECF. How many % achieved? if not, why? ask the founders.... :)

Posted by Grey Yap > 2019-01-23 21:23 | Report Abuse


Posted by Grey Yap at Jan 20, 2019 12:22 PM | Report Abuse
由于日前在网络上发现有其他股东因FinSpark公司没正面回答对方的问题而向该公司发出公开信函,本人Lee Seng Wah,同是FinSpark公司的投资者兼股东,也面对同样的遭遇,让我非常的无奈。因此,希望董事们禀则透明的处理方式,公开回答我以下的问题:

1) 根据在特别股东大会上由Cheng & Co的会计师所呈现的未审计财务报告至2018年9月截止,FinSpark公司的总收入只是区区的RM950,而总亏损却高达RM590,563.24。然而,公司的银行户口里只剩下约RM500千左右的现金流而已。针对此事项,请董事们给于全体股东一个合理交代,为何公司营运至今,共制作超过300个有关理财教育的视频,并且透过七个不同的网络媒体平台传播,最终只为公司产出不到马币一千元的总收益?

2) 请董事们清楚说明为何作为一个线上理财教育平台的FinSpark公司开销如此庞大? 在经营不到一年的时间里,让公司从最初所成功众筹得来的RM150万演变成只剩下约RM50万左右的公司? 与此同时,在无法为公司产出合理收益的情况下,董事陈星有Alvin Tan每月从公司支领马币8千元的薪资和董事张开亮Spark Liang更是每月从公司支领马币1万元的高薪,另外加上10多位员工的薪资,让FinSpark公司每月承担高达数万元的总开支,导致股东基金快速下降。然而在动用了如此多的财力, 人力和物力下,只为公司带来区区RM950的总收益? 针对此举,请董事们给于全体股东一个合理的公开说明!

3) 为何董事们自去年11月的EGM结束后至今,时间已过两个月,仍然不启动在EGM向股东们承诺会委任第三方独立审计机构向FinSpark公司进行特别审计(Special Audit)? 与此同时,为何董事们会在原任财务总监黄济远Stanley Ng辞职后,才向全体股东发出公告说完整的审计报告即将出炉? 对我而言,这如同一个政府向人民宣布财政部长辞职后,完整的财政报告便会出炉! 请两位董事不要挑战股东们的智慧,并向全体股东清楚说明此举用意何在?

Lee Seng Wah 启
FinSpark 投资者兼股东

3 comment(s). Last comment by Ashley Liew at Jan 22, 2019 10:05 PM

Posted by Grey Yap > 2019-01-23 21:24 | Report Abuse

above is the 2nd open letter, LOSS 600k, omg. what kind of company is this?

Posted by finspark > 2019-01-29 17:10 | Report Abuse

Hi Grey Yap,

After days of investigation with relevant stakeholders, our management team has discovered that this forum thread wasn't posted on behalf of our investor, Lee Seng Wah which means we certainly confirm the user who published the post was faking the identity of Lee Seng Wah. It has significantly impact our investor personal privacy. This is a serious crime and he has made a police report on this matter. You may refer the police report at the link below.

We do not know if you're the fake Lee Seng Wah as the forum thread was released from your account or you received the news from any particular source. We suspect the reliability of the source.

To whoever are creating and spreading unreliable rumours and fake news, our legal advisory team is closely monitoring every news and messages spreading across all online and offline medium. With that, we reserved our right to take legal action.

FinSpark Management Team


21,622 posts

Posted by paperplane > 2019-03-28 20:28 | Report Abuse

So apa cerita now
Who sue who

Posted by Heavenly PUNTER > 2019-03-28 20:32 | Report Abuse

typical case of money game level scam... to cheat financially illiterate people

Posted by Fei Yang > 2019-07-25 15:29 | Report Abuse

the fake CFA and RFA suing ex-staff now.....

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