Posted by Tobby > 2021-11-13 13:39 | Report Abuse


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3 comment(s). Last comment by captureConUlar 2021-11-14 22:52


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Posted by Tobby > 2021-11-13 13:48 | Report Abuse

So for nearly a month Mr Bursa has been in bad mood! That's one long Mr Grumpy there!
TA wise Mr Bursa is totally floored! A tiny buy from institutions will easily push bursa like 20 points!
But question is, there's no institutional buying! Well, with recent announcement of cukai makmur, it's no brainer than those affected will invest their profit instead of giving it to our corrupted government! We shall see!
Anyway, rebound is like so overdue already! Parliment is coming to a close! Melaka by election is only a week away! Sarawak election should be status quo so it's not going to be any game changer!
Basically all the knee jerk variables will be goner soon! Once parliment is closed, bursa should spring into action!
Until the next parliment session of course! Or until current government collapse which should happen if Bersatu pull out their support! Or Zahid makes another of his infamous move! By the way, the collapse of Harapan and Perikatan is link to Zahid! Even the fall of Melaka is due to Zahid! So you can imagine how damaging Zahid has been in our politics!
I am telling you this because, you should get ready to sell immediate if you notice any variables than can cause Mr Bursa to turn south!
And frankly, our bourse is not as strong as it used to be! instability is the name of the game! Even our institutionals that support our bourse are not doing their part like they used to!
Our bourse is now so fragile that we should not believe that we will ever see a strong and long lasting bull market! Probably like couple of months the longest! Few weeks is the base case scenario!

Posted by captureConUlar > 2021-11-14 22:52 |

Post removed.Why?

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