Brian86000: better sells...if u see, KWSP disposed so many share in DRBHICOM....warrant too dangerous to hold....if u bought mother share, u can hold...but warrant not worth to hold in down DRBHCOM_CI will expired in 75days...u have to know warrant if so close to expired date, its is value...if u get chance, just sell not interesting this stock....but if u believe, got 2nd round so just my opinion not worth to hold so long...gdluck brian...
2011-12-15 03:41
To minimize the acquisition, DRB may opt for a 30% stake and avoid having to make a GO. Follow SIME DARBY's style in E & O acquisition. Malaysians are smart people and boleh! Don't simply chase up Proton share price and get caught. :-)
2011-12-13 13:51