GST on hold for better understanding

Publish date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012, 12:38 PM
The government is currently engaging with all quarters to provide more in-depth knowledge on the proposed goods and service tax (GST), says Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni

He said the authorities, through many initiatives, were in the consultation phase of the new tax involving the Malaysian public, business community and the private sector.

"We want everybody to be familiar with it. Once everybody is okay, only then will we implement it.

"Even though engaging is not that easy as far as the associations are concerned, based on the engagement so far, the response is favourable," he told reporters after launching the National Tax Conference 2012.

The GST Bill was tabled in Parliament for first reading in December 2009 but its second reading, originally planned for March 2010, was postponed.

It was originally expected to have been implemented by the middle of last year and to replace the sales and service tax.

Asked when the second reading of the Bill would be tabled for federal lawmakers to debate, Ahmad Husni said: "We have not yet made the decision. We want everybody to understand it first."

In a related development, Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia President, S.M. Thanneermalai said it would be good for the government to consume more time to implement a big taxation system like the GST.

He said the time consumed would assist the authorities give better understanding of the GST taxation mechanism and structure to all related stakeholders.

"The government is very concerned of the people's sentiment towards the GST. That is something very important as miscommunication can further deter the implementation of the tax system.

"We are among several countries that does not have GST but that does not mean that we have to rush. Sufficient time will make sure of smooth implementation," he said on the sidelines of the two-day conference. Bernama
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KC Loh

good move, especially for upcoming election. But GST will be implemented once they come back to power. This is required to cut the cost from najib's 68bn stimulus and to get the GDP spending to be lowered.

2012-07-17 14:53


so for all Malaysian,don't forget to give your vote for BN during 13 GE..Than we will feel the thrill and the impact of GST.. Good for your health..

2012-07-17 15:00


What a stupid GST......

2012-07-17 15:01


GST not stupid..but the people who support GST are More stipd in the support GST.. don't disappointed your government inspiration.. they do for the sake of their 'rakyat'..hehe

2012-07-17 15:06

KC Loh

whether current Administration or opposition taking over, i don't think we can escape from this. GST are built in to improve liquidity eventually. it may be negatively perceived as money going to govt coffers, but in actual fact, it also helps to streamline and enhance the taxation policies in place so that international agencies could see the "actual" liquidity of a sovereign state for better rating purposes. double edged sword if not implemented properly if crooks are in high places, no doubt!

2012-07-17 15:08


sorry, usry. Just go through your statement. Second time reading, got what you mean....

2012-07-17 15:08


MrKok3N: Hahaha...some time we need to give a 'metaphor' to educate people. if we tell them directly they will against us..

2012-07-17 15:18


Educating people is not an easy task. Especially those who their cup is full...

2012-07-17 15:27

KC Loh

admittedly i am more stupid in the world if any think i am supporting :)

i don't want to pay too but what to do! i don't want pay my tax, my utility bills, my petrol, my epf, doctor's bills, any tax for that matter....hehehehehe

2012-07-17 15:28

Jonathan Keung

GST is something not everybody will welcome with open arms. GST rates normally inch higher and the base broaden (ie. each time the Government try to widen their receipts)

sale of petrol, foodstuff , cinema tickets, medical, transportation all will be affected. the rates can inched up from 6% to 12%. think carefully before we support such a move. this is my personal opinion.

2012-07-17 15:32


Tax is one of government's revenue. It enough to implement income tax, rod tax,liquor and tobacco tax, import duty and so on.. We accept it but if government want to implement GST -Than it too much.. we realise the fact that tax and royalty is one of the source of revenue to government and all the revenue will be use back for government expenditure to build our country..
How ever if government not control of their expenditure and over expends than they start to turn a table to rakyat by introduce this can..!! u are clever in create a problem than u settle it ur self don't woe the people with varieties of tax..

2012-07-17 15:40


All the 'expenses' and 'goodies' has their own price. The safest to clear their bill is.........

2012-07-17 15:41

KC Loh

yeah usry, good point. hence, govt's dilemma to implement that especially when GE13 around the corner.

i dont like Najib nor his BN cohort, but I personally think his implementation of the stimulus and liberalization policies are good. its bearing fruit now but maybe too late for him as far as people's perception are concerned.

from a selfish point of view, i personally prefer BN to win not because they are clean as allegations are proven true, but because we lack a credible and clean alternative. Pak Lah's highest vote in the first term showed because the rakyat are just clamoring for a clean and transparent govt. Sadly, BN failed to deliver and failed miserably, leading to all this current fiasco.

2012-07-17 15:47

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