YTL Power International Bhd's counter rose almost five per cent, or seven sen, to RM1.58 as at mid-afternoon today following news on its possible privatisation exercise by parent company, YTL Corp Bhd.
As at 3.38 pm, a total of 12.559 million shares changed hands.
Meanwhile, YTL Corp gained 1.081 per cent, or two sen, to RM1.87 with 3.112 million shares traded.
It was reported that the recent move by YTL Power International in reducing dividend payout to match its parent company's may signal the possibility of it being taken private by YTL Corp via share swap.
The consolidation move by YTL Corp could be seen as way to unlock more valuein its business empire. - Bernama
Beware of privatize, even after success,all the share holder will relatively become cash cow squeeze by the big holder.i.e. you have 1% share,you will force to top up your share when company keep want to expense,if no money to maintain your percentages your share will become 0.001%,imagine how much dividend that you can get.
2012-12-27 20:22
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This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
Beware of privatize, even after success,all the share holder will relatively become cash cow squeeze by the big holder.i.e. you have 1% share,you will force to top up your share when company keep want to expense,if no money to maintain your percentages your share will become 0.001%,imagine how much dividend that you can get.
2012-12-27 20:22