IRCo: Don't sell rubber at current low prices

Publish date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014, 03:12 PM
SINGAPORE: The International Rubber Consortium (IRCo), which represents rubber producers of Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia, has recommended its members should not sell natural rubber at the current low prices.

Physical rubber prices on Singapore's SICOM exchange are close to their weakest since 2009, while Indonesia's SIR20, usually the cheapest tyre grade in Southeast Asia, is trading around its lowest in five years.

"The recent sharp fall in natural rubber prices has resulted in natural rubber being traded at a discount to synthetic rubber which is against the norm for the last few years," the IRCo said in its website.

"In light of the above, IRCo is of the view that prevailing natural rubber prices are unreasonably low and would immediately advise respective trade associations in the ITRC countries to jointly encourage their members not to offer natural rubber at prevailing low price ...," it said.

The IRCo did not elaborate on its advice. A representative was not immediately available to comment.

Producers Members Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia account for more than 70 percent of global rubber output. They met in Singapore on Saturday to review the current low prices, blamed on worries about falling demand from top consumer China and weakness on Tokyo futures.

Any decision made by the IRCo to support prices would have to be ratified by the International Tripartite Rubber Corporation (ITRC), which brings together senior government officials from the IRCo countries.

Industry officials expect the three countries to meet again later this month to examine whether to curb exports, reduce tapping or buy the commodity from farmers in a co-ordinated fashion to reverse the price declines.

The three Southeast Asian nations last acted jointly in 2012-2013, agreeing to cut exports by 300,000 tonnes, or 3 percent of 2012 global output.

The IRCo, however, said rubber inventories in the three countries were low, which could be aggravated in the coming months with the dry wintering season expected to be severe.

During the wintering season, rubber trees shed their leaves and latex output falls.

"Fundamentally, prices should go up in February-March when major producing countries are in dry season and rubber trees normally stop producing latex," Yium Tavarolit, IRCo chief executive, told Reuters last week.

"If prices keep falling in March, we would have to figure out some measure to shore up prices."-- Reuters
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bagus.....buat getah kering.....simpan berbulan bulan tak nak jual......makan rumput ber bulan bulan dulu....adui.....

2014-02-10 17:27


so.. in the meantime, rubber tappers should sell their daughters?

2014-02-10 17:59


wow.....cik amoi fitri, lu ada manyak bagus punya financial planning, no wonder itu pakcik & makcik kat kampung kalah kepada you, brilliant

i hanya tau pakcik & makcik yang ada kebun getah kat kampong tau sampai "diversification" of their planting only.....getah ciput....sikit-sikit kat kelapa sawit....sikit-sikit tanam koko

worst case scenario - makan kangkung tumbuh liar di tebing-tebing sungai + ubi kayu yang tumbuh belakang rumah + ikan keli & haruan pancing kat sungai

tak ter pernah terfikir nak jual anak perempuan kerana getah jatuh wonder pakcik & makcik kat kampong tak dapat kaya cepat....kalah, kalah teruk kepada cik amoi fitri...ish ish

nasib baik aku bukan anak perempuan

2014-02-11 17:38


aiyo....aku tak main buntut lar....

itu kcloh dengan davesingh main punya la...

baru cakap kcloh, mana pergi dia main sembunyi-sembunyi

2014-02-11 17:45

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