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Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$â¬Â£Â¥
Too many smart brains are trying to make money from financial assets.
They are better employed in the real economy producing good and services, which create real wealth for the economy.
2023-05-31 16:31
Philip you are welcome to take on the above competition.
2023-06-16 15:11
Malaysia how many shares near 12 month high...what are they? Book knowledge and your investment skill help u to pick them?
2023-06-30 20:18
My proposition is it doesn't. My proposition is it is dead as a cat. Poke also no reaction...wall street HK is different. At least wall street and HK still got reaction still got energy...still can apply your skill and try your luck
2023-06-30 20:20
People blame this blame that, blame Anwar blame government.
I don't . I think it beyond what the government can do. Nowadays when u see regional funds talk hedge funds talk, they don't even mention Malaysia
2023-06-30 20:23
Stock market is about money power.
When there is money power, there is stock god.
When there is no money power as now, u can only talk about diversification and risks..
Or better for most people, don't know bursa may be better
2023-06-30 21:32
The last few years more and more Malaysian playing wall street and HK, who is taking care of Bursa?
2023-06-30 22:21
Foreign investors trading in wall street jump by 800% in recent years thanks in large part to internet trading....while Malaysia have drop off the radar
2023-07-02 14:30
Philip ( buy what you understand)
Picked up more sds at 0.61 over the past few days and week
2023-10-18 10:43
Me picked up somemore Jayatiasa as FFB collection has improved a lot. Borrowing also reduce a lot and very important start to pay dividend
Fresh Fruits Bunches (MT)
Quarter end 30 Sept 2023
Quarter end 30 Sept 2022
Quarter end 30 June 2023
2023-10-18 11:09
Sorry I do a lot of trading and the only stock I hold long long is the value trap Insas.
2023-11-10 08:50
I saw you invested in a big way on Yinson, Yinson is the second largest investment in this portfolio.
Please tell me what is so good about Yinson.
I know the fundamentals of Yinson is good after you take into consideration the future earnings of FPSO Anna Nery, MQ, Atlanta and Agogo.
Do you know that the share price of Yinson just cannot perform despite all ten analysts recommended a buy on this stock ? No hold or sell call on this stock, 100% a buy call.
I want to know your opinion on this stock.
Please advise.
Thank you.
2023-11-10 09:15
Posted by Sslee > 46 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Sorry I do a lot of trading and the only stock I hold long long is the value trap Insas.
sincerely! swap insas for YTLPower!!! listen to the words of wisdom!
2023-11-10 09:38
TQ MrFox. I had traded YTLPower and YTLCorp too.
I am betting on Insas to give a better dividend and hopefully a dividend policy to unlock Insas value in the coming AGM
2023-11-10 11:21
High chance of KLSE rerate upward next week loh!
Bcos one of the reasons.......why klse not doing well recently....bcos of fear of madani govt will collapse.........due to potential defection loh!
But now.....MPS of oppositions are defecting instead & support madani govt mah!
Thus Madani govt strengthen....resulting in stability loh!
Thus confidence come back....klse rerate mah!
2023-11-11 09:54
Compare and contrast.
Type Announcement
Description We submit herewith the SOPB Group's figures for the month of October 2023
FFB 124,206
Market Cap: 2,279 Million
NOSH: 890 Million
Type Announcement
The Company wishes to announce the crop and logs production of the Group for the month of October 2023 as follows:
Product Production
Fresh Fruit Bunches 132,551 metric tonnes
Crude Palm Oil 26,427 metric tonnes
Palm Kernel 6,270 metric tonnes
Logs 8,915 cubic metres
Market Cap: 901 Million
NOSH: 974 Million
2023-11-11 10:01
I like the figure i see....but i wonder....whether SOP is sustainable bcos alot of its plantation have peat soil loh!
Also div not that high loh!
Taann should be a better bet loh!
Posted by Sslee > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
Compare and contrast.
Type Announcement
Description We submit herewith the SOPB Group's figures for the month of October 2023
FFB 124,206
Market Cap: 2,279 Million
NOSH: 890 Million
Type Announcement
The Company wishes to announce the crop and logs production of the Group for the month of October 2023 as follows:
Product Production
Fresh Fruit Bunches 132,551 metric tonnes
Crude Palm Oil 26,427 metric tonnes
Palm Kernel 6,270 metric tonnes
Logs 8,915 cubic metres
Market Cap: 901 Million
NOSH: 974 Million
2023-11-11 10:06
Fresh Fruits Bunches (MT)
Quarter end 30 Sept 2023
Quarter end 30 Sept 2022
Quarter end 30 June 2023
Market Cap: 901 Million
NOSH: 974 Million
Fresh Fruits Bunches (MT)
Quarter end 30 Sept 2023
Quarter end 30 Sept 2022
Quarter end 30 June 2023
Market Cap: 1,534 Million
NOSH: 445 Million
2023-11-11 10:20
The key assessment is how much Taann pays div compare to jtiasa.....u will be able how kind the owner management willing to share with its shareholders loh!
2023-11-11 13:14
Philip ( buy what you understand)
The reason why yinson "share price" is not moving because people are still taking a wait and see approach on their fpso construction and deployment. These things take time, same as how mfcb share price didn't move until they completed and started making money with their hydro project. If the profits start rolling in and things move forward consistently, then share price will reflect performance.
For me I'm content to wait because I know the yinson team fpso management is very competent. I think when all their billions of debt and deployment start to turn around and generate clean profits, then you will see yinson moving up
I saw you invested in a big way on Yinson, Yinson is the second largest investment in this portfolio.
Please tell me what is so good about Yinson.
I know the fundamentals of Yinson is good after you take into consideration the future earnings of FPSO Anna Nery, MQ, Atlanta and Agogo.
Do you know that the share price of Yinson just cannot perform despite all ten analysts recommended a buy on this stock ? No hold or sell call on this stock, 100% a buy call.
I want to know your opinion on this stock.
Please advise.
Thank you.
1 week ago
2023-11-21 10:44
Philip ( buy what you understand)
To be honest they did borrow a lot of money to commit into fpso works for petrobas projects, and also after you spend so much money to build ship you still need to see collection with Brazil PETRONAS gov. But if Brazil can collect their money, and if they pay yinson on time and within schedule , I'm sure it will work out fine in long term.
Think of yinson in this way, they are a company like ytlpower that is constantly building huge marine structure that generate revenue every day. It takes a lot of effort to get right, but the profits are good and consistent long term.
2023-11-21 10:48
I like Yinson because Yinson secured 4 big FPSO projects.
The high debts are due to construction of FPSO Anna Nery, MQ, Atlanta and Agogo.
FPSO Anna found oil and passed vessel acceptance test in 2023. The debt is transferred to the oil company.
FPSO MQ and Atlanta will be delivered in the mid of 2024, the debts will be disappeared again after vessel acceptance test in mid of 2024.
FPSO Agogo will be delivered at the end of 2025 or early 2026, the oil company paid USD 500 million cash in advance to Yinson.
The main bulk of high debt will disappear after vessel acceptance tests of MQ and Atlanta in the mid of 2024.
I believe the negative cash flow will be improved and become positive after FY 2025 (Jan 2025) report.
The actual operating cash flow should reach over RM3bn in calendar year 2026 and is sustainable for at least another 15 years based on the firm period alone. This compared to a market cap of RM7.4bn today with total net debt of RM11bn.
The debt could be fully paid within a few years if the company does not take on a new project. The cash leftover for shareholders may equal 5 to 8 times of today’s market cap i.e. may equal 59.2 billion in 15 years time.
Stock market is looking forward, I believe the share price of Yinson should look good after FY (Jan) 2024 result.
No reason EPF is selling non-stop in the past few months.
The management of Yinson is very good in securing FPSO contracts and make Yinson a very profitable company.
However, the management of Yinson is not good in supporting the share price of Yinson.
I believe Tan Sri Francis Yeoh will be a better director to support the share price of YTLPower.
Foreign funds are brought in to buy and take up the stake of EPF shares holding of YTLPower.
I hope the Board Of Directors of Yinson will follow the same foot step of TS Francis Yeoh to support the share price of Yinson.
I believe the PAT for FY (Jan) 2024 will be around RM 1 billion, the present share price at 2.44 is really undervalued.
Overall, I am very disappointed with low share price of Yinson, I also blame the management of Yinson not to support the share price of Yinson.
I believe Tan Sri Francis Yeoh will be a better director to support the share price of YTLPower.
Foreign funds are brought in to buy and take up the stake of EPF shares holding of YTLPower.
Thank you.
2023-11-21 11:23
Philip ( buy what you understand)
For me I only look at the share price when I'm buying the stock. After that initial buying price I usually monitor more on the performance and cash flow results which is very clear to see in the growing dividends that I will enjoy in the next 5 years. I think since I am less of a trader and more of a collector a business like yinson is more suitable for me to buy compared to many shorter term investment.
2023-11-21 19:23
Sslee Sorry I do a lot of trading and the only stock I hold long long is the value trap Insas.
not if they start to dish out more dividend
2023-12-01 14:30
Philip ( buy what you understand)
Some bad choices to be made, this year I cut loss of almost 50% on skpress for their reduction in contacts of Dyson that flew over to Vietnam due to lower costs and better supply chain management. I expect to be wrong, but I think for now I will transfer the funds to SDS over the week, bought from 0.72 onwards since 22 until thaipusam. I have good feelings about this little company that is pulling all the right decisions and managing it's growth very very well.
2024-01-29 21:52
Ah Beng: Bro, how's your problems at Pengerang? Can settle?
Ahmad: Bro, pening lah. Can't solve so easily
Ah Beng: Roger. There's one guy Philip holding quite a lot of PChem, wonder should i tell him. Very ungrateful guy, someone hinted him on SKP but his ego as big as elephant
2024-02-26 15:46
Tariffs on rubber medical and surgical gloves will jump to 25% from 7.5% in 2026.
Philip know it, market over react to US tariff increase for glove from 7.5% to 25 % starting 2026.
So what will be the profit look like for Harta? Is the price surge sustainable with the profit growth?
Philip know what will be the profit look like to his Harta and Pchem. If he is smart as he claim he should take some profit off the table
2024-05-16 08:19
Philip ( buy what you understand)
Share price is always forward looking, when can see road is clear then easy to define price. We as investors must be able to find some form of assurance or clarity from management in their ability to grow earnings and profit
2024-05-21 09:43
Warren Buffett dumped 55.8% of Berkshire Hathaway's holdings of Apple stock in the first six months of 2024, according to Reuters. In the first half of 2024, Berkshire sold 505 million shares — 115 million in the first quarter and another 390 million in the second quarter.
Warren Buffett also know when to take profit. Thus what is your excuse for holding stocks long-long and often quote *Investing should be like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you need excitement, you're in the wrong business.**" - Warren Buffett?
2024-08-04 13:17
Warren Buffett dumped 55.8% of Berkshire Hathaway's holdings of Apple stock in the first six months of 2024, according to Reuters. In the first half of 2024, Berkshire sold 505 million shares — 115 million in the first quarter and another 390 million in the second quarter.
so he has been selling 6 months not 6 days.
2024-08-04 14:19
so he has been selling 6 months not 6 days. His selling of BYD and Apple is probably not just company specified but a larger strategic view and strategy.
2024-08-04 14:23
Interest to see whether Philip top up any of his favorite stocks during discount day sales like today?
2024-08-05 16:26
Philip ( buy what you understand)
I guess this is what it means buy and hold and wait ooi teik bee. It's not hard to pick a stock, the hard part is knowing how to wait for the fruit to appear
2024-08-20 10:10
Good to know Philip is alive and kicking.
Quote,"It's not hard to pick a stock, the hard part is knowing how to wait for the fruit to appear" unquote
Remember to havest the fruit. I already harvested most of my Insas but Philip wait too long to harvest his Pchem.
2024-08-20 10:42
if really want to talk investing and long term and logics,
the most logical thing is to invest in China.
2024-08-20 15:12
Someone must has trapped himself inside China stock market. So a trader become a long term investor.
2024-08-20 15:17
Philip ( buy what you understand)
Are you still trying to teach me what to do? The dividends and return I am getting from pchem is still much much more reliable and profitable long term versus insas growth. Pchem is still growing and building with a huge cash hoard. I'm still getting big dividends every year from pchem
Good to know Philip is alive and kicking.
Quote,"It's not hard to pick a stock, the hard part is knowing how to wait for the fruit to appear" unquote
Remember to havest the fruit. I already harvested most of my Insas but Philip wait too long to harvest his Pchem.
2024-08-27 11:23
Philip ( buy what you understand)
The recent runup had allowed me to retire some margin debt. And my bet on hartalega is on track for a very good return
2 months ago
what happens when banks makes all the money
and the best young brains all go into stock market?
we have been doing that for 30 years and this is the result.
2023-05-31 15:08