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4 people like this. Showing 25 of 25 comments


Good pick. But, not many bagger. I like stock speculative becoming investment grade. Thanks for sharing.

2013-01-14 13:01

Ooi Teik Bee

2/13 are red color. There are some big gainers. Win big lose small.

2013-05-23 00:28

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2013-05-25 20:47


with the market going up even for those counters without fundamental value, do not worry of stock which is fundamentally strong, money will flow into this counter. It is just a matter of time.

I have seen my counters that I bought earlier like Naim, Kimlun, UOA,Padini that have good fundamentals and highly recommended appreciated much higher than I anticipated.

Pls continue to recommend It is for us to do research and knowing our risk appetite before investing.

2013-05-25 22:32

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear Tan KW,

I take this portfolio seriously because it measured my performance.

I would like to take profit on the following stocks, please take them out from this portfolio.

Naim + 1.92
Huayang + 1.26
Daiboci + 1.05
Alam + 0.44

Thank you for your help.


2013-05-27 20:35

Carlsbg Move

those who follow others will never earn. I have stopped follow any call from others since Jan 2012

2013-05-28 11:48


Mr Ooi your dedication and professional sharing is most appreciated. Keep up the excellent commitment to share
Thank you

2013-05-28 16:44

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear Tan KW,

I would like to take profit on Kimlun, please take it out from this portfolio.
Kimlun + 71 (2.13).
Thank you.

2013-05-28 20:02

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear all,

Please note that when I select the stocks, I was so worried that the stocks cannot perform. Check and check to ensure it is the best I can do.

There are 2 of them, one said I con people, the other said listen to me, he will be broke. They should be laughing all the ways to the bank if they followed my stock selection.

Result shows that We are not so bad. Please appreciate a bit our effort lah!! rather than pass stupid and unfair remarks. We are not god, we do make mistake too.

Thank you.

2013-07-24 14:28

winman 1

Dear Ooi, its true you are sharp in stock selection, sharpness came from your expertise in the many workings and calculations shown. I wish you can assit me in this stock selections, wish you can sent me one selection of yours, my email is A thousands thanks to you.

2013-07-30 08:56

Ooi Teik Bee

Ok. Noted. Will advise you accordingly.
Thank you.

2013-07-30 09:13

winman 1

dear ooi, thanks you for the mail, thanks you for being so helpful and will appreciate all advice sent by you.

2013-07-30 09:24


Dear Mr. Ooi, would appreciate if you could include me when you provide your stock pick advice. Thanks very much. My email is

2013-07-30 09:36


Dear Mr Ooi,would appreciate if add me when you share stock pick advice.
Thanks you, my email

2013-07-30 09:43


Ooi, instead of sending to the individuals, may I suggest that you just put it up in the forum.Thanks.

2013-07-30 09:46


Mr Ooi, thank you in advance. Looking forward to receiving your email. KR

2013-07-30 09:51


Hi Mr Ooi, I would be grateful if you could also add me when you provide / share your stock pick advice. My email is . Thanking you in advance for your assistance.

2013-07-30 09:51

Louis Gan

Dear Mr Ooi, I would like to know your pick of stocks. Kindly email me Many thanks.

2013-07-31 20:15

Joyce Xavier

Dear Mr. Ooi, I would like to know your pick of stocks. Kindly email me. Tqvm

2013-07-31 20:19

Cindy Ku

Hi Mr Ooi, I would be grateful if you could also add me when you provide / share your stock pick advice. My email is Thanking you

2013-07-31 20:40

Ooi Teik Bee

Posted by Tan KW > Jul 31, 2013 08:42 PM | Report Abuse

Hi Mr Ooi, the blog index page should have all stock selections -

Dear all,

Please read the aforesaid link.
Thank you.

2013-07-31 20:45


Mr ooi, i would like to know your stock pick advise.kindly
Email to me at

2013-08-04 14:50


Hello Mr Ooi, I also have been following what you have written. Pls also provide me with yr future stock pick advise. My email is Thanks.

2013-08-04 15:40


Dear Mr. Ooi, I'm just a beginner. Appreciate your guidance and advice. I'm not treat stock as a gamble but it's a skill and knowledge to become a smart investor. Finally, what I want is the finacial freedom. Kindly, add in me. My e-mail is Thanks.

2013-08-19 01:09

Ooi Teik Bee

My portfolio return in 2013 1H selection

Stock Buy Close Change Dividend
Cypark 1.78 2.55 0.77 40
Benalec 1.40 0.85 -0.55 20
Presbhd 1.22 2.88 1.66 90
Naim 1.93 3.65 1.72 80
Huayang 1.24 1.92 0.68 133
HSL 1.54 1.87 0.33 80
Daiboci 2.60 4.15 1.55 110
Kseng 4.47 6.88 2.41 50
Supermx 2.03 2.77 0.74 40
Alam 0.81 1.57 0.76 10
L&G 0.28 0.44 0.17 0
KHSB 0.40 0.84 0.44 0
Total 19.70 30.37 10.67 653

Note :
Huayang - Bonus issue 1 for 3
L&G - Right issue 1 for 1 at 0.13

Gain 57.50%

Thank you.

2014-01-01 11:53

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