Fake is Fake - Be it spread and made up of stories

Protasco Bhd (5070) ex-directors (Ooi & Tey) discharged from cheating case - The Star, 27 Sept 2017

Publish date: Wed, 27 Sep 2017, 02:09 PM
In today's world of fakers and cheaters take all, there is no real news anymore except junk. Here is what fakers told and tried to run away with what was actually stolen. See how a stolen story made it so far. A faker is a faker, no matter how he steals the front page.


真的假不了,虚报不攻自破? | Protasco Bhd (5070) case withdrawn and discharged. Law suit basis proven a sham?

2017年9月28日 - 星报报道,闹得沸沸腾腾的富达(Protasco)“大股东自己欺骗自己公司”诡异案,副主控官昨天告诉法庭,(翻译)总检察长下旨让被告释放,却因为没审批所以形式上保留无罪。被告拿督黄国安(Dato' Ooi Kock Aun) 和拿督郑博毅 (Dato' Tey Por Yee) 昨天在加影地方法庭陪同律师团听取法官宣布一切控状撤销 (all charges withdrawn and discharged)。




当年富达突然提控大股东拿督黄国安(Dato' Ooi Kock Aun) 和拿督郑博毅 (Dato' Tey Por Yee)失信,却没有交代躲在富达后面的张吉平(Chong Ket Pen) 如何解析他“自导自演”制造假证据诬告两个大股东目的何在。表面好像很正义,其实葫芦里卖什么药,他自己知道。如今富达过去3年累计财务报告证据显示张吉平毕竟是为财而来。在嫁祸于人后,3年里本身从灌水股息和天价薪酬等福利,有报道的就张吉平一个人已经刮了不下马币4千万令吉(证据:股票交易所公告)。公司3年现金流在张吉平控制下,从2014年马币2亿8千万,跌剩2017年第二季度的马币6百万,“人间蒸发”尺度和速度惊人。(张吉平“敛钱”目的人赃并获,铁证如山,参考: https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/truebackground/131967.jsp

Full story refers to:



Kuala Lumpur: Two former company directors who were charged with cheating the board of directors, making a false declaration and criminal breach of trust involving more than RM80mil have been discharged from the case.

However, Datuk Ooi Kock Aun, 49, and Datuk Tey Por Yee, 40, have not been acquitted by the court.

The order to discharge but not acquit them was given by Kajang Sessions court judge Surita Budin after deputy public procecutor Muhammad Ilmami Ahmad made a proposition to withdraw the case.

The DPP said the Attorney General's Chambers had reviewed all the evidence in totality before deciding to withdraw the case.

Ooi and Tey were accused of cheating Protasco Bhd's board of directors and its officers by with-holding information that he had direct involvement with PT Anglo Slavic Utama, a company incorporated in Indonesia.

The ofense, under section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating, was allegedly commited at Protasco's office at level 2, Corporate Building Unipark Suria, Jalan Ikram-Uniten, Kajang, between November 2012 and Jan 30, 2014.

Both of them were also charged with making a false declaration to a Commissioner of Oaths in Jalan Metro Pudu, off Jalan Yew, on July 25, 2014.


The Star, Wednesday 27 September 2017





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Is it OK to cheat? Chong Ket Pen did it in the public eyes. Why not?

Protasco Bhd drama, the most important question is not answered - eventually, "who took control of Protasco Bhd", the pray, after all the blame game? Chong Ket Pen.

So evidence shown its fake and made up to put a blame. Fact is, did Chong Ket Pen cheated and gets away? One fact is for sure - it's all about money and Chong Ket Pen took so much he puts up banner self-promoting his (stolen) victory on newspapers.

2017-11-14 14:39

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