Fake is Fake - Be it spread and made up of stories

真的假不了,虚报不攻自破? Protasco Bhd case withdrawn, Ooi & Tey discharged. Lawsuit basis has proven a sham?

Publish date: Thu, 28 Sep 2017, 04:07 PM
In today's world of fakers and cheaters take all, there is no real news anymore except junk. Here is what fakers told and tried to run away with what was actually stolen. See how a stolen story made it so far. A faker is a faker, no matter how he steals the front page.

2017年9月28日 - 星报报道,闹得沸沸腾腾的富达(Protasco)“大股东自己欺骗自己公司”诡异案,副主控官昨天告诉法庭,(翻译)总检察长下旨让被告释放,却因为没审批所以形式上保留无罪。被告拿督黄国安(Dato' Ooi Kock Aun) 和拿督郑博毅 (Dato' Tey Por Yee) 昨天在加影地方法庭陪同律师团听取法官宣布一切控状撤销 (all charges withdrawn and discharged)。




当年富达突然提控大股东拿督黄国安(Dato' Ooi Kock Aun) 和拿督郑博毅 (Dato' Tey Por Yee)失信,却没有交代躲在富达后面的张吉平(Chong Ket Pen) 如何解析他“自导自演”制造假证据诬告两个大股东目的何在。表面好像很正义,其实葫芦里卖什么药,他自己知道。如今富达过去3年累计财务报告证据显示张吉平毕竟是为财而来。在嫁祸于人后,3年里本身从灌水股息和天价薪酬等福利,有报道的就张吉平一个人已经刮了不下马币4千万令吉(证据:股票交易所公告)。公司3年现金流在张吉平控制下,从2014年马币2亿8千万,跌剩2017年第二季度的马币6百万,“人间蒸发”尺度和速度惊人。(张吉平“敛钱”目的人赃并获,铁证如山,参考: https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/truebackground/131967.jsp



大股东黄某和郑某富达股票“先买“还是介绍“先卖”,根本牛头不对马嘴,任何借口怪罪不了别人。铁证如山 (以下证据确实),黄国安和郑博毅是花了钱买了富达在先,救了张吉平“被炒鱿鱼”的事实。什么故事都好,当年张吉平自己同意签合同的,没人逼他。张吉平没有完成任务,欺骗大股东购买富达却辜负大股东所托,忘恩负义,恩将仇报,自私自利,还嫁祸于人,事实摆在眼前狡辩也没用。一连串的动作摆明就是要灭口活埋真相。


至于张吉平“讲来讲去唬弄不让大股东进入董事部”分薄他的权力后,又鲁莽委任哪个“阿斗”粗心大意搞砸了油气项目,然后再嫁祸于人,得问张本人。可能他两个在富达混的儿子张得能(Chong Ther Nen) 和张得吻 (Chong Ther Vern) 可以代父解析到底是“张老,阿斗1,还是阿斗2”来顶这个锅。骗就骗到底,也得做做戏解析下,以免他们老爸天价薪酬被人“当贼来抓”,讲他儿子白领骗都骗不下去,盲目崇拜的信徒怎么办。



  • 2012年11月3日 - 张吉平和国际资本企业顾问公司《Global Capital - 国资》签署合约。合约表明国资“必须先完成购买”马币1亿令吉富达Protasco Bhd“控制权大股东”股票,然后才能够推荐合计美金5千5百万资产让张吉平本人“强制性”与富达展开收购。(3 November 2012 - Chong Ket Pen signed a Service Agreement with consultant Global Capital Ltd, to "first", finds investor to acquire Protasco Bhd controlling shares from former owner for RM100 million; and "second" to refers total over US$55 million assets to Protasco Bhd.)



  • 2012年12月28日 - 推介油气公司:为了复行任务,张吉平当年本身表演给富达董事会看,自己推介和鼓吹收购美金5千5百万油田资产。收购的估价, 推介和介绍,张吉平一手包办。毕竟张某当时是富达“唯一的执行董事”,支票就他自己可以开,没有人可以取代。(28 December 2012 - Chong Ket Pen presented, and caused Protasco Bhd board to acquire Oil & Gas asset for US$55 million, and paid RM50 million. (source: http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/6253 ). During the material time "Chong Ket Pen is the "one & only Executive Director" in Protasco Bhd qualified to present, convince and cause Protasco Bhd board to make any decision, including making payments.)





后序:“反贪委员会委员“兼富达主席,(翻译)但是你虾地懒阿杜扎粒儿(Tan Sri Hadenan Abdul Jalil) 应该可以解析富达钱去哪儿了? (Refers to evidence Utusan newspaper article "Kedudukan Hadenan dalam Protasco jadi tanda tanya" http://www.utusan.com.my/bisnes/korporat/kedudukan-hadenan-dalam-protasco-jadi-tanda-tanya-1.26827)




28 September 2017, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia - The Star newspaper had Yesterday reported that former Protasco Bhd directors and substantial shareholders who were charged with cheating the board of directors, making a false declaration and criminal breach of trust involving more than RM80mil has been discharged from the case.

According to the DPP, Attorney General's Chambers had reviewed all the evidence in totality before deciding to withdraw the case. Dato' Ooi Kock Aun and Dato' Tey Por Yee were ordered by Kajang Sessions court judge Surita Budin to be discharged but not acquitted. 

Market concerned that the once semi-monopoly JKR contractor Protasco Bhd have a board of directors which are now proven not independent, potentially lying and cheating acting in concert, and governance issue is a big question. With the surface of evidence proven lawsuit is potential "a sham", means the entire board of directors had colluded to put blame on substantial shareholders in order to take control of Protasco Bhd, while the now proven "potential liar" is busy taking "personal benefits" from shareholders through abnormal dividend and salaries. Perhaps this could be the trail that proven the suits and reports are questionable for other reason.


The Ambush?

Road maintenance company Protasco Bhd had filed series of lawsuit and reports in the second half of the year 2014 on the then substantial shareholders of Protasco Mr. Ooi Kock Aun and Mr. Tey Por Yee, as evidence from Bursa Malaysia announcements. The allegations of "cheating, false declaration, and breach of trust" was believed based on the sole reliance on market perceived as "fabricated evidence" (now court confirmed proven sham evidence) designed & made up by Protasco senior management under the instruction (during material time) of the then "one & only Executive Director" of Protasco, Mr. Chong Ket Pen. Years after the drama, Protasco had seen cash in company disappeared, and directors pay jump by leaps and bounds. The alleged official evidence has been proven otherwise and has resulted in the withdrawal of charges on the defendants. This has obviously surfaced the evidence the drama was clearly an ambush and set up.


The spread of "Manufactured Allegations" now proven "Lies"? It's all about money?

Mr. Chong Ket Pen had since the year 2014, is spreading different stories to the authorities and the public, including media and business communities through the outfit of Protasco Bhd. The story changes over time where market believe are just to cover up Chong's potential wrongdoings and explained himself out of potential ill-gotten board control & money he was taken directly and indirectly from Protasco Bhd. On the record of Bursa Malaysia public announcements, Chong Ket Pen had "directly" benefited from neck-choking dividends through high gearing on Protasco Bhd book, and raised his rocket-scientist salary packages which ballooned to RM4.2 million per year paid to himself alone, or part of RM10 million "fee & benefits" of directors and senior management per year. Chong Ket Pen's sons Chong Ther Nen and Chong Ther Vern were noticed in 2016 Annual Report. (Evidence of Chong Ket Pen self-enrich scheme & motive is stated in Bursa Malaysia record, refers to https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/truebackground/131967.jsp

3 years from Chong Ket Pen lawsuit drama, it's apparent that the suits are questionable. The allegation of "cheating, false declaration, and breach of trust" would sound dubious when the basis of lawsuits where proven sham as of Yesterday court order.


New Substantial Shareholders "Cheating" their Own Company? Look who's cheating!

Protasco Bhd new shareholders were told by Chong Ket Pen as if they "do not exist", and all a sudden "spring up from nowhere" and cheated the board. Scan through Bursa Malaysia announcements can find the trail of actual event as follows:


  • 3 November 2012 - Chong Ket Pen signed a Service Agreement with consultant Global Capital Ltd, to "first", finds an investor to acquire Protasco Bhd controlling shares from the former owner for RM100 million; and "second" to refers total assets over US$55 million to Protasco Bhd.



  • 28 December 2012 - Chong Ket Pen presented, and caused Protasco Bhd board to acquire Oil & Gas asset for US$55 million, and paid RM50 million. (source: http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/6253 ). During the material time "Chong Ket Pen is the "one & only Executive Director" in Protasco Bhd qualified to present, convince and cause Protasco Bhd board to make any decision, including making payments."


Such substantial shareholding truth was told to market, but covered with lies as follows during 25 June 2012 - 3 November 2012:


  • The market was told Chong Ket Pen seeking potential buyers for Protasco Bhd through Asset injection and use the proceeds to purchase Protasco Bhd shares, getting a free ride. Some "property" assets worth RM60 million - RM100 million was attempted without success. Such dubious scheme did not take off.


  • Lies were told that Ooi & Tey "injected an Oil & Gas asset AT FIRST, then only purchase Protasco Bhd shares LATER. Market perceive this is just a jaw-dropping "face cover-up" excuse to rationalize Chong's "bite the hand who feeds" history. Ooi & Tey found investors and acquired Protasco Bhd shares "first", Chong only subsequently caused Protasco Bhd to acquire a referred asset "later". Whatever excuse, what does it matter except Chong wanted to save his face being called traitor & betrayal.


  • The market was rumored investors did not work on the Oilfield, causing lost to Protasco Bhd. Started since November 2012 until September 2014, Chong Ket Pen was the "one & only Executive Director" on Protasco board, and "FULLY RESPONSIBLE" for all works. Who did Chong assigned to work on the project is unknown, perhaps Chong 2 sons Chong Ther Nen and Chong Ther Vern can answer for their father. The market has perceived it's more likely Chong conveniently put blame on substantial shareholders Ooi & Tey to "remove them from the board" and took Protasco Bhd control.


Can Chong swallow Protasco?

In a nutshell, Chong Ket Pen took Global Capital deal, and he did not honor his deal. He needed to manufacture a blame in order to take control of Protasco to draw benefits to himself.

With the criminal case against Ooi & Tey withdrawn and discharged, the piece of key evidence Chong Ket Pen uses Protasco Bhd to squash out major shareowners Ooi Kock Aun and Tey Por Yee is now proven a sham fabrication. The 3 years 2014-2017 money depleting Protasco accounts vs skyrocket salaries & dividends, shown that Chong Ket Pen's motive & objective is never on company benefits, but personal incentive driven.

How far can the lies travel to feed Chong's greed perhaps only Protasco Bhd board of directors lead by "anti-corruption representative" cum Protasco chairman Tan Sri Hadenan Abdul Jalil can answer? Perhaps Hadenan can tell us where goes Protasco monies? (Refers to evidence Utusan newspaper article "Kedudukan Hadenan dalam Protasco jadi tanda tanya" http://www.utusan.com.my/bisnes/korporat/kedudukan-hadenan-dalam-protasco-jadi-tanda-tanya-1.26827)





Refers to:

The Star, Wednesday 27 September 2017



Kuala Lumpur: Two former company directors who were charged with cheating the board of directors, making a false declaration and criminal breach of trust involving more than RM80mil has been discharged from the case.

However, Datuk Ooi Kock Aun, 49, and Datuk Tey Por Yee, 40, have not been acquitted by the court.

The order to discharge but not acquit them was given by Kajang Sessions court judge Surita Budin after deputy public prosecutor Muhammad Ilmami Ahmad made a proposition to withdraw the case.

The DPP said the Attorney General's Chambers had reviewed all the evidence in totality before deciding to withdraw the case.

Ooi and Tey were accused of cheating Protasco Bhd's board of directors and its officers by withholding information that he had direct involvement with PT Anglo Slavic Utama, a company incorporated in Indonesia.

The offense, under section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating, was allegedly committed at Protasco's office at level 2, Corporate Building Unipark Suria, Jalan Ikram-Uniten, Kajang, between November 2012 and Jan 30, 2014.

Both of them were also charged with making a false declaration to a Commissioner of Oaths in Jalan Metro Pudu, off Jalan Yew, on July 25, 2014.




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