Food For Thought 反思者

OSAT 系列之第一篇:以Inari的前身来看透这个领域 篇

Lim Wy
Publish date: Thu, 26 Oct 2017, 09:48 PM
Lim Wy
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October 26, 2017



完成了笔者认为数年后有前途的领域Automation后,笔者决定了将要往科技股Semiconductor领域的 OSAT Sector 也就是 Outsourced Assembly And Test Sector 继续研究下去。这个领域只有4家公司,包含了 Inari,Gtronic, Unisem 和 Mpi。







为了让读者们了解OSAT今年内的表现,以下附上这四家 OSAT 企业在这四年来的股价图表。








看回Inari的股票,在2013年时,它的股价才0.2 cent这边吧。那是因为Inari在去年和今年,总共进行了两次的Bonus Issue。现在回首查看Inari以前的股价趋势,不禁觉得,凭什么Inari的股价可以从0.2一路向北的达到今日的2.82。Inari这个企业有什么本事,可以赤手空拳一路拼到今日马股semiconductor领域Market Cap最大的公司,就以今日24/10/2017的股价,Inari的Market Cap高达了5.7 billion。


这是OSAT领域的第一篇,笔者会以Inari的前身来让读者了解OSAT行业大致上是如何运作,如何得project,如何charge顾客,为何可以赚得比普通代产多,如何可以维持比代产高出很多的Profit Margin。




好,现在我们就开始Inari的前身,若要谈这个,我们必须先看看下图。(这图片摘自于Inari IPO时的document,这图说的是Founder们的背景)


不方便指名道姓,就这样述说吧,相信很多人都听过,"在马来西亚,若当个工程师,其实是很有机会当老板的(那是因为大约二十前,大马本地的科技公司大致上都只是代工,就只要有本事拿到订单就可以自己出来做生意了)。回归正传,工程师要如何成为老板呢?首先呢,工程师毕业后就去大公司打工,然后就打工生涯中可能换几间公司,然后慢慢做到有经验了,所以production的operation都了解熟悉了。当然,这时也就比较高职位了,认识不少的人脉,包括公司的顾客,公司里面的production manager,engineers等等。就这样日复一日,等到有一天,公司的大顾客把certain project交给了公司,而在公司的筛选后,公司都只挑有赚头,高利润的project做,而其它的就会reject了。就是这时,机会来了,有生意头脑,雄心勃勃的一批Engineers就会抓住这个机会,either 私下找那个Customer,把那些低profit的project接下来自己私下做,或者就会和公司讨论说,让公司不要reject那些project,把那些低profit的project再sub给这批engineer们做。大致上呢,那些大公司都会接受把那些低profit的工作sub出去,这样公司也能从本来就要reject的project中赚到一些钱。就这样,engineers们就有机会自立门户,开公司做老板了。”


Ok,说到这边,读者还需要知道的就是Inari主要的大顾客就是Broadcom,而今时今日的Broadcom曾经在2016 年把Avago给收购了起来。看看上图笔者的红圈,剩下的读者们自己联想,应该可以自己构成一篇故事的。就是这样,Inari从当时的Avago接到了生意,Inari也就从此诞生了。


好,接下来说说OSAT接这些大公司本来想要reject的低profit project后怎样算costing,怎样可以在微薄的利润中生存呢?


好,在这边也是会用Inari来当例子述说。一开始呢,Inari身无分文,接了这些低profit的project后,并没有钱买Equipment和Material来完成project。所以这时候Inari所接的project都是 "Consignment Project",也就是说Equipment和Material全部都是由大公司(Avago)提供给Inari的,而Inari所负责管理的就是请人来操作这些机器和确保product的quantity和yield。


就以Inari而言,一开始起家时,Inari靠的是做Avago的wafer fabrication,而Inari每片制造好的wafer可能只赚几cent而已,所以当时Inari就是拼quantity就是了。虽然Inari每片wafer的利润微薄,但是切记,Inari当时唯一的costing就只有labour cost而已,所以当时而言,虽然Revenue不多,但是cost of good sold是相当低的,所以profit margin wise还是很客可观(虽然profit 不多)。就这样过了几年,在Inari成立了数年后,Inari想要搞上市扩张发展。就以当时那微薄的revenue和profit,那是上不了市的。所以呢,Inari在做了几年后,有本钱后,就向Avago讨"TurnKey Project"了。


"TurnKey Project" 和 "Consignment Project" 最大的差别就是 "TurnKey Project" 的Material Cost和Equipment可以由OSAT来买。除此之外,Turnkey Project的contractor(sub Con)是需要承担一切product output的品质,design方面的疑问等等的。所以呢Inari就可以把整个project的total cost提高,然后就可以向Avago收更高的revenue和profit。要注意的是,OSAT主要的cost是来自于昂贵的material和depreciation of equipment。所以呢,就以当时要上市的Inari而言,最重要的是要有足够的Revenue,所以通过Turnkey project,Inari可以在短时间内把Revenue和Profit提升以达到上市的目的。读者们也可以参考下图,VS 在 FY Q4 的季度报告里就曾经写说了这段话“revenue的增长是因为Turnkey的billing 方式不一样。”




若读者对Turnkey project and Consignment project有兴趣的可以自行google或者参考下图。

好,接下来我们一起探讨为什么OSAT到底和EMS有什么差别?OSAT的平均Profit Margin达到12-15%这么高,而EMS只有5%而已。可想而知,EMS的企业当然也想可以晋升为OSAT以赚取更多的利润。但,是什么阻止着EMS成为OSAT呢?

1)OSAT的project大部分都是Turnkey Project 而EMS的project则只有小部分是Turnkey project。所以呢,OSAT企业是和EMS(Electronic Manufacturing Solution 如 Vs,Skpress)这类的代产商是不一样的。


2)OSAT 和 EMS最大的差别在于OSAT有负责做IC Packaging(wafer fabrication, assembly and testing) 的业务而这是EMS所无法做的。


这两个原因解释了为什么OSAT和EMS的profit margin为什么差这么多。


但是在未来呢,很有可能EMS也能做IC Packaging,这需要留意观察。有兴趣的读者们可以自行参考以下的link。  



剩下的疑问就剩下为什么Inari可以在OSAT行业里突围呢?其实,Inari能有如此不凡的成绩原因就是乘了5年前最赚钱的Smart Phone风潮。Inari的大顾客Broadcom就是专门做Smartphone的IC Chips的,Broadcom生意好,自然Inari就水涨船高了。





OSAT 的第一篇就此结束,接下来就会开始分享四家OSAT企业的点点滴滴了。




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4 people like this. Showing 23 of 23 comments


Fronktn呢? 前景一片光明

2017-10-26 21:51


反思者 老大,
终于,看到了一章 Osat与EMS 的长短尺度了。
没有一定的 行业知识和笔功 是写不来 的。

EMS,其实是更多元化 无处不在 。

2017-10-26 22:13


望 反思者大,
可以 花点时间 再走进Ems深入了解。
Profit margin 底过 Osat,
还是可以 通过提高周转 Turnover 来取胜的 。

Globally EMS的营业额 到2020年
会冲破Usd$5800亿, 估计每十年 翻一翻。

Bursa的全部 Ems加起来 也占不到全世界0.4%总年营业额。
中国的offshoring策略 会继续对 大马Ems 有催旺作用。
国际品牌 更需要大马Ems了。

2017-10-26 22:33



我看好 大马Ems-vi
每三直五年 可翻一翻
单是这点 它的扩充型和成长力

2017-10-26 22:51


Part of my investment reasons in Inari is the bright background of its board of directors.

2017-10-26 23:18


Good sharing, keep it up thank you

2017-10-27 06:51



2017-10-27 07:16

Lim Wy

@VenFx u r the real pro here =) would like to learn from u haha

2017-10-27 13:47


It is good report that describe the glory history. It is more important to predict the future winner or next Inari in order to make super profit.

2017-10-27 14:40


Lim Wy大,
i paiseh ler ...
I just share small part of my study & reearch before.To continueing follow the trend of EMS not easy ...due to those infos usually unwilling to published by players ... VSi has the most real material for its shareholders press as an EMS leader so far ....

For most average players, they have its reason to expose their weakness, i think.

2017-10-27 18:27


Urge Malaysia industry to share some part of the research and resources in order to coupe the fast changing market globally... be it Osat/Ate/Ems

China did a very successfully progress in sharing the tech & knowledge in order to move above the value chain. Of course they are start aiming the mass production them own it with innovation design , and making their home ground the first market place. Malaysia due to small population must alliance with its region country and reallocation the strengths accordingly.

2017-10-27 18:35


Hope to see more vertically integration manufacturing practises then goes Horizontally in the internationally stage.

2017-10-27 18:36

Lim Wy

@VenFx 很期待你也可以分享多些你的研究和看法。

2017-10-28 17:25


Me also agak-agak :)

VSi take the lead in EMS-vi, with its continuing capital investment for new assembly lines and plants.
VSi's far sighted vision lead it to alliance up with their Principal and take up a strategiccally stake through Face machine, of which believe to have significantly know how tech and Intelectual properties advantage during moving up to a more higher value chain eg. IoT & Self Drive vechicles/devices .

In order to maintain a strong tie with Global Brand, EMS players should absolutely uphold their I.P. rights & ownership.

2017-10-28 18:13


VSi's advantages including their know how in producing the battery pack for Dyson, this work out well to tie up their pricipal relationship together.

VSi has certain experties especially in Tools moulding technology, that will ensure their cost and quality at best fit.

2017-10-28 18:19


My strategy pick for EMS-vi proxy is ;

EG as its growth momentum over its 264.45m share are relatively small compared to its peers .
As EG was shy away by most traders due to it's right issue.
On second layer thinking, this is best time to take this small & beuty while it still off from most traders radar.

Me also agak-agak only, wish me luck :)

2017-10-28 18:31


EMS-vi is the most EXPANDABLE SECTOR given Malaysia has better pools of Tech talents and its supporting industries are getting advantage eg Vitrox & Penta ... together will make Malaysia a better ecosystem in the region and go internationally.

2017-10-28 18:50

Lim Wy

@VenFx , thx for sharing, learnt a lot from u about EMS sector. R u working in EMS field?

2017-10-28 20:21


It not that difficult if you connect them together.
I read and research before sailang in EMS-vi.

Plus there are few forumers who constantly follow through in Vsi,
I just read their informative comments.

2017-10-28 20:54


Lim Wy bro,
I like the quality of your article.
Kudos amigo

2017-10-28 20:59

Lim Wy

@VenFx thx bro
Aligato , after i finish OSAT maybe will go into EMS, then that time will look for ur help and advice k? =)

2017-10-28 22:11


Looking forward your next article :)
I'm happy to share if it does help.

2017-10-28 22:49


Very Good Indeed ! Thanks

2017-11-24 14:18

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