Publish date: Tue, 28 Oct 2014, 05:10 PM
A personal opinion in stock trading

Hi friends,  this is a special dedication to all believers of gut instinct.

You think of Mavericks, you think of outlaws, tattoos and guns.

You think of stock market mavericks, you think of the few most popular man on earth.

But the reality is that all the successful people were either mavericks or born rich. 


Are you born rich? Maybe you are, but most people aren't. And the path laid out for normal people is not the path to riches and success, it's path to mediocrity.

Personally, I am glad that real successful traders and investors exist. Before the light goes off, the successful investor is not going to tell himself:

" I am so thankful I never did what I really wanted to do. I am so glad I never rebelled and fulfilled my destiny."

The fact is all of them are mavericks or rebels.

Destiny. Speaking of this, I got the same question asked repeatedly. " I want out of this, but I don't know what I want to do. What should I do?" What is precisely good for me?

Two answers:

1. You are a liar. You know exactly what you want to do. Everyone on earth knows exactly what they want. You know it in your GUT. You are lying to me, and you're lying to yourself when you say you don't know what you want. 

2. Asking questions and permission is simply a way of avoiding action. When you ask a question, you are waiting for an answer. Waiting is the opposite of doing.

There's a way of living a life of your dreams and a way of living a life of your nightmares. 

How do you live the life of your dreams? Easy. Following your gut instinct is a way of the mavericks

How do you live the life of your nightmares?  Easier.  Following the directions laid out by society. 

To be a maverick is to be ostracized.


Earlier, I have said you're a liar if you say you don't know what you want out of life. 

The reality is you know exactly what you want out of your life, you simply scared of admitting it. When you pretend you don't know what you want and ask questions like what should I do, what you are actually looking for is confirmation that your GUT instinct is alright. 

Too bad. You can't find confirmation. You won't have confirmation.

Confirmation is for 9-5 ers. It's not for the mavericks. It's not for the highly successful. 

You can have confirmation if you want to be a banker or manager. 

You can't have confirmation if you want to be good and happy investor or trader.

No one is going to give you confirmation it's ok to be a stock market maverick. You will only attain massive success if you rebel and go against the herd.

Not only success will come if you rebel, but you may be hailed as a leader or a genius. Most will sit beside you and say: 

" Wow, I wish I could do what you achieve."

The point is, everyone that asks, " what should I do?" And asked for advice is a time waster and looking for a way to stall.


If you want to fulfill your destiny, stop asking " what should I do? " Because most already know the answer and already decided by your Gut feeling. Self-doubt may stops you. Maybe you're not good enough. Maybe you may think you don't deserve massive success or you'll think you aren't smart enough. 

But it doesn't take a genius to get wealthy and successful. It takes determination, the right mindset and self belief in yourself. That's more important than ever. 

Dumb people get richer every day. The difference?  Self-belief.

Get rid of the self-doubt and replace it with self- belief. Always follow your gut feeling. The gut is your second biggest nerve center of the human body and it's your second brain.

Your gut make the decision in an instant. Your brain rationalized why you shouldn't want what you want. But you can't fool your gut instinct. Nothing in the world can fool your own gut feeling, unless you have no gut within you.

Now you have confirmation. You don't need to ask permission anymore. You know what you want. No more questions allowing you to stall. 

Your time is very limited, so don't waste it on somebody else, have the courage to follow your inner voice and instinct. 

So, go and just do it. Trust your instincts. You'll never need a dumb to teach you how to trade.

P/s: It's a pity that everyone has an idea of what they want to be, but rarely has a plan. When asked what they want to do, they don't have a concrete answer. Instead of building and making the decision to live a fulfilling and rewarding life, most are waiting for permission and answers instead of actions....hence they continue on the same path that are killing themselves slowly without prescription. 

4 people like this. Showing 4 of 4 comments

Christine Goh


2014-10-28 17:28

Kevin Wong


2014-10-28 18:41


cant agreed more...
The fact is all of them are mavericks or rebels.

2014-10-28 20:58


Very well-said. There are the 0.001% and then, there is the rest.

2014-11-01 12:41

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