Publish date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015, 12:01 AM
A personal opinion in stock trading

Today, I am writing something that I think it's important, that I haven't directly addressed before.

Let's get into it. 

When things become serious, you have to lie. When lying no longer enough to gain compliance, then the organs of security are unleashed on dissent and resistance. First, they lie. When that fails, -- they arrest you.

Simply put, when lies no longer work, government freak-out and devote their resources not to eliminate war of 
choice - cronyism, and corruption, but to suppressing dissent and resistance to those policies. On the contrary, all governments, by their very nature as concentration to coercive power, will pursue the same path ; 

            Destructive policies and broken systems. Anyone who withholds obedience is quickly deemed a traitor.

All of us have partial views of the world. We can only see and hear so much. At our best, we only take in only a slice 
of the whole. Still, I have been noticing something that seems widespread and worthy of comment. Here is it: 

           I see can increasing number of people who are markedly better than the world around them.

Yes, yes, I know that we can all complain at length about the stupid, brain locked and obnoxious people who surround us. And most of those complaints are true. But there's another side of this: 

          Human is inherently biased. We focus, probably at a ratio of at least two to one on the negative.

Try asking the people, what they want. In most cases, they'll list of the things they don't want. This negative bias mask all the good that happens in the world. And right now,  there are millions of people who are becoming qualitatively better. 

You are better. And I obviously can't know all my readers, but I do pay attention to all of you. And I think,  I have a pretty good feel for some of you. So what I say here may not apply to every reader, I am sure it applies to some.
And what I want to say to you is this:

        You are better than the world around you. Perhaps not better than every individual you know, but better than the 
         rulers, better than its great man. BETTER. 

You see, we are now living in a time of rising contrast. Millions of people getting better while the ruling systems in the world are getting worse. And I am seeing people, old, young, male and female who is by nature better. They display more kindness. They're interested in understanding and improving. I think you should take this seriously. Compare your virtues to those are the world's ruling systems. Find the truth of the matter and accept what is true.

Who make the rules? In our time, that would be politicians. That is, the same people we condemn as liars nearly every day. Are we really supposed to take all the rules made by these people as the definition of good? Furthermore, rules can be purchased from these people. Are we really supposed to surrender our moral natures to that?

Love, kindness, courage, integrity, understanding and empathy: These are the things that make people better. And they stand wholly apart from rule keeping. In current world system, rules define who is punished, not who is good. 

People fear of being better, and not irrationally. Let's be honest about this. Good people suffer mostly from their virtues, not from their vices. In our current situation, above average virtue is often punished. The system's answer 

to this, as we all know, is to pile more penalties and pressure on these better people. It's all they have; it's all they know; it's what they are. 

So..., there is no so in this case. This isn't a prescription for conduct. I am writing about internal acknowledgement not outward actions.

What matters here is that we accept the fact : That the ruling systems in this world are less moral than us, and we are not crazy to think so. Yes, sadly, nothing can be done at this very moment.....

But, the following we can do. Please be better. Live with more love, more kindness, more courage, more integrity and more empathy.

One day. We will make it, done!

Thank you, readers. 


3 people like this. Showing 1 of 1 comments

Kevin Wong

If we can't be perfect, than at least be more superior than most!

2015-03-17 15:00

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