Sslee blog

GE14: A New Dawn

Publish date: Sun, 06 May 2018, 01:25 PM
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Dear all,

Please allow me to repost my comment in Tun Dr. Mahathir's blog:

Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,

Please allow me to respond to @uipnky.

Subject: BR1M

I refer PH manifesto;

Buku Harapan merupakan janji yang berasaskan lima teras utama terdiri daripada Teras 1: Meringankan bebanan kehidupan rakyat.

Janji 3: Berkongsi kekayaan Negara secara bersasar

Kekayaan negara kini dibolot dengan rakus oleh beberapa kerat pemimpin politik, isteri, dan anak-anakmereka. Mereka hidup mewah dan boros, tatkala rakyat sengsara menanggung kos sara hidup seharian. Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan akan memastikan kekayaan negara boleh dikongsi bersama oleh warga Bumiputera dan semua rakyat Malaysia yang pelbagai kaum dan agama, termasuklah golongan yang memerlukan di kalangan kaum India dan Orang Asal. Mereka yang layak menerima BR1M akan terus menerima bantuan dan proses pembayaran akan dipastikan bebas daripada diskriminasi atau pengaruh politik kepartian. Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan akan memperbaiki sistem ini agar pengurusan dan pemberiannya lebih setara.


I quote what written by you, “Now that Pakatan Harapan has shown it is against the BR1M and the BR1M will likely to be abolished if Pakatan Harapan wins. I would urge all BR1M beneficiaries to stand up to protect their lives by not giving the Pakatan Harapan any vote.”

Saudara @unipnky  it is a sin to tell lies, would you like to make an apology and next time read first before you make a fool out of yourself.

You have every rights to question Mr. Mokhazani Mahathir wealth or report to MACC to investigate his wealth. But please do also report where MO1 got his wealth?

Or where Tun Abdullah Badawi’s son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin got his wealth

KJ Rasuah ! KJ Rasuah !

Or where Ketua Umno Sungai Besar Datuk Seri Jamal Md Yunos got his wealth?

Can MO1, Jamal and KJ said, “We can feel great with our own hard-earned money. That is what’s important.”

Malaysia future is in the hand of youths. But if we have the Federal Minister of Youth and Sports,  Khairy Jamaluddin, aka KJ, the MP for Rembau, went to Oxford, where he read Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE), in a speech for GE-14, he told Malaysian youths, who wanted to start a family, that if they wanted more handouts, they should have more children. What future does Malaysia have if our most well educated Minister of Youth can only offer more handouts?

Let’s not pretend the BN’s policy to spread malicious lies and hatred so that BN can divide and rule? Deliberately did not provide your people (UMNO supporters in rural base area) with proper infrastructure, opportunity, skill upgrading, training, finance, education and values so that they can stand on their own feet and think critically. But had to continue support BN and depend on MO1 so called kind hearted and thoughtful handout to lesser their burden and supplement their poor income?

But for a man who actually changed time, nothing was impossible for Dr M, and Malaysians owe him a great deal for putting our tiny dot of a nation on the world map. It was his persistence that helped propel the country to become among the fastest developing nations. He earned the nickname Bapa Wawasan (Father of Vision), an allusion to his vision of making Malaysia a developed nation by 2020. “Dr M demanded a lot from others but much more of himself. Failure was not an option,” says a former aide. His dressing down of the Malays for being dependent on “crutches” and not being competitive enough in an era of globalisation was an annual tirade at Umno general assemblies.

True, he did things his way, making unpopular decisions without any apologies, but critics eventually agreed his decisions were right

Tun Dr. Mahathir extolled the virtues of hard-work and nothing is impossible if you put your heart and soul into it. He lead by example and for 22 years did not imposed GST or given BR1M handout and yet able to manage Malaysia economy quite well and Malaysians have a reasonable comfortable life. In less than 10 years of MO1 our national debt is now MYR 638,155,043,000 and counting. And many people had to hold multiple jobs just to earn enough income to provide for basic needs.

Dear UMNO members,

Just take a reality check; is UMNO today the same UMNO under Tun Dr, Mahathir? Are you still feeling proud to be identified as UMNO member?
I miss the old Umno general assembly. As much as the new premier tries his very best to paint himself as the saviour of the country, I honestly cannot even make myself watch his entire speech without cringing. And if Umno does rule Malaysia for another 1,000 years as stated by Najib, I do hope that at least the Almighty would bless us with someone who has at least half of Mahathir’s persona.
Moral: The Malays do NOT need Umno-Baru, because Umno-Baru destroys Malays and Islam.

On 9th May 2018 GE14, Malaysians will decide. My hope is that we will see a new dawn and the beginning of new era of reform, rebuild and set our beloved Malaysia on a course towards unity, justice and prosperity.

Thank you

Yours truly,




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