Sslee blog

Salam Aidilfitri, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin

Publish date: Sun, 17 Jun 2018, 02:53 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

Just back from my extended family holiday in Hainan with mum, brother and sister and celebrate my Mum 80th birthday. Have I miss anything in i3 during this extended off trading days? Why there are still so much animosity and hatred in i3?

For this festive season, I would like to share this update thought of my on 29/7/2014.

Update on 29/7/2014.

Today is the second day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri the most important Muslims festival celebrating the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting where Muslims around the world will fast from dawn to sunset and show common goal of compassion, goodwill, brotherhood and unity? The greeting of Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Mohan Maaf Lahir dan Batin (mean sincere asking for forgiveness) can be seen in post card and poster/banner hang around the town. Indeed the bitter medicine that this sick world needed to cure itself is forgiveness, a lifelong forgiveness.

This morning CNN news is again both Israel and Hamas had broken the humanitarian cease fire broker by UN to evacuate civilian caught in the combat zones. Israel is bombing the central Gaza radio station and Hamas is firing their rockets into Israel. In total this madness war had taken thousands of innocent civilians lives in Gaza and few tens to hundreds combatants lives on both side with terrible consequent in Gaza strip where many building and infrastructure are reduced to rubbles. With Israel blockage on Gaza strip there is no safe shelter for civilian caught in this madness war and even UN run school are not spare from the rocket fire from who know who?

The worlds are divided again on this madness war. Protest of anti Israel (For using excessive force and indiscriminate killing of civilians include children) and supporter of Israel (For it determined self defend in taking down the tunnels and Hamas indiscriminate fire of rockets into Israel) are played out in UN Security Councils and many streets protest in many cities.

Are human beings incapable to live in peace? How can a victim of Nazi German Holocaust himself turn into heartless aggressor/oppressor? And how Hamas can justified his short live high (Like addict that get his short salvation from drugs that eventually eat itself to the bone and suffer a self destruct slow agonized death) of sending his suicidal bombers/combatants through the tunnels to kill a few Israel civilians/combatants or their indiscriminate firing of rockets into Israel that in return brought so much pains, miseries and deaths to his own people.

Death is the final destiny of all life. We live or struggle to survive day by day not just to achieve death but to build a better tomorrow for our children. The purpose of life is not to grab all the power/wealth for your-self but to leave behind a better world for our future generation. A Chinese saying, “death can be as light as a feather or as heavy as a mountain.” But death had to bring a meaning, a purpose the purpose of leaving behind a better world and this better world can only be achieved through peacemaking.

The notion that Hamas had not other mean and was forced into the martyrdom of committing suicidal human bombers/combatants or fire rocket into Israel is a total misleading, self glorified tactic designed by irresponsible politicians to brainwash his people with hatred and thus continues vicious cycle of violence and war and support for these irresponsible politicians. There is always an option of forgiveness and building peace.

And to those neighbors nation that continues supply arm/rockets to those politicians, may I say that you are not helping the Palestine people you are in fact helping the killing of Palestine people so please stop the arm supply.

There are no winners in war, only death victims, the death innocent civilians victims, the death misguided combatants that believe they are martyr and will be rewarded heavenly in heaven and the death politicians that either totally evil and irresponsible or are blinded by his own hatred/circumstance that they cannot see the forest for the trees. Deaths are always the easy way out but livings are the harder part and I appeal to all the Palestine people please lives for the sake of your children. Have the lifelong courage to live and to forgive. I am not asking you to be as magnanimous as the late Mr. Nelson Mandala but try to be an average European citizen that after century of bitter and apocalyptic war and trying to kill each other they are now live in peace, clear of hatred and what remains is lifelong forgiveness and distant memory of war. And to those politicians that incapable of forgiveness and must have your revenge then please read the Chinese War Classic Yue Kingdom Goujian (496-465 BC) 越王勾踐 till then please spare your people from miseries of war.

To Israel, please exercise restrains, please show compassion to the suffering of the Palestine’s people fight the Hamas if you must but spare the innocent civilians. There is a Chinese saying, “Never force people onto the wall” because once people perceived that there are no hope/future for them and their children they will take up arm and fight to the death. Is that what you want? God had mercy on us?

Salam Aidilfitri, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin

Thank you


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