Sslee blog

Sunday Musing; 马云: 舍和得. As you sow so shall you reap.

Publish date: Sun, 16 Sep 2018, 01:53 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

A thought from JACK MA;

  • 在没钱的时候 把勤舍得出去
  • 钱就来了 这叫天道酬勤

When you are poor and if you sow the seed of hardworking, you will reap the fruit of your hardworking (wealth). This is called heavenly reward.

  • 在有钱的时候 把钱舍得出去
  • 人就来了 这叫财散人聚

When you are wealthy and if you sow the seed of giving and sharing, you will reap the fruit of many people respecting you and hold you in high esteem. This is called heavenly joy of giving and sharing.

  • 在有人的时候 把爱舍得出去
  • 事业就来了 这叫博爱领众

When you have many followers, well respected and if you sow the seed of loving care, you will reap the fruit of leading your business to new high. This is called heavenly loving and caring leader.

  • 在事业成功后 把智慧舍得出去
  • 喜悦就来了 这叫德行天下

When you have reached the pinnacle of success in your business and if you sow the seed of sharing your success formula and wisdom with all, you will reap the many joyous of seeing and surrounded by many successful people. This is called heavenly fraternity

  • 没有舍 就没有得

Without giving, you will never receiving.

  • 切记 世界是圆的
  • 你怎么对别人 别人就怎么对你

Remember that the world is round.
How you treat people, people will treat you in the same manner.

  • 如果你的生活以金钱为中心
  • 你会活得很苦

If your life is centered on money.
You will live a very bitter life.


  • 如果你的生活以儿女为中心
  • 你会活得很累

If your life is centered on your children.
You will live a very tired and worrisome life.


  • 如果你的生活以爱情为中心
  • 你会活得很伤

If your life is centered on selfish love.
You will live a very hurtful life.

  • 如果你的生活以攀比为中心
  • 你会活得很苦闷

If your life is centered on jealousy of other people success.

You will live a very depressed life.

  • 如果你的生活以宽容为中心
  • 你会活得很辛福

If your life is centered on forgiving and sharing.
You will live a very well blessing life.


Thank you

Wishing all a Happy Malaysia Day.

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