BFM Podcast

Language Skill and Discrimination

Tan KW
Publish date: Fri, 24 May 2019, 02:39 PM

Sally Raj, Independent Consultant in Talent Management and Recruitment

23-May-19 18:00



Are language skills requirements a form of discrimination or discernment in the job recruitment process?

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Is there a language discrimination leh ???

If the job requirement need u to speak and write mandrin, then u just need do it loh.....!!

What if your job need u to understand & speak arabs or need to preach islam.....can u say that is discrimination when u don have such skill leh ???

2019-05-24 21:00


the point is.......the malays have a back door to produce university graduates that nobody in private sector how??

A...stop producing these graduates or

B.....force the private sector to employ them.

A means the government has to neglect its core voters or

B at least can produce some stability.........

Its easier to force private sector to employ their Malay graduates........

2019-05-24 21:51

Got Offfer From UBS Shanghai - Bye Bye

All my smart Malay friends are working overseas...

2019-05-25 10:10


Got Offfer From UBS Shanghai - Bye Bye > May 25, 2019 10:10 AM | Report Abuse

All my smart Malay friends are working overseas...

and do better later in malaysia.

2019-05-25 11:24


I advise young Malaysians not to go work in Singapore..............u will not find happiness.

2019-05-25 11:48

Got Offfer From UBS Shanghai - Bye Bye

No money even worse than no happiness hahahaha... I say go work in Singapore, save enough come back here do Halal Business - big opportunity!

2019-05-25 11:49


This is how Pudar Harapan can U-turn back to real hope

2019-05-25 12:05


Dear all,
My advice to everyone: Follow your passion, follow your heart, follow your dreams, do what you love, believe in yourself and don’t give up. I too shall follow my passion, my heart, and my dreams, do what I love and never give up.

I quote the late Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005: “Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important thing I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life, because almost everything--all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.”------
“No one wants to die, even people who want to go to Heaven don't want to die to get there, and yet, death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It's life's change agent; it clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now, the new is you. But someday, not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it's quite true. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice, heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary”.

Thank you

2019-05-25 12:08


well...SSlee spend half his life as bangla in Indonesia.

2019-05-25 12:16


Indonesia is not Singapore....In Indonesia as in Malaysia, Chinese are the privileged class.

2019-05-25 12:32


Stupid idiot and no brain quack accountant,
“well...SSlee spend half his life as bangla in Indonesia.”
Top 10 largest economies by 2050
4- Indonesia ($10.502 trillion)
Indonesia will see explosive growth in the coming years – pushing developed nations such as the UK, Germany, and Japan out of the top five. The Southeast Asian nation has managed to dramatically reduce poverty and unemployment in the last few decades. Its population is expected to balloon from the current 240 million to 321 million by 2050.

I am glad that I played a part in the development of Indonesia. When I was headhunted to start an ole-chemical plant from a green field in 2001, I did not imagine that by year 2018 this fully build site generated revenue of USD 1.72 billion.

So if PH still unable to steer Malaysians out of UMNO’s old race and religion mindset very soon the table will turn and Malaysians will become a cheap labor source (bangla)for Indonesia.

P/S: My monthly take back salary is more than your daughter yearly pay. I stay in semi-D house in Setia Eco-park. I pay for my children education and my elder son graduated with fist class honor and I rewarded him with a new Honda Civil. Last year I bought a new BMW 530e for my wife (Glad to know your daughter also graduated with first class honor, does not need to pay back the student loan but please ask your son to quickly pay back his PTPTN loan)

2019-05-25 12:57


sslee..............u were a bangla half your life in Indonesia.............thankfully in Indonesia as in Malaysia, the Chinese are the privileged class.

2019-05-25 13:58

Got Offfer From UBS Shanghai - Bye Bye

Do you know what happens when the wealth gap increases? Example of the case here, more Chinese become richer and more Malay stay poor or become poorer, eventually there will be a social riot due to the imbalance in wealth! That's why First World Countries such as Scandinavian countries (for you 3q) strive to close the gap not to widen it further! That's why I say if you can't get Matriculation, go to STPM! If cannot do both work hard to get scholarship! Got many good scholarships out there but do you deserve it or not?! In my case, I am in despair with the state of how things are, you can choose my path, to leave!

2019-05-25 15:16


punter..............u want to go u go...........Malaysia is a fine country with bright new government even.................

2019-05-25 15:26

(US/CHN trade war doesn't matter) Philip

I'm sorry, punter but you are getting more and more toxic as time goes by. A positive attitude and a healthy mind will get you much further in life than a negative attitude and complaining mentality.

I mean the are exceptions to every case. Scandinavia is one of the most racist countries out there on par with Japan on their attitude on foreign talent.

In USA an exemplary of 1st world Nation also has one of the biggest wealth gap, but I don't see much in a social riot taking place.

And you already said you are leaving, why keep being pessimistic and talking in a forum that has nothing to do with you future home China?

Go away and god bless.

You have gone from pitiful to irritating to downright useless and have no further value to Malaysia society.

I was on your side once, now I just think you are a toxic child that needs to grow up.

Go to China spend your time there, then reassess on how bad Malaysia is.

Until then, fucck off and stick to investing.

2019-05-25 15:36


fucck off is the best way to send punter packing.

2019-05-25 15:46


me?? I have not worked for 20 years and still happy and positive and still got free time............

I cannot think of another country that can be so kind to me.........

2019-05-25 15:48


lets look at Malaysia, mandarin is every where in the streets on KL, even in multi national companies mandarin is widely spoken.

back in the 1980s I could not have imagined this scenario. Back then, young Chinese engineers and accountants really have it tough. NEP just started.....and the government and government linked companies are the largest employers of young Chinese engineers....and their promotion prospects looked bleak.

Today, the private sector is huge, so huge all the young Chinese professionals not even enough to serve them in the private sector away from government interference.

Chinese culture is flourishing like never before, the future for young Chinese professionals never looked brighter........

I think gratefulness and happy and positive attitude goes a long way in making a person happy, a country prosperous.

2019-05-25 15:57


lets talk about the education system.....whatever deficits Malaysian system has it never affected the top 10% of families....Like my children....they like to tell me, schools for play, learning is tuition....that is why so many tuition centers,

When young my only wish for them is to be good in English., I have no other wish for them.

yes...the deficits affects the 90% but the deficits affect the Malays more than they affect the Chinese because the Malays truly 100% depend on schools , and parents not much.....yet the quality of teachers are bad, very bad.

of course the government knows the situation , it is up to them to solve the problems....For us...we depend on ourselves and no one else.

2019-05-25 16:28

Doodoo Shark

Yes very true

2019-05-25 16:31


and yet for all the deficits. Malaysian workers are very popular overseas especially in China..........

goes to show, no matter how bad the education system, actually no one needs an Einstein in the work place.

2019-05-25 16:39


Post removed.Why?

2019-05-25 16:45

Doodoo Shark

I pay only 10% tax can ah? Hahahha I don't mind quota system... but please give me tax discount lah

2019-05-25 16:48


some are street smart, some are book smart

no need to worry for Chinese youths....they are linked into the world trends and the world at large thanks to the internet age.

2019-05-25 16:51


raider...ask what you can give, not what you can take.......

that way, you get more merits works, trust me.

2019-05-25 16:54


hahaha...and if government spends all the tax money on be it..........Chinese and myself is happy as long as they leave us in peace and liberalise the education and open more and more private institutions...........

2019-05-25 16:56


in all the misunderstandings, my children got Chinese friends who are on government, Petronas/ BNM scholarships in Germany, UK , US how?

2019-05-25 17:04


Use your brain & think lah....!!

If govt is wasteful and incompetent....u cannot be bother as u r successful....can this be a successful sustainable model...??

Of course soon crumble loh...!!

Just look at SPORE, when it 1st got has the same GDP per capita like spore is 5 to 6 time richer in the span of 55 years.

Msia going to the drain...despite of all the resources we had loh...!!

How can we reverse the decay leh ???

Good Education and Good Govt policy is the critical success factor mah..!!

Even we are successful & rich....we cannot let msia go down the drain mah.....!!

Pls don be naive & don be selfish loh....!!

Posted by qqq3 > May 25, 2019 4:51 PM | Report Abuse

some are street smart, some are book smart

no need to worry for Chinese youths....they are linked into the world trends and the world at large thanks to the internet age.

11250 posts
Posted by qqq3 > May 25, 2019 4:54 PM | Report Abuse

raider...ask what you can give, not what you can take.......

that way, you get more merits works, trust me.

11250 posts
Posted by qqq3 > May 25, 2019 4:56 PM | Report Abuse

hahaha...and if government spends all the tax money on be it..........Chinese and myself is happy as long as they leave us in peace and liberalise the education and open more and more private institutions...........

2019-05-25 17:05

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