The Bolehland Journey To Ultimate Destruction

Najib Takes Arrogance of Power To A New Low

Publish date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013, 11:51 AM

Let's keep our emotions intact. Remember, history has shown ineffectual leaders eventually get hurled out of their positions. There is no possibility for injustice to prevail longer than it should.

However, sometimes with these injustices, new leaders learn what it requires to be honest and to be known as an ethical leader.

Prime Minister Najib Razak and his team has set a new benchmark for a government that is corrupt, wasteful and arrogant. They have shown a well-etched portrait of a poorly run and lackadaisical government.

When new leaders emerge, they know what not to thread on and what the people truly desire. I don't blame the people who voted for BN in the last GE13. They truly believed in Najib and they gave him his first mandate as a legitimate PM to run the show.

Unfortunately, Najib has not made good the faith the people have shown him. The same fate that befell Abdullah Badawi in 2008 will befall Najib in the 2018 election, but this time the embarrassment and spitefulness towards him are going to be on a bigger magnitude than what Abdullah experienced.

Abdullah was a good person, but an ineffective and feeble leader. Yet he was far from being arrogant. That is why he still can walk with his head held somewhat high knowing that he did not cause the nation to bleed in agony.

But with Najib, we witness the purest form of indifference, arrogance, polarisation, corruption, wastefulness and callousness being the order of the day.

When people in Sarawak are losing their native land, he prefers flying over Sarawak and reaching Sabah to witness the defection of 11 PKR leaders and assemblymen. He prefers politics over governing.

So, my dear friends, Najib has set a new "low" of what one should not do in public office. Let us record every single thing these leaders do and etch it in our hearts and share these development with our rural friends, not with spite or hatred, but with conviction, that the rakyat has the power in their hands to bring true CHANGE, a change we can all truly believe in, in GE14.

8 people like this. Showing 18 of 18 comments


Well said Sulaiman! If only we have more brave Melayu like you, this bolehland will truly be BOLEH in a good way

2013-11-27 11:57


exactly..and the deafening silence he's keeping over the wastefulness as highlighted by auditor general's report..

2013-11-27 12:32


Maybe Najib is scare of the white head.

2013-11-27 15:10


what a delight to see a real thinking Malay, hats off to him.

2013-11-27 17:02


Malays may lose their senses , but not political power, so Malay leaders who continue talking of Malays losing power lost their senses

2013-11-27 17:04


Umno was a component party in the then Labour Front government in Singapore when it was completely rejected by the Malays in the 1959 Singapore general election.

Umno had a minister, Abdul Hamid Jumat, in that government. What lessons can we draw from that defeat?

2013-11-27 17:14


PM has failed to look into our welfare
Selena Tay
| November 27, 2013

The price of everything has gone up since the general election but the prime minister is not listening to the people or looking into their welfare.

2013-11-27 17:21


You take your old car to work and get stuck in the traffic jam while, he and his wife use jet to tend to 'important' political frogs

2013-11-27 20:07


You not paying tax is a crime and unpatriotic while him spending millions of taxpayers money on his taxpayer funded house electricity is small change.. Also his wife jet setting across the world shopping is for 'national interest'

2013-11-27 20:10


That is why our klse got stuck.

2013-11-27 20:33


Posted by andychucky28 > Nov 27, 2013 08:33 PM | Report Abuse

That is why our klse got stuck.

yes, very bad indeed. Bad government especially corruption drives the foreigner investors away.

2013-11-28 01:05


Toll akan naik lagi? OMG.

Thank you those stupid 47% who voted UMNO/BN, now you kena kau kau

Kenapa hanya tol saja? Naikkan aje la semua benda pendek kata jangan tinggal satu barang pun yang tak dinaikkan. Ko naikkan aje semua oke. Faham !!!!

2013-11-28 02:13


that's why I said this..Malays may lose their senses , but not political power, so Malay leaders who continue talking of Malays losing power lost their senses.

And a number of Malays here thinks like the above, OMG. But the intelligent Malays here knows how to use their brains & do logical thinking. So, can the no brains UMNO Malays supporters think logically & do something to save our Beloved Malaysia???? If you want your children & grandchildren to beg in the streets in the not too distant future, then carry on & bodek & support UMNO lah.

2013-11-28 02:18


that's why I say that those Malays who bodek & support UMNO will eventually be the losers while the real thinking Malays [not UMNO supporters] will be able to think reasonable & logically & it is these Malays who will survive & fend for themselves when bad times come & they are the REAL WINNERS.
But to this brainless UMNO Malay bodek & supporters kakis, I love to see them begging in the streets in the not too distant future & when the time comes & UMNO will say podah to their Malay supporters too when they come begging for UMNO help & so these poor miserable UMNO Malay supporters will not be able to fend for themselves while the real Malays who are able to think wisely ARE MUCH MORE PREPARED & will be able to survive, I take my hats off to these REAL THINKING Malays & may GOD Bless them & their families too. I & my Malay, Chinese, Indian, etc friends will say Podah too to these useless UMNO bodek Malays when they come begging. This is REALITY & we got to face it.

Even these UMNO bodek Malays TODAY will flag of your posts when they see the truth news being posted HERE & I see they really don't want Malaysian to know the truth. This will tell you that they really got a useless brain.

2013-11-28 02:45


Cant't blame the Malay supporters of UMNO, especially the rural folks. Read more from Wong Chin Huat's pertinent view. Unfortunately, I can't translate it into English. Hope someone could offer help.


2013年10月28日 上午10点39分






























Unfortunately his perspective is too difficult for our shallow society: -


Chin Kim Wooi 不如叫马来人先爱华人啦!笨蛋

江宗祥 那他们马来人的政治支配又怎么说?想进政府部门,国家企业,国油之类的华人就不用想了,剩下的只有经商这条路,这都不给?难不成要我们华人自己拉屎自己吃啊?

2013-11-28 11:23

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