Bursa Malaysia Governance Leak

Protasco repeat dubious allegation raise questions. Is Chong Ket Pen next to be charged? [GLR]

Publish date: Mon, 18 Jan 2016, 09:19 AM

14 Jan 2016: Protasco mystery had became misery for investors. The same allegations and stories being told a different way, was further made up to create perception on Chong Ket Pen's former partner and Protasco controlling shareholders, Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun, the once owners of Protasco whom helped purchased Chong old boss Protasco shares, and they help instil Chong position as MD back into Protasco.

Market was told Chong just want a word "charge" to create perception, so as to bad name his saviors and damage enough to hide away his own problems. "Made the opponent looks much more worst, so he looks better, at least Chong though that way. A character assassination as good as homicide, is evil and dirty, and foolish. A sin of all sin", commented a senior government officer. “Worst of all, money is turning human into animals”, add the officer. A charge was not pledged guilty, as expected, and it will be guilty once proven. But that is not important. Chong purpose is perception building, that's all he cares.


Allegation after allegation. Again?

The earlier dubious legal suit by Chong Ket Pen, the MD of Protasco Bhd was announced on September 2014, when market was puzzled by an oil deal which Chong Ket Pen himself signed an agreement on 3 November 2012, legally the only person has the right to propose to his board of directors, sign SPA agreements, and paid all the payments, as well as did all the due diligence on legal, finance, and technical, and after more than 1 1/2 years in September 2014, he told the world he was cheated, the oil is no good, contract expiring, etc. Market was puzzled, is Chong and/or his entire board mentally challenged aka stupid? Obviously they think the public are fools to believe so, and fools they are.

For all the market knows about the facts above, a malicious "charge" was filled with allegation of false statutory declaration, cheating and the sudden walk in of Tey and Ooi which has no power to walk into Protasco board doing Chong's executive director duty, such as presenting and listening to his board and ask them make decisions, and Chong claims they did. If the claim is true, wasn't it means the entire board is breach of duty to let a non board member to do an executive director job? Most likely Tey or Ooi may not even met Chong's directors yet except Chong himself during that period. More dubious is the allegation of cheating, where Chong was made known any assets referred by consultants could be referred or owned, whichever it is, Chong knew about it and he accepted the deal. So what cheating element Chong is saying, or more precise, lying? Perhaps Chong has urge of deadline, which he can’t afford to go through 45 days of EGM if there were any RPT dealings.


Chong signed private interest agreement and a SD. If there were undeclared interested, wasn’t it Chong first to be charged? If there were cheat, he cheated investors and did not honor his promise, wasn’t it Chong supposed to be charged?

Due to rush of his own deadline (of 31 December 2012) given by his former boss for him to find buyer for his boss controlling shares, the entire process above (from 3 November 2012 until September 2014), Chong potentially did not disclose his interest by signing the agreement, which leads to the next question of statutory declaration (SD), which Chong all a sudden, planned and planted the blame game ask Tey and Ooi to sign, and later bribe to put them a charge on allegation they are the shareholder or director of the oil project vendor company. Market is clueless, if there is proof of company record the alleges was shareholder or director of what Chong claims, yet, the obvious apparent evidence is, wasn't Chong signed a personal interest 3 November 2012 agreement and he signed the SD as well? By evidence, shall Chong supposedly more likely to be charged "first"? further more, Chong made the promise to investors to purchase any asset worth combined total US55 million, and he fails to do it, and play up all kinds of allegation and created a lof of trouble to made up perception building, wasn't it too obvious a perception building to cover up his own?

Chong was re positioned with an unknown title on the board as director on June 2012, when his former boss under trust of Dato Ibrahim, had appointed few directors into Protasco board, including few executive directors. Obviously Chong lost the control and only himself has time constrain and tight deadline. Market understands the urgency of Chong to complete any deals on table, as long he can save his career. The investors Tey and Ooi has no such urgency, and despite short notice, they lend their hands to Chong in less than a month, an impossible deal if not because of trust, probably through closed associates whom Tey and Ooi count on his words. Else who is Chong anyway at such short notice.

It seems like Chong which use Protasco as his own pocket money being funding a lot of perception creation and information twisting works, to man made patterns, self fulfilling prophecies, and any character assassination lies to made up stories to induce and sway perceptions. The money and resources spend on unfair ground, is causing innocent investors, and public companies and their stakeholders suffer, for Chong selfish greed. Hundreds or perhaps thousands of families and kids, tens of thousands of small investors, were Chong's advisors or lawyers put their blood on his hands, perhaps his sons’ hands as well. They advisors just wants his money, the sin are the left overs Chong and son has to swallow using their bloody hands. The sin which Protasco is financing, using the money which Tey and Ooi lend their hands on Chong and put trust on him, a RM500 million public listed company which Chong posed on his own way - by killing his saviors.

There are many investors, and perhaps a broker who said it very precise "No matter how Chong describes, and made up perception his saviors are crooks, drug dealers, gay, or tried to show their supplier or vendor use child labor in gems processing, Chong ask for it, examine himself, paid and took the gem, later claims it's bad, illegal and put blame on the broker. Who the broker is irrelevant and diversion of attention. Further more, a drug dealer help him up from river, someone shall wake him up on more sin he could have avoided."

The mind block Chong Ket Pen would probably pile up more stunt shows to belittle his target victim Tey and Ooi. Bring along such sin to Protasco. Market would just hope there are natural justice and may humanity save itself from self destruction. Malaysia corporate governance shall look at legal system and authories being induced and used by corporate gangster a challenge to society progress, if not improved, a 30 years step back. A shame among ASEAN countries rank behind Cambodia.


[Governance Leak Report]



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remind us of few years ago crime that chong ket pen did:

another good analysis busted this devil criminal trail fabricated blame to eat his business partners. Old crook is son of devil.

Here is a Tun Daim left overs that chong ket pen stolen:

2016-05-22 11:17



Pusing of Dato' Sri Chong Ket Pen

I am presently the Executive Vice Chairman and Group Managing Director and Co-founder of Protasco Berhad; a listed company since 2003 on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia. Despite being the founder, together with Dato' Hasnur, we are planted as care taker by our substantial shareholder, the beneficial owner. I got control of Protasco Berhad started in 3 November 2012, and completed the power quest on September 2014, which is where I am today. I was only a 15.5% shareholder when I was sacked. Today I direct and indirect controls over 30% of Protasco Berhad. How I pusing and raised RM100 million these 4 years and got control of Protasco Berhad is my own business, nobody shall question.

According to Bursa Malaysia announcement, I was demoted on 25 June 2012 by my former boss which was the Protasco Berhad controlling shareholder, and I used victims Ooi Kock Aun and Tey Por Yee, by committing them on 3 November 2012 to take over Protasco Berhad substantial shares from controlling shareholder. Ever since then, I restored my power and later manufactured series of blames on the victims and took full control of Protasco Berhad. Success doesn't come easy; it takes a lot of sacrificing. How one pusing is important when comes to fulfil one’s greed, what ever it cost.

Protasco is a road maintenance, construction and engineering company with an expanding portfolio in property development, education, trading, manufacturing & consultancy services.

In 1979, I graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) degree from the University of Malaya and subsequently in 1990, I obtained my Masters of Philosophy (Civil Engineering) from the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. I joined the Institute of Engineers Malaysia (MIEM) in 1984 and went on to become a registered Professional Engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia and a member of the United Kingdom’s Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in 1985. In 1987, I became an official Chartered Engineer under the United Kingdom’s Engineering Council.

Before Protasco, I was a civil engineer specializing in the design, construction and maintenance of road pavements. I began my career as a Road Design Engineer cum Assistant Project Engineer with JKR Kelantan in 1979. I was later promoted to Project Engineer in 1982 and went on to become Senior Engineer in 1984 at the JKR Headquarters’ Design and Research Branch in Kuala Lumpur. In 1988, I was attached to JKR’s Institute of Training and Research (IKRAM) as the Senior Pavement Research Engineer, and afterwards the Senior Engineer, Pavement Evaluation and Research.

My years in JKR has taught me how to cover up and made up stories to cover myself, and graft is part of business necessity. Scarifying country's interest and the citizen of Malaysia welfare is part of way for survival.

My learnings has landed me with Protasco Berhad, which myself and Dato' Hasnur being selected by our boss to front the privatization of national road concession. We are the founders of Protasco Berhad, and I had turn myself the owner. I am proud to say that after getting my partner Dato' Hasnur, my former boss, and 2 victims Ooi Kock Aun and Tey Por Yee out, Protasco Berhad is now belongs to myself.

In the last 20 years, I’m proud to have served by boss and took care of Protasco in the completion of more than RM2 billion worth of road construction and upgrading projects including 14,487km of federal and state roads. In 2014, we’ve charted a new milestone by crossing RM1 billion in turnover and subsequently RM1.31 billion in 2015. Thanks to my partner Dato' Hasnur, which both of us serve well to our boss, without the boss, we couldn't even dream of getting majority of national asset for a song. Although I paid to the nose to own Protasco Berhad, how I took Protasco Berhad to my own possession is indisputable a soul selling exercise.

During the 20 years, although I had failed many of my own ventures, count Syria, Lybia, South Africa, Hainan, and Indonesia among the huge losses over RM200 million, I had successful cover up and put the blame on others. The art of survival learn from JKR helps me a lot. One must know how to pusing until so confusing, to made up fake evidence in order to successfully put a blame.

In order to camouflage my real history, I associate myself with public services. Outside of Protasco, I am currently the Chairman of Malaysia Professional Liar Association, Chairman of Malaysia Hopo Cultural Fund, Deputy President of the KL-Selangor Hopo Association, and the Vice President of the KL-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall. I use my seniority as a weapon, and I proud myself as a good liar.

2017-01-23 12:20


Con man chong ket pen. Liar and looser, pride himself showing off what he stolen. Being fired by Protasco in 25 June 2012 according to Bursa Malaysia announcement, then being saved when Protasco shares were acquire by Ooi Kock Aun and Tey Por Yee. Chong calls himself the founder of Malaysia therefore he owns Malaysia. Con man.

2017-02-21 09:42


25 June 2012 Chong Ket Pen was not Demoted. He was PROMOTED to Group MD, but his boss places See Ah Seng as ED to watch over his shoulder and Ibrahim Noor as Deputy Chairman to stay ABOVE him. So technically he is PROMOTED to LESS POWER, and later to LOOSE POWER when 5 & 9 October 2012, more directors were appointed to remove Chong Ket Pen's power.


25 June 2012 Chong Ket Pen DEMOTED by given Group MD title for a show.

25 June 2012 See Ah Seng was ADDED as ED to "watch over" CHONG KET PEN.

13 June 2012 Ibrahim Nor PROMOTED to Executive Deputy Chairman by the boss. ABOVE Chong Ket Pen position.

2017-07-26 09:13

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