
Redtone - Quick update

Publish date: Wed, 22 Jul 2015, 01:46 AM

Link to official blog: www.equitydiary.blogspot.com



Quick update

1) LTE devices on Maxis' network continued to increase at a good pace, with 2.037mil LTE devices in 2Q15, up 26% from 1Q15. 

Figure 1: Compiled Maxis data from 1Q14-2Q15

Source: Maxis quarterly results presentations. 

Note: a,b My own calculations/assumptions.

Taking the blended (post- & pre-paid) smartphone penetration rate (%) × the number of mobile subscribers. I’m assuming ‘smartphone penetration rate’ means the percent of Maxis mobile subscribers using smartphones.

LTE devices could be other than smartphones devices, e.g. tablets. But I imagine the bulk of LTE devices should be dominated by smartphones.

2) Something I missed out in my previous post was that the teleradiology service in Indonesia had started in Pertamedika Sentul City Hospital (
http://www.pertamedikasentul.co.id/en). Last month, Indonesian daily The Jakarta Post highlighted how the hospital's teleradiology technology helped a patient escape amputation (link to news at bottom).

3) Redtone shares have been on a downtrend since the takeover offer at 80sen closed on 22 May 2015. Redtone's 4Q15 results, which should be announced at the end of the month, could catalyze the stock (assuming results beats expectations).


"Maxis Berhad 2nd Quarter 2015 results presentation," Maxis Berhad, July 15, 2015, https://www.maxis.com.my/content/dam/maxis/en/about-maxis/investors/financial-results/pdf/2nd-quarter-2015/2Q15_IR_Deck.pdf

"TelkomSigma Gandeng Perusahaan Malaysia Garap Teleradiology," Republika Online, May 16, 2015, http://www.republika.co.id/berita/ekonomi/korporasi/15/05/16/nofhih-telkomsigma-gandeng-perusahaan-malaysia-garap-teleradiology

"REDtone dan Telkomsigma Implementasikan Solusi Teleradiologi," Marketeers, May 18, 2015, http://marketeers.com/article/redtone-dan-telkomsigma-implementasikan-solusi-teleradiologi.html

"Putting it briefly: Fadli recuperates after heavy serious crash," The Jakarta Post, June 20, 2015, http://m.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/06/20/putting-it-briefly-fadli-recuperates-after-heavy-serious-crash.html


Link to official blog: www.equitydiary.blogspot.com

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can u talk about spetrum refarming exercise? this week Focus got report, seems like mcmc allocates it evenly to every telco without cost

2015-07-29 07:54


Let me check out the Focus Malaysia report, thanks.

To be honest, I don't think I could give much insight into the refarming exercise than what has already been mentioned. I don't think the refarming will affect Redtone much though, unless the refarming leads to U Mobile getting a slice of the 900MHz spectrum and there's some sort of M&A exercise with Redtone after that.

2015-08-01 00:45

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