Fool Trader KLSE Research

Technical stock picks table - 17 July 2012

Publish date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012, 02:28 PM
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Stock code / Price Action : Date Stop loss Target Comment
  • TRC (5054/0.735) Buy: 10/5/2012 Sell:15/5/2012 0.70 0.78,0.81 Consolidation breakout Stop out at 0.70
  • PERISAI (0047/0.90) Buy: 10/5/2012 Sell:16/5/2012 0.87 1.04,1.12 Consolidation breakout Stop out at 0.87
  • CIMB (1023/7.64) Buy: 10/5/2012 Sell:14/5/2012 7.54 8.16,8.28 Uptrend, oversold Stop out at 7.54
  • MUHIBAH (5703/1.30) Buy: 10/5/2012 Sell:16/5/2012 1.22 1.45,1.50 Technical rebound, oversold Stop out at 1.22
  • MPHB (3859/2.95) Buy: 11/5/2012 Sell:16/5/2012 2.80 3.20,3.49 Bullish Pennant or Flag Stop out at 2.80
  • JAKS (4723/0.565) Buy: 11/5/2012 Sell:15/5/2012
  • 0.54 0.66,0.73 Technical rebound, oversold Stop out at 0.54
  • AIRASIA (5099/3.65) Buy: 11/5/2012 Sell:15/5/2012 3.50 4.04 Bullish Pennant or Flag Stop out at 3.50
  • MUDAJYA (5085/2.75) Buy: 11/5/2012 Sell:14/5/2012 2.63 2.90,2.98 Technical rebound, oversold Stop out at 2.63
  • TM (4863/5.43) Buy: 14/5/2012 Sell:18/5/2012 5.33 5.80 Uptrend Stop out at 5.33
  • MEGB (5166/1.05) Buy: 14/5/2012 Sell:17/5/2012 1.00 1.18 Technical rebound, oversold Stop out at 1.00
  • LFECORP (7170/0.145) Buy: 14/5/2012 Sell:16/5/2012 0.125 0.21 Consolidation breakout Stop out at 0.125 
  • DIALOG (7277/2.24) Buy: 14/5/2012 Sell:8/6/2012 2.16 2.52 Technical rebound, oversold Take profit at 2.39
  • CANONE (5105/2.10) Buy: 15/5/2012 Sell:20/6/2012 2.00 2.42 Uptrend Take profit at 2.34 DAYA (0091/0.21) Buy: 15/5/2012 0.18 0.28 Technical rebound, oversold
  • BJCORP (3395/0.765) Buy below 0.75:15/5/2012 0.72 0.82 Due for a technical rebound
  • WINGTM (2976/1.70) Buy: 16/5/2012 Sell:22/5/2012 1.62 1.94,2.06 Uptrend Take profit at 2.00
  • GAMUDA (5398/3.56) Buy: 16/5/2012 Sell:16/5/2012 3.46 3.90 Technical rebound, oversold Stop out at 3.46
  • MITRA (9571/0.55) Buy: 17/5/2012 Sell:9/7/2012 0.54 0.61 Double Bottom Take profit at 0.61
  • KINSTEL (5060/0.43) Buy: 17/5/2012 0.40 0.50 Double Bottom
  • MBSB (1171/2.10) Buy below 2.00:17/5/2012 Sell: 4/6/2012 1.83 2.38 Small downside Take profit at 2.22
  • GENM (4715/3.58) Buy: 18/5/2012 Sell:30/5/2012 3.50 3.93-3.97 Technical rebound, oversold Take profit at 3.83
  • MRCB (1651/1.58) Buy: 18/5/2012 Sell:20/6/2012 1.46 1.82-1.90 Technical rebound, oversold Take profit at 1.82
  • BIMB (5258/2.42) Buy: 18/5/2012 Sell:29/5/2012 2.27 2.58 Technical rebound, oversold Take profit at 2.60
  • MISC (3816/4.23) Buy: 21/5/2012 Sell: 4/6/2012 4.00 4.60 Correction ended at 3.92 Stop out at 4.00
  • MFLOUR (3662/1.45) Buy: 22/5/2012 1.32 5/6/2012:Stop loss raised to 1.45 1.70,1.82 Technical rebound, oversold
  • PERWAJA(5146/0.575) Buy: 22/5/2012 Sell:26/6/2012 0.52 0.69 Technical rebound, oversold Take profit at 0.68
  • PERDANA (7108/0.50) Buy: 22/5/2012 Sell:14/6/2012 0.47 0.58,0.64 Technical rebound, oversold Take profit at 0.59
  • CRESBLD (8591/1.08) Buy: 23/5/2012 Sell:25/5/2012 1.04 1.30 Uprun Stop out at 1.04
  • BSTEAD (2771/4.98) Buy: 23/5/2012 Sell:19/6/2012 4.86 5.44,5.54 Technical rebound, oversold Take profit at 5.44
  • TA (4898/0.54) Buy: 24/5/2012 0.51 0.62,0.72 RSI positive divergence
  • UNISEM (5005/1.28) Buy: 24/5/2012 Sell:2/7/2012 1.22 1.44,1.49 Technical rebound, oversold Take profit at 1.44
  • YTLLAND (2577/0.975) Buy below 0.96:24/5/2012 0.93 1.12 Technical rebound, oversold
  • KNM (7164/0.76) Buy: 24/5/2012 Sell: 4/6/2012 0.72 0.84,0.88 Technical rebound, oversold Stop out at 0.72
  • CBIP (7076/2.54) Buy: 25/5/2012 Sell: 4/6/2012 2.44 2.80 Technical rebound, oversold Stop out at 2.44
  • KPSCB (9121/0.39) Buy: 25/5/2012 0.37 0.48 Technical rebound, oversold
  • BRAHIMS(9474/1.20) Buy: 25/5/2012 Sell:11/6/2012 1.14 1.40 Technical rebound, oversold Stop out at 1.13
  • DIGI (6947/3.95) Buy: 29/5/2012 Sell:20/6/2012 3.89 4.20 Technical rebound, oversold Take profit at 4.20
  • PERMAJU (7080/0.84) Buy: 29/5/2012 Sell:31/5/2012 0.80 1.02 Double bottom
  • Stop out at 0.80
  • LEESK (8079/0.145) Buy: 30/5/2012 0.125 0.19 Technical rebound, oversold
  • SBCCORP (5207/0.93) Buy: 30/5/2012 0.86 1.00 Technical rebound, oversold
  • E&O (3417/1.43) Buy: 30/5/2012 Sell:11/7/2012 1.38 1.53 Technical rebound, oversold Take profit at 1.56
  • MAS (3786/1.17) Buy: 31/5/2012 1.08 1.30,1.40 Technical rebound, oversold
  • PUNCAK (6807/1.33) Buy: 31/5/2012 1.26 1.57 Consolidation breakout
  • YINSON (7293/2.00) Buy: 1/6/2012 Sell:11/6/2012 1.90 2.20 Uptrend Take profit at 2.14
  • L&G (3174/0.34) Buy: 1/6/2012 Sell:19/6/2012 0.31 0.39,0.44 Trend breakout Take profit at 0.39
  • COASTAL (5071/1.76) Buy: 1/6/2012 Sell:11/6/2012 1.62 2.00 Technical rebound, oversold Take profit at 1.91
  • TM (4863/5.39) Buy: 1/6/2012 Sell:22/6/2012 5.30 5.70 Uptrend Take profit at 5.80
  • TAGB (5158/0.275) Buy: 4/6/2012 0.26 0.34 Double bottom BURSA (1818/6.05) Buy: 4/6/2012 Sell:10/7/2012 5.85 6.40,6.60 Technical rebound, oversold Take profit at 6.35
  • BINTAI (6998/0.375) Buy: 4/6/2012 Sell:11/6/2012 0.34 0.46 Breakout Take profit at 0.42
  • SMI (4375/0.21) Buy below 0.20:5/6/2012 0.185 0.25 Correction completed
  • KLCCP (5089/3.95) Buy: 5/6/2012 Sell:28/6/2012 3.84 4.22,4.34 Consolidation breakout Take profit at 4.34
  • MPHB (3859/3.24) Buy: 6/6/2012 Sell:18/6/2012 3.10 14/6/2012:Stop loss raised to
  • 3.38 3.50,3.64 Uptrend Take profit at 3.38
  • TDM (2054/3.78) Buy: 6/6/2012 Sell:15/6/2012 3.69 4.20 Technical rebound, oversold Take profit at 4.55
  • LITRAK (6645/4.10) Buy: 6/6/2012 3.92 4.48 Uptrend
  • MAYBANK (1155/8.70) Buy: 7/6/2012 8.50 9.20 Oversold
  • UMW (4588/8.08) Buy: 7/6/2012 Sell:14/6/2012 7.90 14/6/2012:Stop loss raised to 8.22 8.40,8.60 Uptrend Take profit at 8.44
  • BJTOTO (1562/4.31) Buy: 7/6/2012 4.20 4.70 Oversold
  • UEMLAND (5148/1.96) Buy: 8/6/2012 Sell:6/7/2012 1.90 2.15,2.19 Oversold
  • Take profit at 2.15
  • FITTERS (9318/0.72) Buy: 8/6/2012 0.69 0.85 Double bottom
  • AIRASIA (5099/3.65) Buy: 11/6/2012 Sell:6/7/2012 3.52 3.82,3.94 Rebound Take profit at 3.82
  • SKPRES (7155/0.535) Buy: 11/6/2012 0.50 0.63 Consolidation breakout
  • CENSOF (5195/0.37) Buy: 12/6/2012 Sell:18/6/2012 0.35 0.41 Oversold
  • Take profit at 0.41
  • FAVCO (7229/1.43) Buy: 13/6/2012 Sell:25/6/2012 1.35 1.60 Oversold Take profit at 1.62
  • FAJAR (7047/1.08) Buy: 13/6/2012 Sell:14/6/2012 1.04 1.22 Technical rebound
  • Stop out at 1.04
  • MUHIBAH (5703/1.21) Buy:14/6/2012 1.18 28/6/2012:Stop loss lowered to 0.94
  • 1.34 Double bottom
  • ENG (8826/1.95) Buy:14/6/2012 1.91 2.20 Breakout 
  • TRC (5054/0.67) Buy around 0.65:15/6/2012 0.62 0.74 Double Bottom
  • SUPERMX (7106/1.96) Buy:18/6/2012 Sell:10/7/2012 1.88 2.15 Positive technicals Take profit at 2.18
  • OLDTOWN(5201/1.59) Buy:18/6/2012 Sell:19/6/2012 1.51 1.74 Positive technicals
  • Take profit at 1.74
  • THPLANT (5112/2.29) Buy:19/6/2012 Sell:10/7/2012 2.18 2.54 Oversold Take profit at 2.60
  • MALTON (6181/0.57) Buy:19/6/2012 Sell:28/6/2012 0.55 0.65 Technical rebound
  • Stop out at 0.55
  • AZRB (7078/0.775) Buy:21/6/2012 0.74 0.90,0.96 Technical rebound
  • PARAMON (1724/1.78) Buy:22/6/2012 1.70 1.90,2.00 Consolidation breakout
  • MAYBULK (5077/1.58) Buy below 1.55:22/6/2012 1.52 1.76,1.84 Oversold
  • GKENT (3204/1.04) Buy:25/6/2012 0.94 1.22 Double bottom
  • HWGB (9601/0.415) Buy:25/6/2012 Sell:26/6/2012 0.40 0.45,0.49 Consolidation breakout Take profit at 0.45
  • UMLAND (4561/2.25) Buy:26/6/2012 Sell:9/7/2012 2.18 2.40,2.49 Uprun Take profit at 2.40
  • PARKSON (5657/4.59) Buy below 4.50:29/6/2012 4.36 4.90 Oversold
  • MULPHA (3905/0.41) Buy: 2/7/2012 0.40 0.47 Oversold
  • HAPSENG (3034/1.79) Buy:2/7/2012 1.72 1.87,2.00 Oversold
  • KEURO (3565/1.05) Buy:3/7/2012 1.00 1.16 Oversold
  • DELEUM (5132/1.76) Buy:3/7/2012 Sell:13/7/2012 1.69 1.97 Oversold Take profit at 1.93
  • PERISAI (0047/0.87) Buy:3/7/2012 0.85 0.96 Oversold
  • ALAM (5115/0.55) Buy:4/7/2012 Sell:13/7/2012 0.52 0.65 Oversold Stop out at 0.52
  • PADINI (7052/1.86) Buy:4/7/2012 1.82 2.09 Oversold
  • HARVEST (9342/0.46) Buy:4/7/2012 Sell:12/7/2012 0.42 0.64 Oversold Take profit at 0.64
  • RSAWIT (5113/1.07) Buy:5/7/2012 Sell:11/7/2012 1.03 1.16 Consolidation breakout
  • Take profit at 1.16
  • SHCHAN (4316/1.20) Buy:5/7/2012 Sell:13/7/2012 1.17 1.28,1.34 Consolidation breakout Stop out at 1.17
  • ULICORP (7133/0.77) Buy:5/7/2012 0.75 0.85 Uprun
  • ADVENTA (7191/1.60) Buy:6/7/2012 Sell:11/7/2012 1.54 1.70,1.80 Uprun Take profit at 1.86
  • MKH (6114/2.38) Buy:6/7/2012 Sell:9/7/2012 2.26 2.52,2.86 Uprun Take profit at 2.60
  • HSL (6238/1.65) Buy:6/7/2012 1.60 1.82 Uprun
  • GADANG (9261:0.59) Buy:9/7/2012 0.57 0.68 Uprun
  • MMCCORP (2194/2.61) Buy:9/7/2012 2.55 2.80 Oversold
  • KSK (5097/0.68) Buy:11/7/2012 0.64 0.88 Uprun
  • HIBISCS (5199/1.56) Buy:12/7/2012 1.50 1.80 Consolidation breakout
  • NYLEX (4944/0.59) Buy:13/7/2012 0.53 0.70,0.74 Upmove
  • KHEESAN (6203/0.42) Buy:13/7/2012 0.38 0.53 Upmove
  • SKPETRO (5218/2.21) Buy:13/7/2012 2.18 2.40 Oversold
  • MBFHLDG (1236/1.04) Buy:16/7/2012 1.00 1.16,1.28 Upmove
  • WEIDA (7111/1.26) Buy:16/7/2012 1.20 1.44 Upmove
Source:Jupiter Securities Research 17 July 2012
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