Gdb is a contruction company which now have 800mil contract on hand.
The company is a very small company which revenue per year is only about 350mil.
The current project on hand can make sure the company will continue being profit for the next 2 years +.
Meanwhile, Gdb is now tendering 2.1Bil project in order to boost the value of project on hand.
Gdb Share price 0.335
Per quarter earning about 6.5 Mil
Market capitalisation 209Mil
If we taking Pe 10 for this company. One year the company will earn about 26Mil.
Which is market capitalisation worth for 26mil x 10 = 260mil
Which still have a potential for rising of 20% in price to about 41.5sen.
On the other hand, from charting - the price was testing 34sen resistant for a few times and the price is very strong when the market is weak. I believe the share price will goes up very soon
Chart | Stock Name | Last | Change | Volume |
Michele Tan
Thank you for sharing ^^
2018-07-24 00:40